Ambsace Five-Sides

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Basic Character Information

Name: Ambsace Five-Sides (often prefaced by "Lord," "His Excellency," "The Magnificent," or "Master," usually by himself)
Concept: Overconfident gambler
Motivation: Usurp Plentimon as the god of chance

Attributes and Abilities


Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 5


Athletics 3, Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 1, Dodge 2, Larceny 4, Lore 1, *Martial Arts 4, Performance 3, Presence 2, Stealth 3, *Survival 2



Artifact 2
Reputation 3
(other) 2

Willpower, Virtues, and Intimacies

Willpower: 6
Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 1, *Valor 3
Intimacies: coming soon

Health and Essence

Health: 0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, incap
Essence: 3

Merits and Flaws

Enemy (1 pt Flaw): Ambsace has acquired a perfect-quality slashing sword and an exceptional buff jacket as prizes from a game of chance in which he absolutely did not cheat. The fellow he acquired them from is at least a little upset.
Unlucky (2 pt Flaw): It turns out that the Devil does NOT look after his own.
Debt (3 pt Flaw) See above.
Lucky (1 pt Merit) Luck, however, is definitely a lady, and she seems to have a thing for scruffy criminals with no sense of style.


coming soon

Charms and Effects

coming soon

Personal Information


Ambsace is, at first glance, nothing more than your average, petty, down-on-his-luck thug. Wiry and scruffy, he definitely wears the part, content to let people write him off as a drunkard or worse. However, those with even the slightest contact in the River Province's criminal underground will recognize him as THE Ambsace Five-Sides, so named for the time he was caught using dice with two six sides in a game against a prominent ganglord (an unfortunate misunderstanding, the way he tells it.) Despite his rough appearance, two things stand out of place immediately--his gold-colored robe is of beautiful craftsmanship, if not a bit too big for him, and has an intricately detailed black crane on the back. His katana is obviously a masterwork, the scabbard alone probably worth more than most people make in a year. How he came by two clearly amazing items is a mystery to those who don't recognize him for who he is. Aside from these items, he wears a pair of very loose slacks cut just below his knee, bandages around his abdomen and both hands, and cheap wooden sandals. There is often a smudge or two of dirt on him somewhere, at least one of which always ends up on his nose.


coming soon

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