Tear-Streaked Blossom

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Revision as of 21:43, 23 September 2009 by (Talk)

Name: Tear-Streaked Blossom
Concept: Silent Back-Up
Splat/Caste: Sidereal/Secrets
Motivation: To find a way to prevent the Usurpation from ever happening again
Anima: The green of moss that you can not tell is new or old.



Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 (4 bp)
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
(24 XP)


Serenity: Dodge 3, Linguistics 1 (Old Realm, Riverspeak), Socialize 1
Battles: Archery 4 , Athletics 2
Secrets: Occult 3, Lore 3, Investigation 3, Larceny 3, Stealth 4
Endings: Awareness 4, Bureaucracy 2, Integrity 3, Martial Arts 2, Medicine 1
Specialties: Archery (G. O. N. +3), Occult (Solar Charms +2), Stealth (While Cleaning +1) (4 bp) (3 xp)


Athletics: Forgotten Earth
Archery: Opportune Shot, Any Direction Arrow
Investigation: Efficient Secretary Technique
Larceny: Avoiding the Truth Technique, Thought Swiping Distraction
Occult: Mark of Exaltation, Telltale Symphony, Terrestrial Sorcery
Awareness: Prior Warning, Expected Pain, Wise Choice
Spells: Emerald Circle Countermagic


Artifact 4 (Godking Omnipresence Nullifer, Spd 5 Acc 3 Dmg 5L --- Rate 2 P. a shot from a Godking Omnipotence Nullifier negates soak wholesale, save Soak provided by Charms or Sorcery. The wounds are incredibly traumatic and require a Sta + Res roll at difficulty 3 in order to staunch the bleeding. Otherwise, the Exalt bleeds out .... just like a mortal. Att 8) (2 BP)
Manse 4 (2 bp) (Cadent Carbuncle) - A beautiful crystal set into Hearthstone Bracers Blossom wears around her wrists. Those who know of its manse, the Claret Citadel, know that it once belonged to a Dawn Caste named the Crimson Guard. Blossom often visits it, but never speaks of what she does there.
Wealth 3 (Purchased: Starmetal Hearthstone Bracers, Starmetal Reinforced Buff Jacket)
Backing 3 (NSR) - Blossom is almost infamous for her skills at archery and her ability to never allow her biases get in the way of her duty. It's... almost frightening at times, though most know she is also not the most valorous sort.
Artifact 3 (Starmetal Infinite Resplendence Amulet)


Colleges: Corpse 1, Key 3, the Sorcerer 2, Guardians 1
Compassion 4, Conviction 3, Temperance 4, Valor 2 (6 BP) (3 xp)
Willpower 8
Essence 3
Personal - 14
Peri - 19
Committed: 20 ( sob)


The mortal Petals Around the Rose was a quiet, meek woman born and raised in Hollow, working as a janitor. Most adults simply gave up on her after realizing that her intelligence was lacking, and most didn't even think the girl held the potential for anything greater than the profession she had, let alone a Sidereal Exaltation. Most overlooked her, period, thinking that without a thought of her own, nothing would remain. That was just fine for the big, tall woman, who was happy to be left alone. She cleaned and tended and simply listened. She treasured everything she learned, rolling it in her empty mind as she worked and lived. Petals was just the janitor, after all. She never talked.
Which surprised everyone when the girl approached a Solar openly one day and lit her Caste mark, only hours old, as she meekly informed him of a forming Yozi cult she found that consisted of almost everyone in her place of work. The Bureau was very unsettled at the discovery that Radiant Emerald Skies, one of Creation's leading Savants, had died at the hands of a demon and that Petals was completely his opposite in brilliance. She trained and matured, not fully sure of herself, Exalted or not, until she was introduced to a fellow Exalted, a Dawn Caste by the name of Evan, the Crimson Guard.
The two weren't exactly inseparable, as both were young Exalted learning about the world, but whenever it was possible, the two would spend their time together, the Dawn assisting the Secrets in learning the art of archery and firewands, while she tried her best to act as a Vizier to him. It was obvious to most of the Chosen that the two were likely to marry, and in fact, Evan's Zenith circlemate had hinted at wanting to preside over that event.
There are still records in the Lute about their relationship, happy memories and letters. But all of those are sealed away, along with the very name Petals was born with Petals. A woman who had taken the name Tear-Streaked Blossom sealed it all away in silence, an event that happened days after the Usurpation and the disappearance of the Crimson Guard. Now Blossom serves the Night Sky Regime as a sniper, using a weapon that is almost never seen, and as a sorcerer. For the most part, she does her work efficiently, but there is something lacking. The Regime is sure of her loyalties, at least.


Speed 5, Accuracy 15, Damage 8L (P), Defense -, Rate 2, Range 100

9 Join Battle (wits + awareness)
6 Dodge DV [(dex + dodge + Essence)/2 - mobility penalty], round up, adding bracers
3 Parry DV [(dex + ability + defense)/2], round up
Armor Penalties (Starmetal, -1 damage rolls)
-1 Mobility Penalty
0 Fatigue Value
13 Bashing (stamina + armor)
8 Lethal (1/2 stamina (round down) + armor)
7 Aggravated (armor)
6 Bashing
6 Lethal
3 Move (dex - mobility penalty yards/tick)
9 Dash (dex + 6 - mobility penalty)
5 Jump (strength + athletics - mobility penalty)
Social Defense Values
7 Dodge MDV [(Willpower + Integrity + specialty + Essence)/2], round up
3 Parry MDV [(Manipulation) + Bureaucracy + speciality]/2, round upbr>


Current: 21
Used: 12
What has been purchased: (Specialty: G. O. N. +3 (9), Larceny 3 (3))

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