Setting stuff

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Revision as of 00:17, 13 July 2009 by (Talk)

A Timeline of Events

  • 3516: the height of the Era of Dreams
  • 3536: The Grand Conclave is held, and the three fates of Creation discerned.
  • 3537: Construction of the Jade Prison is begun in secret. The project is headed by a Secrets named All Revealed in Daylight.
  • 3546: Some time during this year, scholars argue that the Sun turned his back from his Chosen.
  • 3566: Calibration: the Usurpation begun at Salina's great feast. The Godkings escape into the Threshold. The Crown Residence destroyed. Varan Pen captured by the Godkings. Jade Prison sabotaged.
  • 3567: The Night Sky Regime declared in power. Salina executed publicly. The project to assume complete control begun. Manse re-aspecting begun.
  • 3572: Manse re-aspecting finished. Names of major locations officially changed. Temples officially co-opted.
  • 3575: Larquen Quen publicly announces that he is alive, well, and has established an empire. He also publicly announces his desire to siege and reclaim Meru.
  • 3579: First sighting of Night Terror.
  • 3581: The Present.

The Night Sky Regime

The Rebellion

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