Tepet Garel

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== Artifacts ==
== Artifacts ==

Revision as of 21:12, 12 June 2008



Name: Tepet Garel
Concept: A Wood Aspected Healer and Monk seeking to stabilize the world.

Age: 27
Height: 5' 2"
Appearance: Garel's hair is soft, fine, and a slightly purplish red, the color of the leaves of a Japanese maple in the fall, and he wears it relatively short, especially in the back, and swept away from his face. His eyes are slanted and delicatly almond-shaped, marking his Realm ancestry despite his coloration, and they are a brown so dark its nearly black. His skin is the color of polished maplewood, and is slightly toughened across the shoulders and upper back, the beginings of the barklike tone that potent wood aspects show often have. Possibly the strangest and most telling of his elemental manifestations is the fact that his blood appears to be the same color as tree sap.
Clothing: Garel favors a soft and loose set of plain brown outer robes over a plain white set of clothing made of a very soft and plain silk, his silken armor. When he's out and about, he generally wears his artifacts, which mark him plainly as a Dragon-Blooded. He consistantly wears a small pendant carved of ebony at all times.
Anima: Garel's anima manifests first as a soft glow and a pool of green at his feet, almost like grass, as leaves from an unseen Japanese maple drift past. As his banner grows, the leaves grow more and more numerous, and whirl and dance faster and faster, until he is standing in a field of swirling grass at the center of a hurricane of purple-red leaves backlit glow of the sun falling in a forest.


Tepet Garel wasn't born to the power and privelage that is now his right, even in the much-diminished walls of House Tepet. He was originally named Healing Leaf, and was a perfectly normal (if fortunate) boy growing up in the city of Lord's Crossing. His father was a moderatly successful mortal doctor, spending most of his time treating the mundane incidients of everyday life. Garel himself was quite an attentive and studious child, and benifited from his father's moderate wealth with a level of schooling verging on that of a patrician. He grew especially aquainted with the healing arts, and by the middle of his 14th year he was well set in his track to a normal life. He even had his eyes on a certain girl.

Then he took his second breath, and everything changed. In the flood of essence, all those plans were washed away. House Tepet was fortunate enough to arrange for a swift adoption, and Garel vanished into one of the most intensly focused crash-course of studies in his life. He was eventually accepted into the Cloister of Wisdom, there to learn the arts of the Immaculates. The healing methods inherent to the element of Wood were attractive to him, especially as they served as a connection to his former life, the only connection, in fact, other than the simple carved pendant he wore, plain enough to be allowed within the context of the Cloister.

After his graduation, Garel was immediatly put to use in an incident involving a widespread bout of divine misbehavior in House Tepet terretory. He continued to serve his adoptive house in investigating and resolving a variety of disturbances. At a certain point one of these brought him into contact with an Imperial Magistrate, who was silently impressed with the quiet young Dynast's quiet competince and humility. A month or so later, the same Magistrate requested his assistance with a matter involving a renagade spirit. Gradually, word was passed around that Garel was an excellent consultant concerning spirits when involving the Immaculate Order was impossible...or inconvinient.

It was only a little while ago that Garel took his first real vacation, for reasons that he refuses to really explain, though the common theory is that it had something to do with the death of his birth father three months prior. In truth, it had little to do with his father's death, though that had contributed. Garel's experiences had intruduced him to just how much the chaos of the current state of things was causing suffering. In effect, he was working through a crisis of concience and especially of faith. His experiences had revealed that portions of the Immaculate philosophy were not so much flawed as outright lies.

It was at this point that Garel discovered (or was given, his explinations are never exactly clear at this point) a copy of one of the True Texts. Over the next several days, he vanished into his private quarters, absorbed in pouring over the accounts within, so different and yet similar to what he knew, and the truth of them echoed in the depths of his soul. He requested, and was granted, an oppurtunity to travel to the east, and essentially vanished into the primordial forest. Finding there the same ancient temple and treading the same path, he called out to his spiritual Grandmother. She offered him the assuredness of purpose he craved, and he accepted almost without question. The touch of her blessing magnified his essence into a spiritual bonfire, his purty of blood renewed at the source. After his spirit had been refined in that furnace of wood, his very flesh had been altered by the potency of his essence and connection to the element of his aspect.

When it was finished, she guided him through one of the gates, into the Celestial city, and took him to one of her many manses. There she showered her newest child with a number of gifts, including control of the Manse itself, and possesion of its hearthstone. Garel has continued to manufacture a place for himself in the Celestial City, building up a minor staff in addition to the servants staffing the manse. He has gathered a reasonable amount of influence within Yu-shan while maintaining contact with his other adopted family. Garel might not have a family that is truely his own, but he will do his best to aid those that have chosen him as their memebers. He serves as one of the Ambassadors of Heaven and Earth, essentially fufilling a similar role as he had filled before, only with a more grand and profound purpose, and a mandate that carries him, on occasion, far from Tepet lands, or even the lands of the realm.


Aspect: Wood
Intimacies: House Tepet,

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3

Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2

Perception 3, Intellegince 4, Wits 3

Linguistics 1 (High Realm, Old Realm), Lore 2, Occult 3 (Spirits +2)

Awareness 2, Integrety 2, Resistance 2, War 2

Athletics 3, Dodge 4, Melee 2, Presence 2, Socialize 2

Bureaucracy 1, Investigation 2, Martial Arts 5

Archery 4, Medicine 4, Performance 2, Ride 1, Survival 2

Valor 3 [][][]
Temperance 2 [][]
Compassion 3 [][][]
Conviction 2 [][]

Willpower: 6 [][][][][][]

Limit: [][][][][][][][][][]
Primary Virtue: Compassion

Essence: 4
Personal 16 / 16
Peripheral 22 / 39
Commited 17

Breeding 6
Artifact 5 (Breath of Sextes Jylis (Artifact 4 Powerbow), Jade Hearthstone Bracers, Dragon Tear Tiara, Silken Armor)
Backing: Ambassadors of Heaven and Earth 2
Celestial Manse 3 (Stone of the Heavenly Gate)
Connections: House Tepet 3
Connections: Magistry 2
Connections: Bureau of Heaven 3
Connections: Immaculate Order 1
Manse 3 (Gladestalker Stone, Kata-Sculpting Gem, Stone of Healing)
Reputation 2 (Quiet Competince, Humility, and Potent Essence)
Retainers 3
Salary 2

3rd Dodge Excellency

Martial Arts, Generic
1st Martial Arts Excellency
Spirit Sight
Spirit Walking

Infection Banishing Prana

Wood Dragon Style
Eyes of the Wood Dragon
Mind-over-Body Meditation
Wood Dragon Vitality
Soul-Marking Strike
Wood Dragon Form
Death-Sensing Pattern Attitude
Wood Dragon Succor

Total: 18
Spent: 0
Remaining: 18


Breath of Sextes Jylis (Artifact 4)
Speed 5 Accuracy +1, Damage +4, Rate 3, Range 400, Strength 3, Attune 8 (Includes Jade Materiel Bonus) 2 Hearthstone Slots

  • Blossom of Thorns: The Breath of Sextes Jylis needs no arrow, for it provides its own ammunition in the form of whatever standard ammuniton its wielder wishes
  • Wings of Venom: The arrows created by the Breath of Sextes Jylis ferry the sting of a Wood Aspect's anima in their touch, inflicting that poison on their target if their wielder has activated his anima banner
  • Distant and Mighty Touch: The mightiest power of the Breath of Sextes Jylis is its ability to ferry its master's touch to its target. For the expeniture of a point of temporary Willpower, a single arrow can be treated as though it were the touch of the one who fires it for the purposes of charms of the Wood Dragon style, allowing the use of Charms with the Touch keyword through the bow.

Combat Summary

Join Battle: 6
Move: 4
DDV: 8
Soak: 7L/6B
Breath of Sextes Jylis:

  • Speed 4 Accuracy 13 Damage 12L(P) or 14L or 16L(DblAr) Rate 3 Range 400


  • Speed 4 Accuracy 10 Damage 3B Rate 3 PDV 6 (cannot parry lethal without a stunt)

Join Debate: 5

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