Character generation
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Revision as of 02:31, 7 July 2009 by (Talk)
Night Sky Regime
Lunars of the Night Sky Regime may use all Five Full Castes.
- They gain 9/7/5 and select two Caste Attributes and two Favored.
- Follow the training requirements listed on pp 48 of Lords of Creation
- Each Caste has a specific Favored ability: Full - War; Waxing - Performance; Half - Investigation; Waning - Stealth; No - Occult. Another Favored may be allotted anywhere.
- The No Moon anima applies to Intelligence rolls, not Occult rolls.
- 10 total Charms and Knacks; at least 3 must be Knacks
- 12 backgrounds. NSR characters may take Wealth.
Sidereals of the Night Sky Regime are NOT susceptible to Arcane Fate.
- Follow character generation as detailed in MoEP: Sids
- A Sidereal may have Followers and Cult (though the latter is still frowned upon)
- they may take Wealth, but it may not be higher than 3.
- Arsenal and Panoply are based on Backing (Night Sky Regime) not your Wealth.
- All NSR characters gain 6 points to spend on Virtues, not 5, and MUST have Conviction, Temperance and Valor at 2 or higher
- Start play with Essence 3 and 30 XP.
- Charms for non-Solar Celestials cost 9 if Favored, 11 if Unfavored, and 10 for Knacks.
The Rebellion
Solar Exalted of the Rebellion are forced into a mere mortal existence, and must avoid notice!
- Follow character generation as detailed in the Exalted core rulebook.
- Characters should not have Artifact or Manse above 3 without a really spectacular explanation.
- Similarly, Arsenal and Panoply are restricted, without an excellent reason
- Are you seriously asking me for Cult?
- Followers, Contacts, Allies and such, however, are all A-Okay
Lunar and Sidereal characters defecting or secretly double-crossing follow the chargen listed above. HOWEVER, a decent explanation for why you're doing this is required.
- Defectors may not have Backing (Night Sky Regime) above 3 without a phenomenal explanation for why you haven't bee CAUGHT yet.
Dragon-Blooded members of the Rebellion follow standard Dreams of the First Age chargen.
- Members of the prestigious unit The Seigelords resist the persuasions of the regime. They are playable, and follow the Charm requirements for Immaculate Monks. However these characters may know Solar Hero Style or The Open Palms of Disruption Style, found here: