Session 2

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(6:39:44 PM) Dove: Logging started.
(6:41:03 PM) Seras: WHEN WE LAST LEFT OFF
(6:41:39 PM) Seras: You successfully came together to enter creation for a nebulous task. As you arrived, you were almost immediately set upon by a frightened young Solar being chased by the Wyld Hunt
(6:42:22 PM) Reku_Avakaza: How rude of them, to just run onto my land all willy-nilly!
(6:42:35 PM) Dove: Dove is trying to get her in...
(6:42:50 PM) Seras: The Hunt, right behind them, had just crossed the horizon and were coming clearly into view as our Heroes (?) readied their armies of demons and their own weapons to gut some Terrestrials!
(6:43:21 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade grins over at the coming Dragonbloods, sniffing the air. "Smells like dinner."
(6:44:03 PM) Dove: Dove keeps her hood up as she takes the girl's hand and leads her to the entrance of the manse.
(6:44:08 PM) Seras: could I get JB rolls all around, pleasee?
(6:44:18 PM) Seras: wait, lemme remember how
(6:44:35 PM) Seras: ....Svad, how do you roll by messaging RPGserv
(6:44:37 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku stands quite still, looking to the horizon. "How foolish, these men of the very very foolish."
(6:44:53 PM) JadeWyvern: (/msg RPGserv roll 10[1d10] #hellgame)
(6:45:02 PM) Dove: (Does Dove have to, to help get the girl out?
(6:45:03 PM) Dove: )
(6:45:19 PM) Seras: (Dove should roll JB too, yes)
(6:45:27 PM) Seras: (you get her out, but roll JB anyway)
(6:45:32 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Reku_Avakaza [8[1d10]]: 8 6 9 4 1 5 7 8 >
(6:45:38 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (4)
(6:45:39 PM) Seras: (Talking to her while in there is a Misc Spd 5 action)
(6:45:40 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Le_Squide [7[1d10]]: 9 7 4 4 9 10 8 >
(6:45:45 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Dove [3[1d10]]: 7 10 6 >
(6:45:57 PM) Dove: ( O.O 3 sux)
(6:46:15 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [10[1d10]]: 7 4 9 1 2 6 8 7 7 10 >
(6:46:25 PM) JadeWyvern: ((7))
(6:46:49 PM) Seras: ...chris
(6:46:50 PM) Seras: t
(6:46:53 PM) Le_Squide:
(6:47:03 PM) Seras: (The fuck am I doing wrong)
(6:47:16 PM) Seras: (*copypastes*)
(6:48:09 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [8[1d10]]: 6 1 6 3 7 5 6 8 >
(6:48:21 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [10[1d10]]: 9 3 5 7 10 8 1 8 8 9 >
(6:48:40 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [6[1d10]]: 4 7 4 1 1 2 >
(6:48:47 PM) Seras: (I see someone going on tick 6!_
(6:49:00 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [7[1d10]]: 1 2 8 8 8 4 8 >
(6:49:27 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [8[1d10]]: 3 5 4 6 1 9 2 8 >
(6:49:59 PM) Seras: they have a pile of Extras, who will act as one. A certain number of successes destroys so many extras, if you're attacking them.
(6:50:09 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [4[1d10]]: 7 5 3 4 >
(6:50:50 PM) Seras: Hmm, should we wait for Sparda to kick everything off?
(6:51:20 PM) Dove: (Well, was he going to get into the fight?)
(6:51:40 PM) Seras: (I don't recall. I think he was coming with you)
(6:52:50 PM) Dove: (I think we will be fine. He did say Moonlight was no fighter)
(6:53:01 PM) Seras: Well, there are four clear DBs: Fire, Air, Earth and Water
(6:53:21 PM) Seras: The rest are a horde of mean-looking extras, well-equipped with spears and swords!
(6:54:09 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade's mocking laughter can be heard for a long ways, "Is that -all- they brought?"
(6:54:35 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I'll leave the Dragonlings for us, hmm?"
(6:54:38 PM) Seras: TICK 0: The Earth Aspect set the reaction count with 8, then Wyvern on 1, Kanzaku on 2, Water and Reku on 4, Dove [and presumably Moonlight] on 5, everyone else on 6
(6:55:09 PM) JadeWyvern: "Reku, who do I get to take?"
(6:55:25 PM) Seras: they're charging you: anyone got Essence sight?
(6:55:36 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I would prefer the Fire Aspect, myself."
(6:55:36 PM) Dove: (Dove has her daikaive out, to mention)
(6:55:39 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Not meeeee))
(6:55:53 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Have it? Yes. Active? No.)
(6:55:54 PM) Seras: (Ok)
(6:56:05 PM) Seras: (would you like to do so, before Combat starts?)
(6:56:15 PM) JadeWyvern: "I'll take that charging Earth Aspect, then."
(6:56:22 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Can I go DBT before combat starts?)
(6:56:35 PM) Seras: (yes, anyone can benefit from one power up at this point)
(6:56:47 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I'll activate CotSM as my Gift.))
(6:57:00 PM) Seras: (ok
(6:57:19 PM) JadeWyvern left the room (quit: Disintegrated: CGI:IRC).
(6:57:27 PM) Valheru [~18188c1e@6824EAF2.4E5788D1.1A09FF46.IP] entered the room.
(6:57:32 PM) Valheru is now known as JadeWyvern
(6:57:34 PM) Dove: (Dove won't. She can use Dragon-Graced Weapon needed.)
(6:58:08 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku's eyes glow brightly with Ligier's beautiful light as he attunes himself to the Essence flows around the manse. (AESS, 6m personal)
(6:58:48 PM) Seras: As the Earth Aspect comes thundering into view, you can see flakes of stone peeling from his skin, his body empowered with flows of Earth Essence.
(6:58:56 PM) Seras: Reku: on the downside, they're /battle ready/
(6:59:02 PM) Seras: on the upside, they've already spent some motes.
(6:59:33 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Be wary, cousins: they are well prepared."
(6:59:46 PM) Seras: You can also see Wyvern's vast hoardes of demons circling the crew, the tomescu howling and clashing their many blades together, athelioi flexing their claws, blood apes snarling and pounding their chests.
(6:59:59 PM) JadeWyvern: "Well done, just the way I like it."
(7:00:13 PM) Le_Squide: Kanzaku yawns. "I almost feel sorry for them."
(7:00:16 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Agreed."
(7:00:52 PM) Seras: The Earth Aspect almost doesn't seem to notice the rest of you--Wyvern, you're not hiding your Tats, are you
(7:01:13 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Fuck no.))
(7:01:26 PM) Seras: ((fuck. brb))
(7:01:27 PM) Dove: "Poor fools."
(7:01:51 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Is that a fuck because she isn't hiding her tats? >_>))
(7:02:04 PM) Dove: Dove seems sad, shaking her head. "Send them to a better life where they can understand the truth."
(7:02:44 PM) JadeWyvern: "I will rend them straight to their next life, worry not."
(7:02:59 PM) Le_Squide: "Statistically, at least one of them will avoid Lethe and become a ghost; perhaps two, depending how horrible their deaths are."
(7:03:23 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Do leave one alive, if possible. I need a sacrifice for the next new moon."
(7:03:50 PM) Dove: "Then we must hurt them again?" Then to Reku, she adds with a smile, "The Water!"
(7:04:32 PM) JadeWyvern: The now-reptillian Wyvern widens her maw in a grin filled with green-tinged Moonsilver. "Horrible isn't quite strong enough a word, I think."
(7:04:43 PM) Seras: ((no, I'm saying fuck cuz I'm sitting in front of the compy, which to my family means I'm not doing anything, which means I'm errand-girl >.<)
(7:04:50 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Bah.))
(7:05:03 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Blarg)
(7:05:18 PM) Dove: (I know the feeling)
(7:05:59 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Oh shit, I never picked Mutations for her DBT.))
(7:06:02 PM) Seras: "Oh ho, boys," the huge guy comes skidding to a stop, a few feet from Jade. "Looks like we've traded one Anathema for another!"
(7:06:10 PM) Seras: (pick 'em now, sugarpie)
(7:06:20 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Can I have four levels of Toxin?))
(7:06:58 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Which is less a poison, and more like a Komodo Dragon's mouth.))
(7:07:08 PM) Le_Squide: (Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww)
(7:07:13 PM) JadeWyvern: ((XP))
(7:07:16 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Gentlemen and ladies, you are tresspassing on my lands." He looks into the eyes of whoever seems to be the leader. "Please leave, or you will be forced to do so."
(7:07:31 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Well, for smell's sake, let's say it's an actual Toxin. XP))
(7:07:35 PM) Seras: "Just hand the girl over and nobody gets hurt." The Earth Aspect seems to be runnign the show
(7:07:59 PM) Dove: Dove is standing protectively before the Eclipse, her daiklaive out casually.
(7:07:59 PM) Seras: he's pushing seven feet tall, swathed in white robes, clutching an immense Grand Goremaul.
(7:08:05 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I will do nothing of the sort. She asked for sanctuary, and she shall recieve it."
(7:08:20 PM) JadeWyvern: "Exactly. You hand over the girl, and we don't rip you to shreds." She grins, an odd substance dripping from her fangs.
(7:08:22 PM) Le_Squide: Kanzaku chuckles
(7:09:12 PM) Seras: "I think we should take them both, Jago." His wiry Fire-Aspected companion adds, running a slender finger over one his paired daiklaves
(7:09:14 PM) Dove: Dove is smiling slightly. She didn't care much for the robed Dragonblooded she had met on missons both.
(7:09:32 PM) Dove: (before)
(7:10:07 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I would like to see you try." He looks to the Fire Aspect, a smile on his face.
(7:10:13 PM) Seras: "Ahh well," Jago shrugs, dust puffing from his massive shoulders, "we /won't/ do this the easy way."
(7:10:42 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade looms over the Earth Aspect, pushing 9 feet, thick silver and blue scales running down her length, from snout to tail.
(7:10:49 PM) Dove: "Oh no. You seem to prefer the painful way." Dove states dreamily.
(7:10:54 PM) JadeWyvern: ((River Dragon totem.))
(7:11:06 PM) JadeWyvern: "Yes. Painful, but much more -delicious-."
(7:11:46 PM) Seras: the Earth Aspect seems to be having no more of this, and swings his massive goremaul at Jade's mouth with a roar
(7:12:44 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Rolling is Step 1?))
(7:13:03 PM) Seras: (no rolling is 3. this is Declare Defense step)
(7:13:07 PM) Sparda [~Sparda219@98C90FD2.2D7229DF.9B0C1FB9.IP] entered the room.
(7:14:02 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Sparda!)
(7:14:05 PM) JadeWyvern: ((PDV.))
(7:14:28 PM) Seras: ((ya gonna stunt that?))
(7:14:28 PM) Sparda: ((YAY))
(7:14:33 PM) Seras: ((you want fries with that?)
(7:16:14 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade seems to flow seamlessly around the Earth Aspect's attack, silvery essence tightening her muscles to allow her seemingly rigid form a fluid grace, the Moonsilver blades of her tail fins clashing easily with the unwieldy weapon, throwing him off-balance, sending his own attack right back at him!
(7:16:22 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Snake Body Technique.))
(7:17:32 PM) Seras: ((does that go off automatically, or does he roll against your DV first))
(7:18:23 PM) JadeWyvern: ((If I parry it, the affect happens.))
(7:18:28 PM) Seras: ok!
(7:18:35 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I don't have the perfect dodge charm. Yet.))
(7:18:40 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [17[1d10]]: 6 6 7 6 6 9 7 8 6 5 6 10 2 8 4 6 4 >
(7:18:51 PM) Dove: ( D : DAMN )
(7:18:58 PM) Seras:
(7 lol)
(7:19:31 PM) JadeWyvern: ((:D))
(7:20:04 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Any stunt dices?))
(7:20:11 PM) Seras: ((oh, two!)
(7:20:16 PM) Seras: (y'all gotta remind me or I'll forget)
(7:20:26 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I'll take that WP. :D))
(7:21:19 PM) Seras: Are you enhancing his own attack with any Charms
(7:22:03 PM) JadeWyvern: ((It's not in a combo, sadly, so no.))
(7:22:36 PM) Seras: He looks up with a start as his own attack returns to him, but he manages to sidestep his own massive hammer, because he rolled like poo.
(7:22:48 PM) Seras: He snarls at you, but his rage will have to wait for another tick.
(7:22:49 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Svad? I'm kind of confused as to how it works.))
(7:23:04 PM) Seras: TICK 2 GO
(7:23:08 PM) JadeWyvern: ((It says that his attack's successes are applied directly to his own soak, in STep 7.))
(7:23:16 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I don't get it.))
(7:23:31 PM) JadeWyvern: ((It doesn't say he gets to dodge it.))
(7:23:34 PM) Seras: ((....that's wonky. We'll hash it out in a private chat, for future reference))
(7:23:40 PM) Dove: (Svad, your turn)
(7:23:47 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Okies.))
(7:23:47 PM) Seras: ((for now, I'm going to stick with what I ruled))
(7:23:50 PM) Seras: SORRY I LIED
(7:23:51 PM) Seras: TICK 1
(7:23:55 PM) Seras: WYVERN GO
(7:25:20 PM) JadeWyvern: ((We're on Sand, right?))
(7:25:29 PM) Seras: (yes)
(7:26:12 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (But of course! Where else would you be?)
(7:26:19 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade bellows a laugh, snaking around her opponent like a python taking hold of it's prey, her massive maw moving faster than lightning towards his midsection, the sheer force of her blow pushing them a foot into the sand, the very heat of her anima making a small coat of glass appear where it touches the stuff.
(7:26:42 PM) Seras: nice, two dice.
(7:27:00 PM) Seras: He attempts to throw himself out of the way, using his maul to put distance between you
(7:27:09 PM) Seras: (DDV 8, fyi)
(7:27:26 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [26[1d10]]: 5 4 5 3 1 10 6 5 3 6 9 5 5 2 10 10 8 6 6 6 2 3 2 6 8 1 >
(7:27:46 PM) JadeWyvern: (
(9, on 26 dice. Fuck you Plentimon.))
(7:27:54 PM) Dove: (You still hit him)
(7:28:00 PM) Seras: You hit by 1! He has 12L soak. Fuck you, Earth Dragon Form.
(7:28:10 PM) JadeWyvern: (( I know. But it's the fucking principal of the thing.))
(7:29:10 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Six dice, then.))
(7:29:21 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [6[1d10]]: 8 6 5 3 9 9 >
(7:29:32 PM) JadeWyvern: ((3L.))
(7:29:37 PM) JadeWyvern: ((He also gets Poisoned.))
(7:29:51 PM) Seras: ((I believe he rolls against its Toxicity))
(7:30:55 PM) Seras: ((in the interest of time, tell me in a private IM, and I'll have him make the rolls when we know))
(7:30:58 PM) Seras: TICK 2 GO
(7:32:29 PM) Dove: (Svad?)
(7:32:35 PM) Le_Squide: Kanzaku sighs, and pushes his glasses up. "I suppose it will be best to get this over quickly..."
(7:33:02 PM) Le_Squide: He begins tracking the moments of the Earth aspect as they fight Jade, humming as he moves. "A little more to the left, yeeeess..."
(7:33:22 PM) Le_Squide: (Aiming for Elemental Bolt, hopefully for the whole 3 ticks)
(7:33:33 PM) Seras: (sounds good, ahve a stunt dizzle)
(7:33:43 PM) Seras: OH, WVYERN: Spd?
(7:33:56 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [10[1d10]]: 7 4 1 8 3 6 2 6 2 1 >
(7:33:59 PM) JadeWyvern: ((3))
(7:34:23 PM) JadeWyvern: ((She has that one hearthstone))
(7:34:26 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Lemme find it.))
(7:34:28 PM) Seras: The Earth Aspect is....not looking so good
(7:36:18 PM) Sepher_The_Reckoner [] entered the room.
(7:36:31 PM) Seras: It is now Tick 4: Wyvern, Reku, Earth and Water Aspects all go at once.
(7:36:32 PM) Seras: Wheee!
(7:36:58 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (All yours, Val. I'm still deciding what I'm doing.)
(7:38:00 PM) Seras: The Earth Aspect looks like he's trying to clear his swinging blindly at Jade.
(7:38:44 PM) Seras: he's also taking poison damage. Note the purple bubbles above his head
(7:38:49 PM) Dove: (xD)
(7:38:55 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [5[1d10]]: 2 10 6 10 5 >
(7:39:08 PM) JadeWyvern: ((How does splitting actions work in 2e, again?))
(7:39:12 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [11[1d10]]: 1 6 6 4 7 1 1 8 8 6 2 >
(7:39:14 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I never do it, Lol.))
(7:39:31 PM) JadeWyvern: ((For 2 actions, -2 -3, right?))
(7:39:43 PM) Seras: (ah, crap, sorry. too quick on the trigger finger. yes, just like 1e. your DV goes down by 1 for each action, though)
(7:40:11 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Ew.))
(7:41:02 PM) Seras: (Unless you have a charm that prevents that. Like Golden Tiger Defense or whatever it's called)
(7:41:58 PM) Seras: In the meantime, The Water Aspect also launches himself at you, razor claws flashing as he does.
(7:42:47 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade laughs once more, easily knocking aside his clumsy attack, her greenish-tinged essence flowing around her body as she suddenly moves inhumanly fast, her tail-fins easy catching the attack of the Water Aspect, while her Claws catch the Earth Aspect's.
(7:42:53 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (You being...)
(7:43:03 PM) Seras: You = Jade Wyvern, sorry
(7:43:09 PM) Seras: she's the biggest, most obviously dangerous target
(7:43:36 PM) Seras: another two dice stunt for the Val!
(7:44:03 PM) Seras: The Earth Aspect has DV 2...which he'll buff to 5, but that's not going to save him.
(7:44:11 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Woooooo!))
(7:45:02 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [21[1d10]]: 1 5 10 8 9 1 5 1 7 7 7 9 7 6 5 9 6 1 8 10 2 >
(7:45:10 PM) Seras: (that was the Water Aspect)
(7:45:36 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Wow, can I drop a 1st Dex?))
(7:45:45 PM) Seras: (earth Aspect's roll is up there. 3 for the big guy, 13 for WA))
(7:46:05 PM) Seras: (No, not anymore. 3rd is OK though)
(7:46:23 PM) JadeWyvern: ((No 3rd, sadly. Would be a good idea, though, what with ma Dex being 7..))
(7:46:26 PM) Seras: (If you'd like to stuntbuy it, that's cool too)
(7:47:19 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Okay, that's cool-I'll stuntbuy it.))
(7:48:20 PM) Seras: (ok!)
(7:48:49 PM) JadeWyvern: Locking into the very essence of her musculature, Jade's body suddenly tenses of its own accord, snapping her body into motion faster than the eyes can see, moving her tail even faster than it was already going, slamming directly into the weapons of her attacker.
(7:49:05 PM) JadeWyvern: ((It adds half my Dex to DV, right? Rounded down, or up?))
(7:49:23 PM) Seras: (up)
(7:49:33 PM) Seras: (nice, you two dice stunt machine)
(7:49:34 PM) JadeWyvern: ((+4, then. So 16.))
(7:49:48 PM) Seras: ((he misses!))
(7:50:32 PM) Seras: (was there an attack included in your original description?)
(7:50:34 PM) Dove: (So, now it's Reku...?)
(7:51:48 PM) Seras: (I believe Val has an attack roll to make, because it was part of her original stunt. She can keep those two dice I gave her from any of her previous stunties)
(7:52:06 PM) JadeWyvern: Roaring at the insult of making her bring something new into her Arsenal, Jade snarls as her Maw whips forward to latch onto the Earth Aspect before she bends completely backwards, her teeth closing around the Water Aspect, which she uses to hold herself in place as she leaps over him, slamming his body repetedly into the ground, driving her teeth in ever farther.
(7:52:20 PM) JadeWyvern: ((That was the attack, the first stunt was only a parry.))
(7:52:57 PM) Seras: ((ok, well your two dice trend hasn't stopped, so roll plz! His DV is .....2, whcih he's buffing to 5, as I mentioned. He has 12L soak, GO!)
(7:53:21 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I'll pop one action from PoM to attack the Earth Aspect, and use 2 more on the Water, for 3 total attacks against him.))
(7:53:37 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [26[1d10]]: 3 5 6 10 6 6 7 4 2 8 4 7 8 2 5 9 6 6 6 3 2 4 9 8 9 7 >
(7:53:54 PM) JadeWyvern: ((11 against the Earth. Shall I roll damage?))
(7:54:07 PM) Seras: (the Water aspect has DV 8. 7 and 12L soak, too. And yes.))
(7:54:33 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [11[1d10]]: 2 7 7 7 7 3 2 3 6 4 1 >
(7:54:43 PM) JadeWyvern: ((JACKPOT))
(7:54:52 PM) JadeWyvern: ((4L, and another dose of Toxin.))
(7:54:54 PM) Seras: (47, nice)
(7:54:57 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [10[1d10]]: 9 10 8 1 5 6 6 10 2 9 >
(7:55:10 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [24[1d10]]: 2 5 7 9 4 4 1 3 8 3 5 5 10 1 1 2 3 4 7 6 4 6 6 1 >
(7:55:12 PM) Seras: (Ouch.)
(7:55:24 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Oops, it should be 26. SHould I roll 2 dice separately?))
(7:55:34 PM) Seras: (sure_
(7:55:37 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [2[1d10]]: 6 1 >
(7:55:49 PM) JadeWyvern: (
(6, first attack misses.))
(7:55:55 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [26[1d10]]: 7 2 10 8 10 2 3 7 10 6 1 1 9 9 4 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 2 2 10 >
(7:56:08 PM) JadeWyvern: ((14.))
(7:56:13 PM) Seras: (hits by 7)
(7:56:37 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [12[1d10]]: 7 6 8 5 5 9 7 2 9 3 3 10 >
(7:56:51 PM) JadeWyvern: (
(6L, and Toxin. Rolling Third!))
(7:56:58 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [26[1d10]]: 2 1 3 5 3 6 8 6 1 4 3 2 5 2 10 3 3 3 10 10 8 8 4 3 7 1 >
(7:57:09 PM) Seras: (you jumped the gun there: he was about to use WD Styles' form buff to pump his L soak to 15)
(7:57:18 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Oh.))
(7:57:22 PM) Seras: ( iwas in the process of typing that lol, yo ucouldn't have known, sorry)
(7:57:28 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Sorry. T_T I'll reroll.))
(7:57:33 PM) Seras: ('k)_
(7:57:42 PM) JadeWyvern: ((10 suxx on third attack, though.))
(7:57:50 PM) Seras: (k, hits by 4)
(7:57:57 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [9[1d10]]: 5 7 7 9 9 2 7 5 2 >
(7:58:05 PM) JadeWyvern: ((5L, and Toxin, then.))
(7:58:25 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [6[1d10]]: 10 8 4 5 10 4 >
(7:58:25 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [6[1d10]]: 7 2 6 7 1 4 >
(7:58:33 PM) Seras: (yar, poisoned!)
(7:58:44 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [5[1d10]]: 5 4 6 1 5 >
(7:58:47 PM) JadeWyvern: ((3L from second attack.))
(7:59:57 PM) Seras: (ok! Reku?)
(8:00:06 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Do either of them go down? :D))
(8:00:24 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku begins to hum loudly, eyes locked with the Fire Aspect as he takes out his dire chain and swings it about. The hum matches frequency with the sound of the chain moving through the desert air; the hum is echoed by something inside the manse. Then, as the chain flickers towards the Dragonling, agatae! Hundreds of them! Swarming the mortal followers of the Hunt!
(8:00:24 PM) Seras: Sadly, both are still standing.
(8:00:28 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Summoning the Bound Servator Force of the Manse, as well as a smack with the chain. The chain, by the by, cuts his DV by 2.)
(8:00:32 PM) Seras: Though both are purple bubble'd.
(8:00:40 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Awesome.))
(8:00:54 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I need Damage charms. Hellooooo3rd Strength..))
(8:00:55 PM) Seras: Two dice stunt! Do you want me to roll for you Agatae swarm?
(8:01:04 PM) Le_Squide: (How's the Earth Aspect looking?)
(8:01:10 PM) Dove: (agatae rush! kekekekeke)
(8:01:11 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Feel free, as I'm not sure what I'd roll.)
(8:01:20 PM) Seras: And the Fire Aspect flickers once, briefly. How many attack dice do you have, total, Reku?
(8:01:52 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (11 with the stunt dice)
(8:02:21 PM) Seras: Your attack is now aimed at Jade Wyvern. Blasted Terrestrials.
(8:02:42 PM) Seras: In the meantime the Agatae materialize and buzz with delight as they descend upon the Extras
(8:02:46 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Oh fuck you.))
(8:02:46 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Bah!)
(8:02:47 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Reku_Avakaza [11[1d10]]: 8 3 3 3 2 6 10 4 2 6 4 >
(8:02:51 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [15[1d10]]: 5 1 8 1 1 3 10 6 10 6 5 2 9 9 3 >
(8:02:53 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (3)
(8:03:05 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Wait until I get Running Through the Herd. Lol, I'll redirect his redirection back to him. XP))
(8:03:23 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (DV's down by 2, Val. :P)
(8:03:40 PM) Seras: (Spd, Reku?)
(8:03:55 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade roars and dodges the redirected blow easily, "Watch it!"
(8:03:57 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (5)
(8:04:08 PM) Seras: Also, Kanzaku, the Earth Aspect is looking Not So Good
(8:04:19 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "My apologies, cousin! It seems the fiery one used a little trick on me." He laughs, eyes flashing.
(8:04:27 PM) Le_Squide: (Next tick, aborting to attack on him, if he's still alive)
(8:04:58 PM) Seras: TIck 5, Kanzaku, Moonlight, and Dove!
(8:05:14 PM) JadeWyvern: "It's ok, it's a terrible trick, as you have seen, mine are much more effective."
(8:05:50 PM) Dove: "Moonlight, let's get her out of here, NOW!" Dove shouts, making sure her back isn't to the Dragonblooded and making sure they were running, in case the Dragonblooded attempt to attack them. She knew she was able to fight, but she wasn't sure for the fellow Akuma, nor for the young one
(8:06:20 PM) Seras: Reku's cultists are waiting to assist you, they provide cover while you get away
(8:06:38 PM) Seras: (You can get away freely, don't need to roll or anything)
(8:06:52 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Aww. D: I wanted to use Foot trapping Counter. XP))
(8:07:04 PM) Dove: (*nod* So, they get it)
(8:07:06 PM) Seras: (you'll get your chance =P)
(8:07:07 PM) Dove: (In)
(8:07:18 PM) Seras: Dove and Moonlight are safely within the shelter of the manse.
(8:07:25 PM) Seras: They have +1 sniffling Eclipse girl.
(8:07:33 PM) Sparda: Moonlight flanks the young Solar, also keeping an eye out for the Hunters after them. "Yes! protecting her is the priority now, let's get to steppin'." He offers the poor beleagured Usurper Sun chosen support as they run along
(8:07:47 PM) Dove: Once they are in, Dove removes her hood and asks worriedly to the girl, "Other than that fright, how are you faring?"
(8:08:14 PM) Seras: "I-I'm largely unhurt. I outran them most of the way."
(8:08:50 PM) Dove: Dove smiles, nodding. "Good. You have at least some fortune."
(8:08:54 PM) Sparda: "We'll you're a lucky one then, clever and quick too, my dear. So few survive when they're changed like you've been."
(8:09:02 PM) Le_Squide: Lighting and wind rise up around Kanzaku as he dispassionately watches the Earth Aspect. "Your life is already over; realize I merely expedite your return to the great cycle so as to avoid unfortunate necronmantical baggage." Suddenly, the flickering sparks explode into a beautiful and glorious corona of light, errant trails of electricity fusing together and dancing across his body, sending...
(8:09:04 PM) Le_Squide: ...Kanzaku into a bizarre paroxysm as the power seems to form into strange formulas etched in the air, as he slowly raises a trembling hand to point at the unfortunate Earth Aspect. "SO! GOODBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!"
(8:09:07 PM) Sparda: Moonlight nods gravely.
(8:09:28 PM) Dove: (.... Svad. That rocked.)
(8:09:41 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Indeed.)
(8:10:13 PM) Dove: "What is your name, anyways? My name is Dove, and this is Mister Moonlight." Dove gives a polite bow.
(8:10:21 PM) Le_Squide: The following thunderbolt is tinged purple red, and leaves a smoking trail of bizarre equations in the air, which now smells distinctly of ozone and algebra.
(8:10:27 PM) Seras: (behehe. Alright, since your other PCs chimed in, you can have three dice!)
(8:10:32 PM) Sparda: Moonlight similarly bows and offers the girl a seat.
(8:10:40 PM) JadeWyvern: ((FUCK YES HE GETS 3 DICE.))
(8:10:44 PM) Sparda: ((That was sexy, Svad.))
(8:11:02 PM) Seras: The Earth Aspect looks up just in time to be obliterated by Air Essence and Math
(8:11:04 PM) Dove: (What does algebra smell like?)
(8:11:08 PM) Seras: Kryssk cheers and flashes bright blue!
(8:11:18 PM) Le_Squide: (Also using 1st excellency, since this don't got no accuracy.)
(8:11:20 PM) Seras: He also rotates
(8:11:21 PM) Le_Squide: (Yay bein' a DB.)
(8:11:27 PM) Seras: (DV 2, whoo)
(8:11:34 PM) Seras: (12L soak)
(8:12:09 PM) Dove: Dove's jaw drops, watching the fellow Dragonblooded blast the Earth-Aspect.
(8:12:14 PM) Seras: "I'm called Southbound Phoenix."
(8:12:19 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Le_Squide [15[1d10]]: 10 6 1 5 4 9 8 7 1 10 2 10 3 4 6 >
(8:12:32 PM) Le_Squide: (so, 7 extra, 10 base...)
(8:13:10 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Go svaddie, go svaddie, go svaddie))
(8:13:43 PM) Le_Squide: (So, doubles base, so that's 27-12=15 again!)
(8:13:50 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Le_Squide [15[1d10]]: 7 8 6 4 8 6 6 8 2 6 4 6 8 2 5 >
(8:13:56 PM) Le_Squide: (5)
(8:14:16 PM) Dove: "That's a pretty name." She can't help smiling slightly. "Moonlight... Um... I'm not accustomed to what happens when...." She gestures vaguely at her features. She is very much a Dragonblooded, not a Solar.
(8:14:58 PM) Seras: There's half a scream before it's fizzled out by the smell of charred flesh and burnt earth.
(8:15:22 PM) Le_Squide: Kanzaku cackles as he floats, whirling in a sudden circle.
(8:15:24 PM) JadeWyvern: "Nice shootin' Tex!" Jade roars her approval.
(8:15:29 PM) Seras: "A most spectacular victory, my Lord!" Kryskk strobes.
(8:15:39 PM) Seras: (spd?
(8:15:41 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Very impressive."
(8:15:42 PM) Le_Squide: He immediately calms down. "Why thank you; I do believe you rather softened him up for me."
(8:15:46 PM) Le_Squide: (Simple charm.)
(8:15:51 PM) Sparda: Mooonlight nods with perfect understanding and patience, sitting nonchalantly, openly, next to Phoenix, looking for all the world like there isn't a battle raging outside.
(8:15:53 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Ba ba ba baa ba ba ba ba baaaaaaa)
(8:16:23 PM) Seras: TICK 6: EXTRAS, FIRE, AIR
(8:16:28 PM) JadeWyvern: "Mmm..smell that? You cooked him nicely for me."
(8:16:38 PM) Seras: The extras attempt to fight back against the Agatae
(8:16:43 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [5[1d10]]: 1 1 10 1 6 >
(8:16:49 PM) Seras: ...though unsuccessfully
(8:16:57 PM) Dove: Dove is still standing, with her daiklaive at the ready.
(8:17:21 PM) Seras: The Fire aspect leaps at Reku, his twin blades flashing twice. Two attacks coming your way.
(8:17:23 PM) Dove: "From what I understand, you are simply... left to fend for yourselves?
(8:17:32 PM) Sparda: "Of course, of course. My darlin' I know exactly how you feel. I was the same way when I exalted. The Usurper Sun gave me power I DIDN'T ask for, and destroyed my very life. It's not FAIR is it? He just makes you into something everyone hates, then drops you like a naked baby in the woods to fend for yourself."
(8:17:57 PM) Seras: Meanwhile the air aspect pulls a chakram from his belt and tosses it at.....Kanzaku.
(8:18:23 PM) Le_Squide: "...I knew there was something I forgot."
(8:18:38 PM) Seras: "Dodge, my Lord!" Kryskk suggests, helpfully
(8:19:20 PM) Le_Squide: "Right, right!"
(8:19:28 PM) Le_Squide: (Using third dodge.)
(8:19:34 PM) Seras: "Well...." Phoenix bites her lip, "I suppose? It all happened so suddenly...."
(8:19:36 PM) Le_Squide: (Unless it's undodgable)
(8:19:39 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku flicks the chain away from his cousin in Malfeas, doing his best to put it between the dual blades of the Dragon-Blooded. "I say, my friend, that was a rather impressive trick. I wonder if you could teach me how to do that..."
(8:19:51 PM) Seras: (nope, normal attack)
(8:19:51 PM) Le_Squide: (In which case I'll stunt screaming and bleeding)
(8:20:00 PM) Sparda: He leans in to the poor, tired woman, compassion and understanding shining back at her from his deep gold eyes, so strangely mismatched with his dark red skin and dark black hair. "I was young then, like you, and I didn't know what to do. It was obvious that I was not loved, and everyone called me a demon, a betrayer! I just wanted to sing, to make people happy, and I didn't get to do that anymore..."
(8:20:11 PM) Le_Squide: (DDV 8)
(8:20:33 PM) Seras: A two dice stunt for Reku!
(8:20:38 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (My PDV is 6, by the by)
(8:20:42 PM) Seras: (ok)
(8:20:48 PM) Sparda: "So believe me when I say I UNDERSTAND your pain. I KNOW what it feels like and how fast it's all moving and let me assure you that there IS a correct path through this, isn't there Dove?"
(8:20:56 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Just roll defense, then? >.>)
(8:21:09 PM) Dove: Dove looks startled, and then nods in agreement.
(8:21:15 PM) Seras: (Defenses are unrolled, your DV increases by the stunt amount)
(8:21:35 PM) Dove: "We all chose a different path, and were blessed with those who protect, or even love us."
(8:21:39 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Ah, gotcha. With the stunt it'd be 8, then.)
(8:21:43 PM) Dove: Her face is mildly flushed.
(8:21:45 PM) Seras: Phoenix gives Moonlight a sudden hug. "Correct path?"
(8:21:56 PM) Seras: (Ok.)
(8:21:59 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [15[1d10]]: 4 9 3 1 10 3 3 9 6 6 5 2 3 10 6 >
(8:22:06 PM) Le_Squide: Kanzaku kicks off the ground, a brief hop transformed into a strange, floating slide away from the Chakram. "I really should invest in some sort of...blocky thing."
(8:22:18 PM) Seras: First misses
(8:22:23 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [14[1d10]]: 10 6 2 8 7 7 1 3 5 2 7 5 2 7 >
(8:22:31 PM) Dove: "Well, of course. Moonlight, myself, and the others serve those who created the world in the very beginning."
(8:22:33 PM) Seras: Second misses, too
(8:22:36 PM) Seras: by barely!
(8:22:49 PM) Seras: one die stunt for Kanzaku!
(8:22:50 PM) Sparda: "Well, correct is a bit strong a word, more like a better direction to walk in than what you were given, darling, that's all." HE hugs her back.
(8:23:28 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Well I see why you diverted my attack! Can't seem to dish them out very well." He laughs loudly, eyes glowing wildly.
(8:23:28 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [17[1d10]]: 5 7 1 4 10 1 3 2 3 2 7 8 6 9 1 6 4 >
(8:23:55 PM) Seras: The chakram whizzes by Kanzaku's head, too close for comfort
(8:24:10 PM) Seras: Tick 7: WYVERN, WATER ASPECT
(8:24:14 PM) Le_Squide: "Definitely need to invest in a blocky thing."
(8:24:17 PM) JadeWyvern: "Hahaha, PUNY ATTEMPTS."
(8:24:24 PM) Sparda: "Yes. We walk with the Primordials, my dear, the ones who set all this in motion. They had it stolen from them by the LAZY and decadent gods and all we want to do is turn Creation back over to them to end all this hate and confusion. They'll set it right. And as long as you're here with us, you're under our, and their, protection."
(8:24:25 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [6[1d10]]: 1 1 5 8 8 2 >
(8:24:33 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [5[1d10]]: 8 10 7 10 7 >
(8:24:46 PM) Seras: ....the Water Aspect groans loudly as your poison continues to work
(8:25:02 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Did he just take 5 more lethal?))
(8:25:02 PM) Seras: He looks in terrible shape
(8:25:02 PM) Dove: "And perhaps one will take you under their tuteluge."
(8:25:06 PM) Seras: (yep.)
(8:25:09 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Wow.))
(8:25:30 PM) Seras: the Eclipse blinks and sits, pulling her knees to her chest. "Of whom do you think?"
(8:25:47 PM) Dove: "We will have to see." Dove smiles gently.
(8:26:00 PM) Dove: "It hurts a little, at times, but one gets used to it."
(8:26:07 PM) Seras: o.o
(8:26:13 PM) Sparda: "Yes, all of them have so much to teach, and many are without students still."
(8:26:52 PM) Sparda: "She's talking about the power and the WISDOM they have to share! The lessons can be harsh, but they're more important than anything you could learn from the liars up HERE who serve the gods."
(8:27:09 PM) JadeWyvern: Essence crackles through Jade's body once more as her body snakes around her prey, her jaws closing around the body of the Water aspect with a sickening mixture between a crunch and the wet sound of blood being spilt, and innards being pierced.
(8:27:12 PM) Seras: "Y-you don't serve the gods?" o.o
(8:27:28 PM) Seras: The Water Aspect attempts to flop away. With um, DV 2.
(8:27:34 PM) Dove: Dove shakes her head. "What have they done, but made the world fall?"
(8:27:43 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [24[1d10]]: 1 2 3 6 9 4 10 8 4 2 10 7 4 7 4 9 5 4 4 9 5 5 4 2 >
(8:27:55 PM) JadeWyvern: ((10))
(8:28:20 PM) Seras: "ARGH." He snarls. "I will die before I let you destroy me!"
(8:28:30 PM) Seras: Don't bother rolling damage, Danaa'd has taken it for him.
(8:28:32 PM) Sparda: "They just make everything WORSE here, they don't have the world under control, they allow corruption and evil in. It's time they gave the reins back to the Great Creators."
(8:28:44 PM) Dove: "The gods were made by the Primodials, to maintain Creation, and look what they did!" Her voice is mournful. "And what they did to their own parents."
(8:28:50 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Huh?))
(8:28:53 PM) Seras: of course, he also just pushed himself closer to death.
(8:28:56 PM) Seras: Bottomless Depths Defense.
(8:28:56 PM) Le_Squide: "...Just so you know," Kanzaku muses, "That makes absolutely no sense."
(8:29:05 PM) Le_Squide: (To the water aspect)
(8:29:25 PM) JadeWyvern: ((So the water dragon took his life before I could kill him?))
(8:29:31 PM) Seras: (no, he just got closer)
(8:29:39 PM) Seras: (he delayed dying, actually)
(8:29:53 PM) Seras: (I suggest biting his head off)
(8:29:56 PM) Dove: Bitterly, she adds, "Killed several, twisted the rest, and thrown them into the body of one of their own."
(8:30:03 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Hah.))
(8:30:13 PM) Seras: Phoenix nods, wide-eyed.
(8:30:40 PM) Seras: Tick 9: Reku, Fire Aspect
(8:30:48 PM) Dove: She wipes her eyes, her hands trembling faintly. "And forced to swore on their own broken names to never escape."
(8:30:49 PM) Seras: MOONLIGHT AND DOVE: Per + Awr, plz!
(8:30:56 PM) Sparda: Moonlight shakes his own head sadly, for all the world like a kindly preacher but for the music star look. "Mmmmmmhmmmm. You wouldn't have to go through all THIS if it weren't for THEM! They made people like US, the Exalted, just to fight. We're nothing but weapons to them, tools, not children. The Primordials LOVE us, we know this."
(8:31:20 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Dove [3[1d10]]: 2 6 10 >
(8:31:41 PM) Dove: (Dove is also looking outside too)
(8:31:48 PM) Dove: (She has been keeping an eye out)
(8:32:08 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Now, let's do this fairly, hmm? No little tricks, just two people fighting like men." The dire chain flickers towards the Fire Aspect once more, wrapping about his legs and holding tightly.
(8:32:33 PM) Seras: He backflips away from the attack, "very well," and leans in to strike two more times.
(8:32:41 PM) Dove: "Moonlight, that is a horrible understatement in my state." She is truly flushed now.
(8:33:00 PM) Seras: His DDV is 10 (with the -2. Fire Dragon Form hax!) and that's another two dice stunt.
(8:33:16 PM) Seras: Dove, what's your DMDV?
(8:33:27 PM) Dove: ( 7 )
(8:33:27 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Reku_Avakaza [11[1d10]]: 2 2 9 8 3 1 10 8 9 4 7 >
(8:33:36 PM) Sparda: Moonlight grins. "Of course. Your Lord cajn't help but spoil you, just look at this face. Such a lovely blushing bride."
(8:33:38 PM) Reku_Avakaza:
(7. :P)
(8:33:59 PM) Dove: (Wait)
(8:34:02 PM) Seras: Your chain misses as the lithe Exalt leaps away from it. His attacks are incoming--your DV?
(8:34:07 PM) Dove: (Wait)
(8:34:12 PM) Seras: (waiting)
(8:34:16 PM) Dove: (I think it's 8, since the essence upgrade)
(8:34:31 PM) Seras: (ok)
(8:34:55 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (PDV is 6)
(8:35:04 PM) Seras: (ok)
(8:35:11 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [15[1d10]]: 7 7 9 7 3 2 3 7 1 8 1 5 7 5 10 >
(8:35:20 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [14[1d10]]: 1 7 1 6 6 2 8 5 10 10 5 9 7 4 >
(8:35:55 PM) Dove: (Actually, checking, it's still 7)
(8:36:06 PM) Dove: (One more point in Intergrity... )
(8:36:06 PM) Seras: first hits by 3, got 3rd MA? second hits by 2
(8:36:51 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (No, alas. Soak is 8L)
(8:37:38 PM) Seras: Dove and Moonlight: is that the sound of Flame Piece hammers being cocked? yes, yes it is. Standing behind you both, now suddenly coming into view is a tall, lean man in a heavy duster, his face obscured by a floppy hat and a dirty scarf. He is pointing two flame Pieces at you. "Let her go. Spare her your lies, hellspawn."
(8:38:06 PM) Sparda: ((OH SNAP, ONDOLEE.))
(8:38:11 PM) Dove: Dove sighs.
(8:38:18 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [4[1d10]]: 3 3 10 9 >
(8:38:25 PM) Seras: (pinging, btw.)
(8:38:30 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [4[1d10]]: 2 6 2 4 >
(8:38:31 PM) Dove: And suddenly? She is gone.
(8:38:33 PM) Seras: (2 hls)
(8:38:33 PM) Sparda: Moonlight stands as if to protect Phoenix. "Ah, come to collect her already, Usurper?"
(8:38:47 PM) Sparda: He grins. "Bad, bad choice."
(8:38:48 PM) Dove: (DEMON ABILITY IN USE)
(8:38:53 PM) Reku_Avakaza: ( it actually Ondolee?)
(8:38:55 PM) Seras: (ok!)
(8:38:57 PM) Seras: (No.)
(8:39:09 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Was gonna say...)
(8:39:16 PM) Seras: (I didn't realize Ondolee had Mental Invisibilty)
(8:40:49 PM) Dove: (Since no one can see Dove with her demon ability, I am going to do something)
(8:40:55 PM) Dove: (I'll PM Seras)
(8:41:01 PM) Seras: (ok)
(8:41:08 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I can't wait to use mine. :D))
(8:41:33 PM) Seras: "Let's not make this any more difficult than it needs to be. Just turn her over to me, and I'll walk out of here, and nothing more will be said."
(8:42:57 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Dove [10[1d10]]: 9 9 4 7 9 9 3 4 8 3 >
(8:43:12 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Nice!))
(8:43:45 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Dove [4[1d10]]: 10 8 9 6 >
(8:43:56 PM) Dove: (Forgot accurcay)
(8:44:09 PM) JadeWyvern: ((EVEN FUKKIN BETTER))
(8:44:10 PM) Dove: (10 successes)
(8:44:20 PM) Dove: ( +5L for damage)
(8:44:24 PM) Sparda: Moonlight is still smiling. "Last I understood she wasn't anyone's property. So she isn't going with you, not unless milady wants to gallop off with a dusty usurping cowpoke hooligan like yourself."
(8:44:35 PM) Seras: (just a moment, Dove)
(8:44:56 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [8[1d10]]: 10 6 10 9 5 5 8 2 >
(8:45:25 PM) Seras: He glares in the direction of a shadow, Dove's surprise attack's damage Thwarted by Iron Skin Concentration.
(8:45:30 PM) Dove: (Black Lead bracer's add 1?)
(8:45:50 PM) Seras: (Yes, but he beat yoru Essence difficutly with ISC, so no damage)
(8:46:02 PM) Dove: (Ah)
(8:46:39 PM) Seras: He points one gun at where he guesses Dove might be and the other at Moonlight. "The Holy Arc will know about this place. Your days are numbered."
(8:47:17 PM) Seras: Then the man blurs and vanishes away from you.
(8:47:22 PM) Sparda: Moonlight cocks his head. "Very mysterious."
(8:47:35 PM) Dove: "I suppose we should get the others."
(8:47:57 PM) Dove: "I will go ahunting."
(8:48:07 PM) Seras: on tick 10, Water Aspect, Wyvern, Moonlight and Dovey-wovey.
(8:48:09 PM) Sparda: "Let's do just that, baby. When they're THAT overdramatic they usually mean it."
(8:48:30 PM) Dove: "Keep her safe. I will handle that overconfident fool in my husband's element."
(8:48:57 PM) Dove: Dove goes after him, her hood off and daiklaive at herself.
(8:49:09 PM) Dove: She just needs to waste his essence...
(8:49:21 PM) Dove: (Dammit, I have to in 10)
(8:49:27 PM) Dove: (Have to go)
(8:49:44 PM) Dove: (Oh well, it's a good cliff hanger too)
(8:50:06 PM) Seras: (The Water Aspect is very nearly dead, Reku said he wanted to capture the Air Aspect, the Extras are being devoured by Agatae, and there's a chase scene unfolding. We're very nearly at a good stopping point. quick! Kill what remains!)
(8:50:28 PM) Sparda: Moonlight lets out a suffering sigh. "See that? Already they want to pick you up and recruit you into some guild or another. I know their type, think they know everything when they're blinded to the truth."
(8:50:45 PM) Seras: "I think I've heard of them." Phoenix blinks.
(8:52:12 PM) Sparda: "Oh? What can you tell me about them?"
(8:52:19 PM) Seras: "Hmm."
(8:52:23 PM) JadeWyvern: An ear-spliting roar erupts from Jade's opened maw, her claws closing around the head of the Water Aspect, throwing him into the air, a tremor moving through the sand as she leaps vertically after him, her scythe-like teeth closing around his neck, which thrashes from side to side, sending his now-severed body flying to the side, his blood raining around her.
(8:52:38 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [4[1d10]]: 1 6 6 6 >
(8:53:02 PM) Seras: She blinks. "...........brainfart. They're not the merchants from Nexus who sell slaves to the Raksha, I don't think...."
(8:53:28 PM) Dove: (Come on that was too perfect... xD!)
(8:53:44 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [24[1d10]]: 10 2 1 7 2 6 4 10 1 7 10 9 8 8 1 5 5 2 4 5 9 6 5 5 >
(8:53:46 PM) Seras: Whooo! Alright! Two dice
(8:53:55 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [2[1d10]]: 6 10 >
(8:54:02 PM) Dove: (*laughs*)
(8:54:06 PM) JadeWyvern: ((14)
(8:54:24 PM) Seras: his soak is still 12, roll it
(8:54:28 PM) Sparda: Ugh... RAKSHA. "No, no, that's The Guild, who are also some very nasty customers, let me tell you. Had more than one run-in with them."
(8:54:29 PM) JadeWyvern: ((DBT is fucking awesome.))
(8:54:35 PM) JadeWyvern: ((DDV is 2 for him, right?))
(8:54:46 PM) Seras: (right
(8:55:02 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for JadeWyvern [19[1d10]]: 10 2 5 4 2 4 5 3 1 7 8 5 7 8 1 7 7 8 4 >
(8:55:08 PM) Seras: "I see. Well, I don't remember much. I think they have a collection of mortal followers."
(8:55:14 PM) JadeWyvern: (
(8:56:34 PM) Seras: The Air Aspect pales, more so than normal, and attempts to flee!
(8:57:05 PM) Sparda: He nods. "I see, I see. Well, a minor nuisance I bet. Their tricks won't trip us up, eh? Now to something more important, and we should stay alert regardless, but what do YOU want to know, darlin'? What questions are gnawing on you?"
(8:57:20 PM) JadeWyvern: ((CAN I USE FOOT TRAPPING COUNTER?!))
(8:57:22 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Someone stop him, please!" He glances to the agatae, tilting his head towards the Air aspect.
(8:57:34 PM) Seras: ((ummmmmmmm))
(8:57:37 PM) Seras: ((YES PLEASE))
(8:58:09 PM) Seras: "did you know I was coming?" she asks, wide-eyed, "or was this just luck?"
(8:58:47 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade laughs, her body snaking around in midair, landing directly at the Air-aspect's flank, her clawed foot inside his guard, roots made of solidified essence flowing around his feet, holding him fast.
(8:59:09 PM) Seras: He flails and wastes a pile of Essence trying to escape, but your attack holds him fast
(8:59:12 PM) JadeWyvern: She sneers into his ear, licking it roughly, "You're ours now, -friend-."
(8:59:14 PM) Seras: +1 Air aspet!
(8:59:15 PM) Sparda: Moonlight smiles. "Not just luck, providence. We were gathered here on an unrelated note and you came across us at the perfect time."
(9:00:00 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Also: That was Mangrove Root Entrapment at work, there! Woooo!))
(9:00:21 PM) Seras: And on that note.....
(9:00:24 PM) Seras: we're going to end here.
(9:00:35 PM) JadeWyvern: Fucking EPIC YES!
(9:00:38 PM) Sparda: FUNFUN!
(9:00:39 PM) Sparda: =DDDD
(9:00:40 PM) Dove: Hehehhee. I loved it too!
(9:00:42 PM) Sparda: EPIC battle.
(9:00:42 PM) Seras: NEXT TIME: +1 Air Aspect, Who Was that Scarfed Man?
(9:00:44 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Much fun indeed. :D
(9:00:49 PM) Sparda: XDDD
(9:00:49 PM) Sparda: <3
(9:00:51 PM) Seras: I am happy everyone enjoyed themselves
(9:00:52 PM) Dove: Seras: The scarfed guy is dead.
(9:00:53 PM) Seras: 10 XP
(9:00:54 PM) Le_Squide: I need to invest in a bunch of custom Lore charms.
(9:01:00 PM) Logging stopped. Future messages in this conversation will not be logged.

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