The Rising Sun Gallant

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Revision as of 02:52, 25 July 2009 by (Talk)
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Name: The Rising Sun Gallant
Noble Raksha
Caste: Eshu
Concept: Rebel without a cause.
Motivation: Participate in the most dramatic conflict in Creation


[edit] Attributes

Physical: Strength 5; Dexterity 6; Stamina 5
Social: Charisma 7; Manipulation 6; Appearance 6
Mental: Perception 4; Intelligence 4; Wits 5

[edit] Abilities

[edit] Diplomat

Linguistics 2; Occult -; Ride -; Socialize 4; Thrown -

[edit] Entertainer

Investigation 1; Larceny -; Medicine -;Performance 6; Stealth 2

[edit] Warrior

Archery -; Martial Arts -;Melee 6; Presence 4; War 3

[edit] Worker

Bureaucracy -; Craft -; Integrity 5; Lore -; Resistance 1;

[edit] Casteless

Athletics 3; Awareness 2; Dodge 5; Sail -; Survival -


[edit] Backgrounds

Artifact 2 -
Behemoth 2: The Clarion Swan: Bastion of the Self (Sword), Gossamer Wing Flight, Glorious Hero Form, Pox (Large)

Treasure 1: Crystal Saber:
Speed 4, Acc +5, Dam +4L, Def +2, Rate 2, Attune 3

Oneiromancy 1: Birds of a Feather: Assumption of Bestial Visage (Enhanced Sense (Sight), Thick Skin), World-Angering Bestial Mastery, Thousand Gnawing Fangs, Abomination (Wings)

Birth 2
Freehold 2
Gossamer 3
Style 3

[edit] Metaphysical Information

Willpower: 7
Compassion 4; Conviction 1; Temperance 2; Valor 3;
Cup 4; Staff 1; Ring 1; Sword 3; Heart 3
Essence 3; Personal 30; Committed 12
Lure: (Compassion) Assist anyone who is crying.

[edit] Combat Information

Join Battle
Join Debate
Join War
Natural Soak:
Armored Soak
Total Soaks:
Health Levels:

[edit] Charms

[*] Assumption of Dreams and Passion
Elegant Muse Attitude
Emotion Weaving Style

Emotional Invocation
Spectacular Insanity
Ambrosial Ascension
[*] Ravishing the Created Form
[*] Banquet of Crumbs
Oneiromantic Conjuration
Gladdening Visage
Heaven Rains Wisdom

Charms marked with [*] are bonus charms granted by the Birth background
Charms in Bold are integrated into the current assumption

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