Character Generation

From Gameresource


Character Generation

Character Template

  • Begin with the usual character generation for the specific Exalt type. Real Deal for Lunars upon request. DO NOT SPEND BONUS POINTS TO RAISE ESSENCE.
  • Apply the benefits of Investiture of Infernal Glory from 1e's Player's Guide. DO NOT SPEND BONUS POINTS TO RAISE ESSENCE.


  • ALL EXALTS may freely learn Spirit Charms as non-favored charms.
  • Each Exalt gains a unique, natural Elemental Power as dictated by the Storyteller.
  • Celestial Exalts gain an Elemental Affiliation, which grants them +1 die to all social rolls involving Elementals, Gods, and Dragon Blooded associated with that Element. They may have additional associations with the purchasing of the Additional Affinity merit.

Additional Affinity: 2 Point Merit

Souls of Gaia only
This grants a Soul an additional Aspect, as far as outward appearances go, granting them an additional +1 die to all social rolls involving Elementals, Gods, and Dragon Blooded of that Element. This may be taken up to four times and may not be acquired after character generation.

  • Eclipse Caste Solars may learn Spirit Charms as Favored, and never pay additional motes when using Dragon Blooded Charms related to their Elemental Affiliation(s).
  • Lunar Exalted are expressly permitted to have Elementals as their Spirit Shape, but must take the necessary Knack at character generation.
  • Lunar Exalted may NOT use the Spirit Charm "Shapechange." Their native Exalted power is by far greater and overrules it.
  • The Elemental Aspect markings are wholly visible in the Lunar's human form and War form. They hide with the Tell in all other forms, and are considered to be concealed with the same charm that makes the Tell unnoticeable.

Benefits for Dragon Blooded

  • They are considered Celestial Exalts for all intents and purposes: Heavenly Rights, learning both Celestial Martial Arts and Sorcery.
  • Dragon Blooded who receive the Ultimate Exaltation are beyond the limits of Aspect and therefore no longer pay an Out of Aspect mote surcharge on Charms. They gain the bonus from having an Elemental Affiliation from their native Aspect, and may purchase additional ones through the Additional Affinity merit.
  • Any dots of Breeding the Dragon Blooded possesses increase automatically to 6.
  • Immaculates who become Souls treat the Glorious Dragon Paths as native Hero styles in addition to Terrestrial Hero Style. Other Dragon Blooded may do the same, but may need pointed in the right direction.
  • The "fails against magical attacks" clause is eliminated from all Dragon Blooded defenses, though any other clause in the defense still applies.


  • Like all Exalts, the Souls are subject to the Great Curse. It is the Curse of the Neverborn and only Lytek and the Maiden of Secrets (and possibily Orabilis) have a full, cognitive grasp on the nature of the Curse and how it works.
  • The living Essence of Gaia is antithetical to the necrotic Essence of the Neverborn and thus no Soul of Gaia may learn Necromancy beyond the First Circle. Dragons of a Different Color who become Souls find that they are suddenly capable of Sorcery, however.
  • The Souls ties to their Element(s) are so strong that they become like Elementals unto themselves. Anything that adversely affects a specific type of Elemental (not spirits in general!) affects the Soul per his/her Affiliation(s).
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