Onyx Tyr

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Revision as of 03:50, 11 October 2010 by (Talk)

Name: Onyx Tyr
Caste: Night
Concept: Insurgent
Motivation: To bring the Sun back to Meru
Intimacies: His family, the Circle (Affection)
Anima: Ghostly white-gold Eagle, wings spread out, blazing purple eyes and talons.



Strength 3 Dexterity 5 Stamina 3
Charisma 3 Manipulation 5 Appearance 2
Perception 4 Intelligence 2 Wits 2



Melee 5


Integrity 3 Performance 2 Presence 3 Resistance 3


Investigation 3 Lore 2 Occult 5


Athletics 4 Awareness 5 Dodge 4 Larceny 5 Stealth 5


Bureaucracy 1 Linguistics 2 Socialize 3

Specialties Larceny (Lock Picking +2) Presence (Persuasion +2) Stealth (Hiding in Plain Sight +2)

Languages: Earthtongue (Native), Old Realm, Flametongue.


Artifact 3 – Orichalcum Gauntlets of Distant Claws
Artifact 1 - Orichalcum Breastplate, lacquered black
Artifact 2 - Torc of Unified Action
Manse 1- A Wood Manse hidding in the forests of the Isle(Jewel of Youthful Suppleness. +2 to all Athletic rolls, +2 Larceny to escape Bondage)
Mentor 3 - The Night Terror
Resources 3 - Wealth stolen from those who support the State, and money earned from the family business.


Willpower 6/6
Compassion 2 Conviction 4 Temperance 2 Valor 2
Essence 4 Personal 18/18 Peripheral (44) 24/24 Committed 20
Limit: 2
Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty, when backed against the wall

Combat Information

Join Battle: 6
Dodge DV: 7
Dodge MDV: 6

Weapons: Orichalcum Gauntlets of Distant Claws:
Strike- Speed 5, Accuracy 15, Damage 8L, Defence 6, Rate 4
Ranged- Speed 5, Accuracy 13, Damage 11L, Defence 6, Rate 15

Punch- Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 3B, Defence 4, Rate 3
Kick- Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage 6B, Defence 2, Rate 2
Clinch- Speed 6, Accuracy 5, Damage 3B, Defence 3, Rate 1

Natural: 3B / 1L / 0A
Armor: 6B / 8L / 0A
Total: 9B / 9L / 0A

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Inc
0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Inc [ ]


Athletics- Graceful Crane Stance
Awareness- 2nd Awareness Excellency, Keen Hearing and Touch Technique, Unsurpassed Hearing and Touch Discipline
Dodge- Shadow Over Water, Seven Shadow Evasion (Conviction)
Investigation- 2nd Investigation Technique, Crafty Observation Method
Larceny- 2nd Larceny Excellency, Flawless Pickpocketing Technique, Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise, Perfect Mirror
Melee- 1st Melee Excellency, Hungry Tiger Technique, One Weapon-Two Blows, Flashing Edge of Dawn, Peony Blossom Attack, Call the Blade
Occult- Spirit Detecting Glance, Spirit Cutting Attack, AESS
Presence- 2nd Presence Excellency, Sun and Moon Method
Resistance- Body Mending Meditation, Ox-body Technique, Whirlwind Armor Donning Prana, Hauberk Lightening Gesture
Socialize- 1st Socialize Excellency, Mastery of Small Manners
Stealth- Easily Overlooked Presence Method, Mental Invisibility Technique



Onyx Tyr is an athletic looking male in his mid to late 20's with black eyes, short brown hair, and pale skin. He's dressed in loose fitting clothing, an ornate Orichalcum breastplate on his chest, Claws of Distant Strike on his forearms.


He was just a small child when the Usurpation occurred, barely old enough to remember who the Solars were, but too young to remember their failings. He and his family had lived in Meru for generations, and remained despite the upheaval to make the best of it. His parents operate a large tavern, a popular destination at the end of the day for many residents. He was a wild child, his parents too busy running the tavern to keep tabs on him most of the time and was always getting into trouble. He would go into places he didn't belong for any reason; from being dared, a bet, or simply curiosity and return with a trophy to prove he got in.

His Exaltation occured on a moonless night, he had long begun to use his skills in other ways than showing off and on this night he had a particular target; the house of a prominent bureaucrat whom he knew would be away for a few days and the house would be virtually empty of everyone but a few patrolling guards.

He slipped in through a hole in the wall that he had made large enough to squeeze through. It was in the far corner of the estate, not noticed behind all the vegitation, he then stealthily avoided the few patrolling guards and entered the house through the unlocked servants entrance. Passing by all the opulence of wealth bought by the owner to impress visitors, he went up to the Master Bedroom, where he had learned through the whispering of the servants one night at the tavern the master kept a safe filled with treasures that he didn't wish to place in the security of the Bank.

After a brief search of the room he discovered the mechanism to open the safe, located behind a mirror, which he realized allowed him to see back out into the bedroom. Putting it out of his mind for the time being he looked at the rest of the safe and his breath was taken away with what he saw. Large priceless gems and jewelry, paintings, works of art, blackmail papers, and much more, but what really captured his gaze was the collection of Solar artifacts. Touching them he heard a voice, "The Sun shall rise again on Meru. Take these, and help those who will make it happen. The Night provides no protection to those who turn away from the light."


Total XP: 292
Banked: 5
Spent: 287


Appearance 1 to 2: 4xp
Resources 2 to 3: 3xp
Performance 1 to 2: 2xp
First Socialize Excellency: 10xp
Second Awareness Excellency: 8xp
Keen Hearing and Touch Technique: 8xp
Perception 3 to 4: 12xp
Second Larceny Excellency: 8xp
Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise: 8xp
Second Investigation Excellency: 8xp
Crafty Observation Method: 8xp
Larceny 5: 7xp
Perfect Mirror: 8xp
Stealth 5: 7xp
Bureaucracy 1: 3xp
Occult 1: 3xp
Two Weapons, One Blow: 8xp
Flashing Edge of Dawn: 8xp
Resistance 3: 3xp
Integrity 3: 3xp
Mastery of Small Manners: 10xp
Essence 4: 0xp
Mentor 1-3: 9xp
Occult 2: 2xp
Awareness 5: 7xp
Lore 2: 2xp
Linguistics 2 (Flametongue): 2xp
Occult 3: 4xp
Occult 4-5: 14xp
Spirit Detecting Glance: 10xp
Spirit Cutting Attack: 10xp
Artifact 2 (ToUA): 6xp
Specialty: Persuasion +2: 6xp
AESS: 10xp
2nd Presence Excellency: 8xp
Sun and Moon method: 8xp
Unsurpassed Hearing and Touch Discipline: 8xp
Whirlwind Armor Donning Prana: 8xp
Hauberk Lightening Gesture: 8xp
Peony Blossom Attack: 8xp
Call the Blade: 8xp

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