Lord of Blackest Night

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Revision as of 00:50, 20 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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Name: Lord of Blackest Night
Alias: Nathan "Nate" Mayr
Kith:Dark Lord(May command a target to do any non-suicidal action for 2 glamour. He rolls Presence + Intimidation vs Target's Composure + [Power Stat (Wyrd, Blood Potency, Gnosis, etc)]
Court: Summer
Virtue: Fortitude
Vice: Wrath


[edit] Attributes

Strength 4 Dexterity 2 Stamina 3
Presence 3 Manipulation 2 Composure 2
Intelligence 2 Wits 2 Resolve 2

[edit] Abilities
[edit] Mental

Academics: 2
Computer: 1
Investigation: 1
Politics: 2
Science: 1

[edit] Physical

Athletics: 2
Brawl: 1
Drive (sports cars): 1
Firearms: 2
Stealth (using darkness): 1
Weaponry (swords): 4

[edit] Social

Empathy: 1
Intimidation (Inspiring Fear): 3

[edit] Merits, Pledges and Contracts

Mantle 1
New Identity 1
Hedgespun Armor 3
Pledge: Blessing of Wealth (with Switch)--details forthcoming
Darkness 1 (Creeping Dread)
Vainglory 4

[edit] Wyrd and Clarity

Wyrd 2
Clarity 6
Glamour: 6

[edit] Health, Speed and Willpower

Health 8
Speed 11
Willpower 4

[edit] Equipment

Longsword +2L
Defense 2
Hedgespun Armor 2/2 downgrades bullets to B

[edit] Experience

Current: 13
Total: 25

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