Information on the Souls

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The Origin of the Souls

Towards the decline of the Solars, there lived five brave and selfless Terrestrial Exalts who recognized the madness growing in their masters. Their Solar lords were no longer the great and just leaders they once were, so the five journeyed to the farthest reaches of the East where an ancient temple to Gaia and Cytheria was rumored to be. There, almost in the Wyld, after weeks of travel, the five unearthed the ancient place of worship and prayed without ceasing for five days and five nights.
They begged the Compassionate Mother of Creation to give them strength to show their masters the error of their ways, for their Solars' decline was so great that only a violent lesson would suffice. While countless other Terrestrials wished to overthrow the Solar rule out of jealousy or vengeance, the five kept pure hearts; mass slaughter and the resulting extermination of an Exalt type was not something they desired. Because of their selfless intentions, Gaia heard their prayers and granted each a vision of becoming one with their Dragons. When they opened their eyes, they realized the limitations of Terrestrial Exaltation had been removed. They returned to their homes, calling themselves by the Names of the Dragons.
They championed the Terrestrial Exalted as word of their triumphs spread. Eventually the Sidereals co opted their story and around the tales of their deeds built the foundation for the Immaculate Faith. In the wake of the Usurpation and during the height of the Shogunate, many more Terrestrials joined The First Five in their righteous cause. These elected Exalts came to be known as the Souls of Gaia and served the world. During the Shogunate, all Souls were Chosen by the First Five, but in the Second Age of Man, new paths have opened.

Becoming a Soul of Gaia

  • The Lunar Exalted know of a ritual that calls out to the heart of the Mother of All. While Lunar Exalts rarely partake of Gaia's Blessing themselves, there are a few who wish to know the fullness of Luna and Gaia's love. The Swords of Luna periodically recruit Outcaste Terrestrials into Gaia's Fold. A Soul of Gaia is always welcomed with open arms by the Swords of Luna.
  • Somewhere a TRUE copy of the Immaculate Texts exists. This is not the fabricated copy propagandized by the Bronze Faction. The True Texts contain detailed descriptions of the visions each of The First Five witnessed, as well as the exact rituals they followed. Should an Exalt read and follow this book, it functions like a holy Broken Winged Crane.There are only five copies of the True Texts in existance. One is in the Forbidding Manse of Ivy. NONE are in the possession of the Deathlords, who cannot bear to be within sight of the holy book.
  • Finding a temple of Gaia and offering up one's soul. Gaia responds only to those whose intentions are pure, however.
  • Other, rarer methods have been known to exist, including an existing Soul electing to elevate another Terrestrial he deems worthy. Many secular Dynasts believe that the Souls ARE the Immaculate Dragons or the Elemental Dragons personified and this process of election is often written off as the mythic Ultimate Exaltation
  • Rarer still is a "Wyld Hunt" sent after a young Solar that, rather than kill him, spirits him away where he is initiated and welcomed in Gaia's Fold. Solars make exceptionally powerful Souls and are useful in times of crisis.


  • The Vanguard of Heaven: The personal assistants to the whole of Heaven. They work most closely with the Sidereals--both Bronze and Gold-- as the strongarm of Heaven. Their relation with the Chosen of Fate is as open as it can be and many Souls are aware of the Bronze's puppetry of the Realm. Rumor has it that at least two of the First Five still serve the Vanguard of Heaven.
  • The Vanguard of the Realm: Also known as the Attendants to the Empress, the souls who have used their influence and expanded power to maintain stability in the Realm. The most famous Soul in the Vanguard of the Realm is, of course, the Empress herself.
  • Shields of the World: Heralds of Stability: The partners to the Swords of Luna who venture into the madness of the Wyld and keep the Raksha at bay.
    Blades of Sacred Life: The corps of Souls dedicated to the eradication and destruction of the Deathlords. Thorns was a surprise. There will be no more surprises.
    Lances of Daylight: The corps of Souls dedicated to the war against the Yozis, maintaining their prison, fighting their servants and expunging Yozi cults.

All the Factions are headed by a seat of power in Yu Shan. The Leader of the Souls is a former Air Aspected woman who some suspect is Mela herself. Little is known about her, save her former Aspect and that she coordinates the Souls with impeccable precision. It is said that even Elder Sidereals respect her.

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