From Gameresource
Name: Keighart Concept: Assassin turned Guardian Caste: Night Motivation: Protect Anaïs and learn why she had such a high price on her head Intimacies: Defend the Innocent, Destroy the Assassin Guilds, Learn about Creation
Appearance: Height: 5’6” Weight: 147 lbs Anima Banner: A starry blood red and purple nebula on a background of night, through which a dark red and grey tiger stalks, its forehead marked with the empty circle of the night caste
Str *** Dex ***** Sta ***
Per **** Int ** Wit ***
Cha ** Man ** App ***
Melee * xMartial Arts ***** Thrown **
xIntegrity *** Presence * xPerformance *** xResistance ***
xInvestigation *** Lore * Medicine * Occult *
xAthletics *** xAwareness ***** xDodge **** xStealth **** xLarceny ***
Linguistics * (Riverspeak, High Realm) Socialize *
Compassion ** Conviction *** Temperance ** Valor *** Virtue Flaw: Compassionate Martyrdom
Willpower ******
Essence ***
Backgrounds Artifact **** Paired Orichalcum Black Widow Razors Artifact ** Oricalcum Hearthstone Bracers Manse ** The Monkey Stone Resources * Follower *** Anaïs
Flaws: Alien Upbringing (2) Enemy (3) The assassin guilds of Nexus, especially his former friends Disciple (2) Anaïs
Pool: Personal: 15/15 Peripheral: 27/37 Commited: 10
Health 0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/INCAP
45 XP
JB: 8
Attack: Speed 5 Acc 15 Dam 15L (10L) Rate 8 Soak: 11B/9L
DDV: 8 PDV: 6 MDDV: 6
Charms: 1st Martial Arts Excellency Crimson Leaping Cat Technique Striking Fury Claws Attack Tiger Form Raging Tiger Pounce Spine-Shattering Bite Stalking Cat Movement Meditation Leap From the Cloaking Shadows Attack Celestial Tiger Hide 3rd Integrity Excellency Durability of Oak Meditation Iron Skin Concentration Iron Kettle Body Ox-Body Technique 2nd Athletics Excellency Lightning Speed Surprise Anticipation Method 2nd Larceny Excellency 2nd Stealth Excellency Easily Overlooked Presence Method 3rd Dodge Excellency Shadows over Water Seven Shadow Evasion (Conviction)
Keighart was raised in a tomb. Kidnapped by an assassin cult that originated in a twisted interpretation of the inscriptions on the tomb of a first age solar, he was raised almost from birth as an assassin. As the first generation of the cult gradually began to die off, their mission gradually changed from their twisted religious mission to simply seeking profit. Even so, their access to the wonders that had been stored in the tomb meant that they were among the best in the business, and the few of them that had awakened essence were able to use those artifacts to enhance their prowess even more. They gradually developed into a respected part of the established assassin guilds of Nexus and the rest of the Scavenger Lands, and Keighart was no exception. Gifted with a pair of golden bracers and his incredible skill, he quickly became, if not notorious, at least well known in the darker side of Nexus.
That is, until his last mark. When word came into town of an open contract worth several kings ransom, enough silver to buy a small kingdom or a merchant fleet, almost every assassin in Nexus jumped at the opportunity. The mark was easy, a girl, a godblood named Anaïs, and he got to her first, barely.
That’s when things started to go wrong. You see, three of the men close to being equal to him in skill arrived almost moments afterwards, and he had to protect both himself and his mark. Taking her, he fled across Nexus, leading his rivals on a wild and deadly chase over the rooftops, through the underways, and across the entire city. As they fled, him desperately defending her and rescuing her from dozens of different attacks and dangers, he gradually came to a decision. As his decision blossomed, his forehead began to glow. When they reached the outskirts of the city, he struck down the last of them, one of the men that had been his senior in the cult, and only a few hours ago a man he could not hope to defeat, his anima burst into full display, a starry blood red and purple nebula on a background of night, through which a dark tiger stalked, its forehead marked with the same empty circle that now burned on his forehead.
A voice whispered to him in the silence of his heart then, telling him that he was called to do what he had just done, to shield others from the darkness that he had dwelt within all his life. Taking the meager supply of silver off the corpses, he and the girl fled, seeking safety, but also seeking answers. Answers to why she was hunted so, and who wished her dead.