Hemingway Locke
From Gameresource
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Mr. Locke is a tall and thin man, wearing rather average clothing of excellent quality. His tight clothing resembles a physician in London during the late 1800s, with cuffs and leather. His green eyes seem to shift colors if you stare at him too long, almost like the poison he spends so much time around. His black hair is always clean, as well as his carefully cleaned skin. He looks quite handsome, though he seems to have an almost...greasy tint to him. While perfectly clean, he seems to look oily, as if he had spent so much time around his precious poisons that it's ingrained into his very being, dripping from his pores to give him a very deadly look.
Mr. Locke...is an extremely intelligent man. Looking into his eyes can tell you that. He has incredible knowledge on his specialty, and he knows it. His word is sweet, but always laced with a hint of danger. He's a man you'd be happy to have a conversation with, though never for too long. He is quite reliable when given a task, and if you're an ally of his, you'll never need to worry about what he might do. It's those that have made themselves his enemy that should worry...
Mr. Locke is a master of the Art of Alchemy, capable of creating any potion known in Creation. And while quite beneficial, that is not his main focus. He has an almost morbid fascination with poison in all its forms. If there's a poison, he'll know what it is, what it looks like, how it affects the body, and how to treat it.
"Everything is poison, there is poison in everything. Only the dose makes a thing not a poison."
basic info
Name: Hemingway Locke
Caste: Twilight
Elemental Affiliation: Wood
Elemental Markings:
Soul Affiliation: Guardians of the Threshold: Nexus
Concept: Master of Poisons
Motivation: Mass-produce the ultimate anti-toxin for mortals
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 6, Wits 4
DAWN ZENITH TWILIGHT Archery 0 Integrity 2 *Occult 5 War 0 Performance 1 *Investigation 1 Martial 0 *Presence 4 *Lore 5 Melee 0 *Resistance 5 *Medicine 5 *Thrown 5 Survival 0 *Craft - Fire 0 NIGHT ECLIPSE Water 5 Athletics 4 Bureaucracy 0 Earth 0 Awareness 4 Linguistics 0 Air 0 *Dodge 5 Ride 0 Wood 0 *Larceny 3 Sail 1 Genesis 5 Stealth 3 Socialize 0 Magitech 0
SPECIALTIES Craft:Water - Poisons (3) Resistance - Poisons (3) Medicine - Poisons (3)
Perfect Medical Implements (+2 to all Medicine Rolls)
Ally 4 (Harvester of Poisons)
Artifact 1 (Twin Orichalchum Typhoon Wheels)
Artifact 2 (Jade Hearthstone Bracers)
Artifact 3 (Toxin Aerolizer)
Artifact 3 (Anti-Toxin Symbiote)
Artifact 5 (Artifact Genesis Lab)
Contacts 2 (Nexus Assassin Groups)
Familiar 3 (Poison Kitten)
Manse 3 (Gem of Grace)
Resource 4
Willpower: 8
Virtues: Valor 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 4, Compassion 2
Intimacies: Poisons, Poison Kitten
Health: -0x1, -1x2, -2x2, -4x1, INCx1
Essence: 4
Personal Essence Pool: 20
Peripheral Essence Pool: 48
Secrets (3 pt) Greater Curse (3 pt) Unusual Appearance (2 pt)
Combat Statistics
- Dodge: 8
- Parry: 2
- Mental Dodge: 5
- Mental Parry: 4
- Unarmored
- Standard: 4B/2L/-A
- (Armor)
- Standard: 9B/9L/7A
- Darts (Without Poison) (Piercing)
- Speed 5 Accuracy 9 Damage 3L Rate 3 Range 10
- Speed 5 Accuracy 9 Damage 3L Rate 3 Range 10
- Twin Orichalchum Typhoon Wheels
- Speed 4 Accuracy 13 Damage 7L Rate 2 Range 60
- Pending.
C H A R M S - D A W N
------------------------------------------------------------------ THROWN 1st Thrown Excellency Triple Distance Attack Technique Cascade of Cutting Terror ------------------------------------------------------------------
C H A R M S - Z E N I T H
------------------------------------------------------------------ RESISTANCE 2nd Resistance Excellency Immunity To Everything Technique ------------------------------------------------------------------
C H A R M S - N I G H T
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C H A R M S - T W I L I G H T
------------------------------------------------------------------ CRAFT 2nd Craft Excellency MEDICINE 1st Medicine Excellency Touch of Blissful Release Contagion-Curing Touch Wound-Mending Care Technique ------------------------------------------------------------------
C H A R M S - E C L I P S E
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------ -Master's Degree of Alchemy