Kyo, of The Devil Eyes

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Revision as of 19:17, 22 March 2008 by (Talk)

Guns Don't Kill People

Name: Kyo Tagarei

Title: Kyo, Of the Devil Eyes; #15 (Collective Protocol)

Concept: Hitman

Exalt: Lunar

Caste: Full Moon

Age: 20

Description: A well built figure, standing at well over six feet. His tan skin comes with living in the scorching South. His eyes are a ruby red, a strange aspect of his appearance that he is well known for. He wears a tattered looking red duster, as well as baggy black pants, held up by a pair of

twin leather belts that cross each other at the waist. He wears an old pair of socks on his feet, his toes poking out from the various holes in the fabric. He has a pair of glasses who's lenses are fashioned from amber, giving them an orange tint. On his neck is a small tattoo of what appears to be a flame, surrounded by a circle of Old Realm symbols, with the number 15 sketched in the middle of it.

Anima: Much like his namesake, his anima takes on the form of a demonic looking dog, complete with horns, a gaping jaw and a set of six eyes.

Motivation: To master the Righteous Devil Style

History: Coming Soon

ESSENCE: 4 (Automatic. No More/No Less)

Personal Pool: 18

Peripheral Pool: 46


Compassion 1

Conviction 3

Temperance 3

Valor 4 (+6 BP)

FLAW: Curse of the Lone Wolf

Limit Break: 0/10



Strength 3 (Caste Attribute)

Dexterity 4 (Caste Attribute)

Stamina 5(Caste Attribute) (Extra Dot Placed Here)

Charisma 2

Appearance 4 (Favored Attribute)

Manipulation 3

Intelligence 2

Perception 2

Wits 3


Archery 5 (Favored) (+3 BP)

Martial Arts 5 (Free)

Melee 2

Thrown 1

Integrity 2

Presence 1

Resistance 3

Survival 2

Athletics 3

Awareness 3

Dodge 5 (+6 BP)

Larceny 1

Linguistics 1

Ride 1

Socialize 1

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