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Revision as of 01:16, 25 January 2014


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Le musicien avoué aimer les Ambiances feutr des DISQUES Kind of Blue de Miles Davis et La Llorona de la d Lhasa de Sela. CES DISQUES qui nous permettent de s et de plonger dans d Mondes på il prJesse Kog essaie, disque april disque, de faire Quelque valgte be diff Il n pas se r guitariste en au Caire, da et Londres pour l Nomad.

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Jeg har nogle store planer og ideer, som jeg ønsker at starte, når vi får en smule større, men selv mens vi er små, at jeg har forsøgt at give yderligere værdi på hjemmesiden via vores guitar læring værktøjer og ressourcer. Vores værktøjer teste din viden om noter på tværs af gribebrættet og også sammenhængen mellem gribebrættet og den musikalske personale.

Heri, rapporterer vi en ny skræl og stok proces at fremstille effektive TFSCs på stort set alle underlag uanset materialer, ruhed og stivhed uden at ændre materiale deposition betingelser og præstationsniveau for TFSCs. Den skræl og stok proces omfatter to trin: 1) skrælning off fuldt fabrikerede TFSCs i vand fra nikkel (Ni) belagt Si wafer brugt til fabrikation, og 2) der er knyttet de skrællede off TFSCs til overfladen af ​​alle underlag.

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How to price a barrel of water in the oil sands

We all know the value of a barrel of oil, but how do you put a price on a barrel of water?

It's a growing and challenging debate in the oil sands, where oil, which sells at a readily available market price, and water, which is priceless but restricted, are so intertwined one cannot be produced without somehow shortchanging the other.

Indeed, oil sands projects are also giant water handling factories, with oil sands mines using on average of about 3.1 barrels of fresh water for every barrel of oil they produce, and in situ operations using about 0.4 barrels of fresh water for every oil barrel they produce.

Much like the larger debate over the oil sands' greenhouse emissions, views on the right oil and water mix are polarized: for some, any water used to produce oil comes at an unacceptable cost to an ecosystem that needs it; for others, water use is minor relative to its abundance and justified by the value it creates through oil.

Environmental organizations like the Pembina Institute, for one, are indignant over withdrawals of any amounts of water from rivers like the Athabasca that run through Alberta oil sands region, claim development contaminates water bodies nearby and that monitoring is inadequate.

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, which represents Canada oil industry, says use of fresh water is minimal, or 0.6% of total Athabasca river flows,nike free run herr, that a lot of the water used by the industry comes from saline underground pools, and that projects recycle more than 80% of the water they use.

The Alberta government, for its part, says it has monitored water quality in the oil sands region since the early 1970s, when the sector was in its infancy, and that the Athabasca has always had measurable levels of naturally occurring hydrocarbon compounds because bitumen from exposed oil sands along the riverbanks seeps naturally into the river.

The province sets limits on withdrawals that it says maintain flows at or near natural conditions. To protect the quality of the river, no production water can be returned and is instead stored in tailings ponds.

Still, with many more oil sands projects planned, and water related incidents fuelling the backlash against development of the oil sands, the sector recognizes it needs to improve.

Water is one of the priority areas of Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), the consortium of 14 oil sands producers formed last year to accelerate environmental performance improvements. The other priority areas are reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing the impact on land, and cleaning up tailings ponds, which is treated as a separate water issue.

After spending the past year sharing technologies and innovations, the alliance is finalizing industry wide targets that are expected to involve higher water recycling rates and reduced water intensity per barrel over a fixed period.

"We are getting ready to say: This is where we are at now and this is where we are going," said John Brogly, director of COSIA water environmental priority area.

To aid in achieving those targets, the group is looking at a variety of projects, including new steaming technology that uses less water, increasing water treatment skills and piping excess water from mining projects to in situ projects that need it to generate steam.

"The process water from the mine site is excellent water compared to some of the saline aquifers (used by in situ operators), and there is a net environmental benefit for the mining site because it's a way to get rid of salt and excess water, and at the same time it's very good feed water for in situ, so it's a win win," Mr. Brogly said.

Many options are being looked at because every oil sands lease requires different water handling, he said.

"There isn't a solution,nike free run 2, there is a series of solution, and depending on your lease and some other factors, the low cost solution and best environmental solution is often different," he said. "What Suncor (Energy Inc.) is doing at Firebag is different than what the technology solution is for their MacKay River lease."

Mr. Brogly, a Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. employee seconded to COSIA, said 50 to 60 water experts from the alliance's member companies are collaborating in the search for water solutions.

Whether the effort is enough depends on how you value water, and there is no common yardstick.

"Water is complicated because water is so personal," Kim Sturgess, CEO and founder of Alberta WaterSMART, a not for profit committed to improving the management of Alberta's water resources.

"It means something different to every single person. For example, if you are a farmer in the south, it's your livelihood. If you are a water user in oil sands in the north, it's a fundamental input to your production."

In Alberta,nike free 7.0, the discussion is further complicated by the uniqueness of the Athabasca River the large water way that originates in the Columbia Glacier in Jasper National Park, discharges into the Mackenzie River system and eventually reaches the Arctic Ocean while collecting bitumen from the oil sands that seeps naturally from its banks as well as saline ground water.

The river is large, but its flow shrinks in the winter.

There is a lot of finger pointing about whether the oil sands industry is contaminating it and whether its withdrawals will be unsustainable as the industry grows.

Ms. Sturgess said its natural state is unknown because there was no monitoring before production started.

With the provincial and federal governments joining forces last year to monitor the environmental impacts of oil sands development, she hopes there will be a baseline of commonly accepted data from which to measure future changes.

"It's hard to gauge impacts when you don't know where you started,nike free 5.0," she said.

"We need a set of information that everyone agrees on and then the public,michael kors, research organizations, oil sands companies, regulators, are all working from that set, so that we are not arguing about how the science was done, we are having a good debate about the results. Without that good solid base,michael kors skor, it gets back to emotions immediately. And once water becomes emotional, it's very difficult to have a conversation."

Ms. Sturgess, who consults to oil sands companies, said they are highly motivated to improve water use.

Part of it is about improving environmental performance, but part has to do with improving their overall operations.
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Florida's largest herd of bison roams on Three Suns Ranch in Charlotte County

With new owners in place,billiga michael kors, this former beef cattle spread off Highway 31 is also a grand experiment in sustainable agriculture.

The new owners, a family investment group headed by former manufacturing company chief executive Rodger B. Dowdell Jr., originally planned to have 500 bison by now a year after buying the ranch for $18 million.

Instead, Dowdell's group went on a buying spree last fall and now own 2,400 bison, animals whose meat is prized as a relatively healthy alternative to beef.

The bison were available largely as a result of the Midwest drought last summer, which crippled farmers and ranchers alike and pushed Three Suns into high gear.

"At first, it was a lot of work to find the animals," Dowdell said. "Then, a severe drought began forcing many ranchers in the nation's midsection to liquidate. Our phones started ringing from Kansas, Wyoming, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas."

Three Suns, which has a plentiful water supply, suddenly found itself home to 2,000 bison. Four hundred females have since given birth to calves.

It is a fairly safe bet that none of them had seen a palm tree before last August.

But the animals have adjusted. Most of the adults are shedding their cold weather fur for a sleeker Florida coat.

"I think without a doubt that would make it the largest herd in Florida," said Dave Carter, executive director of the National Bison Association. "Two thousand is a really good sized operation, by any stretch of the imagination."

Dowdell, 64, also has had to adjust.

Ranching in Southwest Florida is a long way from Rhode Island,nike free run 5.0, where Dowdell was president, chief executive and chairman of American Power Conversion Corp. bought the company for $6.1 billion in cash in January 2007.

The sale gave Dowdell the means to acquire plenty of bison: He reportedly walked away from APC with a pre tax check for $433,nike free 2014.5 million.

Dowdell owes his bison affiliation to his son in law, Keith Mann. Army Special Forces, Mann was casting about for a career in the civilian world at the beginning of last year,michael kors iphone, just as his family began adopting the "Paleo Diet," a health craze that favors grass fed meat over corn fed beef that tends to have a greater fat content.

The new diet introduced them to bison steaks and ground bison, and got Mann thinking.

"To me it tastes like eating beef, but the nutritional benefits are more like fish," said Jamie Dowdell, whose husband, David, is one of Rodger's brothers. The couple now manage Three Suns.

Mann and Dowdell's interest comes as bison meat is becoming more readily available to the average consumer.

In Sarasota, The Fresh Market on University Parkway sells ground bison for $9.99 per pound. It comes packed in dry ice and is shipped by FedEx.

The Dowdells acknowledge the extra cost,nike free run 3, but believe a growing segment of health conscious Americans will believe it's worth it.

"It is more expensive than industrialized beef, typically double or thereabouts," said Rodger Dowdell.

Three Suns is not the first bison operation to sprout in Florida. Over the years, a number of mostly smaller ranches have tried their hand at raising them.

Each has run into trouble in getting the animals to market.

Unlike cattle, bison are not domesticated. They are wild animals and can become dangerous if cornered.

What is more, their meat becomes ruined if they are subject to too much stress.

To solve the quandary, Three Suns plans to forego shipping the bison off for slaughter. Instead, it plans to bring the slaughterhouse to them.

Before long, Three Suns will be home to a mobile processing unit, or MPU, built into a semi truck trailer. It is considered the latest in humane livestock raising.

"They walk in and come out in packages," said Geoffrey Dahl,free run, chairman of the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
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mayor likens it to Kuwait invasion

TORONTO City councillors voted overwhelmingly to strip Rob Ford of more of his mayoral powers Monday a move a fuming Ford likened to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and a declaration of war.

In the wake of an ever evolving crack cocaine scandal, councillors voted to strip Ford of much of his remaining powers, slash his office budget and cut his staff.

"Well,nike free run 3.0 v3, folksyou guys have just attacked Kuwait."

"Mark my words, friends. This is going to be outright war in the next election."

His brother, Coun. Doug Ford, said it was a personal attack on the mayor by city councillors.

"If they had a choice to do this to Rob Ford, they would've done it the day after they were elected because they don't like Rob Ford."

Ford called it a sad day for the country.

"Their democratic rights have absolutely been trampled all over."Video: Council reduces mayor's powers,michael kors klockor, budget

Video: Ford brothers threaten legal action over council vote

Video: Rob Ford drawing international media attention

Ford blasted what he called a "coup d'etat."

The vote followed aboisterous and passionate debate, which included the Ford brothers being embroiled in heated shouting matches with members of the public.

The mayor knocked Coun,nike free 7.0. Pam McConnell on the ground as he appeared to charge a heckler.

Watch: Mayor Rob Ford runs into Coun. Pam McConnell

"He did run through me and over me and I got knocked off my feet,nike free 5.0 dam," she said.

"This is a seat of democracy,nike free. It's not a football field."

The incident prompted yet another apology from Ford, who at one point was seen making drinking and driving gestures directed at a councillor police had warned about impaired driving.

Watch:Mayor Ford imitates drunk driver during council meeting

Council transfers powers to Kelly

Monday's vote hands many of Ford's duties to Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly.

Kelly will replace Ford as the head of the executive committee, manage the mayor's office staff that no longer work for Ford and oversee about 60 per cent of the mayor's office budget.

Ford will be left with about eight staffers,michael kors online.

"The mayor apparently wants to wage war and I would rather wage peace," Kelly said after the vote.

"First, to restore the confidence of the public and the government in Toronto, secondly, to repair the damage done to the relationships between members of the council and finally, to focus on the business of the city."

Council had already passed a pair of motions on Friday stripping Ford of his ability to appoint key committee chairs or to exercise emergency powers.
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Los Angeles woman has 102 Christmas trees

the A/C was humming.

But Alison was scared:

Christmas was coming. Gallery: Glendora home decked out with Christmas decorations "I have nightmares in July. I just dream like, Oh, my God, it's tree time and I'm not ready for it,"' said Alison Ingebrigtsen Siewert. "But somehow something kicks in and the obsession comes back. I'll be at a store and see a tree, and want to add it to my collection."

That collection, this year,free run, totals 102 Christmas trees that turn Ingebrigtsen Siewert's West Hills home into a Christmas forest by as early as October.

"We even have Christmas trees in the bathroom," Ingebrigtsen Siewert said, laughing.

But while Ingebrigtsen Siewert is a self professed "nut case," she's not the only one obsessed with holiday decorating.

Americans are projected to spend $5.7 billion on holiday decorations this year alone, according to IBISWorld Inc., a Los Angeles based industry research firm. And if the marathon of movies from "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" to "Deck the Halls" is any indication, going overboard with holiday lights and the like isn't a new talking point around the egg nog bowl.

"You see people devote an entire wall in their garage to manger scenes and boxes of decorations," said Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a clinical psychologist and professor at Cal State Los Angeles. Only, his house is hard to see because it has been transformed into a make shift holiday town.

"Our daughter is always asking even before Thanksgiving, When is it going up? When are we putting the winter wonderland up?"' Mangana's wife Carrie said.

Mangana, who works in construction, built the tinsel town facade three years ago by hand,nike free run 3, the family said.

The little homes, surrounded by huge candy canes,nike free run 2, are covered with fake snow and colorful lights, one of them with a sign reading "Ginger Family Candy Factory," and another named "Frosty's House."

His all out display brings dozens of people each day to his front lawn to admire the one of a kind display, he said.

The family's front yard set up landed the Manganas with a first place prize for best lawn display in Glendora's Holiday Home Decorating Contest.

Big hearts in El Monte

On Gage Avenue in El Monte, a group of neighbors for the past 26 years have decorated their homes to the delight of the community.

It started when the residents agreed to wrap their trees in foil and decorate their yards with red ribbons for the holidays, said Ken Weldon,nike free 5.0, the city's former police chief and a Gage Avenue homeowner.

Although El Monte is not the most affluent of cities, the decorations have become more extensive over time, Weldon said.

"People in El Monte have big hearts," he said. "In this city when there's a need, we come together as one to accomplish a goal. That's always been the case and that's what happens every year on Gage Avenue."

For Ingebrigtsen Siewert, decorating is more than a two month process that ensures that by Thanksgiving the house exudes the smell of pine cones, cinnamon and gingerbread rather than turkey and pumpkin pie.

"Once you enter her house, you get overwhelmed," said Ingebrigtsen Siewert's sister, Kristin Bradley. "It looks like Christmas threw up in her house."

Walking through the living room can be a feat as one has to dodge a branch here and another branch there to avoid breaking an ornament.

"It's a good thing I don't have high ceilings because it would get really scary," Ingebrigtsen Siewert said, laughing. "But there's always room for more trees. When I think I can't fit more, I find a nook to fill."

As a child growing up in Woodland Hills, Ingebrigtsen Siewert said she'd play outside and cut branches off her neighborhood pine trees to take back to her bedroom, inspired by the pitiful but adorable Christmas tree doted on by Charlie Brown.

"I've had an obsession with Christmas trees since I was little," she said. "Some girls buy shoes. I buy trees."

But Ingebrigtsen Siewert said the birth of her daughter,michael kors rea, Kristin, in 1999 officially kick started her Christmas tree collection.

"I waited 13 years to have kids, so when I did people bought me so many Baby's First' ornaments that it didn't fit on just one tree. That's how it started. See, I was normal,michael kors väskor sverige," she said. "Up until 1999, we were a one tree family."
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I sandhed, mens der for det meste af natten bandet var mere en backing gruppe for Edwards (eller på første fire sange, for Bob Spalding, som derefter skiftede til bas), var det Taylors ubønhørligt hurtigt trommespil, der er fastsat hele grundlaget for songs.After lukker ud den vigtigste del af sættet med deres største hit temaet fra Hawaii Five O , som de smart forlænges til fire minutter, derefter Pipeline , bandet endelig fremvist Taylor (søn af originalen Ventures trommeslager Mel Taylor) på den afsluttende Caravan .

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Matthew and I had been out and about six evenings last week. SIX. By the time Sunday rolled around, all I wanted to do was nothing. had fully worn off. (By the by, Matthew first column ran in the World Herald Sunday, hence the title of this post. His second one is in the papertoday. Read them! And here a link to his new blog,billiga nike free, while we at it.) Ok. Back to food.

I asked Matthew what he wanted for dinner and he had a one word reply: Earlier in the day, we passed a Runza restaurant and he also said he wanted Runza for dinner. So I googled casserole and voila. A quick trip to the grocery store and I had all the ingredients to go completely old school for Sunday night dinner.

I sauteed some grass fed beef with a mixture of chopped onions and minced garlic. I added plenty of salt and black pepper Runzas are peppery. Then I added shredded green cabbage to the mix and let it cook, but just slightly, as it still had 45 minutes in the oven. Oh yeah, and my camera battery died here so I had to change to my iPhone. Apologies.

The next step was to spread one package of crescent rolls on the bottom of a 9 pan.

Then in goes the cabbage and meat mixture and the cheese. Then another tube of crescent rolls. I had my doubts about this whole idea but at this point,michael kors shop, I just threw it in the oven and hoped it would taste good.

Well, friends,michael kors online, I think you can safely put this in your Macaroni and Cheese file. It was so. Good. I know, I know, it includes packaged crescent rolls. But the Hansen Mac and Cheese is laden with Velveeta and it will make your heart sing. Sometimes this is just the kind of thing you feel like eating. And that ok.

We ate ours with a side of fries and some Ghetto Sauce we acquired from Block 16 anniversary party. If you feel like making something super easy and hearty and perfect for a cold, cloudy day, may I suggest a casserole?

Runza Casserole,nike free run rea, adapted from of Home magazine

serves four to six, generously.

2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Brown hamburger with onion and garlic until brown. Salt and pepper to taste throughout. When cooked through, drain if necessary. Add cabbage to hamburger mixture and steam until cabbage is soft but not completely cooked.

Place one tube of crescent rolls in the bottom of a well greased 9 pan to form bottom crust. Put cabbage and hamburger mixture on top and then add cheese and cover all with the remaining crescent rolls. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Cover with foil the last 15 minutes so the rolls don burn.

I have a similar recipe, it also calls for a can of cream of mushroom or cream of celery soup, as well as half a jar of Kraft Old English cheddar cheese spread. And I use slices of Swiss cheese instead of shredded cheddar. That said, I halve my recipe by making the full amount of the "filling", freezing half of it in a freezer bag, using ONE can of crescent rolls (putting half on bottom and half on top) and putting it in a 9x9 square baking dish. There's just the two of us, and this casserole doesn't reheat in the microwave too nicely,billiga nike free, so I hit on the idea of making half. If you want to make it even stupidly easier, use bagged slaw mix instead of shredding your own cabbage.
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Do they say it is the airbag itself or the connection under the seat?

Usually the connector gets pulled from items being put under the seat and this causes a code to be set for the seat airbag,nike free 5.0 dam.

Can you turn the key off, disconnect the yellow rectangular connector under the seat and push the wires back into the connector then push the connector back together without pulling or stressing the wires at all.

Turn the engine on and see if the light stays on after the six flash system check at startup.

Let me know if you know the code

Ok if it is a B1378 that is a side airbag (in the setback) so I would turn the key off, Disconnect the yellow connector under the seat and manipulate the wires into the connector then reconnect as it is likely that the wiring has been pulled. In the shop we have a dummy load that plugs into the connector and simulates the airbag. If they did this (I doubt they did) then the code should have cleared with the dummy installed and that would have told them that the airbag was at fault. It most often is the connection unless there is physical damage to the seat.

I see them from $75 and up so you should be able to find one in your area for a reasonable price

Let me know what I can do to help you

The system self checks everytime you turn the key to run so that is why it flashes six times. If the system is OK the light will be turned out after the six flashes,michael kors rea.

I think you need to replace the seat or have a diagnosis done that you can trust with the proper tools.

You will need a scantool that will show the resistance of the airbag connection to go any further with this,nike free barn. Look for a seat and hope the problem is in the seat or the seat wiring and not in the vehicle side of the harness. Maybe the dealer was correct?

You can replace the entire seat for much less than what they wanted to replace the seat back/

Let me know what I can do to help

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Titusinder af arbejdspladser kan være i fare i vores stat, især i Macomb County.3 årig dræbt i bilulykke på Detroits vest side3 årig dræbt i bilulykke på Detroits vest sideUpdated: mandag 18 februar, 2013 18:38 EST2013 02 18 23:38:52 GMTA mor smertede over ord.

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Most Common Text Message s: List

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Lifejackets for abandonment from an offshore installation

Knowledge of required lifejacket performance has improved during the last few years. This sheet identifies the various features of abandonment lifejackets, which should normally be provided for offshore installations,new balance sneakers dame, in addition to those lifejacket features provided for compliance with SOLAS. Duty holders should review their lifejacket assessments in accordance with this guidance.This sheet applies specifically to lifejackets to be used for abandonment from an offshore installation. The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire, Explosion and Emergency Response) Regulations (PFEER)[1] recognise this by requiring the provision of three complementary systems on an offshore installation: (i) arrangements for evacuation, (ii) means of escape in case arrangements for evacuation fail, and (iii) arrangements for recovery and rescue of persons. Provision of suitable lifejackets is a key element of each of these systems.The features of abandonment lifejackets should take account of the severe weather conditions which may be encountered in the North Sea, that typical North Sea performance standards allow up to two hours for recovery of a person from the sea, and that persons will be wearing immersion suits.To comply with PFEER,new balance 888, dutyholders carry out an assessment to determine the types,new balance 574, numbers and locations of personal survival equipment to be provided on the installation. In the past, this has usually resulted in the selection of SOLAS approved auto inflating lifejackets,new balance kinderen, although in many cases with additional features such as spray hoods, and crotch or thigh straps.Knowledge of required lifejacket performance has improved as follows:Those designing or buying immersion protective equipment need to ensure that their chosen combination of immersion suit and lifejacket performs as an integrated survival system[2].The British/European standard for personal flotation devices,new balance, BS EN ISO 12402 2 2006, indicates that a 275 Newton lifejacket is likely to be necessary to right an unconscious person wearing an immersion suit. (However this passive self righting ability will also depend on the immersion suit type and on the lifejacket design, so that a lesser buoyancy may still be sufficient in some circumstances).Published information indicates that a lifejacket spray hood should be provided if a person is to be given the best chance of survival in rough seas. This provides protection of the airways from water splash.Published information about fatal accidents, for example about the loss of the Ouzo[4], highlights the importance of crotch straps or thigh straps or equivalent solution to ensure the lifejacket stays in place and does not rise up during use.Like any other equipment, a lifejacket auto inflating system or buoyancy chamber can fail[5]. However, commercial lifejackets are now available which are intended to significantly reduce the vulnerability of the lifejacket to a single component failure. These lifejackets have a duplicated auto inflation system and a second buoyancy chamber, or are a hybrid which combines auto inflation with some inherent lifejacket buoyancy.Inherently buoyant lifejackets impose a significant limitation on the height from which a wearer can safely jump or fall into the water. The upward force on an inherently buoyant lifejacket can be considerable, and may be transmitted to the user's head and neck. In any event,new balance, all types of lifejacket and survival suit are normally only tested to 4.5 metre jump height. Emergency plans should not rely on persons jumping into the sea from above this height.Because they are bulky, inherently buoyant lifejackets may compromise the correct securing of persons in a lifeboat, especially in a freefall lifeboat. Inherently buoyant lifejackets may also contribute to difficulties in ensuring adequate space for persons in a freefall or davit lifeboat.In addition to compliance with SOLAS requirements, selected lifejackets are now likely to comply with the European standard for personal flotation devices (EN ISO 12402). This standard defines various required features of lifejackets, but it covers many differing types of lifejackets for a wide variety of uses. As per EN ISO 12402 10 Section 4.4,new balance sale, a suitable lifejacket must be selected depending on an evaluation of the risks to which the user is likely to be exposed. Note also that this standard does not define every lifejacket feature which may be appropriate, such as provision of a suitable light, or provision of a buddy line.Required features of abandonment lifejacketsLifejackets for abandonment from offshore installations should normally have the following features, in addition to any other features selected as a result of the dutyholder's assessment which has been conducted for compliance with PFEER.Lifejacket design should be such that, when worn over the installation immersion suit, the lifejacket will ensure adequate airway protection.The features required to ensure adequate airway protection are:Lifejacket chamber configuration/buoyancy such as to ensure the righting of an unconscious person wearing the installation immersion suit.Neck support and buoyancy such as to ensure sufficient mouth to water distance (120 mm) for an unconscious person wearing the installation immersion suit.A suitable spray hood which is easy to deploy with cold or gloved hands, designed to sit away from the face, and which limits the opportunity for the build up of CO2 from exhaled breath.A suitable lifejacket securing system (such as crotch or thigh straps) which prevents the lifejacket rising up.Features (a) and (b) depend on the lifejacket/suit compatibility,new balance online, and provision of these features will need to be demonstrated. HSE has previously issued guidance on how compatibility tests may be carried out [6], although test details may need to be modified to suit the dutyholder's circumstances. The testing assumes increased importance if the lifejacket provides less than 275 Newton buoyancy.It will also be necessary to check that (a) and (b) are achieved when the abandonment lifejacket is worn with the helicopter transit suit, if this transit suit is to be used during abandonment to sea.Note that SOLAS requires feature (a) to apply to a lifejacket worn over ordinary clothing, but fails to take account of reduced lifejacket performance which may arise when wearing an immersion suit.Auto inflating abandonment lifejackets should have a twin buoyancy system to ensure adequate reliability. This should normally involve twin buoyancy chambers,new balance, twin gas bottles each providing 100% of the required buoyancy, and twin water activation heads. Note that although SOLAS requires lifejackets to have twin chambers,new balance sko, a SOLAS compliant design does not necessarily provide the other features.If the lifejackets include inherent buoyancy,billige new balance, the dutyholder will have to show that this will not prevent the correct securing of persons in the offshore installation lifeboats.
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Being an anonymous crypto currency,new balance tilbud, Bitcoins (BTC) were soon adopted for payments on Silk Road,new balance sneakers udsalg, an online marketplace for illegal drugs. Silk Road lives inside TOR (The Onion Router) and sports a transaction feedback system similar to the one used by eBay, allowing customers to avoid dishonest sellers. It is unfortunate that Bitcoins are still stigmatized as being linked to Silk Road, and overzealous politicians have used this coincidental connection to call for a ban of the cyber currency. currency. Once the funds arrive at the exchange and show up in your account, you can purchase Bitcoins at the current exchange rate. If desired, you can then send all or part of the Bitcoin balance to the Bitcoin wallet on your computer. Several different wallet programs are available for download, for instance Bitcoin Qt or Multibit,new balance, and wallets are also available for mobile devices.

Demand started to increase during the financial crisis in Cyprus, when a stunned public learned from the media that their bank deposits would be subject to a one time 6.7% levy, or 10% for accounts valued more than 100,000 Euros. Even though the bank levy for small accounts was later rescinded,new balance dame, the mere suggestion that bank deposits are not safe from surprise retroactive taxation drove some people in EU member countries to look for ways to park their money anonymously. dollar and the Euro. As Bitcoins became ever more valuable, speculators jumped in,new balance sale, thus pouring gasoline on the fire.

By mid March, word had gotten out that by buying Bitcoins, one could double his investment within a week. By April 10th, a historical peak of $266 per Bitcoin had been reached. Speculators flooded MtGox (the major Bitcoin trading platform), overwhelming the server and causing trading to lag. At some point,new balance, a selling panic started. Finally,new balance sko, MtGox suspended trading in order to upgrade the trading server, and to exert a calming effect on the market. Once trading resumed,new balance dames, the Bitcoin's price crashed to approximately $65 before recovery began. At the time of writing, one Bitcoin is valued slightly above US$120.

I've only skimmed the article,new balance 574 sko, but I didn't see a good discussion of mining pool,new balance 574, trading and all the DDoS, phishing and hacking that goes with it.

The technical aspects and financial calculations are one thing, but going bitcoins is somewhat of a hornets' nest, and it's really worth discussing this stuff.

I haven't mined seriously, but the first time I tried (for two weeks, generated half a bitcoin), I left the bitcoins in the pool and one of the pool's founders embezzled and took what was there and left. I've seen other pools hacked, and there are regular DDoS attacks on them,new balance sko, changes in the terms, all kinds of things you really need to follow carefully if you want to mine effectively. Just leaving your miner running and hoping that you'll get the expected coins eventually doesn't cut it.

I currently mine a little LTC for fun (partly because after installing Catalyst 13.4 I can't mine BTC and can only mine LTC with an old cgminer version I have installed). I'm not sure that it's worth it financially, and I'll probably shut down mining in the not too far future.
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dehumidification don't help cure cold

CHANDIGARH: The old age prescription of covering oneself with a towel and inhaling steam to fight common cold may no longer be valid, a recent analysis by a doctor from PGI infers. The reviewer Dr Meenu Singh after analysing and reviewing all worldwide trials conducted so far on steam inhalation has concluded in her published work that the process has no effect and only works as a feel good factor!

Also, if your doctor asks you to dehumidify the room so that you can breathe easily during asthma attack, try not to pay heed to all this as there is no scientific evidence to prove the prescription correct, the review further points out.

By analysing all the previous researches conducted, Dr Meenu in Cochrane Summaries has inferred that these methods have no scientific basis. Steam inhalation has not shown any consistent benefit in the treatment of the common cold, hence is not recommended in the routine treatment of common cold symptoms. Heated, humidified air has long been used by sufferers of the common cold.

The theoretical basis is that steam may help congested mucus drain better and heat may destroy the cold virus. However, there has been no concrete evidence to prove this as found by Dr Meenu.

In her review, Dr Meenu included six trials (394 trial participants). Three trials, in which patient data could be pooled, found benefits of steam for symptom relief for the common cold. One study conducted in the US demonstrated worsened nasal resistance, while an earlier Israeli study showed improvement. Minor side effects (including discomfort or irritation of the nose) were reported in some studies. "These are the meta analysis of the research published in the area so far. We concluded that steam inhalation is a feel good factor and has no scientific basis for improvement in cold," said Dr Meenu.

Similarly, humidity control measures in the home environment of patients with asthma have been recommended. A warm humid environment favours the growth of house dust mites. However, there is no consensus about the usefulness of these measures.
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TV commercials duel over late

Both sides of the debate surrounding a proposed ban on Albuquerque abortions after 20 weeks have taken to TV to make their case to voters before next week Nov. 19 special election.

Supporters and opponents of the proposed ban say their TV campaigns are a critical component of their efforts to get voters to the polls for an election being held two weeks later than the typical Election Day.

Opponents of the ban, organized through the group ABQ Women, have spent about $107,000 airing two TV commercials, spokesman Micah McCoy said. Their advertising effort began in late October, when early voting began for the ballot initiative.

With a head start, opponents have spent nearly double what supporters have for TV ads.

definitely an important part of our effort to really kind of combat a lot of the misinformation that surrounds this ballot measure, McCoy said of the opposition group ads. just think it incredibly important to help Albuquerque voters realize what this actually does. opposition group includes local affiliates of the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood. Through Friday, Respect ABQ Women reported raising about $585,000 from local and national sources to fund its political efforts.

Supporters of the ban, meanwhile, made their first splash in TV advertising on Tuesday with a $50,000 purchase for commercial time on network and cable TV channels.

The supporters ad buy for three different commercials was paid by the Susan B. Anthony List, a national anti abortion political nonprofit group that has established operations in Albuquerque to advocate for the ballot initiative.

are a national organization, and we consider this to be a moment of national importance, this vote next week, said SBA List President Marjorie Danneenfelser. often, local organizations sometimes don have all the means that they would like to have, so we come in and partner. They needed some help, we wanted to help. opponent groups, which have pooled resources into a single coalition organization, supporters of the ban have continued to operate independently, resulting in lower cash reserves and a limited ability to fund a TV ad campaign.

Key local groups supporting the ban, including Project Defending Life and Protect ABQ Women and Children, have reported fundraising that when combined totals nearly $125,000. Project Defending Life appears to have disclosed its fundraising under the name Voters for Late Term Abortion Ban. Martinez, chairwoman of Protect ABQ Women and Children, said the support from a national group to fund TV ads is a major boost to aid the efforts of local groups with more limited resources.

just welcome any group who is effectively advocating for this issue, Martinez said.

The first TV ad of the campaign came from opponents emphasizing the need for abortion options in case of medical complications.

That first Respect ABQ Women ad features a mother saying families and their doctors have a right to choose abortion when necessary. The speaker recalls choosing abortion after learning around 20 weeks of pregnancy that her fetus was sick. woman says her choices were to the baby to term and watch her suffocate or I could end the pregnancy early and let her go peacefully. proposed ordinance would ban abortions after 20 weeks except when the mother life is in danger.

The opposition group later added a second ad featuring a retired Albuquerque family practice physician saying need compassion and medical options in instances of serious medical anomalies or crises during a pregnancy.

The commercial adds that under the proposed Albuquerque ordinance, abortions later than 20 weeks also would be prohibited in cases of rape.

Supporters of the proposed 20 week abortion ban countered with three ads that focus on the assertion that fetuses at that stage of pregnancy feel pain.

Opponents of the ballot initiative say the claim that fetuses are capable of feeling pain at 20 weeks is false.

One of the supporter ads funded by Susan B. Anthony List features an apparently pregnant woman who describes herself as but says she opposes abortions after 20 weeks because of concerns the fetus feels pain.

a point the baby feels pain, shouldn we all say that just too far? the speaker asks.

Another one of the supporters ads says a medical fact that fetuses feel pain five months of pregnancy, near the 20 week stage.

A third ad, the only commercial currently airing featuring a male speaker, says, the weak from pain is one of the most human things we can do. Don you think human compassion should always trump politics? This article appeared on page A01 of the Albuquerque Journal >
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Can your condo board reject tenants with a criminal history or other whim

Finding a suitable, paying tenant for a condominium or home in a shared community could mean financial life or death. And many landlord owners are finding that boards can be a tough hurdle when it comes to their power of accepting or denying an applicant for a rental or lease agreement.

Steve in Coral Springs says his condo board has added a provision to its community governing documents that allows it to forcibly evict a tenant,billiga michael kors, or deny an application, based on a history of criminal activity. The provisions also say the board can make a decision based on a preponderance of evidence, whether there is a conviction or not.

The answer, I am told by legal sources, is not so black and white. Boards can set up criteria in governing documents which allow them to reject an application,nike free skor, and often that criteria is based on issues related to the safety,michael kors jet set, health and welfare of all community members. But it may come down to how carefully those provisions are written and whether they are enforced in a reasonable manner.

For instance,nike free skor, says attorney Paul Milberg: can adopt amendments that permit an applicant to be rejected based on criminal history. These amendments cannot be enforced in an arbitrary manner. In other words, they should set forth specific criteria, such as persons convicted of a felony within the last 5 years or persons convicted of a crime involving theft, violence or property damage, so that the ultimate decision would be the same regardless of who is making the decision. also says that boards often use credit history as reason to accept or deny an application. The point is, a criminal history or bad credit history may be an indication that an applicant may be a problematic neighbor. However, Milberg says, boards should weigh carefully the information they have and make decisions that are as fair and uniform as possible. It may make more sense to evict someone based on a felony committed two years ago rather than a misdemeanor committed 20 years ago, he said.

Milberg could not comment on Steve specific case, but he said that language in documents which allow for whims in making decisions could end up being challenged in court.

have seen provisions that allow boards to deny applicant using the words discretion, Milberg said. the provision contains the word unfettered,michael kors solglasögon, if challenged, a court will still usually reach its determination based on the reasonableness of the decision. more thought: Often governing documents are written to provide a board what is called the right of first refusal. In those cases,nike free run 3, a board can reject a tenant without providing a reason. Legal experts say such provisions tend to hold up in court.

DONNA BERGER is the Managing Partner of the statewide community association law firm of Katzman Garfinkel Berger and the Executive Director of the Community Advocacy Network (CAN),nike free 5.0.

LISA MAGILL is a shareholder in Becker Poliakoff's statewide Community Association Law practice group. She has been a leader of and active in various organizations dedicated to community association issues, especially outreach and education.

LINDSAY RAPHAEL a partner with Tripp Scott, focuses her practice on condominium and homeowners association matters,nike free skor, as well as property financing and transaction counsel to buyers, sellers,michael kors hamiton, lenders and developers of residential and commercial real estate. She is a regular contributor to Condo Management Magazine.

JEAN WINTERS has focused on representation of both community associations and homeowners living in associations since 2006. Being general in nature,michael kors plånbok, the information provided may not apply to your specific factual or legal set of circumstances. No attorney client relationship is formed nor should any such relationship be implied. Nothing on this blog is intended to substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal advice, please consult with a competent attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.
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I am not close at all to one of my brothers,nike free, Al and especially his wife, Candy. Candy either hates me or is indifferent to me, and I do not know why. Anyway, they live far away and we see them once a year. I gave up talking to Candy so I ignore her. My brother is very self centered and did not help with a big family problem when I needed him. My daughter Steph is getting married, and she has picked up how I feel about Al and Candy and she does not want to invite them to her wedding. They don't have a relationship with Steph, either. Since there are 4 aunts and uncles,michael kors online,( my other siblings) I tell her she cannot exclude her one uncle like that. My mom would go crazy if her son/daughter in law was not invited to Steph's wedding, and it would create a big mess and rift in the family. Steph says she can invite who she wants,nike free 2014, and she does not want to invite my brother and his wife. I say you can't exclude one uncle,michael kors väska, even though you don't like him. What do I do?

Originally Posted by JudyKayTee

Your daughter is an adult, and she will have to live with the choices she makes. She choses to cause an estrangement in the family (or a further estrangement), she has to live with it.

It's not your problem other than your daughter "picking up" on your feelings, expressed or otherwise.

I agree with this. I personally see no reason to invite them but its her choice to live with. It sounds like it could cause trouble not to invite them but if you do, the ball is in their court. They may or may not attend. its up to her to figure out which would be the best route to take.

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Once it's perfect,moncler mäntel sale, you need to somehow get above the hood of your car and find the perfect spot to hang a string down. The basic idea is to put a tennis ball on the string and hang it from the ceiling so you'll know to pull up until it just barely touches the windshield of the car. Do that every time and you're set. If you're having trouble picturing it,ugg bambina, see the poorly drawn diagram attached to this step. So you'll want to move the string around on the ceiling and let it hang down completely straight until it's about midway down your windshield in front of the driver's side.

It's worth mentioning that if you don't want to put a hole in your garage ceiling or don't want a tennis ball hanging down all the time,ugg bottes, there are alternatives. Look online for garage parking assistants. There are motion/distance sensing ones with lights that tell you when to stop and pressure sensing ones too or just stop bumps that you place in front of the tires so when you feel your car hit them,ugg 5815 boots, you stop. My favorite is the laser that you mount on your wall and aim at a certain spot on your dashboard. Then when it senses you pulling in,moncler jacken, it turns on and you pull in until the laser is aligned with that certain dashboard spot. The tennis ball option is a lot cheaper though.
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Reflections on Leadership

Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian playwright 1828 1906)

Leadership is a subject so all embracing that has been the topic of so many books and articles, that to write anything new is almost impossible. So why am I writing this?

I'm doing it to inspire, motivate and to move you into action (whoopsthat sounds a lot like a definition of leadership). Can I really do that by writing this article?

Why not? I just need to capture your attention and your imagination, make you think and then make you act hopefully in the right way since I don't want you to do anything criminal or reprehensible for which I will be blamed

That is another of the characteristics attributed to leadership taking responsibility.

We all have a leader inside us just waiting to get out.

Think of Michelangelo with his statues being released from blocks of stone.

Do you want to be surrounded by works of art or blocks of stone?

It is really a question of courage and the right situation.

Different situations need different types of leadership.

The obvious example is a ship where the captain rules, there is no consensus or leading by example, but strict discipline since the captain may have to make life and death decisions if the ship is in danger. Although being made to walk the plank has gone out of fashion the captain still has a lot of power. He needs immediate obedience since failure to carry out an order might easily cause a collision, running aground or capsizing in heavy seas.

The men in the engine room have no idea of what is happening in many situations and to inform them might waste precious time,michael kors iphone. Hence there needs to be a great deal of trust by the crew in the skills of the captain and by the captain in the crew carrying out his orders correctly and quickly,nike free run 2. Obviously the captains' leadership skills are layered on to extensive seamanship skills that have already been acquired usually over a substantial period of time,michael kors sverige.

On the other end of the leadership spectrum I have an example for you. My brother in law was recently chairman at the annual Horticultural Society show in the town where he lives. I was rather surprised since he has never shown any extrovert or assertive behaviour,michael kors iphone, plus I never knew he was interested in flowers. I don't know whether everything was handled democratically, with consensus, or whether he had to be firm with some people.

I'm sure he would have asked people their opinion, made polite requests, thanked them with genuine gratitude and lead by example. I doubt that he played favourites between the runner beans and tomatoes.

Since all of those helping with the show were volunteers,michael kors plånbok, their motivation comes from a shared sense of purpose and considerably more people skills are required than horticultural expertise. I shall try to go next year.

Leadership nowadays is about being emotionally intelligent,michael kors väskor, knowing yourself and being able to understand the others and communicate with them in the most adequate way.

Learning and practising the varied skills and behaviours of leadership can be done individually, using a variety of situations. For example,michael kors iphone, Toastmasters is an excellent organization to join to improve your speaking and leadership skills. A coach can also be a great help to assist you in identifying your goals, to keep you focused and motivated.

There may come a time when there is an opportunity to do something for the community, or for your company, that is outside your comfort zone. You may have to rise to the occasion and try to use difference ways of motivating people.

It may not be easy, but the challenge might be what you need,nike free rea, character building,michael kors väskor, that gives confidence to do bigger and better things in the future.

Clara Noble fell in love with coaching after a successful career in international consulting and multinational corporate top management (finance and human resources). This dual faceted experience of financial and human capital gave Clara a unique and practical view of leadership, a key area in her coaching practice.

Born in Portugal, Clara has been married for 26 years to an English CPA she met in Deloitte, where she started her career after University. Moving into industry as a CFO at the age of 28 she asserted herself in spite of being both young and a woman in a male dominated environment. Her creativity and multicultural experience has helped her UK,michael kors outlet, US, Australian and Portuguese clients achieve rewarding excellence.
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SPECT is a technique similar to PET. But the radioactive substances used in SPECT (Xenon 133,nike air max, Technetium 99,nike free run 5.0, Iodine 123) have longer decay times than those used in PET,michael kors shop, and emit single instead of double gamma rays. SPECT can provide information about blood flow and the distribution of radioactive substances in the body. Its images have less sensitivity and are less detailed than PET images, but the SPECT technique is less expensive than PET. Also,michael kors rea, SPECT centers are more accessible than PET centers because they do not have to be located near a particle accelerator.

Cardiovascular imaging techniques use radioactive substances to chart the flow of blood through the heart and blood vessels. One example of a cardiovascular imaging technique is a stress thallium test,michael kors hamiton, in which the patient is injected with a radioactive thallium compound, exercised on a treadmill,michael kors skor, and imaged with a gamma ray camera. After a period of rest, the study is repeated without the exercise. The images before and after exercising are compared to reveal changes in blood flow to the working heart. These techniques are useful in detecting blocked arteries or arterioles in the heart and other tissues.

Bone scanning detects radiation from a radioactive substance (technetium pp methyldiphosphate) that,nike free 5.0, when injected into the body, collects in bone tissue, as bone tissue is good at accumulating phosphorus compounds. The substance accumulates in areas of high metabolic activity,michael kors online, and so the image produced shows "bright spots" of high activity and "dark spots" of low activity. Bone scanning is useful for detecting tumors,michael kors väskor, which generally have high metabolic activity.
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One Hit Wonders Of The 1980s,free run

One Hit Wonders Of The 1980sThe 1980s included more One Hit Wonders than any other decade, with bands and artists coming and going frequently. Some of their hit singles remain etched in history.Warren Potteron Aug 26,nike free run 3.0 v3, 2008A One Hit Wonder is an artist or group that has only achieved major chart success once during their career, with the success of that one hit totally overshadowing anything else that they might have achieved during their time as a recording artist.Some notable One Hit Wonders include Gorky Park with Bang,michael kors klockor, Re Flex with The Politics of Dancing and After The Fire with the very popular Der Kommissar. Below is a list of other recognizable One Hit Wonders,michael kors väskor, beginning in1980 and continuing through to the end of the decade. possibly released the last disco song to make in impact on the world charts, and it was a smash hit. Funky Town reached no. 1 in the US and no. 2 in the UK in 1980. Although Lipps Inc. released 3 albums, Funky Town remained their only hit record.Jim SteinmanJim Steinman is a household name in the music industry, having penned and produced numerous hit records for artists like Meat Loaf, Celine Dion and Bonnie Tyler. As a solo artist however, his impact was less distinguished. He reached no. 11 in the UK and no. 13 in the US with his only notable single release, Rock 'n' Roll Dreams Come Through in 1981.Toni BasilToni Basil released Mickey in 1982, reaching no. 1 in the US and no. 2 in the UK. The song was a cover of the track Kitty by British band Racey and had originally been recorded by Basil in 1979. She was initially loathe to release Mickey, believing it to be dated, but her record company's insistence ensured she achieved her only success in the singles' chart.Frank StalloneFrank Stallone is probably better known for being the brother of the actor Sylvester Stallone than for his musical talent, but he did achieve international success with his single Far From Over in 1983. The song, penned for the smash motion picture Staying Alive, reached no. 10 in the US and remains Stallone's only musical success.NenaThe German pop/rock outfit Nena released 99 Luftballons in 1984. It was a cold war era protest song that reached no. 2 in the US and no. 1 in West Germany, whilst the English version 99 Red Balloons topped the chart in the UK. Nena continued well into the 90s but were never able to emulate the success of their only hit record.Paul HardcastlePaul Hardcastle will always be remembered for his smash hit 19, which hit the no. 1 spot in 13 countries during 1985,michael kors rea, including a 5 week stint at the top of the UK charts. Essentially a keyboardist, Hardcastle achieved minor acclaim before and after 19, which used the voice of television narrator Peter Thomas to recite horrific statistics about the Vietnam War. While Hardcastle also achieved fame for his piece The Wizard, which was used as an intro for Top Of The Pops in the UK, 19 remains his only true chart success.BaltimoraBaltimora was an Italian New wave outfit fronted by Jimmy McShane, a Northern Irishman. In 1986 they released Tarzan Boy,nike free 5.0, which became a dance floor favorite whilst garnering notable chart success. It reached no. 3 in the UK and no. 13 in the US, staying on the Billboard Charts for over 6 months.Patrick SwayzeBetter known as an actor, Patrick Swayze had one moment of incredible success musically. In 1987, he recorded the song She's Like the Wind for the soundtrack of the motion picture Dirty Dancing,michael kors plånbok, in which he also played the lead role. The song hit no. 3 on the US charts and was also a no.1 hit on the US Adult Contemporary chart.Bobby McFerrinJazz performer Bobby McFerrin will always be remembered for his only mainstream hit Don't Worry, Be Happy. It became the 1st a cappella song to hit no. 1 in the US,nike free run 2, whilst reaching no. 2 in the UK as well. McFerrin has achieved a great deal in his preferred jazz genre, but has never again reached the mainstream heights to which his 1988 classic took him.SybilSybil began recording in 1986, but it was only with her 1989 cover of the 1962 Dionne Warwick classic Don't Make Me Over that she received any recognition. The song reached no. 20 on the US chart and no. 3 on the US R chart, whilst also reaching no.19 in the UK and no. 2 on the UK Dance charts. Sybil continues to make music,nike free 5.0, but has never scaled the same heights since.One Hit Wonders did not die with the 80s, with many artists today still only scaling heights once during their musical careers. It is indeed difficult to capture the imagination of the World on a sustained basis these days, as the competition continues to increase with new trends and ideas. One Hit Wonders will thus remain integral parts of the music industry for years to come.Bill Champlin 28 Years with ChicagoAlthough nobody could replace the gruff vocals and superb guitar ability of Terry Kath,nike free 5.0 dam, Bill Champlin one of a kind voice and musical acumen did much to fill the void.
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ABOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON (AP) As soon as Navy pilot Matthew Stafford puts his helicopter down in the village of Borongan,new balance 420, he is rushed by dozens of local men who form a line to unload the supplies and water he has flown in from the mothership,new balance tilbud, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington. Children swarm him as he breaks out a box of sweets. military has been a godsend.

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disasters are not unique only to the Philippines. is serious about its presence here, said Philippine political analyst Ramon Casiple. easy to translate this capability for disaster handling into handling warfare. This is the new orientation of the task forces. the military perspective, humanitarian missions such as the ongoing Operation Damayan in the Philippines offer concrete benefits the chance to operate in far flung places, build military to military alliances and get realistic training that they later may apply to their primary mission,new balance, which will always be fighting and winning wars.

response planning is a skill set for the military, so when you have an opportunity to execute crisis response, it good for your planning team, said Rear Adm. Mark C. Montgomery, who commands the George Washington strike group,new balance 887, stationed offshore in the Gulf of Leyte. sure, there is a benefit there. But in reality the reason we do this mission is because in the Navy list of missions this is one of the significant efforts we plan for. the week since the disaster, the Philippines has started to receive support from military forces around the region. Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore,new balance sko, South Korea and Taiwan have sent aircraft or personnel,new balance herre, and more support is expected soon from Brunei, Great Britain, New Zealand and Thailand. Equally importantly, America regional rival, China, has not sent any military personnel and has contributed relatively little financial aid.

is being done in a big way that highlights the meager response of China that the politics there. They saying China is not actually your friend in the region, Mr. Casiple said.

sure China is watching and assessing,new balance, he said. China announced Sunday it is ready to send rescue and medical teams to the Philippines, but it did not say when the teams would depart. commitment. Marines were on their way from their bases in Japan to assess the damage and plan out their response. Within days, the George Washington was pulling out of Hong Kong to lead its half dozen ship battle group to the Gulf of Leyte. Air Force was already in action. military aircraft have put in nearly 480 flight hours in 186 aircraft sorties, moved nearly 1,200 relief workers into the devastated city of Tacloban and airlifted nearly 2,900 displaced people from the affected areas. On Saturday alone,new balance tilbud, they delivered more than 118 tons of food, water and shelter items to Tacloban, Borongan and Guiuan some of the hardest hit regions.
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Several years and more than a few one night (musical) stands later,michael kors skor, Jackson brought his show a little north to Broward and Palm Beach counties,nike free skor, where he has recently and frequently held court at Dada in Delray Beach on Thursday nights. Though his actual music is based on the best,billiga nike free, time honored traditions of the Great American Songbook,nike free run 5.0, everything else about his live show is unpredictable. Perhaps Jackson will invite a friend to play tuba. Perhaps he will invite several friends,michael kors väska, some of whom might play even more seldom seen instruments like the sousaphone. Perhaps it'll just be him in one man band mode,nike air max, singing,michael kors väska, strumming,michael kors väskor, and keeping rhythm however else he can. Whatever happens,nike skor, no two Jesse Jackson performances are ever alike and none is less than spell binding.

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The farcical dredging situation in Lake Macquarie has had a severe impact on the 2012 Bigfish Bonanza game fishing tournament which runs next weekend,michael kors väska.

CANYON QUEEN: Kelly Healey caught this marlin on 24kg line on the Norah Head Canyons, early January 2012. It took me about 45mins to get it to the boat. I live in Lake Macquarie,billiga nike free, this is my first marlin . We did catch another one on the same day and released it . Very nice eating. (Sat 28/01/2012 5:01 PM)

CHUCKY'S IN LOVE: Big Chuck Henshaw caught this 28 kg Spanish Mackerel on a recent trip to Kavieng Papua New Guinea (Sat 28/01/2012 5:13 PM)

DOUBLE TROUBLE: Nine year old Jacob Hoschke of Blackalls Park caught this 106cm Cobia in Lake Macquarie on Friday (27/1/12) on a live bait while fishing for jew. Another cobia was hooked but lost. Ten minutes later he also caught his first jew fish,nike free skor. (Sun 29/01/2012 12:13 PM)

DOUBLE TROUBLE: Nine year old Jacob Hoschke of Blackalls Park caught this 106cm Cobia in Lake Macquarie on Friday (27/1/12) on a live bait while fishing for jew,nike free skor. Another cobia was hooked but lost. Ten minutes later he also caught his first jew fish,michael kors iphone. (Sun 29/01/2012 12:13 PM)

DOUBLE TROUBLE: Nine year old Jacob Hoschke of Blackalls Park caught this 106cm Cobia in Lake Macquarie on Friday (27/1/12) on a live bait while fishing for jew. Another cobia was hooked but lost. Ten minutes later he also caught his first jew fish,michael kors outlet. (Sun 29/01/2012 12:13 PM)

HARD WORK: Byron Procter, from Medowie, caught this 7 pound salmon of Stockton Beach yesterday (Monday) afternoon, using a braided line and worms for bait. It took around 15 minutes for him to land it, and both were exhausted after the effort, partner Courtnay reported. (Tue 31/01/2012 10:02 AM)

HARD CORE: Peter Hatzidimitriou caught the murray cod pictured below in the Seven's River near Inverell (about 8 hours North West of Sydney) The round trip for me was around 1500km, Peter reported. After having a good chat with the motel owner about my passion to catch one of these magnificent fish he offered to have his father in law take us to a few of his secret spots.

HARD CORE CONTINUED: "These are accessed by private property on the back of farms/properties and not accessible by the public. We met the entire family and they were truly the epitome of classic friendly and accommodating country folk. Very, very lovely genuine people! Ron has been fishing for murray cod for over 40 years and had a lot of stories to tell! Anyways, enough of the banter.

HARD CORE CONTINUED: " My total tally of fish was 4 in 3 days of fishing with each day lasting around 6 8 hours' worth of fishing . but all worth it! As my dad would say, 'Nothing ventured . nothing gained' ." (Tue 31/01/2012 2:59 PM)








HARD CORE COMPLETE: Awesome stuff!

BIG BASS MAN: Don McFarlane, from Stockton, caught this 52cm bass recently on the south arm of the Nambucca river on a surface crawler. (Sunday, 29 January 2012 10:22 PM)

Forty seven boats registered for the tournament,nike free 2014, with 2 x anglers on each boat.

FISH OF WEEK 27/01/12: Shawn Williams with his prize winning pearl perch hooked off Forster recently.

AUSSIE AUSSIE: Darcy Merrick, aged 12,michael kors hamiton, caught this 66cm flathead on Australia Day in the lake on squid, His biggest fish caught so far. (submitted Thu 26/01/2012 9:04 PM)

BREAKING THE DUCK: Six year old Sam Bottom with his first legal catch, a 28cm bream caught at Pipers Bay, Forster last week, on a pilchard. (Fri 27/01/2012 12:16 PM)

WHAT A BEAUTY: Christian McLean of Eleebana caught this 1.91kg mub crab in Lake Macquarie on a hand line with mullet as bait. It was a real surprise! (Fri 27/01/2012 8:49 PM)

HOLIDAY HOOK UP: Ethan Amidy,nike free, 10,nike free run 2, caught this crab on a rod and reel at Forster Keys, while holidaying at his grandparents!! (Sat 28/01/2012 12:03 PM)
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Bournemouth Air Festival gives economy,michael kors hamiton

Multi award winning music extravaganza Camp Bestival has brought an estimated 8.3 million to the Dorset economy following the four day event which started on August 1.

Organiser and DJ Rob da Bank said: "You can't underestimate how may families use Camp Bestival as the start of their summer holiday and then go and stay locally and spend locally,free run.

The population of the Isle of Purbeck is around 45,michael kors plånbok,000 and Camp Bestival brought in an additional 30,michael kors solglasögon,000 revellers,nike free 2014, with 85 per cent coming from outside Dorset.

Peter Scott,michael kors väskor sverige, chief executive of Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said: "Recent and forthcoming festivals such as Camp Bestival, the Purbeck Folk Festival, Forever Sun,billiga nike free, Bournemouth Sevens, the Great Dorset Steam Fair,michael kors outlet, and of course the Bournemouth Air Festival all bring millions into the economy.

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Now in its sixth year,nike free skor, Bournemouth Air Festival has welcomed in excess of 4.7million people to the UK's leading seaside resort and generated more than 100 million for the local economy.
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Miniature Christmas Tree

Many people are choosing to display miniature Christmas trees instead of full sized Christmas trees. The reasons for choosing a miniature Christmas tree range from the space needed for a full sized Christmas tree, to allergies and the need for an artificial Christmas tree, to the desire to place a miniature Christmas tree on a coffee table, to looking for a miniature Christmas tree to place in the work space, to children wishing to have a small Christmas tree in their room; oh, there are so many reasons to choose a small,free run, miniature Christmas tree. There are many outlooks on what is considered a miniature Christmas tree, and,nike free run dam, I will describe only trees that are four feet tall, or less. Many of the miniature Christmas trees available really are miniature, being under one foot tall, and would easily fit on a coffee table or other display area where space is limited. Luckily there are many styles and prices of miniature Christmas trees to choose from. I will describe five stores that carry miniature Christmas trees,michael kors, a little about the size of the trees they have for sale and any information that may help you narrow your search before you begin shopping. All of these stores have the trees I am listing in stock as I write, but, you may want to call ahead to check. These stores also offer online shopping; and, that may be a great alternative for you. 1. Macy's

Waterford Red Christmas Tree Sculpture for $125.00 a beautiful,michael kors outlet, sculpted, Waterford crystal Christmas tree which measures 6.5 inches tall. The tree described is red, however there are also green and clear trees which are in the same price range.

Holiday Lane Christmas Tree for $85.00 is a 3 foot traditional,michael kors väskor sverige, artificial Christmas tree which is pre lit and in a base, ready for display. This small tree would look great on a table,nike free 5.0, or set on the floor; it is ready to plug in and enjoy.

2,nike free run 3. J. C. Penney

LED 4 foot Topiary tree in an urn for $59.99. This small Christmas tree, again, is ready to plug in and enjoy. The topiary is shaped as a traditional Christmas tree; the lights are white. The urn the tree is in would lend to placing this tree on a table, mantle or the floor. It seems like a very versatile Christmas tree.

Northwoods Berry Tree for $24.99 is 18 inches high,michael kors outlet, a colorful, pre decorated Christmas tree in a traditional plant pot. The tree is covered with small red berries and green holly leaves. This small tree could be displayed on a coffee table, buffet table or mantle.

Northwoods Ornament Tree for $29.99 is 21x21x36 inches and is a realistic looking, bare branched tree which allows you to display your favorite ornaments by hanging them on the tree's branches. The tree is constructed of metal, and the metal base is part of the tree's construction.

3. Home Depot

GE Pre Lit Decorated Tree for $29.96 is 32 inches tall,michael kors, a traditional Christmas tree with 50 clear and red lights. The tree has a built in base which is covered with gold foil. (Model 96336HD B)

GE Pre Lit Poinsettia Tree for $49.97 is 42 inches tall, a traditional Christmas tree covered with 100 clear and red light. The tree base resembles an urn. (Model 38467HD)

GE Pre Lit Copper God Tree for $29.96 is 32 inches tall, covered with 50 mini lights. The tree is in a traditional pot, and is decorated with a mixture of white and copper colored decorations. (Model 38736HD)

Fiber Optic Tree for $29.96 is 36 inches tall, and has a base so that it is ready to plug in and enjoy. The fiber optic fibers embedded in this traditional Christmas tree will delight young and old as the colors change.

4. Lowes

Holiday Living Pre Lit Christmas Tree for $49.97, $50.00 or $64.00 is available in several sizes, including a 4 foot tree that is covered with mixed color lights. You may choose from your choice of size and price. (Models FR50R Item 54896, Model 73o4 Item 14397, Model 0108LO LW Item 10791 or Mode 9B98EVY01U)

Holiday Living Berry Classic Decorated Pre Lit Tree for $39.97 is a 3 foot tall tree with a base that is ready to be plugged in and enjoyed. This tree's size allows it to be a versatile Christmas decoration. (Model D17 U30C05)

5,nike free. Craft Stores

Both Michael's and JoAnn's Fabric and Crafts carry Lemax miniature Christmas trees. These trees come in a variety of sizes, but are all true miniature trees that would easily fit into a miniature scene, or look great on a mantle or buffet table.

Lemax, Inc. Mini Lighted Chrismas Tree for $15.79 is approximately 6 inches tall and use 1 "AA" battery or AC adapter (SKU 9815374 which is not included). The traditional style Christmas tree is covered with lights, snow and has a molded, snow covered base.

Both stores carry a variety of Lemax trees in various sizes and prices. Some of the trees are pre lit, some are decorated, some are natural looking trees with no decorations or snow on them, the come as individual trees or some are sold as a group of trees of varying sizes. These trees are wonderful for use as decorations.

Published by Mary Martin

Non profit management, volunteer leadership and education have been primary in Mary's professional life. She taught art classes to both children and adults at DOD MWR, DOD Schools, Merced Junior College, Thr. Miniature Holiday Tree setPom Pom Christmas Tree For KidsChristmas Tree Lights

Related ContentTop 5 Places to Find a Miniature Christmas TreeWhere to Buy a Miniature Christmas TreeWhere to Buy Mini Christmas TreesTop Five Place to Buy Miniature Christmas Trees5 Great Miniature Christmas TreesHow to Decorate an Original Christmas TreeWhere to Buy a Black Christmas Tree
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ALBURY Wodonga Health will cut 50 jobs and allow its 3500 plus waiting list to get longer as it struggles to cope with a shortage of government funds.

Already doctors have been warned 15 nursing positions will go very soon. This is a small proportion of the 577 full time equivalent nursing staff employed across the two hospitals.

As the waiting list for elective surgery for public patients lengthens,nike skor, cases such as hernia, cataract replacement and various ear, nose and throat procedures face delays.

"Our waiting list stands at 3536 and continues to grow," Dr Spring said.

"We do not expect that there will be any significant reduction in the near future."

Waiting lists in other Victorian regional centres are less than half: Ballarat 1135, Bendigo 948 and Sheppartan 1015, but Dr Spring says they are not strictly comparable.

Fourteen extra hospital beds were last year added to the original 260,nike free run 2, but nine beds are closed in order to keep this year's finances on an even keel or at least to help limit the deficit next year to $2 million.

Dr Spring said the $181.8 million received from government last year wasn't enough.

Funding from the two states is roughly 50 50 totalling $155.7 million, up from $143.6 million.

"It's a warning for the future that it (a deficit) is unsustainable in the current financial environment," he said.

"Our total activity will need to fall by 5 per cent this year,michael kors hamiton, and this will inevitably impact on elective surgery."

The 50 jobs would be phased out over the next eight months and volutary redundancies had been invited.

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Dr Spring said that Albury Wodonga Health had found it hard to catch up with the lack of resources provided pre merger,michael kors iphone.

He was speaking ahead of tonight's annual meeting of the service at The Cube,michael kors klockor, Wodonga.

A forum afterwards will look at long term priorities such as when to extend the Albury hospital on East Street and when to build a multi deck car park after the regional cancer centre opens in 2015.

Dr Spring will list several key achievements.

"We are proud of what we have done, but every year we have to save as well as spend more on the service," he said.

He welcomed progress on the cancer centre and looked forward to a $5 million PET/CT scanner opening in June.

Dr Spring said Albury Wodonga Health now had a single medical staff, an expanded renal dialysis program,michael kors sverige, a common pathology provider, common support services and a single purchasing and logistics function.

He also paid tribute to hospital volunteers who complement the almost 1200 paid staff.

Dr Spring said the new North East and Border Mental Health Service would finally be in place on December 10, with Nolan House and the Albury Community Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Services to join the service some time next year.

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How did government get in the mess it's in?

I was trying to figure it out when I thought of Stephen Covey and his view of the emotional bank account,nike free rea.

Covey was a trainer of people, a guru of sorts when it came to relationships. He came up with this emotional bank account concept,herr nike free 3.0 v3, which simply works like a regular bank account. You're in good shape when you make deposits.

But when you begin to make too many withdrawals, life gets difficult.

I've been there myself with some folks, and the solution is not necessarily easy, but it is relatively simple. You need to begin to make deposits to strengthen the account. That means doing the right thing.

Now, is government doing the right thing?

C Tran raisesRecently,michael kors online, some C Tran employees received a 5 percent raise.

With what's going on in our economy, really?

I asked one politician who voted in favor of this raise what he was thinking. There were an array of reasons, he said. When I asked what those array of reasons were, I just didn't get much back.

Another supporter of the raise said it's good when government employees get raises because well it helps stimulate the economy.

Great! Hey, private working stiffs, try this: Go ask your boss for a 5 percent raise because it would be good for the economy.

Please let me know how that works out.

Government pensionsI've made note of the fact that state taxpayers have to shell out more than $1 billion a year you heard that right to make good on all the money that is owed to government pensioners in this state. Yes, government workers contribute, as well,nike free 2014, but the $1 billion is what taxpayers contribute.

And just this week the Associated Press completed a detailed project on the abuses of the public pension system here. It detailed,nike free run 5.0, for example, how some firefighters are able to maneuver more money into their paychecks in the last years they work so they can squeeze even more money out of the pension system.

And if that's not bad enough, some are able to use another tactic that allows them to avoid paying federal taxes on their pension.

The response of Dan Ward, a retired fire chief?

"The only one losing is the IRS,michael kors hamiton."

This comment shows such a lack of understanding on what's at play here, it's embarrassing.

Hey, Mr. Fire Chief. When you stick it to the IRS, you're sticking it to the taxpayer. Oh, and Mr. Fire Chief since you appear to relish the idea that you can stick it to the government guess who you worked for all your life and who is signing those big pension checks? The government. Sheesh.

Other firefighters who retired on disability were found regularly golfing. Hey, it's tough to be disabled.

When I talk to politicians about all of this,nike free, they simply dismiss it with the wave of a hand. A billion here, a billion there,nike air max, and yes we all have some abuses now, don't we.

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be voted off before Mike Tyson. It's just mess after mess. The tomfoolery is epic. Even its most ardent supporters would agree with this. For me, I hold my nose and close my eyes, and say we should move forward.

But I understand those who oppose it. A price should be paid for all of the buffoonery. And, in some ways, I suspect a price is being paid. When you think about it, why wouldn't every local politician,michael kors online, why wouldn't the vast majority of local residents be in support of something like this? The idea that government can continue on its merry way because "well, it's the government" is getting old.

Bank accountsIn the end, what you learn from Covey is that any single withdrawal is not a deal breaker, not a relationship killer. But they begin to add up. My only advice? Please begin making some deposits. It's never too late.
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After Hawthorne's 28 yard touchdown run in the second quarter,nike free run 3.0 v3, the Pirates took their foot off the pedal.

City, meanwhile, got on the scoreboard as Steven Wise scored on a 23 yard run but failed to capitalize on four Cinnaminson turnovers.

"We shut it off a bit and it backfired. You have to give City credit, they hung in there," Patrizi said. "They have athletes all over the place."

Both offenses sputtered during the middle part of the game before Cinnaminson put the game out of reach, scoring two touchdowns in a span of 2:23 early in the fourth quarter.

"I wasn't happy with the offensive performance, and we gave up a touchdown we shouldn't have given up,michael kors klockor, I was just telling everyone to step it up,nike free 7.0," said Cinnaminson defensive tackle Matthew Gono. "We all woke up, we realized that we can't play the other team's game, we have to play Cinnaminson football for the whole game.

Hawthorne scored his third touchdown of the game from 45 yards out,nike air max, then freshman Dylan Thevayanagam scored his first varsity touchdown from eight yards out.

Thevayanagam's touchdown was set up by a interception from Hawthorne, who was one of the many standout performers on defense all night.

"I saw the ball go up in the air and the receiver try to run a nine route past me, I just made a good play on the ball and took it as far as I could," said Hawthorne. "Our whole team has to keep it going,nike free run dam, we have to stay sharp every week."

"(The defense) played great,michael kors online, they are much improved, they're doing a great job and getting better,michael kors klockor," said Patrizi. "We're only as good as we want to be. It's a team effort, we'll see where it goes from here."
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The Palm Beach Post Blog Archive Zhu Zhu smiles

This is a story about kindness, friends, generosity and a renewed sense of possibility. after our Thanksgiving night festivities. As midnight drew near, a crowd that had been jovial began to grow agitated and antsy. The line of shoppers stretched from the store back toward the Boynton Mall. The Toys R Us parking lot was packed,michael kors väskor, cars overflowed into the shoe store next door. Cars honked.

"As soon as you get in, throw your son into the cart,nike free run 2," a woman behind me said. "It's about to get crazy."

James and I had never experienced the whole post Thanksgiving frenzy I usually avoid that weekend. But he was hoping to find a ZhuZhu Pet, a fuzzy little under $10 toy with wheels,nike free, squeaks and a plastic pink nose. It seemed sweet and harmless, so I thought I'd indulge him and write a little something for the Palm Beach Post's blog, Malled,michael kors väska, all at the same time.

The first person in line was Lizzie Fletcher, a bus driver for the Palm Beach County school district. She had gotten the same email I did the one that promised a pet to the first 100 people in the store at midnight on Black Friday.

"I'm getting a ZhuZhu pet for myself,nike free run 3," she said,free run, laughing,nike free run herr, when I pulled up. As James and I went back to stand in line,michael kors, I counted all of the people ahead of us. We were 132nd in line. It looked bad.

I tried to warn James that we probably wouldn't get his hamster pet. He started to cry,michael kors online. I cajoled him with promises of a new Lego toy,michael kors online.

A Toys R Us employee wandered down the line passing out white cards. Some said Nintendo DSI, iTouch and My Fur Real Pony. She didn't have any ZhuZhu Pet cards.

A fellow passing ZhuZhu Pet cards out was about 20 people farther ahead of us up the line. And then, just like that, he was gone. We had narrowly missed our chance.

Maybe we should have gone to Wal Mart, I thought to myself.

"There's probably like a thousand people here," James muttered.

The doors opened, and suddenly a cry went up from the women around me. Gate crashers were trying to rush the door.

"Don't even try!" a teen next to me yelled. "I been waiting two hours! Get to the end of the line!"

When it was our turn to enter, I took another more experienced Black Friday shopper's advice and hoisted James into a cart. With no chance at getting a hamster, we headed for the Legos. James found two Atlantis creatures, so we picked those up and headed back in the store.

Julie Hines and her son Sean had been ahead of us in line. They had heard James cry when he missed out on his ZhuZhu card. Toys R Us had said only one per customer. They had two cards, one each.
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Kilpatrick Townsend hires attorney to manage electronic,herr nike free 3.0 v3

Richard Craver/Winston Salem Journal Posted 2 months ago

The transition from paper records and documentation to the electronic cloud has required businesses and the law firms that serve them to adapt and adjust quickly to technological advancements.

An acknowledgement of that importance was accented recently by Kilpatrick Townsend Stockton LLP with the hiring of Craig Cannon to manage its electronic discovery services companywide. and international offices.

He is a 15 year veteran in e discovery litigation, most recently serving as Bank of America Corp.'s global discovery counsel.

For law firms, e discovery refers to the process by which electronically stored information is identified,nike free run 2, preserved, collected, processed,michael kors shop, reviewed and produced as part of civil and government litigation matters. It is governed by local,billiga michael kors, state, federal and international rules (and related case law) that vary significantly by jurisdiction.

Cannon took time recently to discuss the importance of e discovery for Kilpatrick Townsend and the legal sector. An edited version follows:

Q: When did e discovery become a legal necessity for law firms? In other words,herr nike free 3.0 v3, did e discovery follow a parallel tract to e commerce and other internet area that went from fringe to mainstream?

Answer: While the discovery of electronically stored information has generally been a requirement for civil litigation matters for decades, the adoption of the revised 2006 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure resulted in the formalization of the e discovery process.

That led to e discovery becoming one of the most important aspects of a civil litigation matter since it helps to establish the evidentiary record,nike skor.

Q: What has been the main legal catalyst for e discovery forensics, international trade,nike free 2014, speed of commerce, quicker pace to legal maneuvers?

Answer: The main catalyst has been the legal community's desire to ensure that all relevant evidence (in whatever form) is appropriately identified, preserved, collected and produced in civil litigation matters.

Q. Can you provide an example of a prominent legal topic that you have been involved in where e discovery played a prominent role in the outcome?

Answer: Numerous high profile cases have been decided based on e discovery related mistakes,michael kors väskor sverige.

One of the most famous e discovery related cases is the Zubulake vs. UBS Warburg employment discrimination matter where the plaintiff was awarded severe sanctions for the defendant's failure to preserve relevant electronically stored information. As a result of the severe sanctions, the plaintiff was awarded significant compensatory and punitive damages.

Q: How commonplace is e discovery becoming in most legal cases, and how often does it play the key role in the outcome similar to DNA in a criminal case?

Answer: E discovery is now done in most civil litigation matters,nike free run 2.

Given that the e discovery process helps to establish the evidentiary record in most civil litigation matters,nike free rea, it frequently plays a critical role in determining how civil litigation matters are resolved.

Q: What are the new frontiers for e discovery?

Answer: The intersection of e discovery and global information management; the intersection of e discovery and global data privacy; the intersection of e discovery and technology, particularly as it relates to predictive coding technology that stratifies electronically stored information based on a limited number of human decisions and computer algorithms interpreting the same; the evolving technology skills lawyers need to acquire in order to successfully manage complex civil litigation matters.
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Spice Up Your Inks

I love the smell of fresh ink on new paper, but most people I know prefer other scents, such as that wonderful new car smell.

I don't know anyone who doesn't like the scents of summer including a whiff of suntan lotion,nike free 2014, freshly mown grass or even cotton candy on a warm summer's day. Provocative scents lure and powerful smells can repel, but they all grab your attention.

Imagine being able to take some of the most powerful and pleasant scents and use them in your designs. Well, you don't have to imagine because it's easier and less expensive than you'd expect to add scent to anything that is offset printed. All it takes is a little extra time, the right know how and a cooperative printer.

One way to get scent on paper is to coat the entire sheet. That's the option that McCormick,michael kors, the company that makes spices and flavorings for food and cooking, has chosen to add some extra "spice" to its annual reports. Every year the company incorporates a different spice, such as ginger or cinnamon,michael kors plånbok, in the pages of the annual report.

To find out more about the project and the process of scenting paper in this way,nike free, I talked with Paul Schmitz at E. John Schmitz Sons, Inc. The company has been owned and operated by the Schmitz family since its founding in 1937 and in 2002, won a Sappi North American Printer of the Year Gold Award.

Schmitz told me that adding scent to a sheet of paper is as simple as adding a coat of varnish. In fact, in the process they use on the McCormick annual report,michael kors hamiton, the scent is applied to the paper inline (on press) in much the same way as a varnish is applied. The addition of the coating requires extra drying time, but basically, it's a simple process. Schmitz suggested,nike free run 3.0 v3, though,nike free skor, that it's not the kind of thing every printer would be comfortable doing because getting it right takes some experience. Micro Scent has more than 400 pre mixed scents you can use, including chocolate, lawn, sea breeze and yes, suntan lotion. Micro Scent will also mix up custom scents, which is what it does for the McCormick project.

Making a custom scent can take several weeks and requires an oil (not water) soluble fragrance, which Micro Scent can help find or develop. The company doesn't usually charge extra for the development and testing process.

The paper stock used in the McCormick scented section of the annual report is a matte, which is what Micro Scent recommends. The scent is microencapsulated, and the process works best with matte or dull coated or vellum papers as opposed to gloss coated stocks. The process tends to give the paper a matte appearance, so you need to choose a paper with that in mind.

If you don't need to coat the entire sheet or if you want to make sure the scent doesn't reveal itself as soon as the envelope is opened, then you can add a scratch and sniff or rub and sniff scent to the paper. Doing so allows you to place more than one scent on a single sheet of paper,billiga nike free, as well. The company makes Rub'nSmell, a scented print varnish that also uses microencapsulated technology. The product can be applied inline just as any other spot varnish is applied and just about any quality paper can be used except newsprint.

The scent isn't detectible until the area where it has been applied is rubbed. Unlike older scratch and sniff processes, the scent can be activated many times because the process applies millions of microcapsules within a small area.

I asked Berard for the names of a few customers who are using the product. A week or so later, I chatted with Dana Springfield, director of circulation at Yankee Candle. He manages the company's retail and wholesale catalog production process, and he's been using Rub'nSmell for a few months now with great success.

The company's retail operation sends out eight to ten catalogs a year, ten million in all, and Springfield was looking for a way to let customers smell new candle fragrances. He's run several tests with the scented varnish and has been so impressed with the increased sales that he's using it to introduce six new scents in the latest catalog.

The biggest lesson he and his staff learned from the tests is that they needed to find a way to call attention to the coated areas that contain the scent. The printed sample I received from Berard has dotted lines around the areas with instructional text. For example, a dotted line appears around a jar candle with the text, "Rub the jar to experience Citrus Sunshine Fragrance!" printed directly above the jar.

Berard likes the fact that you can't smell the scent until you touch the area where it has been applied, which allows people to stop and sniff only the scents they think they'll like. He also likes the price compared to other scented printing processes he has tried,nike free run herr, this one is the least expensive.

The hardest part of the process may be finding a printer that has extensive experience in using scented products. However, if you talk to the scent suppliers in this article they will be able to direct you to a printer who is familiar with their products. So, if you have a project that could benefit from the added boost of an evocative fragrance,nike free run 3, then you should investigate the difference scent can make. She writes frequently for several industry publications and is also a speaker on paper issues and educational topics related to the paper industry.
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3 Ways to Make Home Cooking Super Fun

Our family's new favorite homemade pizza. Photo credit: Amy Suardi

We all know that preparing our own food can do wonders for a sagging bank account. But not everyone feels the love,herr nike free 3.0 v3.

Even though I usually don't mind whipping up dinner, I have plenty of moments when I long to toss the kids in the car and head out for Mexican. Our tight budget makes me wait until that craving passes; then I pull up my bootstraps and get to the kitchen.

Not everybody has the financial constraints we do, but most people wouldn't mind reining things in. Here are three ways to love your night in:

1,michael kors väska. Pretend You're on TV

After watching your favorite cooking show, print out the recipe to your favorite dish and write the ingredients on your shopping list. When it's time to chow down, ask everyone to rate it: either thumbs up or thumbs down,michael kors, or one to five stars. If your creation makes the cut, the recipe gets added to your family's favorites.

The Chow section of Parentables is a great place to find reliable,michael kors shop, and free, recipes.

2,nike free 5.0. Make a Five Star Version of Everyone's Favorite

Tacos,nike free? Macaroni and cheese,michael kors jet set? Chicken fingers with dipping sauces?

Push beyond Totino's and Old El Paso and find a rocking recipe for seven layer dip and chimichangas. When you find that recipe,michael kors shop, making the dish and eating it together will become the highlight of your weekend.

We are hooked on a homemade pizza I tried just a few months ago (after being married to an Italian for only 10 years). When that sweet tangy smells fills the kitchen,nike free run 3, it signals party time.

3. Sleuth Out Restaurant Recipes

Remember those cheddar and bacon potato skins from Friday's? Or that chocolate flan you had on your honeymoon,billiga michael kors?

I was wowed by the warm artichoke dip from Houston's steakhouse, and after finding the recipe online, it became my go to dish for potlucks, dinner parties, and for just making a Friday night at home feel special.
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Understanding Copayments

Not all doctor visits require co payments,michael kors sverige, yet some physician's offices will routinely collect them, resulting in a credit balance on an account. Often,nike free barn, people enter a physician's office and immediately pay their co payment. Depending on the amount of a patient's co payment, this can result in several hundred dollars owed to a patient.

If you are billed for your doctor's visits, you might think that you don't have any money owed to you, because a credit is not reflected on your bill. This is not the way it works. Because you are receiving a bill that has been generated for a specific date, the bill will not reflect your entire account balance.

You should always keep your receipts and compare them to your insurance company's explanation of benefits. If you don't understand the explanation of benefits, you should call your insurance company and ask. Also, it's always a good idea to call your insurance company and find out how much your copayment is before you receive any physician services.

The most common circumstance for credit balances occurs when a patient has had a surgery, no matter how minor. Outlined below is how to determine if you have a refund owed to you from being overcharged for surgical procedures, and how to obtain your refund.

Surgeries:Surgeries, or invasive procedures, range from small to large. The most common smaller procedures, usually performed by a family practitioner, include ingrown toenail removals, a mole removal with or without a biopsy, or stitches from an injury.

The larger procedures are performed by specialists, like cardiologists and orthopedic surgeons,nike free, and normally include a pre operative visit.

Procedures of both scales have a global period, commonly referred to as post operative care or follow up days. The doctor visits that fall into post operative care are not payable by the insurance company or bythe patient.

Every insurance company has a list of procedures and a pre determined number of global days that are included with the payment of the procedure; the number of global days is taken into consideration when the insurance company pays the doctor for the procedure.

There is normally a global period of 7 10 days for small procedures. Your co pay should be collected the day the procedure is performed. A follow up appointment should be scheduled at that time.

The second visit involves removing any stitches that were required for the procedure and to ensure there is no infection. This visit is not payable by the insurance company or by the patient.

The global period for larger procedures commonly range from 30 120 days. In order to determine the exact amount of global days, a phone call to your insurance company may be necessary.

The first opportunity at overpaying your doctor for the larger procedures is the day of the pre operative visit. There should be no charge for this visit unless you have not paid your co pay for the surgery.

Each and every visit that falls into the global period does not require a co payment. The only exception to this rule is if you are seeing your doctor for a reason unrelated to the surgery.

Also, if your surgery requires a cast, the visits for removal and recasting are not payable.

How to Determine How Much You're OwedIf you have paid your physician's office a co payment under the above listed circumstances, chances are good that you have a credit balance. Hopefully,nike free 5.0, you have kept all of your receipts, and maybe even the EOBs (explanation of benefits) from your insurance company. This will allow you to reconcile your account. If you haven't,michael kors jet set, there is still a way to get the money owed to you.

Even though there is no payment expected, the post operative visits should still be billed to the insurance company as a record that you were seen. This also enables the insurance company to review their payment methodology for surgeries.

You should have received an EOB from your insurance company reflecting that no payment was issued and the reason: included into post operative care; or something similar.

If payment was issued to your doctor, they may have accidentally billed for the wrong service. The procedure code that should have been used for the postoperative visit is 99024 and not a code that begins with '992'. If the procedure code,nike free run 3.0 v3, or service, begins with '992', you need to call your insurance company and let them know your visit was a post op visit and billed as a regular office visit.

You should attach all of your receipts to your EOBs and take them to your physician's office or call them. Sometimes a physician employs a billing service, in which case you will need to call them. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, or it proves to be difficult, you should call your insurance company and ask for assistance.

If you haven't kept your receipts from the physician's office,nike free run 3, you can ask them to review your account for a credit balance. If they quickly respond by saying your balance doesn't reflect a credit,michael kors väska, they haven't done what you have asked them to do. You can still show a balance on your account and still be owed a refund. Here's why:

All the services that are provided by your doctor's office are listed in an itemized format by the date of service, and what you have requested them to do is review every date of service, or more specifically, the period of time around your surgery.

If you have a balance on your account there are two reasons (besides you owing them money):

1. They are still waiting to receive payments from your insurance company.

Even though you have paid your copayments for each visit, your doctor might not have received the payment from your insurance company. Because there is a visit that remains unpaid, there is a balance on your account.

As an example, you might be owed $80.00, but because they are waiting for payment from a service that cost $150.00,nike free 5.0 dam, there will not be a credit reflected on your account.

2. They have not applied a write off or adjustment.

The doctor's office has a fee schedule a list of charges for every service. Often, payment calculations vary among insurance companies. The fee schedule will reflect the highest reimbursement so the doctor isn't underpaid.

For example, one insurance company might pay a percentage of billed charges. Another insurance company might pay a pre negotiated amount. If the doctor bills $300.00 and the negotiated rate is $350.00, the doctor is only going to receive up to what has been billed.

When payment is received from an insurance company, an adjustment, or deduction, needs to be applied to the remaining balance to close it out. Often,herr nike free 3.0 v3, an account will reflect a balance because these adjustments have not been applied.
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Ellers kan du løbe ind i retssager og i sidste ende miste dine venner og måske dine pårørende. <p> Hvis dine muskler er stramme, og derefter sat i en stretching regime til dit program eller tilføje en yoga klasse eller to om ugen. Så en $ 15,000 check fra en større kampagne donor til at betale for mad på affæren var en gave til bruden og gommen og ikke til ham, og derfor ikke behøver at blive offentliggjort i henhold til loven, siger guvernøren.

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State Senator Andrew Lanza, en republikaner, der repræsenterer Staten Island, der foregår alle i hans krig mod de amerikanske ateister. Det er ikke går godt. Ifølge vores første runde af meningsmåling matematik, havde han lige knap kantet ud Chiwetel Ejiofor på 12 år en slave. Efter at offentliggøre resultaterne, vi opdagede, at vi havde forpasset tre stavefejl i Ejiofor navn i kritikernes stemmesedler, hvilket betød tre Ejiofor stemmer blev ikke føjet til skuespillerens officielle total.After nogle flere mulberry tasker københavn runder af bug trampet ville du ikke tro, hvor mange måder kritikere kan stave navne som Scarlett Johansson eller Ad Exarchopoulos Vi er glade for at meddele, at Ejiofor har kantet ud Isak med to stemmer, beviser endnu engang, at mulberry pung dårlig Llewyn Davis kan bare ikke vinde.

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