Session 6

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Current revision as of 06:21, 28 December 2007

(7:03:10 PM) Seras: WHEN WE LAST LEFT OFF
(7:04:27 PM) Dove: BUT AWESOME POWERS!
(7:04:37 PM) Le_Squide is now known as Le_Kanzaku
(7:05:33 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: OKAY
(7:06:01 PM) Seras: GOOOOOOo
(7:06:08 PM) Sparda: KKKKK
(7:07:11 PM) Dove: Dove keeps herself in a defensive stance for a moment, and then she rushes at the five-eyed man. However, instead of passing him, she begins to slide, sending the sand up in a way at his face as she blurred three attacks at the Solar.
(7:08:04 PM) Dove: !ex 8
(7:08:05 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (8), 9, 2, 2, 6, 9, 6, 5, 5, Successes : 2
(7:08:08 PM) Dove: !ex 7
(7:08:08 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (7), 10, 6, 2, 3, 2, 3, 9, Successes : 3
(7:08:09 PM) Seras: (do you ....)
(7:08:10 PM) Dove: !ex 6
(7:08:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (6), 5, 7, 8, 8, 8, 1, Successes : 4
(7:08:18 PM) Dove: (Do I what?)
(7:08:25 PM) Seras: (want to wait for me to allot stunt dice?)
(7:08:31 PM) Dove: (Opps?)
(7:08:35 PM) Dove: (:B)
(7:08:37 PM) Seras: (and to ask if you wanted a mechanical value for your sand-spray?)
(7:08:45 PM) Dove: (No, I don't. It's just spiffy.
(7:08:56 PM) Seras: (ok then: roll two more dice)
(7:09:00 PM) Dove: !ex 2
(7:09:01 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (2), 3, 7, Successes : 1
(7:09:10 PM) Dove: (For each?)
(7:09:48 PM) Seras: (stunt dice apply to all rolls yes)
(7:09:52 PM) Dove: !ex 2
(7:09:53 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (2), 1, 6, Successes : 0, Botch
(7:09:55 PM) Dove: !ex 2
(7:09:55 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (2), 9, 1, Successes : 1
(7:10:04 PM) Dove: So, 3, 3, 5.
(7:11:32 PM) Seras: He coughs and sputters but your attacks miss him
(7:11:41 PM) Seras: K-K-KANZAKU
(7:12:30 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Is either guy injured at all?)
(7:13:02 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (4 arm guy was wounded by Jade iirc)
(7:13:08 PM) Seras: (yes, I do believe)
(7:14:10 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "If the Primordials had meant you to have four arms, they would have made you HALF A SPIDER!" Kanzaku's objection to the man is punctuated by a crack of thunder, frosted white and blue as it splits the air between them.
(7:15:46 PM) Seras: (just a moment, finding my Combat Sheet)
(7:18:26 PM) Seras: (alright, two dice stunt) He throws his four hands forward as if to seize the crack of thunder and braces his feet.
(7:19:09 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Burning 5 on first excellency)
(7:19:17 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 17
(7:19:17 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Le_Kanzaku (17), 1, 1, 5, 8, 10, 2, 2, 1, 8, 9, 5, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 10, Successes : 7
(7:19:32 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (...I'll take the 71)
(7:19:50 PM) Seras: (I'd gladly give it to you, but we're not playing that game.)
(7:20:28 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Darn you, Blazing_Phoeniximon)
(7:20:35 PM) Seras: Darjek seizes the tails of lightning and with a furious laugh releases it back at you.
(7:21:22 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "OH SWEET SHE IT IS UNWANTED!"
(7:21:30 PM) Seras: (you're free to stunt your defense now)
(7:21:36 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (dice hate us)
(7:22:29 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku swings around, midair, and dives into the dust on the ground, hoping to ground out the bolt on...well...anything handy.
(7:23:15 PM) Sparda is now known as Mister_Moonlight
(7:23:41 PM) Seras: Kryskk offers you someone's boot helpfully. Don't ask where he got it.
(7:23:58 PM) Seras: (also, one die stunt)
(7:24:07 PM) Seras: !ex 12
(7:24:07 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Seras (12), 5, 8, 8, 5, 8, 3, 5, 6, 6, 9, 2, 10, Successes : 6
(7:24:09 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (DV 8 w/ stunt)
(7:24:32 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "My faithful friend, your rotundity belies your resourcefulness."
(7:25:11 PM) Seras: "I am useful!" he spins.
(7:25:30 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Verily!"
(7:25:37 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Speed 6.)
(7:25:44 PM) Seras: Now, about those Awareness rolls.
(7:25:47 PM) Seras: Please make them.
(7:25:58 PM) Mister_Moonlight: !ex 6
(7:25:59 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Mister_Moonlight (6), 4, 10, 8, 3, 4, 9, Successes : 4
(7:26:05 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 7
(7:26:05 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Le_Kanzaku (7), 9, 4, 3, 8, 7, 7, 5, Successes : 4
(7:26:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (join battle?)
(7:26:39 PM) Seras: (No, Perception/Awr_
(7:26:39 PM) Mister_Moonlight: ((Blazing Phoenix stole Plentimon's powers? =D))
(7:26:46 PM) Seras: (we're still clicking along through combat)
(7:26:51 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Blazing_Phoenix (5), 9, 6, 10, 5, 2, Successes : 3
(7:26:51 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 5
(7:27:05 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(7:27:06 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (3), 1, 4, 4, Successes : 0, Botch
(7:27:10 PM) Dove: (LAME)
(7:27:30 PM) Dove: (And she is still invisible...)
(7:27:35 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (Plentimon vanished so I activated my dice bot, which seems to hate us just as much)
(7:27:39 PM) Dove: (MDV 10 to be seen)
(7:28:24 PM) Seras: Dove maintains a rather obsessive focus on Kaleph, but that doesn't seem to help her notice anything.
(7:28:44 PM) Seras: Everyone else notices the following:
(7:29:28 PM) Seras: 1) the sky is darkening with gathering clouds. Really weird for the desert. 2)Something is glowing brightly from the center of the Solar camp behind you 3)Are those Dragon-Blooded animas dropping from the sky toward
(7:31:03 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "...Wyld Hunters, dare I assume?"
(7:31:09 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight looked straight up, somewhat relieved for the sudden lack of sunlight, but... what was with the elemental meteors?
(7:31:29 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "...If those are Hunters, I daresay they've started delivering by firedust cannon."
(7:31:40 PM) Seras: One's a streak of fire, the other a swirl of leaves.
(7:32:06 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "oh look, more vistors"
(7:32:13 PM) Dove: Dove turns, looking somewhat confused. And then frowning.
(7:32:17 PM) Seras: For a moment, they're dragons, spiraling and entwining with each other, before separating and shrinking into the shapes of two men.
(7:32:54 PM) Seras: On one hand, these are definitely Dragon Bloods. On the other, the Solars seem relieved to see them.
(7:33:58 PM) Dove: "... This is not good." She whispers softly to herself. /Well, wood burns.../
(7:34:18 PM) Seras: ONE MORE Awareness roll!
(7:34:34 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 7
(7:34:35 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Le_Kanzaku (7), 3, 4, 3, 7, 1, 7, 8, Successes : 3
(7:34:38 PM) Dove: !ex 3
(7:34:39 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (3), 4, 5, 8, Successes : 1
(7:34:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Blazing_Phoenix (5), 3, 5, 2, 9, 1, Successes : 1
(7:34:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 5
(7:34:46 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "I hate being wrong. But yes, objectively bad."
(7:35:30 PM) Seras: There's the sound of airship engines behind you.
(7:35:45 PM) Seras: and someone shouting "HEY! GET THE FUCK OFF THE GROUND!"
(7:36:09 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "...Why does it feel as if the cavalry has arrived?"
(7:36:45 PM) Seras: And then you see why the person shouting is giving you a warning, as the ground where the two men landed IGNITES, and a wave of searing heat and blistering thorns is racing towards you.
(7:37:29 PM) Seras: what are you going to do?
(7:37:31 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Oh bother."
(7:38:06 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku leaps and floooats away, Kryskk in tow.
(7:38:54 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "Oh my stars and garters." Moonlight decides it prudent to transform into a Wisp again, shooting into the air.
(7:39:09 PM) Mister_Moonlight: (Using Shapeshifting. ^^;;)
(7:39:36 PM) Seras: "HEY!" The voice shouts again over the din of airship rackets "GRAB THE FUCKING ROPE LADDER."
(7:40:07 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight zips up, following the ladder onto the deck of the ship.
(7:40:09 PM) Seras: Dex + Athl for anyone not already floating or Wisping to outrun the Charm.
(7:40:26 PM) Dove: !ex 6
(7:40:27 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (6), 10, 3, 5, 4, 7, 2, Successes : 3
(7:41:04 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix inexplicably waits until the fire and thorns are almost upon her before leaping backward and grasping the ladder tightly
(7:41:27 PM) Seras: (success!)
(7:41:36 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Blazing_Phoenix (7), 6, 3, 6, 4, 3, 3, 2, Successes : 0
(7:41:36 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 7
(7:41:36 PM) Dove: There is a responsing split second wave of heat as an phantom image moves, trying to dodge as she goes for the ladder.
(7:41:44 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (oh crap)
(7:41:48 PM) Seras: (...)
(7:42:22 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Have a third dodge?)
(7:42:28 PM) Seras: Dove has a handle on the ladder, but Phoenix doesn't quite make it. This is environmental damage
(7:42:30 PM) Seras: (Athletics)
(7:42:35 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (2)
(7:42:57 PM) Seras: Only soak applies here, so if you have any soak based defenses, you are free to use them.
(7:42:59 PM) Seras: your L soak?
(7:43:36 PM) Dove: (7)
(7:43:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (with the armour etc?)
(7:43:51 PM) Seras: (yes)
(7:43:57 PM) Seras: (Dove, you're fine)
(7:43:58 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (11)
(7:44:15 PM) Seras: !em 5
(7:44:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Seras (5), 7, 3, 1, 8, 9, Successes : 3
(7:44:18 PM) Seras: Ow.
(7:44:25 PM) Seras: FUCK YOU'RE ON FIRE.
(7:45:11 PM) Seras: "OH BALLS." The voice shouts from the airship deck.
(7:45:48 PM) Seras: On the upside, Phoenix, the rope ladder is RIGHT THERE.
(7:46:08 PM) Dove: Dove doesn't seem too worried, until she realizes '... Oh shit, she isn't a Fire Aspect!' She lunges with one hand to try grabbing Phoenix's hand.
(7:46:17 PM) ***Blazing_Phoenix climbs up to safety trying to ignore the fact she's on fire
(7:47:00 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (not like she won't be fully healed in a few hours)
(7:47:08 PM) Dove: And up goes the Fire Aspect. Once on board, she takes off the shadowy protection and covers herself with her cloak.
(7:47:21 PM) Seras: The Airship is a medium-sized construction of Blue Jade, Malfean brass and black lead, with steelsilk sails, crewed by a motley of demons, half-demons, and heavily tattooed Yozi-worshipping mortals.
(7:47:54 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "How resistant is this to, say, overcharged terrestrial exalts? I mean, besides me?"
(7:48:28 PM) Seras: "Pull 'er hard to the port side boys, we need to get out of here before that cannon goes off!" The brash voice belongs to a tall, sturdy man in a fluted and spired suit of armor constructed of largely the same thing his ship is made out of.
(7:49:00 PM) Dove: "... Cannon?" Strange sound from Dove.
(7:50:01 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight deigned to drop his transformation, appearing among the others out of a cloud of fast dissipating black smoke.
(7:50:03 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix pulls herself onboard, her sigh betrays barely controlled anger "they blackened my robes..."
(7:50:03 PM) Greenling left the room (quit: Disintegrated: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)).
(7:50:07 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "CANNON?"
(7:50:07 PM) Seras: His skin is a dark, smoky blue and his hair is wild and the color of stormclouds. "Pretty fuckin' resistant, I'd say. Also, Solar cannon. MOVE IT YOU FUCKERS, DO YOU WANT TO BE TOAST?" the crew responds rapidly to their captains commands and the ship lurches forward and up, suddenly gaining an immense amount of speed
(7:50:21 PM) Greenling [~4adf7b4f@6824EAF2.4E5788D1.1A09FF46.IP] entered the room.
(7:50:38 PM) Seras: As he says so, a bolt of sunlight sears through the air just where the ship was fractions ago.
(7:50:41 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight tends to poor Phoenix. Her robes would never be the same.
(7:50:55 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "these were a gift from Mother!"
(7:50:55 PM) Mister_Moonlight: ..."DAMN good timing with the whole moving of the ship, boys."
(7:51:11 PM) Seras: "Anyway, sorry to hurry y'all along like this. I heard from the Masters that y'all were in some trouble here."
(7:51:21 PM) Seras: "Ain't like me to leave Cousins hanging."
(7:51:31 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "I know, I know. We'll give them some bloody revenge for their arrogance soon." He pets her hair sympathetically.
(7:51:46 PM) Dove: Dove speaks very politely as she removes her cloak to help Phoenix put out the flames. "Hello again, Stormsoul."
(7:52:01 PM) Seras: anyone can make a Wits or Int + Lore roll to know more about this guy
(7:52:13 PM) Mister_Moonlight: !ex 8
(7:52:13 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Mister_Moonlight (8), 4, 10, 2, 8, 4, 9, 5, 1, Successes : 4
(7:52:15 PM) Dove: !ex 6
(7:52:15 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (6), 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 1, Successes : 0, Botch
(7:52:21 PM) Dove: (...)
(7:52:24 PM) Mister_Moonlight: (...)
(7:52:38 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 12
(7:52:39 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Le_Kanzaku (12), 2, 10, 1, 3, 2, 8, 3, 4, 7, 7, 5, 5, Successes : 5
(7:52:41 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix manages to stop pouting long enough to give a courteous bow to Stormsoul
(7:53:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Blazing_Phoenix (7), 4, 7, 7, 3, 8, 4, 4, Successes : 3
(7:53:11 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 7
(7:53:19 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (we need new dice)
(7:53:41 PM) Seras: Stormsoul: Once a Terrestrial Outcaste Warlord who stumbled upon the Enlightenment of the Masters and has since then been serving Hegra, the Typhoon of Nightmares.
(7:54:25 PM) Seras: He's famous for his airship and his boisterous attitude.
(7:54:59 PM) Seras: "Fuck. Who did you piss off to get the Souls of Gaia on your asses?"
(7:55:02 PM) Dove: She is too focused on patting down the Eclipse and putting out her own element (and miserable from the sunshine about, if any) to complain.
(7:55:10 PM) Dove: "Souls of what?" O.o
(7:55:26 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "...By She, I didn't want to hear that."
(7:55:38 PM) Seras: "Oh, who are y'all anyway."
(7:56:30 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "...Hear What, Kanzaku?"
(7:56:33 PM) Dove: "Dove." She waves."
(7:56:33 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "but.. souls of Gaia?"
(7:56:37 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Kanzaku; Chosen of She."
(7:56:41 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Souls of Gaia."
(7:56:50 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight makes a sweeping bow. "Mister Moonlight."
(7:56:57 PM) Dove: "... Oh, joy." Dove looks up at the sky.
(7:56:58 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "I was hoping it was just some overly Endowed monks or somesuch."
(7:57:02 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "Blazing Phoenix, Chosen of Cytherea"
(7:57:40 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "so those were the Immaculate Dragons?"
(7:57:42 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "Servant to The Silent Wind, here." He grins, then turns to Kanzaku. "...What are these "Souls of Gaia?" Some Dragon radicals or something?"
(7:57:59 PM) Seras: He scratches the back of his head. "Fuck, this is an all-star cast!"
(7:58:27 PM) Dove: "Mr. Moonlight, Kanzaku already said what they are. They are servants of Gaia as we are to the Yozis."
(7:58:58 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 12
(7:58:58 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Le_Kanzaku (12), 3, 1, 10, 3, 9, 5, 4, 4, 8, 6, 9, 10, Successes : 7
(7:59:14 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "...Huh. So they think that by siding with the DEFECTOR they can stand up to US?" He scoffs. What a JOKE.
(7:59:42 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "When they haven't caught us by surprise by raining from the sky we'll see."
(8:00:09 PM) Dove: "'A good warrior uses every tactic possible.'"
(8:00:16 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "There's...additional complications."
(8:00:17 PM) Dove: She speaks as if quoting from someone.
(8:00:18 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: *mother? are Gaia's souls really so hostile to us?*
(8:00:27 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Given that they may actually be led by, well, Mela."
(8:00:29 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "The real one."
(8:00:54 PM) Dove: "... Shit."
(8:01:01 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "...Like, the Queen Bitch of the Air herself?"
(8:01:06 PM) Seras: *They are, daughter. They think that we are evil. They do not know the sacrifice that I gave, nor do they understand the torment of my siblings*
(8:01:09 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "Well if that doesn't just beat all..."
(8:01:47 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "they're our cousins"
(8:01:57 PM) Dove: Dove nods sadly.
(8:02:07 PM) Dove: "Yet they do not see..."
(8:02:11 PM) Seras: "Bastard cousins with a grudge." Stormsoul adds grumpily.
(8:02:13 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "we just need to show them the light"
(8:02:50 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "HARSHLY. Some lessons, hmhmhm, are not easily learend, my darlings."
(8:03:10 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Yes. -Her-."
(8:03:12 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "by any means necessary"
(8:03:25 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "EXACTLY."
(8:04:06 PM) Dove: There is a grim nod from her, and then she grimaces, bringing the cloak around her again.
(8:04:22 PM) Dove: "Could we go indoors, please?"
(8:05:15 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "I'm rather enjoying the air...but if the captain consents, lets."
(8:05:28 PM) Seras: "We can go belowdecks. Keep 'er going boys. Don't fly up an air elemental's ass while I'm gone, ok?"
(8:05:42 PM) Dove: "The air is nice, but the damn traitor sun is not pleasant for me, at all."
(8:05:54 PM) Seras: they murmur their assent and he directs you to his captain's cabin.
(8:06:37 PM) Dove: She follows, relaxing out she is out of the sun.
(8:07:15 PM) Seras: his cabin is warm and homey, surprising for his rough speech and gruff attitude. He has enough seats for everyone, and offers each a drink of a fine liquor as you take a seat.
(8:07:49 PM) Dove: Dove takes a seat, nodding her thanks before taking a swig of the liquor.
(8:08:00 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight sits like a prince and swirls his liquor before taking a sip. "Ahhh, you're a Saint among Chosen, my friend."
(8:08:50 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku floats into place, sighing as he drinks.
(8:09:04 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "your hospitality is much obliged Stormsoul"
(8:09:06 PM) Seras: He plunks himself into a captain's chair. "Is there a specific place I can take y'all?"
(8:09:18 PM) Seras: "Ain't nothin. What the Mistress asks, I do."
(8:09:40 PM) Dove: "We are grateful for her assistance."
(8:10:32 PM) Seras: "What WERE y'doing? Other than picking a fight with Solars."
(8:10:49 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "Well... That's actually just about it."
(8:11:05 PM) Dove: "They are rather close to the compound of Reku, servant of the Endless Desert.
(8:11:43 PM) Seras: "Hm. So y'all have Solars in your backyard."
(8:12:08 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "A vertible infestation."
(8:12:16 PM) Seras: "that'd explain why I had to go up to the high point where the lil frost gods were breathing all over my ship just to get in the area."
(8:12:30 PM) Dove: "I have had the fortune of them turning up not yet in either manse..."
(8:12:32 PM) Seras: "We got within 10 knots and the crew started freakin' out."
(8:12:36 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "at least some of us heard the word and sought the truth"
(8:12:58 PM) Dove: "Yes, there are... wards." She grimaces.
(8:13:23 PM) Seras: He scratches his cheek. "I'm thinkin you might want to get rid'a those."
(8:14:26 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "risking a confrontation with Gaia's own chosen?"
(8:14:45 PM) Seras: "Well I didn't mean /now/ "
(8:14:45 PM) Dove: "We passed them, with the assistance of Reku. His Lady allows him to open portals."
(8:14:56 PM) Seras: "Yeh, but they /caught/ you."
(8:15:33 PM) Dove: "Unfortunately." She grimaces again, sipping the alcohol.
(8:16:10 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I doubt they were merely passing through"
(8:16:28 PM) Seras: "I dunno much about who's hangin' out there."
(8:16:47 PM) Dove: "Do you know someone with five eyes?"
(8:17:07 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "yea what's with that!?"
(8:17:13 PM) Seras: "Buh?"
(8:17:23 PM) Seras: "Who the fuck has five eyes?"
(8:17:28 PM) Dove: "That is one of the Solars we fought."
(8:17:47 PM) Seras: "Hegra's Fuckin' Thunderbolts, that's insane."
(8:18:05 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "the other with four arms"
(8:18:24 PM) Seras: "Who does he think he is? The Traitor Sun?"
(8:18:26 PM) Dove: "And then there's the fact, as you had said, they have a cannon."
(8:18:40 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "I'd say they were just mutants, but they didn't LOOK mutated, their extra bits weren't out of place..."
(8:18:40 PM) Seras: "I call that being well prepared."
(8:19:28 PM) Seras: Anyone can make Int + Lore or Med rolls to piece together what's up
(8:19:34 PM) Dove: !ex 6
(8:19:35 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Dove (6), 5, 10, 2, 10, 4, 2, Successes : 4
(8:20:05 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Blazing_Phoenix (7), 7, 10, 10, 2, 9, 2, 9, Successes : 7
(8:20:05 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: !ex 7
(8:20:34 PM) Dove: (Wow.)
(8:20:35 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: (hehe)
(8:20:47 PM) Mister_Moonlight: !ex 8
(8:20:47 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Mister_Moonlight (8), 10, 2, 2, 5, 9, 5, 7, 9, Successes : 5
(8:21:01 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 12
(8:21:01 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Le_Kanzaku (12), 10, 3, 5, 9, 6, 1, 7, 2, 10, 6, 7, 4, Successes : 7
(8:21:03 PM) Mister_Moonlight: ((MOONLITE AR SMRT!)
(8:21:28 PM) Seras: Everyone realizes that theyr'e obviously some sort of purposeful bodily modification
(8:21:55 PM) Dove: "... I'd say ew, but I have seen stranger things."
(8:22:02 PM) Seras: those with 5+ realize that its quite deliberate Craft (Genesis Artifice). They've pulled out all the genesis stops. Darjek had CLAWS and Kaleph could even see through manipulations.
(8:22:09 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "We all have. It's still wierd."
(8:23:44 PM) Seras: "yeah, really."
(8:24:42 PM) Dove: "So, they did it on purpose. And we need a way to get Reku's people away from them, I believe..."
(8:25:23 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "wouldn't they be safer in Malfeas until we can relocate them?"
(8:26:47 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "...No. No they really wouldn't."
(8:27:53 PM) Dove: Dove shakes her head.
(8:27:59 PM) Seras: "Hm. An interesting situation ya got."
(8:28:16 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "Without direct intervention from Reku's Lady I doubt they'd last... 7 minutes in the Desert before becoming currency or food."
(8:28:48 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "food?"
(8:29:13 PM) Dove: Dove winces as she speaks. "Demon food."
(8:29:23 PM) Dove: "Especially since they are worshippers..."
(8:29:25 PM) Mister_Moonlight: "Ever curious as to what lives UNDER that sand?"
(8:30:00 PM) Seras: Stormsoul makes "OM NOM NOM" motions with his hands.
(8:30:01 PM) Dove: "Ever seen what's in the shadows?" Dove answers as another point to Moonlight.
(8:30:20 PM) Dove: And she glares at Stormsoul with a 'you aren't helping' look.
(8:30:45 PM) Seras: He clears his throat.
(8:30:52 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix looks slightly wide eyed at all this
(8:31:51 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight sits back again, clearing his throat. "Needless to say... It's not the best idea."
(8:32:28 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I see"
(8:32:54 PM) Dove: "Phoenix, it's Malfeas. Many of the Masters were very painfully changed..." She looks sad and worried as she speaks.
(8:33:17 PM) Seras left the room (quit: Client exited).
(8:33:56 PM) Seras [] entered the room.
(8:33:59 PM) Seras: (sjfklajdlk.)
(8:34:04 PM) Mister_Moonlight: (=O)
(8:34:05 PM) Dove: (You missed nothing)
(8:35:26 PM) Seras: "Do y'all want me to drop you back off at your manse?"
(8:36:22 PM) Dove: "It may be wise. There is an Air Aspect there that we should handle..."
(8:36:35 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku shakes his head, and pulls himself from his daze. "That seems wise."
(8:37:32 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight concurs.
(8:37:59 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "I'll defer to superior experience"
(8:38:57 PM) Seras: "Alrighty then. I'll go tell the crew to get pulling in that direction!"
(8:39:55 PM) Dove: "This... tastes familiar." She studies the drink she has just finished. "Where is it from?"
(8:40:30 PM) Seras: "Stole it off a Realm boat.
(8:41:05 PM) Dove: "I haven't been there, that I recall..." She frowns, setting the glass down and looking thoughtfully.
(8:41:06 PM) Seras: "It's from the year the Empress fucked off. I thought an inauspicious liquor would be good for guests. haha!"
(8:41:39 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "from before?"
(8:41:56 PM) Dove: "Before becoming betrothed, yes."
(8:42:59 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "prehaps you are... were... a Dynast?"
(8:43:00 PM) Seras: "Betrothed? Who's the lucky guy?"
(8:43:31 PM) Dove: Dove looks at Stormsoul and smiles slightly. "I would say I am the lucky one, to be engaged to my master."
(8:44:07 PM) Dove: To Phoenix, she shrugs. "Perhaps. All I know is at this point is that I do not have my mother's coloring."
(8:44:17 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight chuckles a little.
(8:44:45 PM) Mister_Moonlight: But keeps his comment to himself. That was Dove's business.
(8:44:51 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku gives Dove an appraising look, but keeps his thoughts to himself.
(8:45:13 PM) Seras: "Wait...did you just say you were engaged to your MASTER?"
(8:45:44 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: Phoenix giggles at Stormsoul's response "he took that better than I did"
(8:46:03 PM) Dove: She twists a white strand of hair in between her fingers and then nods to Stormsoul. "Yes. I am to be wed to the Ebon Dragon." She shyly smiles, beaming with apparent love.
(8:46:31 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight makes a small toast in her direction. "Our very own blushing bride."
(8:46:43 PM) Dove: "Yes, but you hadn't seen the truth then, Phoenix." She turns red at Moonlight's comment.
(8:46:50 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "here, here to Dove"
(8:47:30 PM) Dove: She bows her head, looking even more embarrassed.
(8:47:39 PM) Dove: But the grin is still there.
(8:47:41 PM) Seras: He whistles.
(8:47:52 PM) Seras: "that must be some sex, that's all I gotta say."
(8:48:08 PM) Dove: "It is. Even when I set things on fire."
(8:48:24 PM) Dove: The last is said deadpan.
(8:48:45 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Moonlight recounts a dirty Malfean limerick involving the Great Ebon Dragon and his half-again length.
(8:49:14 PM) Dove: "At least they got it right. -.- Probably from Eremabour."
(8:49:28 PM) Greenling left the room (quit: Disintegrated: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)).
(8:49:45 PM) Seras: "hoo boy!"
(8:49:46 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Snort. "I think that's where I heard it, yes."
(8:50:04 PM) Seras: ?action=view&current=stormsoul.jpg <--Stormsoul
(8:50:24 PM) Dove: "She is a mischief maker."
(8:51:16 PM) Seras: "alrighty, well, back to yer manse it is! Anything else y'all need?"
(8:51:44 PM) Dove: "I believe I am fine."
(8:52:23 PM) Mister_Moonlight: Siiiiiiiip. "I'm good."
(8:52:39 PM) Seras: the airship continues its smooth course back to the manse. Where we will time
(8:52:42 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: "a plan to defeat two Solar Exalted and evade the souls of Gaia?"
(8:53:05 PM) Seras: "Hey, I'm just the guy with the airship. Figuring out that is YOUR problem." He chuckles.
(8:54:20 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: the notion of confronting the Souls should be interesting given the paticulars of Phoenix
(8:54:45 PM) Dove: "We could bomb them? ._."
(8:55:32 PM) Greenling [~4adf7b4f@6824EAF2.4E5788D1.1A09FF46.IP] entered the room.
(8:56:14 PM) Blazing_Phoenix: how does my virtue specialty work in that context?
(8:56:28 PM) Seras: (you guys are free to plan, but the plot for tonight is done: 8XP!)

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