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Oishi was born the son of a slave in the far west, worked from a very young age in service to a powerful and kind Duke of the nation of Regina in the Thousand Kingdoms region. Regina was generally prosperous and happy, and even the Slaves, such as Oishi and his family, were not woeful of their work. The Duke saw the need for free labor, but did not see the need to treat them cruelly at all, so he treated them as citizens, albeit second class citizens. Oishi was seperated from his family rather young when they took the opportunity to send him to work directly for the Duke, a privilege neither of them had a hope of earning.
Oishi was a naturally strong boy and was always bigger than any of the other children. It came from his large bodied family, with strong lines of northern barbarian blood in them. It made him perfect for manual labor and for fighting off the stray Wyld beast or mundane wild animals. He found the work to be easy and rewarding, living for the praise and attention the Duke and his beautiful wife would lavish on him. "Always such a good boy." "So strong and brave, he's a fine example of youth." "He'll make a very fine man one day." In truth he felt closer to the royal family than he did his own parents, who were kind but rare presences in his busy life. The royals even let him play with their own son and brought him to functions as their "personal assistant." (In other words he was there to keep the young master company.) There was even talk of adopting him after a particularly harrowing episode involving a thief who had broken into the estate and held the young master captive. Oishi had gone red with rage, taking up an axe from the fireplace and severing the bastard's knife-arm at the shoulder without even scratching the young master. He had been crippled with guilt the rest of the week, but the Duke was even more impressed with him.
Everything changed with the attempted Coup... The Duke's Warmaster had taken the old gentleman's kindness as weakness for years, and finally decided to overthrow him and take Regina for himself. Oishi had been crouching outside of the shed he was sharing his plans in, clutching an armful of firewood. As he tried to sneak away, the bite of frigid steel met his throat and he fell to the ground, vision growing dark. "He won't be telling anyone now, hehehehehe..." was all he heard from the men as they went back inside to continue planning, leaving him bleeding in the snow, not caring enough to pause in their inevitable victory to so much as hide him. Who would find him in such a blizzard, anyway? He'd be covered in snow in minutes and hidden until spring, far after they would have taken Regina for themselves. They underestimated Oishi.
He used his scarf to stop the bleeding as well as he could, and dragged himself, legs numb and useless and arms giving out, all the way to the Duke's manor. He stopped on the front steps, light leaving his eyes... Until a massive stream of silver filled his vision, a woman with white hair and a hunter's attire standing atop a sea of change. She told him that he had proven his resolve, his incredible loyalty and strength had earned him a place in her heart. He Exalted as a Lunar in those moments, the mortal wound on his throat closing, leaving behind only a raw red scar. He spoke, to try and thank the Goddess, but no sound came from his ruined vocal cords. He wanted to ask her why she couldn't give him his voice back, but she simply shook her head, reading his heart.
"Yours will be a silence to speak volumes."
And she disappeared. New strength filling him, Oishi burst into the house and wrote down the account to the Duke. When the Warmaster and his dissenters came, the Duke's men were ready. As was Oishi. He FOUGHT. And with a newfound strength and ferocity. He picked up men and broke them in defense of his beloved Duke and Duchess. It was apparent to the royals that something had changed in their sweet servant, and it was very apparent to Oishi that he now... frightened them. They still loved him, but somehow he could sense that whatever he had become, he could only bring fear and danger to them... Oishi left his beloved home, crying silently as he stole away in the night as stealthily as his massive frame would allow.
It was not long before the Swords of Luna found him wandering dangerously close to the Wyld Zones. They brought him in and, for his deeds, he was tattooed as a Full Moon and he served with the Swords for a while... but he was not happy. This troubled his fellow Lunars, and so they spoke amongst themselves and wondered at what he was so unhappy about... He certainly didn't SEEM to be lacking anything, but then, how were they do know? They tried offering him many things. He was well fed, VERY well fed, so food didn't do it... He refused alcohol, and drugs of any sort. He even turned down offers of sex from both a man and a woman, and then both at once! The Swords were stumped... Then their Elder simply asked Oishi: Do you like your job? He shook his head, no.
Not like defending Creation from the Wyld? Why not? Oishi couldn't elaborate why... He just... couldn't see the results of his work. He wanted something more, something direct. It didn't have to be grand, he just wanted to be able to see how he was helping things... The Elder had him write down his thoughts, and from that letter he came to a conclusion... He decided to lead young Oishi through the Ritual of the Mother of All. Perhaps what he needed was to EXPERIENCE the changes he was making, the help he rendered Creation. And the best way to do that, to give him a sense of fullfillment, was to allow him to offer himself to Gaia, the Mother of all and Lover to Luna, completely. Oishi accepted. Completely.
The Ritual was more then successful. Though Oishi could not speak, his voice was heard by the Mother loud and clear. He NEEDED something that only a sworn and dear duty could give him. He needed her voice in his ear. She touched him with her Essence and remade him as one of her Souls. But she did not give him his voice back. He began crying, struck with the beauty of what he had become, but still confused and angry... why would he not speak again? Gaia answered.
"Yours IS a silence to speak volumes."
The same thing Luna had said. The same mysterious smile...
"When others clamor and flail, when they scream in pain or fear or anger, when all the world is alight with sound and fury, you will be the silent pillar that prevents them from destroying themselves. You must be silent, for only then will you be HEARD."
Oishi cried again, this time with joy as he finally UNDERSTOOD. Now he had a reason. Ironically enough he joined with the Shields of the World, having a similar but more widespread job than before.
All he needed now was a family.
Oishi is extremely tall and broad, just cresting 6' 8" and rippling with heavy muscle. Though he's built like a beast of burden, he has a yet boyish face, looking 17 or 18 despite his size. His hair is short and oak brown and messy, his eyes a dark blue and his skin is tan from long days in the sun. He wears very simple clothing, tunics and trousers that he makes himself. He is generally hard not to notice, being so large, and his face is youthfully handsome, his smiles inordinately sweet. His Tell comes in the form of a pair of buffalo horns set on his head just behind his temples.
Name: Oishi
Caste: Full Moon Lunar
Totem: Buffalo
Soul Affiliation: Earth
Motivation: To serve all of Creation in such a way that he can look upon it and smile with pride.
- STR: 6
- DEX: 5
- STA: 6
CHA: 3
MAN: 1
APP: 4
PER: 3
- INT: 4
WIT: 3
Athletics: 4
Awareness: 3
Dodge: 3
Integrity: 3
- Martial Arts: 5 (Clinch: 2)(Wrackstaff: 2)
Resistance: 4
Craft(Wood): 2
Craft(Earth): 2
Linguistics: 2
Lore: 2
- Survival: 2
Inheritance: 5
Patron: 5
Heart's Blood: 3
Reknown: 3
Face: 2
Solar Mate: 2
Backing(Silver Pact): 3
Backing(Shields of the World): 3
Resources: 3
Manse: 4 (Gem of Adamant Skin)
Artifact: 4 (Wrackstaff: Silver Sentinal)
Artifact: 4 (Articulated Plate: The Embracing Earth)
Merits and Flaws
Pox: Large: -1 (+1 to STR and STA (Cannot breach maximum), +1 -0 HL)
Mute: +3
Hearth and Flame Shell
Deadly Beastman Transformation
Terrifying Beastman Alteration
Beastman Form: +1 to all physical attributes.
Stone Body: +6L/6B natural soak, +4 to Survival tests, +1 Stamina, -1 Dex.
Inexhaustible: Never takes fatigue penalties and can act without rest.
Great Hooves: +2L kicking attacks.
Gazelle's Pace: Long Distance Travel is as fast as a horse. +2 to Dex and Strength for running, jumping and combat movement.
Second Strength Excellency
Impressions of Strength(Undeniable Might, Ogre's Loving Caress)
Shell-Crushing Atemi
Unstoppable Lunar Wound
Tearing Claw Atemi
Yeddim's Back Method
Throat-Baring Hold
Second Stamina Excellency
Ox-Body Technique x2
Steadfast Yeddim Meditation
Crumbling the Mountain (Impressions of Strength, Shell-Crushing Atemi, Unstoppable Lunar Wound)
Essence: 4
Personal: 18/18
Peripheral: 35/35
Commited: 11 peripheral
Compassion: 3
Conviction: 2
Temperance: 4
Valor: 2
Willpower: 8
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Moonsilver Wrackstaff("Silver Sentinel")
Spd: 4 Acc: +4 Dam: +12B Def: +4 Rate: 3 Attune: 5
Silver Sentinel can parry projectiles, even those normally unparryable, at +2 PDV and, optionally for a cost of 3 motes, deflects them on a successful parry towards a foe in range of the deflected attack's normal maximum range. The projectile attack hits with its original successes. This covers both mundane and Essence projectiles.
Moonsilver Articulated Plate ("The Embracing Earth")
Soak: +12L/14B Hardness: 8L/8B Mobility: 0 Fatigue: 1 Attune: 6