Session 5

From Gameresource

(6:42:35 PM) JadeWyvern: I mean.
(6:42:38 PM) JadeWyvern: :D
(6:42:39 PM) Dove: LOgging, begun.
(6:44:01 PM) QuicksilverFox85: And, apropriately enough, I just found The Ninth Gate on the tv
(6:44:08 PM) QuicksilverFox85: It's almost over, though
(6:44:16 PM) Sparda: Awwww, that's a fun movie.
(6:44:36 PM) QuicksilverFox85: I has a Mastigos based off of Corso.
(6:45:34 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Oh yeah. That whole heart-filling thing. Psh.)
(6:48:24 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Blazing Phoenix raises her head to look upon the group again, she is still phyisically the young girl that was once Southbound Phoenix but there is something unmistakably different about her that can't be determined, could it be her pretty new white robes? or the black Lead Bracers around her wrists? It's probably that she's sold her soul... yes that's it
(6:49:05 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (cutoff)
(6:49:10 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (?)
(6:49:17 PM) Seras: It's probably that she's sold her soul... yes that's it
(6:49:47 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (no cut off there then, though I should really spellcheck)
(6:50:16 PM) Dove: Dove stands up, smiling ear to ear, and actually gives the new Infernal a hug, beaming.
(6:50:49 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade laughs and nods at Blazing Phoenix. "Glad to have you join our Ranks, you're a welcome addition."
(6:50:57 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I've realised now how much work there is to be done..."
(6:51:02 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku bows to his new cousin. "A welcome addition indeed."
(6:51:03 PM) JadeWyvern: "And might I add, the new white robes look stunning."
(6:51:26 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Everything, to it's proper place."
(6:51:53 PM) Dove: Dove steps back, releasing, grinning slightly.
(6:51:55 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "the world shall be as it once was, whole"
(6:53:00 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix smiles at Dove
(6:53:46 PM) Dove: "We should be getting back, don't you think?" She looks at Reku. "We have that Air-aspect still there... and the Holy Arc."
(6:53:46 PM) Sparda: "Well, WELL!" Moonlight rubs his hands together. "This calls for a celebration. Song and wine and global reform for everybody."
(6:54:10 PM) JadeWyvern: "Celebration is always nice, though, Dove."
(6:54:11 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "I believe the plan was to return...on the other side of that damn barrier?"
(6:54:19 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Indeed."
(6:54:20 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "Mother, do you wish me to return with the others?"
(6:54:56 PM) Seras: "go, my child. You know my desires in your heart."
(6:55:05 PM) Dove: "Let's celebrate after the threat is over?"
(6:56:08 PM) Sparda: *Nod* "Of course. Work first, I suppose."
(6:56:20 PM) Dove: "Then we can sing and burn things."
(6:56:26 PM) Dove: She coughs at the last part.
(6:56:32 PM) Dove: "Things, not people."
(6:56:35 PM) JadeWyvern: "Well, Bathing in the blood of our enemies will be reward enough, I suppose."
(6:57:39 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I'm not one to oppose either course of action"
(6:57:47 PM) Seras: (So the plan is to portal yourselves back to Creation, then?)
(6:57:55 PM) Dove: Dove winches at Jade's remark.
(6:58:15 PM) Dove: "I like the smell of burning blood only in small amounts, thank you.'
(6:59:22 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Indeed.)
(6:59:27 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Shame, that."
(6:59:28 PM) JadeWyvern: "Burn? Who says I'd burn it? That's a waste." Grin.
(6:59:55 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku smirks, then bows deeply to the Yozi. "This humble servant thanks you, Mother of All."
(7:00:09 PM) Dove: Dove gives her a look, grinning slightly. "My beloved has a habit of nicking me."
(7:00:16 PM) Seras: "There is no need to thank me, Beloved of Cecelyne."
(7:00:28 PM) Dove: Dove bows deeply again, her eyes no longer as afraid as she had first seen the woman.
(7:00:46 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He nods, then makes his way out of Cyntherea's domain.
(7:00:58 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku leans towards Phoenix. "You will learn that the ways of the true Chosen can...challenge conventional attitudes on occasion."
(7:01:38 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade also bows to te Yozi. "Until next time." She offers Phoenix an arm, "Shall we?"
(7:02:00 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I'm willing to do what is required of me, we are afterall family"
(7:02:02 PM) Dove: Dove offers her own arm to the other side of Phoenix, smiling.
(7:02:06 PM) Seras: Reku: you can use your portal powers out of here, if you wish. You don't have to go out to the Desert to use it.
(7:02:11 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Once back on the vines, Reku looks about for the agata which had given him a lift before.
(7:02:37 PM) Seras: it is hovering obediently outside.
(7:03:16 PM) Seras: Everyone stepping outside can make a Per/Awr rolls
(7:03:19 PM) Seras: *roll
(7:03:40 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 6
(7:03:40 PM) Plentimon: Le_Kanzaku (6), 4, 2, 4, 4, 10, 4, Successes : 2
(7:03:46 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (True, but it would be rude to do so while still in Cyntherea's area.)
(7:03:49 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (44!)
(7:04:03 PM) Seras: (we are not playing WotG, you)
(7:04:04 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !ex 9
(7:04:05 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (9), 4, 2, 6, 1, 7, 9, 7, 10, 10, Successes : 7
(7:04:09 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Shazam!)
(7:04:10 PM) JadeWyvern: !ex 8
(7:04:10 PM) Plentimon: JadeWyvern (8), 2, 10, 4, 10, 8, 4, 1, 2, Successes : 5
(7:04:16 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Woo!))
(7:04:21 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(7:04:22 PM) Plentimon: Dove (3), 9, 10, 9, Successes : 4
(7:04:27 PM) Dove: (Holy shit)
(7:04:46 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 5
(7:04:47 PM) Plentimon: Blazing_Phoenix (5), 6, 8, 6, 8, 2, Successes : 2
(7:05:36 PM) Sparda: !ex 7
(7:05:37 PM) Plentimon: Sparda (7), 3, 2, 4, 5, 9, 2, 7, Successes : 2
(7:06:12 PM) Seras: everyone sees a vaguely man-shaped figure descending, with some kind of dark ribbon trailing behind him.
(7:06:37 PM) Seras: Jade and Reku can see that it is Jacint, probably coming on behalf of Adorjan.
(7:06:52 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Whosat again?))
(7:06:59 PM) Dove: (Prince of the tower)
(7:07:00 PM) Seras: (the road maker guy)
(7:07:23 PM) Dove: Dove looks up, blinking. "Someone's coming, it looks like."
(7:07:24 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Ohhh))
(7:07:41 PM) JadeWyvern: "It's Jacint, I wonder what's going on."
(7:07:54 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "How curious."
(7:09:34 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku looks towards the figure, a slight smile on his face as he bows. "Greetings, Prince Upon the Tower."
(7:09:50 PM) Dove: Dove also bows politely, standing with Phoenix.
(7:09:58 PM) Seras: He comes into clear view scant moments later. The demon is the size of an ordinary man-about 6 feet tall- though different in make: his skin is as black as basalt and his eyes glitter like crystals. The Prince upon the Tower perches upon a globe of gold, standing proudly, his retrograde knees jutting at inhuman angles.
(7:10:19 PM) Seras: Behind him winds an endless road.
(7:10:26 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade nods, "What's up, Prince? Besides you, of course."
(7:11:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix smiles a little at Jade's remark but is respectfully silent
(7:11:15 PM) Seras: "Greetings Beloved of the Yozis. It is at the behest of my Lady that I come to you for the simple purpose of offering you a way out. Her Beloved is counted among your numbers, and I shall not deny service to those my Lady loves."
(7:11:17 PM) Sparda: Moonlight spreads his arms in a welcoming gesture. "Jacint! What brings you to us?"
(7:11:30 PM) Sparda: ((Lol, late.))
(7:11:44 PM) Seras: (We'll just pretend you said that before he finished explaining)
(7:12:06 PM) Sparda: "My lady is, as always, jsut generous enough. We'll happily walk your road."
(7:12:08 PM) Seras: "Come, step upon the road, and I shall lead you wherever you desire to go."
(7:12:41 PM) Dove: Dove looks even more guilty now for the Yozi's kindness, especially after defying her.
(7:14:00 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "If you please, take us to my lady's lands. It is time to return to Creation, and we must take our leave from there."
(7:14:01 PM) Seras: "So tell me, where is it that my resplendent companions desire to go?"
(7:14:06 PM) JadeWyvern: "Thank you very much for your kindness!" Jade leaps up onto the road, grinning.
(7:14:20 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Ninja'd!)
(7:14:40 PM) Seras: "Then I shall take you forthwith to the edges of the Endless Desert. But only to the edges, for my purview is confined to Malfeas' body."
(7:15:05 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "But of course." He nods, then steps onto the road.
(7:15:15 PM) Seras: (everyone on board?)
(7:15:28 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Wait, how is this helping us?))
(7:15:41 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Don't we need to port to -inside- the boundaries of the ward?))
(7:15:57 PM) Sparda: Moonlight jumsp stylishly onto the road and takes a seat.
(7:16:00 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Mmhmm.)
(7:16:03 PM) Dove: Dove gets on as well, looking somewhat nervous.
(7:16:12 PM) Seras: (yes, but you're going to port FROM the Endless Desert, by Reku's choice, rather than out of Cecelyne's Domain)
(7:16:18 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix steps on with a little hesitation
(7:16:23 PM) Seras: (er, Cytheria's)\\
(7:16:23 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Ohh.))
(7:16:29 PM) Sparda: Moonlight pats her shoulder. "No worries Dove, Jacint walks steadily."
(7:16:50 PM) Dove: "I'm just... guilty, that's all."
(7:16:54 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "You brave the Dragon's bed, yet you fear a road?" Reku chuckles, looking back at the Dragon-blooded.
(7:16:54 PM) Seras: "Walk?" The demon regards Moonlight with a coy smile. "For you, I shall *fly.* "
(7:17:18 PM) Dove: "I'm not afraid." Dove grins slightly.
(7:17:26 PM) Seras: The road beneath your feet expands into a platform to easily accomodate all of you.
(7:18:33 PM) Dove: Dove sits down. "It's just I feel a little miserable for what I had done before, that is all."
(7:18:39 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku floats along it, hhmmming.
(7:19:08 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "what's wrong Dove?"
(7:19:14 PM) Seras: then the Third Circle Demon spreads his great alabaster wings and propels himself skyward, the road lurching suddenly, then spiraling and twisting effortlessly up into the sky. He makes the winding path of cinders snake and caress around the Brass Spire and flare outwards, giving all Infernals aboard a breathtaking view of the Temple of the Green Sun where demons prostrate themselves in worship
(7:19:41 PM) Dove: "Don't you remember? When I had suggested thatyou would be given to a Yozi without a servant?"
(7:19:53 PM) Dove: She gets distracted, looking at the temple, smiling.
(7:20:00 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Was it not you who said that each Yozi should have a servant?" He looks down at Dove. "When you make a choice, child, do not doubt yourself."
(7:20:06 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade waves up at the Temple.
(7:20:21 PM) JadeWyvern: -The tower really is beautiful, Master.-
(7:20:37 PM) Dove: "I am not doubting it, but I am still trying to figure out why I was so... adamant about it."
(7:21:18 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I remember, however you should recall that the masters are greater than us. They can see wisdom in your words even when you do not"
(7:21:24 PM) Seras: Clamorous Cloud Arsenals flee the path, and those that do not are simply knocked aside, then the road takes a sharp turn down and skims at breakneck speed over living buildings, winding through layers and archways of flesh, skipping across the knotted silver forests of Szoreny and making an impossibly long bridge over the acrid green sea of Kimberry
(7:22:16 PM) JadeWyvern: -Indeed he is. The way he works with his hands is just..amazing.-
(7:22:38 PM) Dove: "True." Dove crosses her arms. "It's just still, I know it was something from before I became akuma."
(7:22:43 PM) Sparda: ((Aossry, I'm kind of having to run about doing some small chores as we get Christmas things ready, so if I disappear for a bit, that's why.))
(7:22:46 PM) Seras: Then it dips low, brushing along the few remaining layers until the path comes to rest just feet from the quiet rustling of the Endless Desert.
(7:23:11 PM) Dove: "That could be the other part bothering me. It's like an itch."
(7:24:00 PM) Sparda: ((Wyvern is totally straight for Ligier. >.>))
(7:24:08 PM) Dove: ( : P )
(7:24:15 PM) JadeWyvern: ((<_<))
(7:24:32 PM) Sparda: Moonlight seemed unperturbed by the trip and the circumstances. "Hmmmhmmhmmmmmmmm"
(7:24:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: ((well Ligier can probably be a girl for her))
(7:24:43 PM) Dove: "That is a mystery for later, though."
(7:24:43 PM) Seras: "There, Beloved of the Yozis. I have granted you safe passage."
(7:24:55 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku looks to Jacint as the road stops, then bows. "This humble servant thanks you for your kindess, Prince Upon the Tower. He imagines that an august being such as yourself has much better things to do than to ferry those such as us about."
(7:25:30 PM) Dove: "Thank you very much, Prince Upon the Tower, and your Lady, for such a favor.." She bows deeply again.
(7:25:42 PM) JadeWyvern: "Many thanks, Prince. We shall make the Master's proud." With that, she leaps from the road, landing in the desert sand softly.
(7:25:44 PM) Seras: "It is nothing." He waves at hand at countless other replications of himself, commanding and directing the roadways of Hell, along which scuttle countless unearthly beings.
(7:26:29 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "it is still much obliged"
(7:26:52 PM) Sparda: "Excellently done, Jacint. You make The Mistress proud."
(7:27:26 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku steps off the platform, letting out a soft sigh as he steps onto the sands once more.
(7:27:38 PM) Seras: The demon bows and waits for everyone to disembark
(7:27:44 PM) Sparda: Moonlight jumped to the ground, straitening his lapels as he landed.
(7:27:45 PM) Dove: Dove steps down as well.
(7:28:22 PM) Dove: -I am sorry for not appearing before you, beloved. At the least, I created a memory that you will remind me of.-
(7:28:27 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku floats, as is his way.
(7:28:43 PM) Seras: *you are forgiven. I know you will always return to me.*
(7:29:36 PM) Dove: -I'll try not to vomit when I see you.- The Dragonblooded flushes somewhat, trying not to grin.
(7:29:59 PM) Seras: *I shall ensure that such is under control*
(7:30:33 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku seems to be communing with the Lady Desert. At any rate, he has a small smile on his face.
(7:30:35 PM) Dove: ANd there is a soft snort from Dove as she waits.
(7:32:13 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix has lost none of her curiosity but seems a lot braver now and wanders around
(7:32:21 PM) Seras: Coils and tendrils of blowing sand swirl around Reku's feet, and seem to lovingly touch his skin.
(7:34:44 PM) Dove: "Shall we go hurting some deluded fools now?"
(7:35:40 PM) JadeWyvern: "I believe..we shall."
(7:35:53 PM) JadeWyvern: Is that a hint of pleasure in her voice?
(7:35:59 PM) JadeWyvern: Okay, not a hint. There's a lot.
(7:36:17 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Let's get this over with quickly. There are important things to be done."
(7:36:22 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "save some for me please Jade"
(7:36:46 PM) QuicksilverFox85: After some time, Reku's eyes open, and he begins speaking in Old Realm as he beging the ritual to open the gate. "She Who Is Endless, she who lays at the edges of the world, your humble servant once again seeks your aid. We seek a passage into the heart of the enemy, to strike down the followers of the Traitor Sun. By your blessing, we shall serve you greatly."
(7:37:44 PM) Seras: "speak" the Desert whispers, the voice resounding in the still air, the cold sky, the countless grains of sand, "and it shall be done."
(7:37:57 PM) Dove: "I'd like to help. They won't be able to see me." There is a faint smile on her lips.
(7:38:04 PM) JadeWyvern: "I will, don't worry."
(7:38:33 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "We seek a passage into the camp of the Holy Arc, so that we may clense them from the lands of Creation which I have claimed in your name."
(7:39:26 PM) Seras: "Then go" a sandstorm kicks up, a whirlwind of sand creating a yawning vortex before the Beloved of the Yozis, "and let the will of the Yozis be done."
(7:39:53 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "As my lady bids." Reku bows, then steps into the vortex.
(7:40:07 PM) Dove: Dove leaps in, getting her hood back on.
(7:40:09 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade bows as well, entering the vortex.
(7:40:23 PM) Dove: "Thank you, good Lady!"
(7:40:45 PM) Seras: (the following roll would be made behind my GM screen, but as I have none, you get to see it. There are autosux attached to this roll, fyi)
(7:40:48 PM) Seras: !ex 10
(7:40:49 PM) Plentimon: Seras (10), 6, 10, 8, 1, 4, 6, 4, 5, 10, 4, Successes : 5
(7:40:56 PM) Seras: (ooh hoo hoo hoo)
(7:41:18 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Well, this should be fun.)
(7:41:35 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Greatt.))
(7:41:37 PM) Sparda: ((Oooh.)
(7:41:41 PM) Dove: (Oh dear)
(7:41:55 PM) Sparda: Moonlight shields his face and leaps into the vortex.
(7:41:56 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (doom doom doom doom)
(7:42:20 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku floats in, deep in thought.
(7:42:25 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix offers a respectful bow before joining her cousins
(7:42:32 PM) Seras: The vortex draws our Heroes (?) upwards through the fabric between worlds and deposits you into the bright, painful sunlight of creation once more.
(7:42:36 PM) Dove: Once back into Creation and sure of her location, the shadows wrap around Dove, and she just... vanishes.
(7:42:41 PM) Seras: 1) Everyone's DMDV, plz?
(7:42:54 PM) JadeWyvern: ((What was that calc, again?))
(7:42:57 PM) Dove: ( 8 MOFO)
(7:43:08 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (6)
(7:43:09 PM) Seras: (Integrity + Willpwer + Ess / 2)
(7:43:20 PM) JadeWyvern: ((7))
(7:43:21 PM) Seras: (Round up, regardless of what the fuck the book says)
(7:43:33 PM) Sparda: (7)
(7:43:36 PM) Dove: (Still 8)
(7:43:56 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (7, rather)
(7:43:57 PM) Seras: !ex 12
(7:43:58 PM) Plentimon: Seras (12), 8, 1, 9, 4, 8, 6, 2, 1, 9, 4, 8, 2, Successes : 5
(7:44:04 PM) Dove: (Can I be a whore and get a point of Integrity to add to her MDMV?
(7:44:09 PM) Dove: (MDV, even)
(7:44:13 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (8)
(7:44:41 PM) Seras: Unnecessary: as soon as you break into Creation, everyone feels a sharp pain in their heads and an onset of nausea, but nobody is suffering any mechanical ill effects.
(7:44:54 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (8)
(7:44:56 PM) Dove: Dove cries out with a grunt.
(7:45:04 PM) Seras: however, as your vision clears: Ubiquitous Per/Awr rolls
(7:45:10 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku shows nothing as the pain hits, although his insides twist up quite a good bit.
(7:45:13 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(7:45:15 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !ex 9
(7:45:15 PM) Plentimon: Dove (3), 2, 6, 2, Successes : 0
(7:45:16 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (9), 9, 2, 6, 9, 2, 2, 4, 4, 10, Successes : 4
(7:45:16 PM) Le_Kanzaku: " spherical friend, are you ok?"
(7:45:18 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 6
(7:45:18 PM) Plentimon: Le_Kanzaku (6), 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 1, Successes : 1
(7:45:20 PM) JadeWyvern: "I'm going to rip them apart."
(7:45:21 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 5
(7:45:21 PM) Plentimon: Blazing_Phoenix (5), 7, 2, 10, 10, 5, Successes : 5
(7:45:27 PM) JadeWyvern: !ex 8
(7:45:27 PM) Plentimon: JadeWyvern (8), 7, 2, 3, 10, 10, 5, 2, 5, Successes : 5
(7:45:28 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (wow)
(7:45:28 PM) Seras: "I feel as though I have spun about far too much, my lord.
(7:45:40 PM) Dove: (Thank god Dove is invisble right now...)
(7:45:44 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Did we just have the same roll, except mine with two more dice?))
(7:46:03 PM) JadeWyvern: ((3 more dice-))
(7:46:09 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: ((indeed))
(7:46:11 PM) Seras: Dove...doesn't notice anything. She's too busy focusing on being Not There.
(7:46:27 PM) Seras: Kanzaku can see the shapes of people as the dust is settling
(7:47:06 PM) Seras: Phoenix, Reku and Jade all very clearly see--directly ahead of them a tall, lean man with his arms crossed over his chest, two glowing blades in his ....other two arms.
(7:47:21 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Can I activate Lunar Hero Style?))
(7:47:32 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Form))
(7:47:34 PM) Sparda: "Owwwwwww... Ugh my head..."
(7:47:35 PM) Seras: to his right is the familiar figure of the swathed gunman from before.
(7:47:46 PM) Seras: Everyone gets ONE scenelong charm activation. Sorcery does not count here.
(7:48:02 PM) Sparda: "Well, shit. Some action already."
(7:48:03 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Hmm, I'll do DBT, then.))
(7:48:31 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Activate CotSM, of course.))
(7:48:38 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Bugger. Never asked you about that custom, so err, nada.)
(7:49:12 PM) Seras: "Sneaking in the back door! Very clever, very clever indeed. I know you guys would be clever, but I wasn't really expecting a PORTAL straight from Malfeas!" He laughs as if you've done something worth being proud of.
(7:49:13 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (lack any scenelongs at the moment)
(7:49:26 PM) Ostaf [] entered the room.
(7:49:34 PM) Sparda: (Same here, no scenelongs.)
(7:49:38 PM) Seras: (We really need to set this chat to Private)
(7:49:45 PM) Seras: (esp. with the name)
(7:49:54 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku bows. "We do what we can, Sunspawn."
(7:50:04 PM) Ostaf left the room.
(7:50:31 PM) Seras: "Tsk tsk, no need to go throwing around insults just yet."
(7:50:41 PM) Dove: Dove turns and sees the people, and sighs softly, walking carefully closer...
(7:50:51 PM) Seras: (closer to whom?)
(7:51:01 PM) JadeWyvern: "How could we insult you even more than the traitorous stink in your anima, friend?" If friend could be an insult, she just made it one.
(7:51:04 PM) Seras: (they're a fair distance apart, the gunman and this guy)
(7:51:05 PM) Dove: (The Solars)
(7:51:13 PM) Dove: (Oh, the gunman)
(7:51:21 PM) Seras: (Awareness roll as you get closer)
(7:51:23 PM) Dove: (She has a shank to do)
(7:51:27 PM) Seras: (Perception and, that is)
(7:51:30 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(7:51:31 PM) Plentimon: Dove (3), 6, 2, 1, Successes : 0, Botch
(7:51:36 PM) Dove: (FUCK)
(7:51:37 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Ouch.)
(7:51:39 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (oh noooo)
(7:51:41 PM) Seras: You think he might not have a face.
(7:51:48 PM) Seras: At all.
(7:52:20 PM) Sparda: (D=)
(7:52:23 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Hmm. It seems the scales must be properly balanced."
(7:52:26 PM) Dove: Dove has a very funny look on her invisible face, and she gets an evil idea.
(7:52:31 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (faceless mook, good for killing I always say)
(7:52:39 PM) Dove: She begins walking for the Holy Arc camp instead.
(7:52:58 PM) Dove: (I know, but does Dove know?)
(7:53:04 PM) Seras: (nope!)
(7:53:10 PM) Dove: (Exactly)
(7:53:21 PM) Dove: (She figures to do something a little more...
(7:53:25 PM) Seras: (Ok)
(7:54:08 PM) Seras: "Look, pals," he says 'pals' much in the same way that Jade said 'friend,' "I'm a nice guy. We can work this out."
(7:54:21 PM) Seras: "You can leave quietly, or we can have a fight."
(7:54:59 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade looks down at herself, moving slightly, a creaking coming from her scales rubbing together. "I don't do quiet too well, amigo."
(7:55:00 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "You are on lands claimed by my temple, Sun-chosen. Thus, it should be you who leave."
(7:56:09 PM) Sparda: "Yeah. We might make some permanent friends with you if you guys decide to stay camped here for too long." Moonlight smirked and made a mocking kissing expression. "So pack up, sweetheart."
(7:56:28 PM) Seras: "I didn't see a sign here claiming it as yours."
(7:56:38 PM) Seras: He gestures emphatically with his upper two arms.
(7:57:03 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "This is going to end with a great fountain of blood."
(7:57:07 PM) Seras: "mmmm."
(7:57:11 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Spraying towards the heavens."
(7:57:13 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Those who know where to look can easily see the signs."
(7:57:23 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He motions to the sands themselves.
(7:57:28 PM) JadeWyvern: Here's your sign. She hocks a loogey of acidic poison in his direction, which sizzles upon contact with the sand.
(7:57:41 PM) JadeWyvern: ((That should have quotes.))
(7:57:43 PM) Seras: "ooh, a *charming* one, aren't we!"
(7:57:52 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "ooh that was nasty"
(7:58:04 PM) Seras: "well, let's not waste any further time! I'm Darjek the Red, and I'll be kicking your ass today! <3"
(7:58:25 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "So you say."
(7:58:43 PM) JadeWyvern: "Is it opposite day, or something?" Jade looks around, seemingly helplessly.
(7:58:44 PM) QuicksilverFox85: And, with that, Reku unwraps the orichalcum dire chain from around his waist.
(7:59:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "pride was the undoing of the First Age, though I'm sure lessons in humility can be taught"
(7:59:39 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade leans down, running her claws through the sand, grinning wickedly. "Now this is what I'm talking about."
(7:59:57 PM) Seras: He makes a clucking noise with his tongue. "My my. There are one, two, three, fouuurrr...FIVE of you and....two of us."
(8:00:27 PM) Dove: Dove stops, and blinks, sighing.
(8:00:35 PM) Seras: "Ah well. I like a challenge."
(8:00:53 PM) JadeWyvern: "Insanity it is."
(8:00:56 PM) Seras: He uncrosses his upper arms.
(8:01:12 PM) Seras: Revealing that his chest is covered in twisting orichalcum designs.
(8:01:26 PM) Dove: "Oh, wait." Dove sighs, and turns. "Maybe I should just get him down." And she begins to walk around to behind the gunner.
(8:01:33 PM) Seras: The gunman's weapons make a clicking noise.
(8:01:43 PM) Seras: (Another Awareness roll, Dove)
(8:01:47 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(8:01:48 PM) Plentimon: Dove (3), 10, 7, 5, Successes : 3
(8:02:40 PM) Seras: The light catches just right and you for a moment you can see under the swathing protecting his face. He 1)has eyes in the back of his head 2)the eyes on the front of his face are ...without irises or pupils. This PROBABLY does NOT mean he's blind.
(8:02:54 PM) Seras: that third eye on his forehead?
(8:03:14 PM) Seras: Then the hat is back over it, and the light passes.
(8:03:22 PM) Dove: ".... Wow. He is more twisted than most demons." Dove mutters. "Let's just get this over with."
(8:03:36 PM) Seras: "There are six, Darjek." The gunman growls.
(8:04:17 PM) Seras: "Well," the four-armed man shrugs again, "you know me, Kaleph, I *said* I liked a challenge."
(8:04:17 PM) JadeWyvern: -Men, stay hidden, but surround our opponents, I want three squads, one around the two Traitors, and another encircling us all, keeping watch. Any questions?-
(8:04:38 PM) Seras: -NO SIR!-
(8:04:51 PM) Dove: -I feel sorry for him.-
(8:05:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix draws her moonsilver short daiklaves and smiles as she watches sunlight reflect off the swords
(8:05:28 PM) JadeWyvern: -Thank you. Only Intervein if it is seems nessicary.-
(8:05:43 PM) Dove: !ex 13
(8:05:44 PM) Plentimon: Dove (13), 2, 7, 5, 10, 6, 1, 2, 4, 10, 6, 6, 5, 4, Successes : 5
(8:05:45 PM) Seras: -YES SIR-
(8:06:17 PM) Seras: He flashes to the side, pulling reflexively away from your attack.
(8:06:27 PM) Seras: "And one's hiding."
(8:06:45 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Nice charms, that one.))
(8:06:46 PM) Seras: "Well, bud, seeing things that can't be seen is your job. I'll take the rest."
(8:06:47 PM) Dove: "Damn!" A low hiss in Old Realm. She was ready to fight.
(8:06:50 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku idly extends a hand, sparks of energy crackling and arcing from it.
(8:06:55 PM) Seras: JOIN BATTLE
(8:07:00 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(8:07:01 PM) Plentimon: Dove (3), 10, 8, 10, Successes : 5
(8:07:06 PM) JadeWyvern: ((May I stunt?))
(8:07:06 PM) Dove: (O.O)
(8:07:07 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !ex 8
(8:07:07 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (8), 6, 2, 10, 7, 5, 4, 7, 3, Successes : 4
(8:07:12 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 4
(8:07:12 PM) Plentimon: Blazing_Phoenix (4), 4, 4, 5, 10, Successes : 2
(8:07:17 PM) Seras: (sure)
(8:07:27 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Actually, nah.))
(8:07:29 PM) JadeWyvern: !ex 10
(8:07:29 PM) Plentimon: JadeWyvern (10), 1, 3, 2, 6, 2, 4, 9, 9, 9, 4, Successes : 3
(8:07:34 PM) JadeWyvern: ((onfiunbqeguinpoeiguoehiwtuiwhfjkenf))
(8:07:37 PM) Dove: (BUWAHAHAA)
(8:07:41 PM) Seras: !ex 10
(8:07:42 PM) Plentimon: Seras (10), 9, 2, 2, 10, 8, 9, 7, 10, 4, 5, Successes : 8
(8:07:47 PM) Dove: (HATE)
(8:07:48 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (O_o)
(8:07:49 PM) Seras: !ex 8
(8:07:50 PM) Plentimon: Seras (8), 6, 5, 10, 8, 2, 4, 7, 2, Successes : 4
(8:09:03 PM) Seras: (Kanzaku? Moonlight?)
(8:09:10 PM) Sparda: !ex 6
(8:09:11 PM) Plentimon: Sparda (6), 3, 6, 4, 6, 4, 10, Successes : 2
(8:09:14 PM) Sparda: (2)
(8:09:14 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 8
(8:09:15 PM) Plentimon: Le_Kanzaku (8), 9, 8, 2, 2, 10, 10, 5, 9, Successes : 7
(8:09:19 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Had to check my wits)
(8:10:31 PM) Seras: Darjek sets the reaction count at 8, Kanzaku at 1, Dove 3, Kaleph/Reku 4, Jade 5, everyone else, 6
(8:12:20 PM) Seras: Darjek blurs, only a dust cloud remaining where the man once stood. He flashes suddenly into everyone's view as he attacks, his glorious sabers or ...glinting orichalcum claws... punching into armor or tearing into flesh.
(8:12:27 PM) Seras: One attack against all of you, except Dove.
(8:13:27 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Can I stunt-buy a combo?))
(8:13:38 PM) Seras: (yes, but you better stunt well)
(8:13:55 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku's chain flies up as the Solar draws near, orichalcum chiming against orichalcum.
(8:14:01 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Wha- BUT I'M A MAN OF SCIENCE DAMN YOU!" He leaps backwards, crackling energy tracing a trail under him as he goes sailing off, seemingly propelled by the burst.
(8:16:11 PM) Sparda: Moonlight smoothly danced his way backwards, moving with more accuracy and alacrity upon the sand than he had any right to as he flowed like a drop of water streakign down a mirror.
(8:17:56 PM) JadeWyvern: Green essence explodes around Jade as the attack comes towards her, a crack resounding through the air as her arms move so fast that they momentarily break the sound barrier, the glittering Moonsilver claws wrapping around those of her enemy, a malicious grin coming to her features, "Prepare to face..MALFEAS'S JUDGEMENT!" the cloud of essence roars into a torrent, the face of Malfeas himself laughing smugly as Jade's tail suddenly whip
(8:18:00 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Did it cut off?))
(8:18:04 PM) Seras: (yes)
(8:18:08 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (suddenly whip)
(8:18:09 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Where?))
(8:18:19 PM) Seras: (see above)
(8:18:39 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade's tail suddenly whips now-crystallized sand at the Solar's face while suddenly rolling to the side, such that the man's own weapon finds it mark not on Jade, but on himself.
(8:18:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix seems almost taken aback by the attack at first, luring her opponent into a false sense of security before twisting back from the attack with phenomenal speed. The Moonsilver blades clash with the Orichalcum making an all too distinctive metallic ringing.
(8:18:50 PM) JadeWyvern: ((First Dex, SNake Body Tech, and 3rd Strength.))
(8:19:38 PM) Seras: One to Reku and Kanzaku, two to Jade and Phoenix and three to Moonlight because FUCK that was SEXY
(8:20:13 PM) Dove: (And zero for the pretty ninja near the gunner : P)
(8:20:31 PM) Seras: (hit one of my Criteria for 3 dicers)
(8:20:35 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Is it a good enough stunt? :D))
(8:20:39 PM) Seras: (Yes)
(8:20:45 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Yay!))
(8:20:52 PM) Seras: (everyone's DV totals, plz?)
(8:21:00 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (8 total)
(8:21:02 PM) JadeWyvern: ((12.))
(8:21:06 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (5 >.>)
(8:21:22 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (black lead adds 1 right?)
(8:21:34 PM) Seras: (To the defense POOL, yes
(8:22:02 PM) Seras: (The attacks will go in this order: Jade, Kanzaku, Phoenix, Reku, Moonlight)
(8:22:39 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (it's 7 with the daiklaves 3 for bracers, 1 for them being black lead)
(8:22:56 PM) Seras: (Bracers don't add to PDV)
(8:23:06 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (oh right yes, oops)
(8:23:09 PM) Sparda: ((Mmmmm, I love you too Seras. <3))
(8:23:17 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Oh! Parry! Duh. 7, not 5. :P)
(8:23:51 PM) Sparda: ((So... 7 total. ^^;;))
(8:24:16 PM) Seras: !ex 18
(8:24:16 PM) Plentimon: Seras (18), 2, 1, 2, 5, 10, 6, 7, 9, 4, 4, 2, 2, 7, 2, 10, 4, 6, 10, Successes : 9
(8:24:19 PM) Seras: !ex 17
(8:24:20 PM) Plentimon: Seras (17), 3, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9, 2, 5, 10, 7, 7, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, Successes : 7
(8:24:23 PM) Seras: !ex 16
(8:24:23 PM) Plentimon: Seras (16), 6, 1, 4, 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 1, 9, 7, 1, 10, 4, Successes : 6
(8:24:26 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (HAH! DON'T NEED IT!)
(8:24:26 PM) Seras: !ex 15
(8:24:26 PM) Plentimon: Seras (15), 2, 4, 2, 7, 7, 7, 10, 7, 7, 4, 6, 6, 9, 10, 9, Successes : 11
(8:24:33 PM) Seras: !ex 14
(8:24:33 PM) Plentimon: Seras (14), 4, 2, 6, 2, 7, 7, 2, 1, 6, 3, 8, 2, 7, 5, Successes : 4
(8:24:42 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (...screw you, Plentimon)
(8:25:05 PM) Sparda: (I need to start sucking him off under the table again, right? T___T)
(8:25:08 PM) Seras: He struck with his sword for the first three, and the claws with the last two
(8:25:21 PM) Seras: so he hits....Reku.
(8:25:37 PM) Jade_Wyvern [~18188c1e@6824EAF2.4E5788D1.1A09FF46.IP] entered the room.
(8:25:44 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Gah, what did I miss?))
(8:25:59 PM) Seras: Also: his blade hooks back around to catch him through the chest, but the man twists and cavorts around his own weapon, his attack missing himself as well as you
(8:26:23 PM) Seras: (Darjek missing everyone but Reku)
(8:26:25 PM) JadeWyvern left the room (quit: Disintegrated: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)).
(8:26:31 PM) Seras: he hits Reku by 4. Your soak?
(8:26:37 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((He takes his own attack!))
(8:26:43 PM) Seras: (His own attack missed)
(8:26:46 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (8L thanks to armors)
(8:26:53 PM) Seras: Seras> Also: his blade hooks back around to catch him through the chest, but the man twists and cavorts around his own weapon, his attack missing himself as well as you
(8:27:15 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Bah.))
(8:27:31 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Wait, I can use charms to affect it.))
(8:27:47 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Wait, never mind, I can only affect damage.))
(8:27:51 PM) Seras: (yeah)
(8:28:14 PM) Seras: !em 6
(8:28:15 PM) Plentimon: Seras (6), 5, 6, 5, 10, 8, 5, Successes : 2
(8:28:22 PM) Seras: two Lhls, Reku
(8:28:46 PM) Seras: Kanzaaakuuuu
(8:29:53 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku skids to a halt, clouds of dust and sparks rising up before he resumes his customary floating. "My brave companions, get me an opening!" He snaps his fingers, causing a violet spark to leap into the air...and hang above his hand, humming and growing brighter every second.
(8:30:09 PM) Seras: (you'sa Chargin Your Lazer?)
(8:30:14 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Yush)
(8:30:29 PM) Seras: (Tick 2? Still chargin?)
(8:30:40 PM) Dove: (... I will kill you if you go "SHOOP!")
(8:30:51 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((SHOOP DA WOOP!))
(8:31:01 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Until further notice or I max out at tick 13)
(8:31:12 PM) Dove: (... *kills JW. HARD*)
(8:31:38 PM) Seras: DOVE! TICK 3!
(8:31:43 PM) Dove: With a silent alien hiss, Dove spins on her toes in an unseen dance as she moves to the side of the Kaleph, her daiklaive's heat rippling almost visibly, as if it was as hot as her anima blazing in her lover's coils. The first strike is upward, at his head and his hat, the second directly downward at his arms, and finally horizonally at his waist. Malfeas damn his power, she would make him waste it before she used her own!
(8:31:48 PM) Dove: (Flurry, 3 hits)
(8:31:59 PM) Dove: (Yes, I had that prepared)
(8:32:12 PM) Dove: (Shall I roll?)
(8:32:27 PM) Seras: (do you want a cool descrip of what he's doing or no?)
(8:33:03 PM) Dove: (Not really. tiem and all)
(8:33:09 PM) Dove: (He is SSEing it all)
(8:33:13 PM) Dove: (>P)
(8:33:22 PM) Seras: (no, but he IS applying his DV. which stays at 8)
(8:34:18 PM) Dove: (Okay then... What do I roll?)
(8:34:26 PM) Dove: (Well, stunt die, I mean)
(8:34:28 PM) Seras: (your attacks +2)
(8:34:34 PM) Dove: !ex 12
(8:34:35 PM) Plentimon: Dove (12), 2, 2, 3, 8, 4, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 2, 3, Successes : 1
(8:34:38 PM) Dove: !ex 11
(8:34:38 PM) Plentimon: Dove (11), 2, 8, 1, 4, 8, 4, 7, 7, 8, 2, 2, Successes : 5
(8:34:42 PM) Dove: !ex 10
(8:34:42 PM) Plentimon: Dove (10), 8, 9, 4, 4, 2, 4, 10, 2, 3, 2, Successes : 4
(8:34:48 PM) Dove: (Fuck you Plenti)
(8:35:13 PM) Seras: You ARE successful in knocking his hat off
(8:35:33 PM) Seras: which causes the swathing around his head to drop around his shoulders, revealing the blank eyes on the front of his face.
(8:35:41 PM) Seras: (Spd?)
(8:36:11 PM) Dove: ( 3 )
(8:36:23 PM) Seras: Kaleph goes! and Reku!
(8:36:58 PM) Sparda: (GASP! HE BLINDEDED!)
(8:37:09 PM) Seras: The gunner points his weapon at Dove and fires.
(8:37:33 PM) Dove: And a blaze of fire comes to life!
(8:37:51 PM) Dove: (First Dodge Excellency, how much can she spend?)
(8:38:01 PM) Dove: (I don't have the DB book with me at school)
(8:38:08 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (attribute + specialty)
(8:38:11 PM) Seras: (up to Ability + Spec, sux add directly to DV)
(8:38:14 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (ABILITY)
(8:38:21 PM) Seras: (and it is NOT capped at 5 sux, because it's a gamble.)
(8:38:48 PM) Dove: (So 3...)
(8:38:59 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(8:39:01 PM) Plentimon: Dove (3), 3, 5, 1, Successes : 0, Botch
(8:39:04 PM) Dove: (Bah)
(8:39:17 PM) Seras: (3rd Dodge is the best)
(8:39:21 PM) Dove: (DV 6?)
(8:39:38 PM) Seras: (your stunt carries over, so you can apply that)
(8:40:12 PM) Seras: !ex 16
(8:40:12 PM) Plentimon: Seras (16), 7, 8, 3, 10, 8, 5, 2, 10, 2, 2, 1, 2, 6, 3, 7, 2, Successes : 8
(8:40:25 PM) Dove: !ex 2
(8:40:26 PM) Plentimon: Dove (2), 9, 2, Successes : 1
(8:40:36 PM) Dove: (One sux over...)
(8:40:42 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku takes in a breath as he is struck, then smirks as he sets sights on the gunman. "Very clever, very clever." He strides through the sands as though he was part of them...then he actually is, as the heartthstone in his dire chain flares to life.
(8:40:48 PM) Seras: (wait, what's your Hardness/)
(8:40:52 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Activating Stone of Refuge)
(8:40:56 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (thought stunt dice added directly)
(8:40:58 PM) Seras: (remind me what that does)
(8:41:00 PM) Seras: (they do)
(8:41:08 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Earth Meld ftw)
(8:41:25 PM) Dove: (For Dove? 8)
(8:41:30 PM) Seras: (like, mechanically)
(8:41:46 PM) Seras: (ah, your hardness was very close to stopping his dmg)
(8:41:53 PM) Dove: (Awww.)
(8:41:59 PM) Seras: (your L soak?)
(8:42:03 PM) Dove: (8)
(8:42:08 PM) Seras: !em 4
(8:42:09 PM) Plentimon: Seras (4), 6, 3, 2, 10, Successes : 1
(8:42:14 PM) Seras: One level of dmg
(8:42:35 PM) Seras: (is Reku doing anything ohter than utilizing his hearthstone power?0
(8:42:37 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Sink into the ground and become part of it. Only damaged by someone actively digging into the ground, no worries about breathing while under.)
(8:42:46 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Not at the moment)
(8:42:49 PM) Seras: (ok)
(8:42:59 PM) Seras: (Misc action, yes?)
(8:43:48 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (*nod*)
(8:44:14 PM) Seras: JADE AND DARJEK TICK 5 GO
(8:44:27 PM) Jade_Wyvern: Jade leaps to the right side of her opponent, pivoting off of one foot to spin around using this momentum to bring her left claw scything upwards across his back, the muscles in her arm suddenly contorting as their mass doubles, the force of the blow sending him flying into the air.
(8:44:42 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((First Dex-5 dice, and 3rd Str to double Str for damage.))
(8:45:01 PM) Seras: He dances away from her attack, unleashing several attacks of his own, orichalcum claws scything through the air as he does so.
(8:45:09 PM) Seras: (Four attacks on you, btw)
(8:45:13 PM) Seras: (his DV is 110
(8:45:19 PM) Seras: (11, not 110)
(8:45:29 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (o_O)
(8:46:08 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Four on me?))
(8:46:11 PM) Seras: (yes)
(8:46:12 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((And any stunt?))
(8:46:16 PM) Seras: (two dice! <3)
(8:46:37 PM) Jade_Wyvern: !ex 29
(8:46:38 PM) Plentimon: Jade_Wyvern (29), 9, 1, 10, 10, 6, 7, 5, 5, 1, 9, 5, 1, 3, 2, 8, 4, 5, 3, 5, 2, 10, 10, 8, 2, 7, 4, 7, 4, 1, Successes : 15
(8:46:45 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Boom!))
(8:46:53 PM) Seras: He bumps that to DV 14, you hit by 1
(8:47:03 PM) Seras: before yo uroll dmg
(8:47:05 PM) Seras: his attacks roll
(8:47:14 PM) Seras: !ex 20
(8:47:15 PM) Plentimon: Seras (20), 2, 4, 5, 10, 8, 9, 2, 2, 5, 2, 3, 8, 1, 8, 6, 10, 5, 6, 5, 1, Successes : 8
(8:47:19 PM) Seras: !ex 19
(8:47:20 PM) Plentimon: Seras (19), 5, 7, 2, 4, 7, 5, 1, 4, 4, 2, 8, 9, 4, 8, 5, 3, 8, 2, 9, Successes : 7
(8:47:23 PM) Seras: !ex 18
(8:47:24 PM) Plentimon: Seras (18), 4, 6, 8, 8, 7, 3, 4, 5, 5, 8, 7, 4, 10, 8, 2, 5, 6, 10, Successes : 10
(8:47:30 PM) Seras: !ex 17
(8:47:31 PM) Plentimon: Seras (17), 5, 8, 10, 6, 9, 3, 5, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 8, 4, 10, 6, Successes : 8
(8:47:35 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Wooo!))
(8:48:18 PM) Seras: (chekin' something)
(8:48:37 PM) Seras: (your DV went 12, 11, 10, right?)
(8:49:09 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Yeah.))
(8:49:14 PM) Seras: (k)
(8:49:49 PM) Seras: As your fist connects with his chest, the tattoos meld into a sheet of orichalcum and he only grins and you send him flying. 12L soak, not subject to P.
(8:50:23 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Is it considered armor? Out of curiosity.))
(8:50:39 PM) Dove: (Bah, I have to go now.)
(8:50:41 PM) Seras: (considered magical, so no)
(8:50:53 PM) Seras: (Okay, we're going to cliffhang soon anyway- 10XP!)
(8:50:55 PM) Jade_Wyvern: !ex 9
(8:50:56 PM) Plentimon: Jade_Wyvern (9), 2, 1, 7, 9, 9, 4, 3, 5, 1, Successes : 3
(8:51:00 PM) Dove: (I have to log this off, someone else post this...)
(8:51:03 PM) Jade_Wyvern: ((Does my damage count? XP))
(8:51:04 PM) Dove: Bye!

  • Dove has left #hellgame

<Jade_Wyvern> ((<3!))
<Sparda> (I wanted to shoot someone with singing tonight. XD)
<Blazing_Phoenix> (anyone logging?)
<Seras> (I'm going to go to tick 6, don't worry guys
<Seras> (if someone could log the end of this, i'd be most obliged)
<Seras> (Spd Jade?)
<Blazing_Phoenix> (I'd log if I knew how)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((4))
<Seras> (just copypasta from where she left into a document XD)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Wait, 3.))
<Blazing_Phoenix> (okay)
<Seras> !ex 9
<Plentimon> Seras (9), 1, 4, 3, 1, 10, 8, 2, 4, 1, Successes : 3
<Seras> He does NOT take knockback, and he laughs as he grounds himself.
<Jade_Wyvern> ((But he did just take 3L. :D))
<Seras> (he did!)
<Seras> Tick 6: Phoenix and Moonlight (and Dove, but she's not here)
<Seras> (I have to pee, so stunt your hearts out while I do that)
<Blazing_Phoenix> “I’ve got your back Jade” cries Phoenix as she leaps into the fray to attack Darkjack, her swords whistle through the air as she charges in to help deal with the insolent Solar. As she gets closer the sound picks up, becoming louder and louder before Phoenix seems to enter into what can only be described as a storm of blades, to any mere mortal this would be his undoing. A Solar though? It
<Blazing_Phoenix> would give him something to think about...
<Blazing_Phoenix> (Iron Whirlwind :))
<Seras> He twists and dances away from your attacks, his body winding in ways it simply /shouldn't
<Seras> DV 10, stays there.
<Seras> oh PS two dice stunt
<Blazing_Phoenix> (can I channel valour too please?)
<Blazing_Phoenix> (pretty please?)
<Seras> (yep!)
<Blazing_Phoenix> (8 attacks, 22 dice each)
<Seras> (holy MOSES)
<QuicksilverFox85> (...christ on a crutch)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((6 dex?))
<Seras> (...I have an ingrown hair on my arm >.<)
<Blazing_Phoenix> (dexterity + 1 and Fury of the Dawn)
<Seras> (*tries not to pick at it* >.>)
<Le_Kanzaku> (Gah! Oww.)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Oh, nice.))
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 2, 4, 3, 1, 3, 10, 3, 7, 4, 9, 9, 10, 2, 5, 7, 4, 5, 4, 6, 7, 4, 6, Successes : 9
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 2, 6, 9, 7, 3, 7, 7, 6, 3, 7, 4, 10, 4, 2, 4, 8, 9, 6, 6, 8, 6, 5, Successes : 10
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 8, 8, 7, 5, 9, 5, 6, 8, 1, 3, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2, 9, 1, Successes : 8
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 6, 4, 1, 6, 2, 1, 8, 8, 1, 4, 10, 9, 9, 5, 4, 5, 10, 7, 10, 5, 2, 2, Successes : 11
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 8, 5, 10, 6, 2, 3, 9, 9, 9, 3, 8, 3, 9, 4, 6, 5, 7, 10, 1, 5, 8, 2, Successes : 12
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 2, 5, 10, 1, 5, 1, 1, 8, 10, 8, 9, 6, 5, 4, 9, 6, 6, 3, 2, 1, 3, 7, Successes : 9
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 2, 5, 2, 5, 3, 8, 1, 4, 3, 10, 6, 4, 1, 3, 8, 4, 3, 9, 1, 9, 3, 10, Successes : 8
<Blazing_Phoenix> !ex 22
<Plentimon> Blazing_Phoenix (22), 7, 1, 7, 5, 6, 6, 10, 2, 9, 7, 4, 1, 4, 7, 6, 8, 3, 7, 3, 5, 4, 4, Successes : 9
<Seras> When your attacks come close to striking him, he twists away at the last second, your blade missing by fractions.
<Seras> At this point though, a vague shimmer of sweat marks his brow
<Seras> along with a glittering Dawn Caste Mark.
<Le_Kanzaku> (Yeeesh. Dawntacular!)
<Seras> (3rd Dodge, twice, FYI)
<Seras> (spd?)
<Blazing_Phoenix> (4)
<Seras> (Moonlight, are you about?)
<Sparda> Moonlight, meanwhile, is ready to put some hurt on the gunman before he can draw his shooting irons and put some people on fire. BRushing a hand through his hair, the chocker at his neck shines balfeully and he takes a deep breath. The sand under his feet vibrates and lifts off as a bass rumble surrounds him. Then, with a sudden toss back of his head and a throw of his arms, (cont)
<Sparda> he lets out a violent and triumphant cry of "HEEELLLL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" There is a BURST of sound and energy and teh sand around him moves away as if escaping as a piercing lance of sonic energy finds it's way towards the Solar.
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Oh, Seras, did you roll resistance for the Dawn after Jade hit him?))
<Seras> (yes, he succeeded)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Okay. Just making sure, because I forgot. Lol.))
<Seras> (heeheheheh, two dice stunt for Moonlight! Is this defensible normally?)
<Sparda> ((Using the Harmonizer's Sonic Lance attack. >3 Spending 6 motes for 18L Piercing damage. And it is dodgeable but not parryable without magic.))
<Seras> (He does indeed dodge)
<Sparda> !ex 15
<Plentimon> Sparda (15), 9, 9, 7, 6, 1, 10, 1, 8, 10, 8, 7, 4, 1, 5, 5, Successes : 10
<Seras> The three eyes on his face widen and he throws hiself to the side, his DV is 8
<Sparda> (13 successes total. >3)
<Seras> Even his Resurgent attempts to evade your attack fail!
<Sparda> ((Errr, wait.))
<Sparda> !ex 2
<Plentimon> Sparda (2), 7, 3, Successes : 1
<Seras> He has 10L soak
<Sparda> ((Forgot stunt dice. >3))
<Sparda> ((so 5L soak with piercing?))
<Seras> (yup)
<Seras> (You're Essence 4, 4right?0
<Seras> ( ^ me typing in a hurry)
<Seras> ( ^ me typing in a hurry)
<Sparda> (3)
<Seras> (you should be 4, everyone is 4)
<Seras> (if you're not marked at 4, get there)
<Seras> anyway
<Sparda> (Ah! Sorry about that. ^^;;)
<Seras> !ex 8
<Plentimon> Seras (8), 8, 4, 10, 5, 8, 9, 1, 4, Successes : 5
<Sparda> !em 19
<Plentimon> Sparda (19), 6, 5, 10, 1, 10, 7, 9, 5, 6, 9, 4, 7, 4, 8, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, Successes : 8
<Sparda> (8 Lethal. >3)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Woo!))
<Le_Kanzaku> (Mr. Moonlight Is Hardcore)
<Sparda> (He'll kick your ass with a catchy tune, Solar bitches.)

  • Seras has quit IRC (Ping timeout*)

<Le_Kanzaku> (D:)
<Blazing_Phoenix> (got to use Iron Whirlwind more often :))
<Sparda> (D=)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((IW is one of my favorite charms.))
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Hey, for Octopus and Spider Barrage..))
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Would my Fists, Feet, Tail, and Jaws count?))
<Blazing_Phoenix> (don't see why not)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Eeeexcellent.))
<Le_Kanzaku> (Yes, they count.)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((And each gets the bonus of my CotSM, right?))
<Le_Kanzaku> (I believe that is indeed the case.)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Epic. I'm going down that path, then.))
<Sparda> (Yupyup)
<Jade_Wyvern> ((Once I grab the Snake Body addon charm.))
<Jade_Wyvern> ((And make the combo: ACCURACY WITHOUT DISTANCE THIS, BITCH.))
<Le_Kanzaku> (BP: Iron Whirlwind is THE world of hurt for Solar Melee)

  • Seras has joined #hellgame

<Seras> (son of a BITCH)
<Seras> Seras> He succeeded at Iron Skin Concentration *points*
<Sparda> ((T____T))
<Seras> !ex 6
<Plentimon> Seras (6), 6, 7, 1, 7, 7, 8, Successes : 4
<Seras> The dice are with him tonight, and he does not suffer disorientation, though you DO force him to take a moment to cover his ears.
<Sparda> (Blast)
<Seras> (simple or Supplemental action?)
<Sparda> (Simple. I'm at SPD 6)
<Seras> I do believe this means that everyone has gone at least once
<Sparda> (Yus)

  • QuicksilverFox85 sets mode: +o Seras

<Seras> then I think this is a good place to cliffhang, since everyone's gotten their chance
<QuicksilverFox85> (*thumbs up*)
<Seras> there's also a log, and I'll save the tick sheet
<Seras> 10XP!
<Seras> I hope everyone had fun
<Le_Kanzaku> I shall charge my laser until next week.
<Jade_Wyvern> I FUCKING DID.
<Jade_Wyvern> Seras, I'ma buy the addon to Snake Body, yees?
<Seras> remind me what it doez
<Seras> I recall being ok with it
<Seras> I recall being ok with it
<Jade_Wyvern> Adds +2m and lets it be applied no matter where they are.
<Jade_Wyvern> It's a canon charm.
<Jade_Wyvern> XP
<Seras> oh!
<Seras> Okay
<Seras> Sure
<Jade_Wyvern> Yay!
<Seras> Any questions, comments, concerns
<Le_Kanzaku> ....Still charging.
<Jade_Wyvern> 58 XP. :D
<Jade_Wyvern> Allll spent.
<Seras> Is that 58 total?
<Jade_Wyvern> Yep.
<Seras> I mean, do you have 58 XP on yoru character
<Jade_Wyvern> Yeah. 58 total.
<Jade_Wyvern> I'm planning to write a fic, also.
<Jade_Wyvern> Once I get out of finals phase.
<Seras> awesome sauce.
<Seras> only 92 more XP til Essence 3
<Seras> er
<Seras> 5
<Jade_Wyvern> Wooooooooo!
<Jade_Wyvern> 52 more XP?
<Blazing_Phoenix> nice

  • Le_Kanzaku is now known as Le_Squide

<Seras> yes. 52 >.>

  • Blazing_Phoenix is now known as Lioness

<Seras> wait
<Seras> I dunno
<Seras> it's after midnight, so I can't do math
<Jade_Wyvern> Haha. XP
<Seras> you need 150 XP for Essence 4
<Seras> 5
<Seras> fucking fingers
<Jade_Wyvern> Hahaha.
<Lioness> a pity Iron Whirlwind didn't go as expected, still it does allow Jade to get a few attacks in
<Lioness> potentially
<Jade_Wyvern> 92 is correct. :D
<Seras> wooo!
<Sparda> Hehehe.
<Seras> then 700 for Essence 6.
<Le_Squide> You also made him burn motes Essence Flow-ing; given that we're up against an absolute tank of a dawn, that'll probably be worth more then my eventual Really Big Elemental Bolt.
<Jade_Wyvern> Yeah.
<Jade_Wyvern> I'm actually considering shifting to my trump form.
<Jade_Wyvern> We might need it in this battle.

  • Seras lets out a small Evil GM giggle.

<Sparda> ...o__o
<Seras> There's a Zenith, too
<Seras> *giggles*
<Lioness> I thought so
<Jade_Wyvern> Oh christ.
<Seras> they did away with that under 1e T_T
<Seras> er 2e
<Jade_Wyvern> Oh.
<Seras> Fuck you fingers, you're fired
<Jade_Wyvern> Let me warm 'em up for you.
<Seras> From now on, I'm typing with my FEET
<Jade_Wyvern> Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
<Seras> Oh baby

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