Session 7

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(6:19:41 PM) Seras: Stormsoul looks at Dove as the airship glides toward's Reku's manse. "Y'know...I was thinking."
(6:20:00 PM) Seras: (*throws bricks*)
(6:20:01 PM) Dove: "What?" She looks up from her glass of wine.
(6:20:19 PM) Seras: "There are small passageways by which Demons can get into the world, as 'm sure y'know."
(6:20:45 PM) Seras: "The first circles get in a lot. Loopholes. Things that Cecelyne overlooks. No offense to her servant."
(6:21:33 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade wings up to the airship as a Frigatebird, landing on a railing, preening her feathers.
(6:22:22 PM) Seras: "Who's the bird?" Stormsoul is a tall, sturdy man with dusky blue skin and wild hair the color of storm clouds. He is clad in heavy armor crafted of Malfean Bronze, Black Lead, and Blue/Black Jade.
(6:22:32 PM) Dove: "Hm... It would be a bit of a surprise to them..." Her eyebrows move together with worry. "But I'd rather not cause undue pain.... Oh, that's Jade Wyvern."
(6:22:43 PM) Dove: She smiles at the Lunar. "Malfeas's chosen."
(6:22:46 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "are you saying that there's some way to get around the wards?"
(6:23:02 PM) Seras: "Actually, no, that ain't what I'm saying at all."
(6:23:10 PM) Seras: "Hey there." he waves at the bird.
(6:23:12 PM) Jade-Wyvern: She leaps from the railing, gracefully regaining her humanoid form before her feet touch the floor.
(6:23:24 PM) Seras: "Y'all are going to need Countermagic for the ward, I think."
(6:23:26 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Greetings. Maybe we could destroy the wards?" Jade lounges against the side.
(6:23:49 PM) Seras: "Sure, if y'could get close enough."
(6:24:05 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Couldn't we drop some Firedust bombs on them from above, or something?"
(6:24:08 PM) Seras: "Or if y'had a powerful bow or a ballista or somethin' "
(6:24:23 PM) Dove: "I am not a Wood Aspect. I'm better with my Daiklaive."
(6:24:38 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "or convince someone else to destroy the wards for us?"
(6:24:39 PM) Seras: "True, but y'ain't the only Cousin on board, either."
(6:24:45 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I rip things apart with my bare hands."
(6:24:54 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Her grin is somewhat frightening.
(6:24:56 PM) Seras: "I wouldn't touch them things, were I you."
(6:25:06 PM) Seras: Stormsoul seems, if anything, turned on.
(6:25:09 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I may be a fighter, but I'm not stupid."
(6:25:14 PM) Dove: "And I think the only two who can actually hit from a distance are napping..."
(6:25:33 PM) Dove: She sighs, thinking. War meant tactics...
(6:25:44 PM) Dove: (Someone get Plentimon in here!
(6:25:50 PM) Seras: "If y'had something that protected you from the blessing of Heaven, then you could tear 'em apart."
(6:26:05 PM) Plentimon [] entered the room.
(6:26:14 PM) Dove: (Int + War?_
(6:26:14 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade shrugs, "Well, what made the blessings?"
(6:26:25 PM) Seras: (If you want, sure)
(6:26:26 PM) Dove: !ex 4
(6:26:27 PM) Plentimon: Dove (4), 4, 8, 5, 1, Successes : 1
(6:26:28 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (4), 4, 1, 1, 2, Successes : 0, Botch
(6:26:34 PM) Dove: (...)
(6:26:41 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Maybe we could make one that fights against them?"
(6:26:48 PM) Dove: (BAD PHOENIX!)
(6:27:06 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dice Script Deactivated
(6:27:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (sorry dice off)
(6:27:14 PM) Seras: "Y'all could make an automata to destroy 'em I s'pose."
(6:27:24 PM) Seras: "I dunno much, 'cept that they're powerful."
(6:27:30 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Like I know how to make things."
(6:27:37 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Well, I know how to make corpses.."
(6:27:38 PM) Seras: Dove: Stormsoul is making a lot of good suggestions.
(6:27:41 PM) Seras: He laughs!
(6:27:51 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "And babies."
(6:27:52 PM) Dove: "Or..." Dove seems thoughtful. "Why not move them or something? And Jade? Um... Aren't you forgetting your master?"
(6:27:57 PM) Seras: "Like I said...yer not the ONLY Cousin on boa--what?"
(6:28:05 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "...LIGIER!"
(6:28:17 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "He could make us something, couldn't he?"
(6:28:27 PM) Dove: "I do not know, he is your master's fetich."
(6:28:29 PM) Seras: "Well, he dun owe me no favors....."
(6:28:53 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "when did babies come into this?"
(6:29:05 PM) Dove: "Fucking, Phoenix."
(6:29:28 PM) Jade-Wyvern: <Master, do you think Ligier would be willing to assist us in creating something to combat these deplorable wards in Your Creation?>
(6:30:05 PM) Dove: "You could ask him to make something to fight... Oh my. This would be a challenge for him, no?"
(6:30:55 PM) Dove: Dove tosses down the rest of the the glass in her hand, and sighs. "I'm no expert, though..."
(6:31:49 PM) Jade-Wyvern:
(6:32:12 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "My Lord has said we may make a request of Ligier in his name. I believe we should try this."
(6:32:24 PM) Jade-Wyvern: (His name)
(6:33:08 PM) Dove: She smiles brightly, looking very happy.
(6:33:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "are we to return to Malfeas? Prehaps I could ask assistance of Mother also?"
(6:33:51 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade edges closer to Phoenix, nodding, "Indeed, maybe She could assist us as well." She grins at her cousin widely.
(6:34:28 PM) Dove: "Oh, perhaps Aluevia would have fun with them as well. She could have new materials!"
(6:35:20 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I wish to speak to the Souls of Gaia though, the Solars I have no love for but our misguided cousins could yet be shown the light"
(6:35:47 PM) Dove: "I don't know... I do not believe these can.... I mean, they fired a cannon at us."
(6:36:11 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I could always eat them."
(6:36:24 PM) Seras: "Y'all come up with the best solutions." <3
(6:36:30 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I could probably figure out a way to take their forms and use that to our advantage."
(6:36:44 PM) Dove: "You helped too, Stormsoul." She grins and winks.
(6:37:26 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Imagine the 'Great and almighty Elemental Dragons' coming to the Realm to get the 'Bloods to do what we want." She grins widely at this idea.
(6:37:37 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I've always wanted to feel what it'd be like to be a Dragon.."
(6:38:03 PM) Dove: *I am so tempted to just ask you, as to answer her question...*
(6:38:16 PM) Dove: *But that would spoil her fun.*
(6:38:30 PM) Dove: "I do not believe it would be that easy..."
(6:38:33 PM) Seras: *it is nothing I can put into words, love*
(6:38:53 PM) Dove: *Ah. That makes it easier then, to be quiet.*
(6:39:12 PM) Dove: "But... Oh. Send the hunt on them, Jade?"
(6:39:36 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Indeed."
(6:39:44 PM) ***Blazing_Phoenix shudders slightly at the mention of the Wyld Hunt
(6:40:10 PM) Dove: "Phoenix, you are stronger now." The dragonblooded says soothingly.
(6:41:13 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "thank you Dove, unwelcome memories do tend to linger so"
(6:41:21 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade runs a hand through Phoenix's hair. "Beloved cousin, you will be fine. And even if you had trouble with them, I would rip them apart for you."
(6:41:43 PM) Dove: "You don't always have to rip things apart..." Dove blushes slightly.
(6:41:53 PM) Seras: "I like that answer."
(6:42:21 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Meh. You can handle the talking."
(6:42:29 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I can handle the shredding."
(6:43:00 PM) Dove: "I can handle both. You are just better with the shredding."
(6:43:07 PM) Dove: "A lot better. >.<"
(6:43:34 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "While I'd prefer we use the Wyld Hunt to acomplish our ends, I do appreciate the offer Jade" Phoenix smiles
(6:43:51 PM) Dove: "The irony is quite sweet, you must admit."
(6:44:32 PM) Dove: "But... how?"
(6:44:36 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Indeed." Jade laughs at Dove, putting her hands behiend her head, flexing her rather impressive musculature. "Well, Malfeas chose me for a reason."
(6:44:51 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Lolstr6))
(6:44:58 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Anddex6))
(6:45:16 PM) Dove: "It seems we should speak with that Air Aspect. Perhaps I should do it alone? He did not see me, did he?"
(6:45:47 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I believe you should, and unless he could see through walls..probably not."
(6:45:55 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Try to not 'convince' him too loudly, cousin."
(6:46:01 PM) Seras: (Kaleph: I CAN SEE THROUGH WALLS!)
(6:46:06 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I might get jealous." There goes that grin.
(6:46:26 PM) Dove: "... I did not intend that."
(6:46:32 PM) Dove: "They are celibrate."
(6:46:49 PM) Dove: "..." There is a very funny look on Dove's face. How the hell did she know that piece of lore?
(6:47:19 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-" BREATH "-ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"
(6:47:25 PM) Dove: "What?"
(6:47:35 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "What's celibate?"
(6:47:40 PM) Dove: "They don't have sex."
(6:47:45 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "..."
(6:47:48 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Why?"
(6:47:51 PM) Dove: She shrugs.
(6:47:59 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Crazy fuckers."
(6:48:06 PM) Dove: "I'm trying to understand how I *knew,* okay?"
(6:48:08 PM) Seras: "Because they've got a rod shoved so far up their asses, it's threatening to come out their mouths."
(6:48:25 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I know some guys who might enjoy that." She rubs her chin.
(6:48:34 PM) Dove: "As do I."
(6:48:39 PM) Seras: "Those Immaculate assholes are soooo tightly clenched, they shit diamonds"
(6:48:42 PM) Seras: "Even the water aspects!"
(6:48:52 PM) Dove: She chuckles.
(6:49:07 PM) Dove: "At least their asses would be cute then..."
(6:49:40 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix shakes her head, trying not to laugh at the detour from this conversation
(6:49:48 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "And the women have Blood Diamonds on their period?"
(6:50:09 PM) Dove: Dove is grinning at the horrible jokes, something familiar making her giggle and clutch her ribs.
(6:51:11 PM) Seras: "Hegra's Stormy tits, no! The WOMEN, when they have their period, are the most ferocious. It's said that a group of menstruating Immaculate She-Monks nearly defeated MaHaSuchi."
(6:51:31 PM) Seras: "He sprayed his musk on a tree, and they got distracted and humped it to splinters."
(6:51:34 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "That's impressive."
(6:51:50 PM) Dove: "Stop it! I won't be able to look at that poor man *snerk* without laughing my ass half off!"
(6:52:06 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I can help you with your ass, if you like."
(6:52:22 PM) Seras: "Sexual repression is a powerful tool. Though I hear they crank it to their holy books."
(6:52:38 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Are there dirty pictures in them?" her ears perk up.
(6:52:43 PM) Dove: "No, no, I'm fine! *snerk* Oh NO!" She goes into gales of giggling.
(6:52:45 PM) Seras: "No fuckin' clue."
(6:53:05 PM) Seras: "Mebbe it's a memorization tool?"
(6:53:09 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "...Goddamnit now I'm horny."
(6:53:14 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Thanks."
(6:53:25 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((What's below them?))
(6:53:38 PM) Seras: (The desert, you're nearing Reku's manse.)
(6:53:53 PM) Dove: "It does... *snerk* *giggle*"
(6:53:57 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Damn. A lake would have been perfect. XP))
(6:54:17 PM) Dove: "I don't know why I know this stuff... *giggle*"
(6:54:30 PM) Seras: "Ain't you a Dragon Blood?'
(6:54:45 PM) Dove: "Yes, but I have no problem before entering Malfeas."
(6:54:49 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "She's got some "Dragon Blood" in her, if you know what I mean."
(6:54:57 PM) Dove: She begins taking deep breaths.
(6:55:05 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Snortsnicker.
(6:55:05 PM) Dove: "No, he hasn't bled in me."
(6:55:07 PM) Seras: "Then you gotta know somethin' "
(6:55:20 PM) Dove: (No memory, even, not problem)
(6:55:24 PM) Dove: "Perhaps."
(6:55:27 PM) Seras: "Hell's Clouds, you're a strange one."
(6:55:34 PM) Dove: "I know."
(6:55:44 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "that's why we love her"
(6:55:49 PM) Dove: "But all of us cousins are, aren't we?"
(6:55:58 PM) Seras: "We are."
(6:56:50 PM) Dove: "Still, I suppose I must have been a Dynast, with these bits and pieces. Why else would these jokes seem so amusing?"
(6:56:54 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "If you can't keep it in your pants, best keep it in the family."
(6:57:02 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I mean."
(6:57:10 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Look, a Fjord."
(6:57:12 PM) Dove: "..."
(6:57:18 PM) Dove: Snort.
(6:58:41 PM) Dove: "Well, and remember, we aren't supposed to engage in intercourse in Reku's manse..."
(6:59:04 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Stupid rule."
(6:59:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "now about that air aspect, If I can't be with you in person I'll be with you in spirit... anyone got some ink and paper?"
(6:59:15 PM) Dove: "His choice."
(6:59:17 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Is it intercourse if it's not a male and a female?"
(6:59:20 PM) QuicksilverFox85 [] entered the room.
(6:59:31 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Totally forgot it was Thursday. ^^'
(6:59:48 PM) Seras: (is all good. I assumed you were in transit or somesuch with the holidays)
(6:59:52 PM) Dove: (Cliff-notes: Figured out a plan, and telling Immaculate jokes)
(7:00:03 PM) Seras: (complaining about Reku's No Sex in the Manse rule)
(7:00:22 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (*chuckles*)
(7:00:28 PM) QuicksilverFox85 is now known as Reku_Avakaza
(7:00:30 PM) Dove: (Plan: Get Ligier to assist in making 'bad shit' for the Souls)
(7:01:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (Phoenix is going to make a note for the Air Aspect using her linguistics excellency)
(7:01:24 PM) Seras: (Sounds good to me)
(7:01:29 PM) Dove: (Have fun!)
(7:01:40 PM) Dove: (Dove is going to talk to him alone, since he hasn't seen her.)
(7:02:14 PM) Dove: (And that means she will not be instantly be called 'evil.')
(7:02:20 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Brb guys))
(7:02:31 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Have to take the kids home))
(7:02:37 PM) Seras: ((ok))
(7:02:38 PM) Dove: (Awww.)
(7:03:29 PM) Seras: Is the note to be given to him first?
(7:03:33 PM) Seras: As a sort of mental primer?
(7:03:44 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: indeed
(7:03:52 PM) Dove: Dove stretches with a sigh, thoughtful.
(7:04:02 PM) Dove: "But what do you want me to do with him?"
(7:04:30 PM) Dove: "Are we going to warn him of the Souls and then let him go, forgetting of us?"
(7:04:47 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku steps into the room, apparently finishing a conversation with one of his priests. "Hmm?"
(7:05:37 PM) Dove: (Er, aren't we on the airship still>)
(7:06:19 PM) Dove: "We could just... Well, the Yozis could always have another servant to bend to them..."
(7:06:23 PM) ***Blazing_Phoenix makes a note for Dove which though it initially resembles the Immaculate Texts it's in fact filled with hidden messages for the reader becoming increasingly bolder in her little messages to the reader "Dragon-Blooded with white hair are favoured above all others" "Dove is wise", "believe in dove", "dove is Hesiesh come again", "join the Yozis"
(7:06:32 PM) Seras: (Yes, you are still on the Airship)
(7:06:35 PM) Dove: (... BUWAHAHA!)
(7:06:49 PM) Seras: "Phoenix Was Here"
(7:07:01 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (naturally)
(7:07:31 PM) Seras: (that'll be a two dice stunt when teh time calls for it. Do you have the CHARM for hidden messages?)
(7:07:36 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (...airship?)
(7:07:39 PM) Dove: (Oh, this is going to be HOOOOOOOORRRRIBBBBLLLLLLLEEEEEE! <3)
(7:07:51 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (nope but can I buy it now?)
(7:07:56 PM) Dove: (Oh, yeah...)
(7:07:57 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (I missed something here)
(7:08:32 PM) Dove: (Explained!)
(7:09:22 PM) Seras: (yes, Phoenix, you can)
(7:09:45 PM) Dove: (I'm buying something evil too)
(7:09:53 PM) Dove: (Warm-Faced Seduction Style)
(7:10:12 PM) Dove: (Or should I wait?)
(7:10:22 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (okay using that with this charm)
(7:10:23 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Rewrite that last post as "Reku looks up, apparently returning from an internal conference with his Lady", then *koff*)
(7:10:39 PM) Dove: (It's okay, Reku. Dove thought you were napping.  :3)
(7:11:03 PM) Dove: (O... Oh my god.)
(7:11:14 PM) Seras: (that's up to you, Dove)
(7:11:15 PM) Dove: (I want that charm, but I need 4 more XP)
(7:11:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "all done, some light reading for our Monk"
(7:11:31 PM) Dove: (Wait, 6 more)
(7:11:53 PM) Dove: Dove nods, smiling in thanks.
(7:12:11 PM) Dove: "Perhaps we should have a servant leave it in the room for a little bit?"
(7:13:14 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I'm curious to see the results myself" Phoenix can barely supress a smile given that she's quite sure of it's effects
(7:13:46 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Ah, I see." He holds out a hand. "May I take a look?"
(7:13:55 PM) Dove: "Indeed... There is a cold smile on Dove's lips and then she gives it to the Twilight.
(7:15:29 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He looks over the letter, then begins to chuckle.
(7:15:32 PM) Dove: "Forgive me for sounding a little... impatient, but are we there yet?"
(7:15:35 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Very well done."
(7:16:27 PM) Seras: "Y'all were talking, we've been hovering nearby for a while now."
(7:16:31 PM) Dove: "I believe we should leave it in his... cell? For a little bit."
(7:16:42 PM) Seras: "I'll touch down."
(7:17:30 PM) Seras: A refresher for Reku: this is Stormsoul, a Cousin blessed by Hegra, the Typhoon of Nightmares. He's a rough around the edges type with an Airship, who saved you in a pinch and then offered his services when you need them.
(7:18:12 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Noted.
(7:18:53 PM) Dove: "Thank you again for helping us." Dove walks over and picks the cousin's cheek.
(7:19:19 PM) Seras: "It was nothin' "
(7:19:31 PM) Seras: "Give a holler when you need something. Shout down the winds of a storm, I'll hear ya."
(7:20:02 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "It was indeed fortunate that you were there." Reku smirks slightly, nodding politely to the captain.
(7:20:27 PM) Seras: He bows slightly. "What my Mistress asks, I do."
(7:21:39 PM) Dove: Dove begins adjusting her clothes, looking at the black bracers with a thoughtful frown.
(7:21:58 PM) Dove: "Do you think he'd recognize the make of my bracers and armor?
(7:23:04 PM) Dove: "I'll need the stone in my bracers for this though..." She traces the white stone.
(7:24:55 PM) Dove: She begins to adjust her breastplate to remove it, sighing slightly.
(7:25:05 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "The choice is yours, cousin."
(7:25:20 PM) Dove: "It would make me look more deceptive."
(7:25:42 PM) Dove: "No matter how draconic seeming, the armor would say that I am prepared for battle."
(7:26:48 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "you know I think my clothes would be a suitable looking fit"
(7:27:09 PM) Dove: Off goes the armor into the Dragonblooded's hands, and then looks at Phoenix. "Perhaps once in the manse.
(7:27:23 PM) Dove: "What I wear now covers my skin for a reason."
(7:28:08 PM) Dove: (Are we down yet?)
(7:28:13 PM) Seras: (you've been down)
(7:28:26 PM) Dove: "Let's go."
(7:28:28 PM) Seras: (I was waiting for you to be all "let's go! :D" XD)
(7:28:33 PM) Seras: (like that, yes
(7:28:43 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Back!))
(7:28:49 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (brb; switching back to desktop)
(7:28:52 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (welcome back)
(7:28:56 PM) Dove: She carries the breastplate under her arms as she almost skitters out of the ship and to the entrance.
(7:29:02 PM) Seras: Where had you deposited the Air Aspect
(7:29:06 PM) Reku_Avakaza left the room (quit: Disintegrated: ).
(7:29:37 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade leaps from the ship and follows the others into the Manse.
(7:30:37 PM) Dove: Dove sets the armor down, and then turns to Phoenix. "The robes were from your Lady... Are you sure you want to let me use them? "
(7:31:46 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Instead of going in with robes, you could simple disrobe."
(7:32:13 PM) Reku_Avakaza [] entered the room.
(7:32:24 PM) Dove: "... I don't think that would be a good idea."
(7:32:27 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: -Mother may I lend Dove my robes? Also the Soul of Gaia sort of scorched them... sorry
(7:33:12 PM) Seras: --You do not need to ask me for permission to show kindness, my Daughter. --
(7:33:37 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: -Thank you mother, I merely asked for your blessing
(7:33:51 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "mother approves"
(7:33:53 PM) Dove: She begins removing her belt, for let the daiklaive, and looses the bracers to remove the sleeves of the dress.
(7:33:58 PM) Seras: (My mommy says it's ok
(7:34:00 PM) Dove: "Give her my thanks, then."
(7:34:15 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku turns away to give Dove some privacy.
(7:34:50 PM) Seras: (I don't remember where you'd stored the Air Aspect)
(7:35:14 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Somewhere in Reku's Manse, I believe.)
(7:35:28 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade doesn't turn away.
(7:36:02 PM) ***Blazing_Phoenix slips out of her robes revealing words in old realm tattooed onto her body in various places, those who read the note will recognise the tattoos were somehow done in Phoenix's own hand
(7:36:35 PM) Dove: Dove quickly changes once she is given the robes, funny thing: no undergarments.
(7:36:47 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade's thoughts: I'm in love.
(7:36:55 PM) Dove: (xD)
(7:37:34 PM) Dove: (Does it have sleeves?)
(7:38:39 PM) Dove: (Well?)
(7:38:48 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (yep it's also magical - 2 motes attunement, 5l/3b)
(7:38:52 PM) Dove: (I know)
(7:39:22 PM) Dove: Dove tugs the sleeves over her bracers, and looks very innocent with all of the pale colors.
(7:39:30 PM) Dove: "It's a little stiff, it seems..."
(7:39:38 PM) Dove: "But, may I have that note?"
(7:39:41 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade covers her mouth, as Reku is nearby.
(7:40:33 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix hands Dove the note "try feeding it some essence"
(7:40:46 PM) Dove: "No, no, they are yours, Phoenix."
(7:40:48 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I'll-
(7:40:52 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Mufflemuffle.
(7:40:59 PM) Dove: "I wouldn't be so rude to attune them."
(7:41:13 PM) Dove: She smiles. "After all, it will be a short time..."
(7:41:30 PM) Dove: With that, she asks, "Where is this Air Aspect?"
(7:41:51 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "He should be in one of the cells in the manse. May I lead the way, cousin?"
(7:41:51 PM) Dove: "And could a servant give it to him?"
(7:42:25 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He nods.
(7:43:03 PM) Seras: the book is delivered to the Air Aspect
(7:43:03 PM) Dove: "And of course." She returns the paper to him.
(7:43:17 PM) Seras: and NOW Phoenix can roll
(7:43:31 PM) Seras: Cha or Man + Ling, two dice stunt
(7:43:47 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (charisma it's all true)
(7:44:30 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 11
(7:44:31 PM) Plentimon: Blazing_Phoenix (11), 7, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 2, 9, Successes : 2
(7:44:36 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (agghh)
(7:44:46 PM) Seras: (got 3rd?)
(7:45:12 PM) Dove: (Can she buy it?)
(7:45:16 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (1st but I used the charm to hide the message, can I still use an excellency?)
(7:45:17 PM) Seras: (always)
(7:45:24 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (well without a combo?)
(7:45:25 PM) Seras: (always to buying)
(7:45:37 PM) Seras: (you're also at the Essence level for Essence Flow, if you'd like to spawn that, too)
(7:46:03 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (I've got 1st excellency so I could potentially add another 9 dice with essence flow)
(7:46:30 PM) Seras: (Also fine, in this case)
(7:46:57 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 9
(7:46:58 PM) Plentimon: Blazing_Phoenix (9), 4, 6, 3, 5, 5, 2, 9, 2, 2, Successes : 1
(7:47:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (oh for fucks sake)
(7:47:26 PM) Seras: ( haet you)
(7:47:44 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (still it did probably take him by suprise)
(7:48:08 PM) Seras: (Yes, and he'll believe most of it, save the last two bits)
(7:48:26 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (that Phoenix was here?)
(7:48:37 PM) Seras: (XD)
(7:48:41 PM) Seras: (that Dove is Heshiesh)
(7:48:50 PM) Seras: (and that he should join the Yozis)
(7:49:02 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (okay fair enough)
(7:49:24 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Sounds about right)
(7:49:24 PM) Seras: When he is done reading, a cultist informs the party
(7:50:14 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "How did he seem to take it?"
(7:50:32 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (what's Jade's app... curiosity)
(7:50:37 PM) Dove: Dove is quietly hovering, looking somewhat nervous.
(7:51:14 PM) Seras: "He seemed to be surprised, but receptive."
(7:51:23 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Four))
(7:51:50 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He nods. "Excellent."
(7:52:02 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Receptive, eh?"
(7:52:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "you'll be fine, if you get into any trouble well you know what Jade and I will do?"
(7:52:35 PM) Dove: "Yes, I do..."
(7:52:54 PM) Dove: She goes into the room, peeking in shyly.
(7:53:04 PM) Dove: And two charms go off.
(7:53:20 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku stands nearby, keeping an eye on the door.
(7:53:36 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade lounges against the wall, slyly snaking an arm around Phoenix's shoulders.
(7:53:42 PM) Dove: (3 personal motes, one for Warm Faced Seduction, and 2m for Auspicious First Meeting Attitude)
(7:53:48 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (little note, thanks to my Hearthstone we can all sense Dove)
(7:54:00 PM) Seras: (brb, GM has to pee)
(7:55:33 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix looks up at Jade "I didn't slow you down fighting that Solar did I?"
(7:55:35 PM) Seras: (and back)
(7:55:49 PM) Dove: "... I see that I'm not the only one of the dragons here..." If the others hadn't known what she was, they would have thought she was being sincere... And very, very scared.
(7:56:23 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Of course not! You fought beautifully," she croons, stroking her hair. "It was an honor to have you by my side."
(7:57:19 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku's eyes flicker to Jade, then he smirks slightly.
(7:57:34 PM) Seras: He looks up. he's a slender and pale man; the sparkle of a few days worth of stubble glints on the top of his otherwise bald head. His eyes are wide, and the color of fleeting clouds.
(7:57:37 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade winks at Reku through the corner of her eye.
(7:57:53 PM) Seras: "Who ARE you?"
(7:58:00 PM) Dove: "Huh?"
(7:58:14 PM) Dove: "Ah, my name is Dove." She bows.
(7:59:16 PM) Dove: She is holding onto the fabric of her borrowed robe nervously, eyes wide.
(7:59:24 PM) Seras: "How did you get in here?"
(7:59:39 PM) Dove: "I-I was brought here a few d-days ago."
(8:00:03 PM) Seras: "Were you captured?" A fire appears in his voice and he moves closer.
(8:00:03 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "is it wrong that I want the souls of Gaia on our side? Mother shared with me much of the world that was and wants it restored"
(8:00:17 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Souls of Gaia?"
(8:00:30 PM) Dove: "I-I, yes?"
(8:00:48 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Of course not. It would be great indeed to bring her back to the right side once more."
(8:01:07 PM) Dove: "They are very strange here..."
(8:01:15 PM) Dove: "But they haven't hurt me, at least."
(8:01:15 PM) Seras: "What happened?"
(8:01:24 PM) Seras: "Good, that's good."
(8:01:33 PM) Seras: "We should get out of here."
(8:01:39 PM) Dove: "I was hurt, I think... But I really don't think we can get out..."
(8:01:44 PM) Dove: "It's very confusing here."
(8:02:18 PM) Seras: "There must be a way. Between you and I we unerringly know which way is north, and which is south."
(8:02:39 PM) Dove: She smiles slightly. "I tried. This place changes on its own."
(8:02:49 PM) Dove: "It's like a puzzle, and I'm no good with those..."
(8:02:55 PM) Seras: "Surely you must have charms."
(8:02:58 PM) Dove: "How did *you* get here, though?"
(8:03:01 PM) Dove: "Not of Lore."
(8:03:16 PM) Seras: "I'm a prisoner of war."
(8:03:21 PM) Dove: "Oh dear..."
(8:03:39 PM) Dove: "One of them found me when I was hurt because of the anathema..."
(8:03:56 PM) Dove: "They were monstorous, one had multiple arms and the other had so many eyes..."'
(8:03:58 PM) Dove: She shivers.
(8:04:06 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix turns to Reku "they're like us but not, they are bound to Gaia and think we're evil"
(8:04:37 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Interesting."
(8:05:13 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "you were in meditation when Stormsoul explained this"
(8:05:32 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "We could bring them to our side, methinks."
(8:05:43 PM) Seras: "...." He seems stuck processing the man with multiple arms and another with many eyese
(8:06:07 PM) Dove: "I got hurt and I had to run, and a girl helped me here."
(8:06:52 PM) Seras: "Who was the girl?"
(8:07:19 PM) Dove: "Um... tattooed. All in red. And in robes."
(8:07:46 PM) Dove: She shakes her head, "I can't remember her face. She was very upset, though."
(8:07:58 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "the Solars can perish for all I care, may their next incarnations seek the truth"
(8:08:08 PM) Seras: "That doesn't sound familiar to me."
(8:08:19 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "We can assist them in the way."
(8:08:20 PM) Dove: "She was speaking how Cytherea had given her the luck to make sure I was safe..."
(8:08:28 PM) Seras: "Who?"
(8:08:37 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Ah, I see. My apologies, then."
(8:08:40 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (there has been a little remodelling to Phoenix since he saw her last)
(8:08:52 PM) Dove: "Cytherea, she said..."
(8:09:01 PM) Seras: (Now you'll have to get a new mini)
(8:09:05 PM) Dove: "I didn't ask. But it sounds like her mother or something."
(8:09:05 PM) Seras: (dammit, Lioness!)
(8:09:10 PM) Dove: "With the way she was talking."
(8:09:13 PM) Seras: (=b)
(8:09:25 PM) Seras: "I see. was she a godblood?"
(8:09:39 PM) Dove: "... I don't think so."
(8:10:02 PM) Dove: "But I am no occultist."
(8:10:03 PM) Seras: "Interesting."
(8:10:25 PM) Dove: "There was another woman with tattoos, but they were very, very strange..."
(8:10:45 PM) Seras: "How so?"
(8:10:52 PM) Dove: "Greenish."
(8:10:59 PM) Dove: "But they shimmered too..."
(8:11:01 PM) Seras: o.O
(8:11:16 PM) Dove: "She was a little rude, but she was nice too..."
(8:11:28 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku chuckles softly.
(8:11:37 PM) Seras: "I..see..."
(8:11:38 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix leans back against Jade "do you ever wonder about encountering your mate?"
(8:11:53 PM) Dove: "But they all seem kind, though rather annoyed at the anathema monsters..."
(8:12:20 PM) Dove: "But how would you be a prisoner of war?"
(8:12:24 PM) Seras: "I still think we should focus on escaping. I can figure this place out, I've got a mind for puzzles and riddles..."
(8:12:29 PM) Dove: She bites down on a knuckle.
(8:12:58 PM) Dove: "But if you are a prisoner, wouldn't they try to detain you?"
(8:13:07 PM) Dove: "I have seen creatures come out of the ways."
(8:13:08 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade wraps her arms around Phoenix, "It has been a long time since I sensed my mate, but I hope that they may be brought to the correct side without much of a scuffle."
(8:13:38 PM) Dove: (walls, even!)
(8:13:50 PM) Seras: "well, like you said, this place is hard to get out of, and I've been guarded by the mortals who reside here. I haven't tired fighting; there's a beast here whose bite killed an Earth Aspect."
(8:14:05 PM) Dove: "Eeep!"
(8:14:28 PM) Dove: "You didn't come alone?"
(8:14:38 PM) Seras: "No, there were four of us."
(8:14:58 PM) Dove: "Oh...' She looks very sad.
(8:15:23 PM) Dove: "I just stumbled on those... things... And ended up with these disgusting wards flaring up, and then I was helped out."
(8:15:35 PM) Seras: "Things?"
(8:15:49 PM) Dove: "The anathema."
(8:15:53 PM) Dove: She grimaces.
(8:16:09 PM) Dove: (Any ideas for an opening, guys?)
(8:16:22 PM) Seras: "There were wards?"
(8:16:34 PM) Dove: She nods nervously.
(8:16:37 PM) Dove: "Gold ones."
(8:16:44 PM) Seras: "That kept YOU out?"
(8:16:54 PM) Dove: "No, they hurt me once I went though."
(8:17:06 PM) Dove: "Why?"
(8:17:13 PM) Seras: "The Anathema warded off Dragon Blooded?"
(8:17:35 PM) Dove: She pales.
(8:17:41 PM) Dove: That was not a good thought.
(8:18:17 PM) Seras: "That's very strange."
(8:18:24 PM) Seras: "And surprisingly resourceful."
(8:18:33 PM) Dove: "I suppose. ._."
(8:19:19 PM) Dove: "Oooh... >.<"
(8:19:30 PM) Seras: "What's the matteR?"
(8:19:45 PM) Dove: "I'm just scared, that's all. I haven't *tried* to get out..."
(8:20:02 PM) Dove: "Everyone here has been so polite, though a little unnerving."
(8:20:07 PM) Seras: He nodnods
(8:20:14 PM) Dove: "But when I go wandering, I keep turning back into places."
(8:20:20 PM) Seras: "We'll try. If you're afraid of the wards, I know a little countermagic."
(8:20:23 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix stirs a little in Jade's arms "how's our little Dove doing?"
(8:20:47 PM) Dove: "They almost killed me, and I know I am a decent swordsman."
(8:21:00 PM) Dove: "And the people here said they have fought before as well..."
(8:21:19 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "As well as one of her talents can be expected. Which is very well." Jade leans her chin on Phoenix's head softly.
(8:21:24 PM) Dove: "Maybe we could try something... I wonder... I'm going to step out for a moment and try something..."
(8:21:48 PM) Seras: "I'll come with you!"
(8:21:59 PM) Dove: "No! If you are a prisoner, and they see you..."
(8:22:09 PM) Dove: She bites her lip worried.
(8:22:12 PM) Seras: (social attack!)
(8:22:12 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Perhaps we should make ourselves scarce."
(8:22:24 PM) Dove: (you want me to do Manipulation?)
(8:22:38 PM) Seras: (whatever you feel is most appropriate)
(8:22:51 PM) Dove: !ex 12
(8:22:52 PM) Plentimon: Dove (12), 2, 1, 4, 4, 8, 10, 4, 10, 7, 2, 8, 7, Successes : 8
(8:22:52 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Good idea." Jade easily lifts Phoenix from the ground, nodding at Reku, "Lead the way."
(8:23:03 PM) Dove: (Manipulation)
(8:23:11 PM) Dove: (Oh, and I have two more dice..
(8:23:22 PM) Dove: (Presence charm)
(8:23:24 PM) Dove: !ex 2
(8:23:24 PM) Plentimon: Dove (2), 7, 4, Successes : 1
(8:23:38 PM) Dove: "I want to check to make sure, and then I'll come back."
(8:23:44 PM) Seras: "Right, right. I'll stay here, you check."
(8:23:44 PM) Dove: "I think my armor is about too..."
(8:23:59 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (better than my 20 dice did)
(8:24:01 PM) Dove: She leaves and shuts the door, and looks for one of them.
(8:24:09 PM) Dove: (Of the cousins)
(8:24:26 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku looks back at Dove after Jade and Phoenix have left. "Something amiss?"
(8:24:26 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade winks at Dove.
(8:24:36 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Oops, we're gone, nevermind.))
(8:24:54 PM) Dove: "Get hidden, make sure no one else is here!" She whispers in Old Realm. "And get my armor!"
(8:25:24 PM) Dove: "I am going to have to sneak away with him, but he'll take word to the Hunt."
(8:25:40 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Well, seeing as we're staying hidden...."
(8:25:43 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "And what exactly will that serve?"
(8:26:01 PM) Dove: "I can keep them from here, and send them again the Arc."
(8:26:29 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "...very clever." He chuckles as a cultist bring the armor in and lays it out haphazardly. Then, he and the cultist leave the room.
(8:27:12 PM) Dove: She gets the armor (and the daiklaive, I forgot to mention that) on easily, and then she goes for the door again, looking relieved.
(8:27:28 PM) Seras: "You've found your armor! Dragons be praised!"
(8:27:30 PM) Dove: (She'll say sorry to Phoenix later!"
(8:27:41 PM) Dove: "And my daiklaive." She taps the sword.
(8:28:09 PM) Dove: "Let's get going." She replaces her cloak on her shoulders. This was going to be such a dangerous game.
(8:28:21 PM) Dove: "And what's your name, anyways?'
(8:28:39 PM) Seras: "Liandor."
(8:28:44 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku takes a seat in the lounge that is handily across the manse from the room where Dove and the Air Aspect are. Gotta love Puzzle Manses.
(8:29:04 PM) Dove: (Should I assume that she got to do a costume change too?)
(8:29:05 PM) Seras: "House Ledaal"
(8:29:13 PM) Seras: (sure)
(8:29:35 PM) Dove: "Ledaal..." She whispers. Another familiar name. She nods. "Let's get going."
(8:29:46 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (so that's one Immaculate who's putting serious thoughts into his vow of celibacy)
(8:30:14 PM) Dove: "Getting back to Nexus will never be so sweet..."
(8:30:27 PM) Seras: "You're from Nexus?"
(8:30:28 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((JADE IS FLIRTING WITH YOU, PHOENIX.))
(8:30:39 PM) Dove: "I was born there."
(8:30:42 PM) Seras: "I could have sworn you were from the Realm by your bearing and Aspect markings."
(8:31:01 PM) Dove: She blushes, smiling slightly. "Thank you, then."
(8:31:03 PM) Seras: "Is it the river water that causes Dragons of a Different Color? or were you born under an unlucky star."
(8:31:15 PM) Dove: "Dragon of a different color?"
(8:31:25 PM) Seras: "...yes."
(8:31:33 PM) Dove: Her eyebrows shoot up as she gestures for him to lead.
(8:31:37 PM) Dove: "What is that?"
(8:31:47 PM) Dove: "As I said, I am no occultist."
(8:32:17 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (sorry having difficulty following the two things at once- Kate's brain no work well)
(8:32:38 PM) Seras: "All of us Princes of the Earth are linked to the lifeforce of Creation. We're not meant to deal with necrotic Essence." He steps lightly towards the nearest door and swings it open, soundlessly. "There are some who are born...different."
(8:33:09 PM) Seras: "Born with the aptitude for Necromancy, not Sorcery."
(8:33:09 PM) Dove: "That would explain a little bit..." She mutters, trying to not cackle as she goes.
(8:33:53 PM) Dove: She keeps her hood down for the time being.
(8:34:10 PM) Dove: "Why the sun can be too bright..." She shakes her head slightly.
(8:34:18 PM) Seras: "Hm."
(8:34:24 PM) Seras: "Left or right?" HE points at two doors.
(8:34:36 PM) Dove: Dove thinks for a moment. "Left."
(8:34:50 PM) Seras: He swings the left door open and proceeds
(8:35:12 PM) Dove: She follows. No sense in between suspicious. And he had given her another piece of info.
(8:35:33 PM) Dove: "What's the realm like? My mother told me a few stories of it."
(8:36:14 PM) Seras: "To be honest, I haven't been there in years."
(8:36:29 PM) Dove: "But you were born there, weren't you?"
(8:36:29 PM) Seras: "But it's far cleaner, nicer and more refined than any of the cities of the Threshold."
(8:36:33 PM) Seras: "yes."
(8:36:55 PM) Dove: "Ah... I have seen one place that was prettier than anything in Nexus..."
(8:37:26 PM) Dove: "It was a manse I found. I suppose it was anathema made, but everything was shattered inside."
(8:37:53 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix meanwhile enjoy's Jade's company, quite aware of the flirting but rather shy and reserved in responses
(8:38:13 PM) Seras: "There are a lot of places prettier than Nexus, I hate to break it to you. Left or right?"
(8:38:38 PM) Dove: "Left again?"
(8:38:45 PM) Seras: He goes left again.
(8:39:08 PM) Dove: "There are areas that are very beautiful," Dove states dryily.
(8:39:28 PM) Seras: "This is a wild place. I'm surprised they haven't found us yet..."
(8:39:44 PM) Dove: "Though, yes, it is not very pretty for the most part, especially up close." She steps closer, and then blinks.
(8:39:47 PM) Dove: "Take a right."
(8:40:00 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku looks about, then nods to one of the cultists who passes by. The cultist - one of the few female ones here, the other two would notice - smiles softly and nods in kind.
(8:41:03 PM) Seras: "Er, alright." He turns abruptly right.
(8:41:36 PM) Dove: "I was told to keep left..." She murmurs to herself... "Well, maybe right will..."
(8:41:59 PM) Seras: "You do know." the female cultist whispers in a voice only Reku can hear, "that our Cousin is leading around an Air Aspect?"
(8:43:48 PM) Dove: She keeps very close, as if nervous.
(8:44:09 PM) Seras: "It is a bit unnerving that we haven't seen a single cultist this entire time..."
(8:44:40 PM) Dove: "I know... Maybe they are in the main hall?"
(8:44:49 PM) Dove: "We should try moving faster..."
(8:44:58 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (dancing naked in praise to the hentacle goddess)
(8:45:23 PM) Seras: "Continue right?"
(8:45:37 PM) Dove: Yes.
(8:45:44 PM) Dove: "Yes"
(8:46:01 PM) Dove: She begins almost running, taking deep breaths to keep calm.
(8:46:12 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I do indeed, Kasana. She plans to lead him to the Arc and send the Hunt after them rather than us." He chuckles. "If it works, it should be quite amusing to watch."
(8:46:45 PM) Seras: He sprints along pushing through right doors until the two of you are gasping and panting out in the burning light of evening.
(8:47:03 PM) Dove: Dove winces, but she lets out a relieved laugh.
(8:47:16 PM) Seras: "Amusing indeed." Kasana replies without making a sound.
(8:47:31 PM) Dove: "Northward."
(8:47:53 PM) Dove: She looks behind her. "Fireward is where those... Things... were."
(8:48:20 PM) Seras: "Alright. Let's go."
(8:48:32 PM) Dove: *I can't believe I am about to pull the biggest lie ever!*
(8:48:41 PM) Dove: *Well, not ever."
(8:48:42 PM) Dove: *
(8:48:56 PM) Dove: She nods, and sighs. "Indeed."
(8:48:57 PM) Seras: *Your deceit delights me*
(8:49:19 PM) Dove: *And I'm giddy with mischief as well... Are there any of your souls that are messengers?*
(8:49:23 PM) Seras: *the fabric of your lies is soothing as the absence of light.*
(8:49:45 PM) Dove: She smiles with relief and pleasure, though it's not apparent from what.
(8:49:48 PM) Seras: *What message do you need sent, my bride?*
(8:50:13 PM) Dove: *That I apologize for fleeing, but hopefully, I will keep them from coming to this manse.*
(8:50:14 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (should I ask Cytherea dating advice?)
(8:50:30 PM) Seras: (that's entirely up to you XD)
(8:50:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (what the hell this will be fun)
(8:50:48 PM) Seras: *I shall send it on the wings of the swiftest messenger*
(8:50:58 PM) Seras: PER + AWR for those back at the manse.
(8:51:03 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (though it'd be funnier to see how Malfeas would respond to that)
(8:51:04 PM) Dove: *Thank you my love. And I am going to FUCK with this poor man.*
(8:51:16 PM) Jade-Wyvern: !ex 8
(8:51:17 PM) Plentimon: Jade-Wyvern (8), 4, 3, 9, 6, 9, 2, 6, 9, Successes : 3
(8:51:22 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 5
(8:51:22 PM) Plentimon: Blazing_Phoenix (5), 5, 2, 7, 7, 9, Successes : 3
(8:51:33 PM) Dove: "How are we going to get out of this desert?"
(8:51:33 PM) Reku_Avakaza: !ex 9
(8:51:33 PM) Plentimon: Reku_Avakaza (9), 3, 7, 2, 1, 3, 1, 6, 3, 4, Successes : 1
(8:51:43 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (...fuck you, Plentimon)
(8:52:00 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: *Mother what could I say to Jade so that she knows my feelings?
(8:52:08 PM) Seras: "There's a temple this way, just an outpost, but they'll put us up for the night."
(8:52:18 PM) Dove: She nods, smiling.
(8:52:21 PM) Seras: --You could always tell her the truth, my Daughter--
(8:52:56 PM) Seras: --Keep her close. The protection of a Steward is a valuable thing.--
(8:53:19 PM) Seras: Everyone in the manse, if they're anywhere near a window, sees a flickering rush of shadows
(8:53:49 PM) Jade-Wyvern: -Master, is it okay for me to be with one of my Cousins?-
(8:53:53 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku looks up quickly, moving from the chair and towards the shadows.
(8:54:00 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "Jade I... wait.. what was that?"
(8:54:44 PM) Seras: the shadows spiral to the nearest entrance
(8:54:54 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Within seconds, Phoenix is behiend Jade and her huge, scaled form is rushing towards the shadows, "Stay behiend me, beloved Cousin."
(8:55:24 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "be careful, I've got your back"
(8:55:34 PM) Seras: I'll assume that Reku, Phoenix and Jade wind up in the same place at the same time
(8:56:11 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "You have no idea how much that pleases me."
(8:56:15 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "What was that, Reku?"
(8:56:16 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Sounds like a plan.
(8:56:24 PM) Seras: outside the manse, kicking up a cloud of sand, is a whirlwind of shadows that makes a strange fluttering noise.
(8:56:48 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I am not sure." Reku's eyes narrow as he looks out the window, hand on his dire chain.
(8:57:57 PM) Seras: It settles into the shape of a crouching, angular beast made of black wings and shadows, with several sets of burning slits for eyes. "Hail, beloved of the Yozis." It greets you in a voice as chilly as night air.
(8:58:12 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Int+Occ to ID?)
(8:58:22 PM) Seras: (Sure!)
(8:58:25 PM) Reku_Avakaza: !ex 9
(8:58:25 PM) Plentimon: Reku_Avakaza (9), 6, 4, 1, 1, 5, 8, 7, 5, 8, Successes : 3
(8:58:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 5
(8:58:41 PM) Plentimon: Blazing_Phoenix (5), 8, 8, 4, 3, 7, Successes : 3
(9:00:32 PM) Seras: Jiraxis, He of Shadowed Wings, Messenger Soul of The Lord of Malfean Night--Fetich Soul of the Ebon Dragon.
(9:00:55 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Greetings Jiraxis, child of the Ebon Dragon. What word do you bring a humble servant of the Desert?"
(9:01:19 PM) Seras: "Word from my Masters lips directly, a missive from his bride."
(9:01:49 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "it's an honour to meet you"
(9:01:50 PM) Seras: And in Dove's voice, he repeats " I apologize for fleeing, but hopefully, I will keep them from coming to this manse."
(9:01:55 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade sighs, her form flowing back to her human shape. "Your sudden appearance worried me, my apologies for my aggression, Jiraxis."
(9:02:11 PM) Seras: "Your apology is accepted, Beloved of Malfeas."
(9:02:33 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He nods. "May the True Makers watch over you and guide you."
(9:03:57 PM) Seras: He bows deeply to the three of you. "It is an honor to serve the Chosen of the Primordials."
(9:04:25 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Thank you very much." Jade bows.
(9:04:46 PM) Seras: He dissolves once more into a whirlwind of shadows and vanishes into the distance.
(9:06:19 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku smirks, then looks back to his cousins. "Let us hope that Dove is as clever as she thinks she is."
(9:06:27 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Hopefully her plan works."
(9:06:29 PM) Seras: (this looks like a good place to stop, I think)
(9:06:32 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I believe she is quite clever."
(9:06:34 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((:D))
(9:06:39 PM) Dove: (Agreed)
(9:06:46 PM) Dove: (AND OH GOD I HOPE SO TOO)
(9:06:49 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Indeed.)
(9:06:51 PM) Seras: I hope everyone enjoyed
(9:06:54 PM) Reku_Avakaza: *nodnod*
(9:06:56 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: hehe that was fun
(9:07:00 PM) Jade-Wyvern: It was!
(9:07:20 PM) Dove: But at least she has that auto-sux to lying.
(9:07:34 PM) Dove: Because she will have to do it almost shamelessly.
(9:08:53 PM) Dove: XP?
(9:09:28 PM) Seras: oh..I guess
(9:09:33 PM) Seras: 8 for the session
(9:09:36 PM) Dove: Yah!
(9:09:43 PM) Seras: 12 because Dove is a nutjob and statted up 6 NPCs
(9:09:49 PM) Dove: *coughs*
(9:09:53 PM) Dove: So, 20.
(9:10:00 PM) Seras: yes, that's 20 total.
(9:10:05 PM) Jade-Wyvern: FUCKING YES.
(9:10:06 PM) Seras: HOW CLOSE ARE YOU TO 150?
(9:10:22 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((94))
(9:10:30 PM) Seras: Oooh getting closer
(9:10:33 PM) Reku_Avakaza: 76
(9:10:37 PM) Jade-Wyvern: :D

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