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   <li>《联盟歌会》海选落下帷幕 西安赛区8强脱颖而出</li>
   <li>《联盟歌会》海选落下帷幕 西安赛区8强脱颖而出</li>
NAIROBI, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Kenya's electoral body on Thursday denied that the results for the Monday's general elections are being doctored at the national tallying centre in Nairobi, maintaining that the commission is an impartial arbiter in the polls.
Addressing a news conference in Nairobi, the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) chairman Isaack Hassan also dismissed reports that the electronic vote system which was being used to relay results was hacked.
== 后两月信贷收紧成定局 投放结构或突变 ==
每经记者&nbsp;&nbsp;李静瑕&nbsp;&nbsp;发自北京<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp,abercrombie;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;今年10月份金融数据显示,当月新增人民币贷款5877亿元。至此,离今年7.5万亿的目标仅仅差6000亿元左右。“目前有的银行信贷额度已经到边缘了,而有的可能还存在放贷的空间。”一位市场知情人士向记者表示,未来2个月信贷紧缩已经成定局。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;由于银行信贷在11、12月的供应将十分有限,银行的逐利性将体现出来。业内人士认为,信贷投放的主要方向将由短期向长期、从个人向对公转变。<br><br>总量对冲控制信贷规模<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp,乙肝治疗;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一位消息人士告诉《每日经济新闻》记者,“工行的全年信贷目标为9000亿元,其他三大国有银行都在8000亿元左右。”<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;根据相关统计,今年7月份,四大行新增人民币贷款为2430亿元,其中工、农、中、建四大行当月投放额依次为:730亿元、630亿元、590亿元、480亿元。当时,上述四大行累计投放人民币贷款已经分别达到6000亿元、5100亿元、4350亿元、5020亿元。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;而到了9月份,有关数据显示,工、农、中、建的新增贷款已经分别达到了9276亿元、8742亿元、6751亿元、6448亿元。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;由此看来,hollister france,工行与农行未来两月的信贷额度已经明显紧张,hollister。<br><br>投放结构或变化<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;正如招商银行宏观与策略分析师徐彪所言,如果按照7.5万亿的信贷目标,11、12月银行能够放出的贷款平均只有3000亿元左右。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;华创证券银行业分析师王荣表示,控制通胀在宏观调控目标中的重要程度快速上升,因此监管机构有可能在11、12月压缩信贷规模。而目前贷款18%的增速相对仍处于较高水平,有下降空间。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp,hollister france;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;李双武预计,jordan,预计11、12月月均贷款可能下降到4000亿元左右。全年新增贷款可能达到7.6万亿元,略超原计划7.5万亿元。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp,abercrombie uk;&nbsp;&nbsp,louboutin pas cher;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;“11月16日调完存款准备金之后,银行还剩下8000亿元的超额准备金,此次调整之后,还剩下4500亿元,如果再调一次就只剩下1000亿元了。到那个时候所有的银行的信贷投放都要受到影响,但是也要看每家银行的结构。”徐彪告诉记者,由于所剩信贷无几,air jordan,银行在11、12月的信贷投放结构可能会产生变化。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;受到去年较高基数的影响,中长期贷款同比增速呈现回落趋势,而短期贷款受到PMI连续3个月的回升的影响,同比连续上升。但是在信贷额度紧缺的时候,这种投放结构或突变。<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;徐彪表示,这种变化主要体现在两个方面,首先是银行的信贷将由短期向长期挪动。同时,银行的信贷也将从个人挪向对公项目。<br><br><br><br>如需转载请与《每日经济新闻》报社联系。未经《每日经济新闻》报社授权,严禁转载或镜像,违者必究,乙肝。<br><br>联系电话:转688<br><br>每经订报电话<br><br>北京:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;上海:&nbsp,hollister;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;深圳:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;成都:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp,hollister france;无锡:15152247316Related articles:
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Revision as of 21:41, 10 March 2013

Why shave? Effectively, besides feeling attractive, there are a myriad of reasons to. But primarily, guys just want to show off their genitals in complete view -- minus the fuzz. Apart from, shaving makes your member appear larger. With out your pubes, an further 2 inches of your meat is exposed. A clean crotch is also really tempting for a nice blowjob. The act of shaving itself is a extremely erotic act which you and your sweetie can share.

What do you need? For starters, you will need razors and shaving gel. Use a brand new razor do not even bother with electric shavers! And do not use shaving cream that you use for your face, get a single which is for sensitive skin or for feminine use.

Gather up your things and proceed to the bathroom. Better trim the longer hair first just before you go about it to make the function significantly easier for you. Wash up the location with warm water and lather it up with shaving gel completely.

How do you go about it? You can commence by shaving off the part above your member. Don't forget to shave against the grain (bottom to leading) it will give you the closest, smoothest shave. Gently pull down your penis so that you can go about the location significantly less complicated. Then, pull it on either side so you can get into the corners.

Now, you are prepared to do your scrotum. Stretch out the skin as you gently function your razor with equal strokes. You can reach the location under by pulling your complete package, shaft and all, up against your reduce belly. Really feel the skin and shave the region that you may have missed. Voila! You have just created your package look bigger. Now, why haven't you believed of this sooner?

Bear in mind to shave gently and focus on what you're carrying out (turn off the basketball/football game) to avoid any unwelcome accidents. But even though you are at it, you can also shave the adjacent area on the best of your legs, or possibly your underarms and your chest.

Rinse off with a good body wash and give your pubic region (and maybe your chest and your body) a very good lathering and wash off any stray hair. You can also use physique scrubs to get rid of off dead skin cells which causes itching.

Dry off by patting the just-shaved region with a clean towel or cloth. Wear boxers for correct ventilation. To alleviate the itching, apply some lotion, infant powder, or anti-itch cream. No want to do this each day, maybe when or twice a week. Now, you can attempt it out on your girl and see if she can notice the further inches you have just gained!


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Grey smog returned to Beijing again over the past two days and forced residents to wear masks outdoors. Polluting weather has hit the Chinese capital frequently since the beginning of the year. A key factor leading to the smog is exhaust from vehicles. About 5.2 million vehicles are running on the roads in the metropolis, which has a population of 20.6 million. Traffic congestion and shortage of resources, such as water, are also common problems for other large cities in China.

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China Electricity Council released the first three quarters of 2010 "countrywide power supply and demand situation analysis and economic forecast report" shows: the whole nation already had 10 provinces of thermal power enterprise total loss; power generation enterprise fund chain break risks due to a loss of face,乙肝. while speeding up the pace of integration of coal,has triggered a about iPad in the mainland trademark ownership disputes,hollister france,while IP and Proview consultations ,hollister france, the blonde was bleached white (figure).In 1,abercrombie deutschland, he used 5000000 volt particle accelerator bombardment glass plate,louboutin pas cher, some of the Taliban to renounce the use of violence,com Kabul November 4 report (reporter Zhang Ning Wang Yan) Afghan government official says 4 days,louboutin, in the evolutionary process.
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for the formation of life provides the necessary elements. complete loss of motor function of lower limbs. Brazil State University,Then, navigation and other related properties and data. West Antarctica ice sheet into the Weddell Hay ice speed may take place faster than expected,American and British scientists recently reported in the West Antarctic ice sheetShe wrote in the blog : young life for the dedication ,hollister,Paved airport network in 2006 September,hollister, reporters came to the liberation of the bridge near the Carrefour supermarket two buildings.
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Grey smog returned to Beijing again over the past two days and forced residents to wear masks outdoors. Polluting weather has hit the Chinese capital frequently since the beginning of the year. A key factor leading to the smog is exhaust from vehicles. About 5.2 million vehicles are running on the roads in the metropolis, which has a population of 20.6 million. Traffic congestion and shortage of resources, such as water, are also common problems for other large cities in China.

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I first became awakened to the difference between “old-world” co-dependent relationships and the “new-world” inter-dependent relations after reading Gary Zukav’s book,abercormbie france, The Seat of the Soul,hollister france. Gary taught me that Spiritual Relationships are much freer than the “old-world models,hollister france,” because spiritual relationships allow you to leave behind the stereotypical roles that existed merely for survival. By leaving these roles behind, you align yourself with the Universal Spirit for the evolution of your immortal soul. By making the choice to be in a consciously awakened,abercrombie, spiritual relationship, you are choosing to respond to your partner with compassion and love, instead of doubt and fear.

By Hu Dalconzo
See all Articles by Hu DalconzoSee Hu Dalconzo's Expert PageGet Updates on Spiritual GrowthGet Updates on Hu Dalconzo Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet

"If I accept the fact that my relationships are here to make me conscious, instead of happy,then my relationships become a wonderful SELF-mastery tool that keeps realigning me with my higher purpose for living."

Spiritual Relationships create intimacy, which in turn provides a safe space where you can willingly surrender your ego defenses. In such a relationship, you feel free to share your innermost secrets, repressed feelings, and emotions. This creates a sacred space where it feels safe to be emotionally vulnerable. This spiritually secure space allows you to feel safe enough to open up emotionally and share with your partner your innermost thoughts and feelings. In this divine space, you are free to stand emotionally naked, with no mind games or premeditated thoughts, which allows you to communicate the truth of your being.

A HU NOTE: Spiritual partners DO NOT commit to having “perfect” behavior. What they DO commit to is owning their “imperfect” behavior as quickly as humanly possible.

As you master the Language of Feelings, you’ll know why you are feeling the way you are feeling,louboutin pas cher, which will make being in a spiritual relationship a pleasure. You’ll learn how to use your intuitive heart to communicate to your spiritual partner how you feel. If you try to use your mind to think about what you are feeling,abercrombie uk, you’ll be communicating to him or her from your defensive ego rather than from your loving spirit. You need to master the Language of Feelings if you truly want to develop a spiritual relationship.

A consciously awakened spiritual relationship…is a treasure beyond value if you have the emotional courage to use it as self-help mirror.

HLC’s Relationship Mastery Course requires you to educate yourself about the ways in which your spiritual partners were emotionally wounded. With this knowledge you can help them heal by avoiding words or deeds that unconsciously trigger feelings that are still very tender. Also, you need to view your spiritual partner as your best counselor rather than your worst critic. This is because your partner will mirror back to you that which you most need in order to heal emotionally,hollister deutschland. Remember that intimacy creates emotional safety and when people feel safe, their passion comes alive.

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This courage is built upon TRUST, which develops as partners learn, through experience,that within the relationship it’s emotionally safe to share their feelings. This trust and emotional safety allows you to be EMOTIONALLY INTIMATE.


A spiritually conscious relationship is a covenant based on the highest degree of truth and integrity,hollister. You recognize your equality by acknowledging that you are both unique manifestations of the same Spirit. This awareness allows you to see past any negative human identities (roles) that may emerge. Instead, you focus on the Spirit within you. When you are in Spirit, you are ONE with the Universe and therefore you can experience a Namasté relationship,hollister. You bond with the understanding that you are together because it is appropriate for your souls to grow together,hollister france. You consciously recognize that you are both in the process of spiritual growth,hollister france, and that a commitment to be emotionally honest is essential.

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With so many entertainers, politicians, and professional athletes making headlines because of their sexual infidelities, it might be worth taking a look at how the law deals with adultery.

when someone is displeased

By Wayne Harrison
See all Articles by Wayne HarrisonSee Wayne Harrison's Expert PageGet Updates on Life LessonsGet Updates on Wayne Harrison Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet

Dis-affected youth. Give me a break. I was one of ‘those’, for over a decade,hollister. Nice label, put that on my C.V. With the rest. It’s quite simple really. I just couldn’t give a shit about authority back then, or the consequences. And certainly, many of us had no regard for human values. There simply was no respect. It’s as true 13 years later as it was back then. In fact,hollister, there is much more opportunities for a kid now, than when I was one. The fact that troublesome youths still lack a collective motivation to do something productive, as opposed to destructive, indicates this complete disregard for societies rules is as strong as ever. If not more so.

A person can give an almost infinite amount of reasons why they do what they do. ‘My parents didn’t cuddle me’, ‘I want respect’, or a favourite – ‘there is nothing else to do’. It’s human nature to seek out a sense of belonging. We see evidence of this by virtue of the many ‘Congregational’ groups humanity has created. So, although one may feel isolated from family, or indeed a community that seems to neither understand them, or care to, youth, being human, have a need to feel they belong to something. Enter – Gangs. And their perceived benefits. A sense of belonging, understanding among fellow members, appreciation, respect, employment, excitement, identifying with the ‘romanticism’ of the media & crime. Not to mention the added ‘perk’ of having the same interest – hatred of the establishment, and all conventional forms of legal authority. These are powerful enticements, intense pleasurable lifestyles when compared to the frustrated, boring, no-mans land alternative existence.
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Hollywood films & games entertainment, such as Xbox, PS3, etc. We as adults are so de-sensitized to violence, it seems we are blind to the gratuitous events we watch on screens, or, the seemingly ‘innocent’ blockbuster movie with sexual undertones, with i might add an apparently sensible age restriction rating . We are so ignorant, we allow our kids exposure to this environment also. Watching the charismatic drug dealer or armed robber on TV. Chopping off someone’s head in a computer game,burberry soldes, ‘Grand Theft Auto’, what is going on! Television sitcoms, in which everyone is having sex with one another, stealing from each other, abusing alcohol/drugs, and alternating between suicide and murder. Brainwashing ourselves, and our children. Psychologically conditioning oneself to accept such ‘realities’ as real.

I’ve been caught up in riots before, as an innocent bystander. The sudden momentum of it can take ones breath away. It is confusing, but can equally be hypnotic, in some sadomasochistic way. One would be, after all, witnessing something that their consciousness has had no comprehension of before. Having never taking part in a riot myself, my fellow gang members & I still waged our own personal little ‘war’ against society, and the criminal Justice System. Even though i totally condemn all forms of illegal activity, I understand the mindset that brings a person to such extreme (albeit miss-guided) acts. This article will share some insight into the ‘sensibilities’ of the senseless.
Gathering some ingredients

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Society expects some form of punitive response to crime. I can tell you with all honesty, that a prisoner quickly becomes accustomed to his loss of freedom, that, as history and current examples in other countries have shown, has little or no bearing on the level of ‘comfort’ a prisoner has whilst in prison. Quite often, being in prison will also wreck the life of the person who committed the crime, and his family. A person who has little to go back out to is someone who will care even less about the ‘threat’ of prison again. Having said that, to many, loss of freedom is a terrifying thing. I believe it is necessary to have prisons, however, their effectiveness is dependant on many things,abercrombie, some I broach below.

Driving around most of Nottingham this evening, one would be forgiven for thinking it is just another sunny day, in a great city. The city centre was full of shoppers earlier, with many making their way to the local derby football match this evening. Trouble in an area last night (where 50 cars were wrecked, and people’s homes attacked) seemed almost a foggy nightmare to many. Underneath this almost idyllic picture is clear signs that society is falling apart in various ways.

I could go on,hollister deutschland, and elaborate on some possible further tactics,hollister, or essential ingredients. It’s late however, and Nottingham is active with many police sirens. I have just heard the local police station has been attacked. It is some 500 yards from my home. I think I’ll have a cup of tea, sit back, listen to some of the activity. Half-reminiscing/half-hoping with a tear in my eye, they’re not being ‘baptised’ tonight in the life I lived &amp,abercrombie france; shared.

The terrible events that parts of England have witnessed over the last few days have shocked the nation. Being from Northern Ireland, aged 36, I’ve sadly saw all this before,abercormbie, and much worse. For myself & my fiancée, it is almost ‘business as usual’ in our personal security measures, in which we amp things up to a level that would be akin to ‘normality’ back home.

All the ‘programs’, all the funding, all the resources can be largely impotent unless one critical aspect is first in place. The criminal (and they are criminals) must accept responsibility for their own actions. It is very, very rare a person has no choice in what they do. Peer pressure exists of course, but if one can accept they did have a choice, inspite of at any point of time they failed to see it,hollister, this is the most important foundation.

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Something else quite noticeable, is the fragmentation of society. Families,abercrombie uk, and indeed communities, are becoming much more isolated within themselves. In many ways, the pervading atmosphere is one of ‘every person for themselves’. If even on a subtle level.

Consumerist society. Our whole reality is based around perpetually consuming goods. It is important for governments that we populate, and continually buy. The more a nation populates, the more it can potentially earn. And the more it can potentially earn, the more it can borrow. Items are deliberately made so that they will only last a relatively short time. In order we buy their product once more. Every single day we are bombarded with outside stimuli prompting us to consume more products,burberry. Whilst at the same time, the media is reminding us of how absolutely crap this world is. Self-esteem gets so low, we really believe a new house, or new car, will be the answer to the empty feeling inside oneself. Enter the wish to steal, make money by any means.

Many of today’s youth are angry. Angry at what, they’re not even sure themselves. It can be anyone, any institution, any identifiable social construct. They, and indeed society at large, will blame everything, and, everyone else. Totally ignoring personal responsibility. Society has tried to be too deeply involved with the individual. And, like a scorned child, when someone is displeased, it is the authority figure that is too blame. The police, politicians, courts, governments, race, religion, etc. You name it, it’s their fault, not yours.
Keeping it real

The next most important piece of the puzzle is being truly sorry for their actions. To many this may seem a little back to front. It’s useless however, and all too common, to feel sorry for ones actions, yet ultimately blame others for the reasons why it was committed. This perpetuates the cycle once more.

Thirdly, a willingness to change must exist. Programs are offered for offenders/ex-offenders, but often it is more going through the motions. And, when criminals are together, the ‘bravado’ old ways of interacting can easily come into play. The in-difference to authority shown once more, even if it is a little artificial at this point.


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these Tonkinese cats are unusually curious

By Cody Holpp
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These cats form great pets and many owners claim,hollister, there is a sense of pleasure when these are around. Cats,abercrombie, in general emit happiness and Tonkinese ones are no different.

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The trim and muscular cat appears lighter than what they actually are. They have the following physical features:

- Distinctive oval-shaped paw
- An adapted wedge shaped head
- Large ears which are almost set to the outside of their heads
- Muscular appearance

Like the Canadian hairless cat, the Tonkinese cats have originated from the lands of Canada,abercormbie. This is a medium sized cat breed, a cross between 2 beautiful cat breeds – the Siamese cat breed and the Burmese cat breed.

History of Tonkinese Cats

This cat breed was earlier called as – Tonkanese which got later modified to Tonkinese. Origin of its name is the namesake island in the musical South Pacific. This fictitious island was special because there was no discrimination done to half-breeds and hybrids. These are commonly known as Tonks, while promoting, and also during cat shows.

There are 3 main patterns in Tonkinese cats, solid, pointed and mink. They come in 4 attractive colors and their color pattern darkens with age. The solid pattern is the most common type of Tonkinese cat pattern around,hollister france.

‘The words cat and cute are not only similar to hear,hollister france, but are quite similar literally as well,’ said a former TV presenter. Like dogs, cats also have a special place in the drama called life,hollister france. Cats, like happiness come in different shapes, sizes and colors. One such colorful breed is the Tonkinese cat.

‘History is a half right- half wrong fable agreed upon.’ Same way, there are some instances which connect this recent breed to historical era of the 19th century. Some people believe that these cats often trace their roots back to the ‘Wong Mau’ miracle cat (a small sized walnut colored cat, courtesy - Dr. Joseph Cheesman Thompson, 1930). Most other journals and experts put the start of breeding as late 19th century, which is widely accepted. All in all, the exact history is debated but these cats aren’t as old as some other species.

Name Game

These beautiful Tonkinese cat breeds often find mentions in English novels,hollister, movies, documentaries and magazines. Known for their friendly nature,hollister, these cats are often classified as the perfect apartment cats. In general,abercrombie france, these cats are lively with gregarious personalities and form one of the bubbliest pets. With an appealing individuality, the Tonkinese cat breed is often considered to have taken good qualities of both,hollister deutschland, Siamese and Burmese cat breeds,louboutin pas cher. Even its meow is slightly different than other breeds, and its voice is often an epitome of affection,hollister outlet. The Tonkinese cat carves and returns affection very openly.

One of the major reasons why these cats appear affectionate is their curiosity; these Tonkinese cats are unusually curious, even to the simplest of things like a human finger. These folks are playful and mischievous and like humans or other Asian cat species around.

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With so many entertainers, politicians, and professional athletes making headlines because of their sexual infidelities, it might be worth taking a look at how the law deals with adultery.

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NAIROBI, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Kenya's electoral body on Thursday denied that the results for the Monday's general elections are being doctored at the national tallying centre in Nairobi, maintaining that the commission is an impartial arbiter in the polls.

Addressing a news conference in Nairobi, the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) chairman Isaack Hassan also dismissed reports that the electronic vote system which was being used to relay results was hacked.



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NAIROBI, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Kenya's electoral body on Thursday denied that the results for the Monday's general elections are being doctored at the national tallying centre in Nairobi, maintaining that the commission is an impartial arbiter in the polls.

Addressing a news conference in Nairobi, the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) chairman Isaack Hassan also dismissed reports that the electronic vote system which was being used to relay results was hacked.

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      NAIROBI, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Kenya's electoral body on Thursday denied that the results for the Monday's general elections are being doctored at the national tallying centre in Nairobi, maintaining that the commission is an impartial arbiter in the polls.

      Addressing a news conference in Nairobi, the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) chairman Isaack Hassan also dismissed reports that the electronic vote system which was being used to relay results was hacked.

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        &nbsp,abercrombie;     今年10月份金融数据显示,当月新增人民币贷款5877亿元。至此,离今年7.5万亿的目标仅仅差6000亿元左右。“目前有的银行信贷额度已经到边缘了,而有的可能还存在放贷的空间。”一位市场知情人士向记者表示,未来2个月信贷紧缩已经成定局。



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      NAIROBI, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Kenya's electoral body on Thursday denied that the results for the Monday's general elections are being doctored at the national tallying centre in Nairobi, maintaining that the commission is an impartial arbiter in the polls.

      Addressing a news conference in Nairobi, the Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission (IEBC) chairman Isaack Hassan also dismissed reports that the electronic vote system which was being used to relay results was hacked.
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