Session 3

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Current revision as of 02:40, 20 December 2007

(6:08:43 PM) Logging started. Future messages in this conversation will be logged.
(6:08:43 PM) Seras: Ok!
(6:08:52 PM) QuicksilverFox85: >:(
(6:09:05 PM) Dove: Logging, startd.
(6:09:10 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I thought he was following to make sure we didn't hurt her?))
(6:09:13 PM) JadeWyvern: ((And staying outside?))
(6:09:33 PM) Seras: ((i believe he wanted in on the interrogation action too, correct?)
(6:09:45 PM) JadeWyvern: ((We said we'd do girl talk with her. XP))
(6:09:45 PM) Dove: (( Remember, he is trying to make sure that they aren't having sex too)
(6:10:05 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Huh. I totally didn't get that. Okay then. XP))
(6:10:07 PM) Seras: (what Reku is doing is ultimately up to quick)
(6:10:17 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Reku is staying in the next room over, listening in and making sure nothing undue happens to Phoenix.)
(6:10:31 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Expect a very angry Twilight if something does occur)
(6:10:54 PM) Dove: (Hehehe)
(6:11:48 PM) Dove: (Dove would be running ahead, because having girl talk with demons sucks.)
(6:12:08 PM) Dove: (So, she is a little excited to be talking to another human. ;p )
(6:12:50 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade is walking..but moving at the same pace as Dove.
(6:13:08 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Allow me to remind you, cousins, that you may use whatever persuasion techniques that you wish barring those of a carnal nature." Reku leads the two girls along, taking them through the proper doors to lead to Phoenix's chambers.
(6:13:24 PM) Seras: Reku has appointed Phoenix to one of the much nicer bedrooms in his manse. It is well appointed and he has a few cultists attending to her. The room is ideal for having company but with a bed big enough for sleepover style girl talk!
(6:13:24 PM) Dove: "May I ask why not the latter?"
(6:13:32 PM) JadeWyvern: "What's wrong with those? It's not like we'd be hurting her."
(6:13:35 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Acts of that nature are prohibited in my home, and will lead to your immediate expulsion from it."
(6:13:39 PM) Dove: "Ah."
(6:13:45 PM) JadeWyvern: Snort.
(6:13:49 PM) ***Dove nods obediently.
(6:13:59 PM) QuicksilverFox85: His eyes flash for a moment as he looks at Jade. "Is that understood."
(6:15:13 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade looks him directly in the eyes, "Because it's your home. When we leave, all's fair."
(6:15:40 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He nods, although he still doesn't seem particularly pleased with the idea.
(6:16:10 PM) Dove: Dove sighs a little at the two. Arguments.
(6:16:30 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade pats Dove on the shoulder. "Shall we?"
(6:16:44 PM) Dove: "Of course."
(6:17:06 PM) Dove: She goes for the door to knock on it politely.
(6:17:36 PM) Seras: "come in" Phoenix says meekly
(6:18:11 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade opens the door, waving Dove in first, "After you, my dear."
(6:18:14 PM) Dove: Dove opens the door, peeking in, smiling.
(6:18:24 PM) Dove: "Jade and I wanted to talk a little."
(6:18:41 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku stays by the door, but does not enter.
(6:18:53 PM) Seras: "oh?" She looks a bit more relaxed, certainly better rested, perched on the bed among piles of cushions, one clutched to her chest. She can't be more than 19.
(6:19:40 PM) JadeWyvern: "Do you mind?" She takes care to not grin, but to smile warmly. Her teeth have a tendancy to frighten people.
(6:20:13 PM) Le_Squide [] entered the room.
(6:20:16 PM) Dove: Dove takes a perch on a corner of the bed, sitting primly.
(6:20:32 PM) Seras: "Um, no, please. Sit down."
(6:20:54 PM) Seras: (in the meantime of Reku and Kanzaku want to discuss plans for bypassing the wards, that might be a good idea!)
(6:22:12 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade closes the door behiend her, sitting on the other corner of the bed, cross-legged.
(6:22:21 PM) Le_Squide: (Where are we right now?)
(6:22:39 PM) Dove: Dove falls backwards to let out a breath. "At least you are safe now."
(6:22:48 PM) Seras: (Jade and Dove are girl-talking up Phoenix)
(6:22:51 PM) Seras: (everyone is in the manse)
(6:23:01 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Currently, Reku is standing in a small library, near the door which seems to connect to Phoenix's room.
(6:23:31 PM) Seras: "yes, thank you."
(6:23:57 PM) Dove: "How did they find you, anyways?" Dove looks at her worriedly.
(6:24:29 PM) Seras: "it's noticeable, you know. The whole...exaltation thing."
(6:24:30 PM) JadeWyvern: "It's lucky that you stumbled apon us, or they surely would have caught you." Jade nods. "They won't be coming after you anymore, we sent them on their way." to lethe..
(6:24:33 PM) Le_Squide is now known as Le_Kanzaku
(6:24:58 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku paces back and forth, muttering calculations under his breath.
(6:25:02 PM) Dove: "I guess it's easier for a child of the Dragons... But I don't remember."
(6:25:06 PM) JadeWyvern: "That it is. It's a momentous occasion, indeed."
(6:25:34 PM) JadeWyvern: "Yes, for your kind it is easier in Creation right now."
(6:25:51 PM) Dove: "Right now." Dove murmurs, grinning slightly.
(6:25:55 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Any thoughts on that pesky ward situation, cousin?" Reku has one ear towards the door, but looks at Kanzaku.
(6:27:36 PM) JadeWyvern: "How far did you run from the Hunt?"
(6:27:55 PM) Seras: "Th-there was a spirit, a fiery desert Elemental, he'd attacked my father's caravan for passing through his domain without some certain offering. I ran out of the caravan and tried to negotiate with him, trying to convince the elemental that burning our belongings wasn't the right solution...and then I was glowing brightly."
(6:28:11 PM) Seras: "They found me a day later, and I ran from them for about a day."
(6:28:21 PM) Dove: "Oh dear..." Dove looks worried.
(6:28:44 PM) Seras: "I rode for part of the day on a horse my father gave me before they shot it out from under me, and then I ran, buoyed by Essence."
(6:29:06 PM) JadeWyvern: "I, your father accepted you?"
(6:29:09 PM) ***Le_Kanzaku sighs. "I've been trying to use higher level math to brute force a motonic solution, but that would take about a season; much too long to be practical! Perhaps we should review what we know of the things, to see if we can't come up with a solution that doesn't involve counting infinite grains of rice together?
(6:29:10 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "
(6:29:32 PM) Seras: "yes and no."
(6:29:45 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He nods. "An ideal situation, I'd say."
(6:30:01 PM) Seras: "He gave me the horse telling me to go, that I was destined for greater things."
(6:30:10 PM) Seras: "but I think he knew that Hunt was in the area."
(6:30:18 PM) Dove: "Ahhh." Dove flips onto her stomach.
(6:30:18 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "I do wonder, cousin, are you affected by wards that guard against our patrons and their children?"
(6:30:57 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (Seras; as an infernal, I get nailed by anti-demon mojo automatically, right?)
(6:31:17 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade leans forward onto her elbows, nodding, "It was a good choice, my dear. They would have killed him as well, had you stayed."
(6:31:35 PM) Seras: (these specific wards appeared to have been made to ward of anything with Malfean-Essence. So in this case, yes.)
(6:31:43 PM) Seras: (Kanzaku would have easily figured that out.)
(6:32:18 PM) Seras: She nodnods, seemingly placated by the thought that she'd done something good.
(6:32:29 PM) Dove: "I don't remember much about myself... But I know I was running from someone too, and I was scared."
(6:32:58 PM) JadeWyvern: "You needn't worry, anyone you fear, we can protect you from." She smiles again.
(6:32:59 PM) Seras: "You're a Princess of the Earth, aren't you?"
(6:33:09 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "I'd go up like a paper moth in a salamander hive."
(6:33:10 PM) Dove: "I... I don't remember."
(6:33:25 PM) Dove: She looks somewhat embarrassed.
(6:33:43 PM) Seras: "you don't remember if you're an Exalt?"
(6:33:52 PM) Dove: "No, no, no."
(6:33:55 PM) Seras: She gives Jade an "is she for real?" look
(6:34:00 PM) Seras: "that's what I asked" o.o
(6:34:05 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "As would I."
(6:34:16 PM) Dove: "Isn't a Princess of the Earth a Dynast?"
(6:34:20 PM) Dove: "Of the Realm?"
(6:34:22 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade shakes her head, "She misunderstood you. And yes, she is a Drahonblood."
(6:34:49 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He sighs. "They could easily be dispelled, but then those who had them arranged would instantly know that something was amiss."
(6:34:59 PM) Seras: "As far as I knew, a Princess of the Earth meant any Terrestrial Exalt..."
(6:35:49 PM) Dove: Dove nods, and then adds, "Really? Huh." She shakes her head. "I said I do not remember much. Only after I met my betrothed...:"
(6:35:55 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "If only we could fold can't fold space, can you?"
(6:36:33 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "No, unfortunatly."
(6:36:47 PM) Seras: Reku can make a Wits roll if he wants
(6:36:56 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (straight Wits?)
(6:37:04 PM) Seras: (yep)
(6:37:12 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Do we know anyone who can fold space?"
(6:37:12 PM) Dove: She is a little red.
(6:37:18 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !ex 3
(6:37:18 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (3), 7, 1, 3, Successes : 1
(6:37:21 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (1)
(6:37:26 PM) Dove: (Fuck, I have dishes. $%^& )
(6:37:36 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade pets Dove's back, "It's ok."
(6:37:39 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Okies. XP))
(6:37:42 PM) Dove: "I know it is..."
(6:38:24 PM) Seras: Reku: you /can/ open portals to Malfeas and then back to Creation...that's not /quite/ folding space but maybe close enough?
(6:38:43 PM) Seras: This does have a limited number of uses a day, though.
(6:39:09 PM) Seras: Phoenix nods
(6:39:17 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "...actually, I may be able to ask my Lady to aid in that particular venture."
(6:39:49 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Luckily, Reku has Essence 4, so he can do there and back twice)
(6:39:57 PM) Seras: (yup!)
(6:42:38 PM) Dove: (Back)
(6:42:55 PM) Dove: "It's just..." She has a sappy grin on her lips.
(6:43:48 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Oooooh?"
(6:44:30 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He nods. "If She finds the cause worthy, she can open a gate to herself, then to another point in Creation."
(6:44:44 PM) Dove: She covers her face. "I really shouldn't be the one talking, I'm so horribly besotted."
(6:44:45 PM) JadeWyvern: "What, Dove?" Playing with Dove's hair now, looking over at Phoenix every so often.
(6:45:09 PM) Seras: "Aww, you love someone. I understand" She patpats Dove affectionately
(6:45:38 PM) JadeWyvern: "That she does, that she does."
(6:45:45 PM) Dove: Dove nods, smiling.
(6:46:04 PM) Dove: "I am the betrothed of the Ebon Dragon, who is my master."
(6:46:25 PM) Seras: o.o
(6:46:34 PM) Seras: O.O
(6:46:36 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "So, on the other side of the wards?"
(6:46:41 PM) Seras: *O.O*
(6:46:46 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Indeed."
(6:46:51 PM) Dove: "What?"
(6:46:53 PM) Seras: !ex 2
(6:46:54 PM) Plentimon: Seras (2), 3, 4, Successes : 0
(6:46:58 PM) Dove: Dove looks very confused.
(6:46:59 PM) Seras: She faints.
(6:47:05 PM) Dove: ... "Opps."
(6:47:11 PM) JadeWyvern: ....."Dove."
(6:47:13 PM) Dove: "What's so shocking about that?"
(6:47:16 PM) JadeWyvern: "What are you doing?"
(6:47:36 PM) Dove: "What? I didn't do ANYTHING!"
(6:47:39 PM) JadeWyvern: "Our Masters are seen as evil. They don't yet know the truth. You can't be so frank with people."
(6:47:44 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku looks up at the yelling. "Excuse me a moment."
(6:47:47 PM) Dove: She looks very worried, and then nods.
(6:47:54 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He then opens the door. "What is going..."
(6:47:57 PM) JadeWyvern: "IT WASN'T ME."
(6:48:01 PM) Dove: "She fainted."
(6:48:10 PM) Dove: "I sort of startled her it seems..."
(6:48:13 PM) JadeWyvern: "Dove mentioned who her Betrothed is."
(6:48:23 PM) JadeWyvern: FacepalmFacepalmFacepalm.
(6:48:34 PM) QuicksilverFox85: His eyes narrow as he looks at Phoenix. "I see. Please leave; I will wake the girl."
(6:48:44 PM) Dove: "I'm very sorry, Reku."
(6:49:06 PM) Dove: She looks even more embarrassed. "I just thought it was a safe place..."
(6:50:06 PM) JadeWyvern: Bah. Jade leaves the room, snorting.
(6:50:12 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "I understand. Now leave."
(6:50:18 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku blinks and sighs. "Elegant solution postponed by yelling."
(6:50:32 PM) Dove: Dove walks out, looking very upset and face red.
(6:50:46 PM) Seras: Kryssk spins for your entertainment.
(6:51:03 PM) Seras: "oh! Hello Dove!"
(6:51:30 PM) Dove: (Kryssk does that?)
(6:51:48 PM) Seras: (he spins and says hello, yes)
(6:51:51 PM) Dove: Dove shyly waves, smiling slightly.
(6:52:03 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku goes into the ajoining washroom, fills a bowl of water, then takes it and a cloth out into the room. He takes a seat next to the fainted Eclipse and gets her comfortable before attempting to wake her up.
(6:52:09 PM) Seras: He pulses blue once then green and then a purple
(6:52:26 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kanzaku is soothed by his faithful familiar.
(6:52:30 PM) Seras: Wits + Med, Reku. Have a stunt die
(6:52:50 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !em 3
(6:52:50 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (3), 2, 4, 8, Successes : 1
(6:52:50 PM) Dove: "I accidentally made the sunchild faint. ._."
(6:53:12 PM) JadeWyvern: "Ugh."
(6:53:21 PM) Seras: !ex 5
(6:53:22 PM) Plentimon: Seras (5), 9, 7, 1, 9, 2, Successes : 3
(6:53:34 PM) Seras: She moans and she opens her eyes.
(6:53:38 PM) Raiden left the room.
(6:53:41 PM) Seras: "Oh. My. Hello. Did I faint?"
(6:54:23 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "I'm afraid so." He puts the bowl on the nearby side table, then stands and gets a glass of water.
(6:54:35 PM) Dove: -... You aren't going to let me live that down, are you, my Master?-
(6:54:47 PM) Seras: "W-was she serious?"
(6:55:33 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Unfortunatly, yes. To speak true, I don't know what he sees in her." He offers her the water.
(6:55:47 PM) Seras: *Discretion is advised, my Dove. Those who do not know the truth are fearful. Dissuade their fears first, my love."
(6:55:49 PM) Seras: *
(6:56:05 PM) Dove: She nods to herself, her flush fading.
(6:56:25 PM) Seras: She takes the water slowly.
(6:56:32 PM) Seras: "So y-you''re all..."
(6:57:24 PM) Dove: "At least we got the first part out of way?" She says hopefully.
(6:57:34 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Servants of the Yozi? Yes, I'm afraid. However, I swear on the Desert herself that while you are with us, you shall suffer no harm by our hand."
(6:57:50 PM) Seras: "That is a comfort at the least."
(6:59:19 PM) Seras: "H-how is it that the Princes of the Earth would seek to /kill/ me, but I find hospitality among the Servants of the /Yozis/ ?!" Her brow furrows. This clearly is a conundrum for the small Eclipse.
(6:59:45 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "It is rather puzzling, is it not?" He takes a seat beside the bed, smiling slightly.
(7:00:02 PM) Dove: Dove calls out softly, "Um... is she alright?" She sounds worried.
(7:00:04 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Then again, we are all seen as demons and monsters according to the Dragonlings."
(7:00:36 PM) Seras: "I'm no Anathema! I'm just as human as they are"
(7:00:53 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade pops her head in, "Have you recovered?"
(7:01:04 PM) Dove: Dove's head peeks in as well, looking worried.
(7:01:05 PM) Seras: "Erm. Yes."
(7:01:22 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "My thoughts exactly, miss. However, their dogma is so ingrained into them that it often takes an act of Sol himself to change their minds."
(7:01:23 PM) Dove: "I'm sorry for startling you."
(7:01:47 PM) Seras: "Er, it's okay."
(7:02:36 PM) Dove: She smiles, pleased. "Good. I shouldn't have surprised you with that, though..."
(7:02:44 PM) JadeWyvern: "But know that we're not out to harm you, we only wish to enlighten people as to the true nature of our Masters."
(7:03:01 PM) Seras: "T-true n-nature?" o.o
(7:03:33 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Cousins, if you please."
(7:03:35 PM) JadeWyvern: "Benevolant. They didn't start the war, their children did."
(7:03:59 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He looks to the two ladies, giving them a look of "Let me handle this, hmm?"
(7:04:16 PM) Dove: Dove nods, though she was about to say something.
(7:04:55 PM) JadeWyvern: "I'm glad that you're ok." Jade nods and leaves the room.
(7:05:22 PM) Dove: Dove stays to listen. She may as well learn more lore of the past.
(7:05:35 PM) Dove: She would leave, if Reku asked.
(7:05:46 PM) Seras: The Abyssal is still poking around the manse, if Jade wishes to speak with him. Kanzaku is also hanging out in the library adjacent to Phoenix's room
(7:05:54 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku closes the door behind Jade, sighing. "What souls my Lady has allied me with..."
(7:06:25 PM) Dove: She smiles slightly, keeping her mouth shut.
(7:06:49 PM) JadeWyvern: -Master, why are they so difficult?-
(7:08:18 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "But at any rate." He retakes his seat. "My toothy companion was correct, however. The Celestial gods rose up against the Makers, wishing to take their power for themselves."
(7:08:20 PM) Dove: (HA! Dove can easily pull a mind fuck on Jade)
(7:08:23 PM) Seras: Phoenix hugs a cushion.
(7:09:03 PM) Seras: "Why did they do that?" o.o
(7:09:33 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "I would not attempt to guess how the mind of a god works." Reku smirks.
(7:09:37 PM) JadeWyvern: -But Master, would it not be in our best interest to get along? We both know that I could easily wrest power from them, but it is better that they be companions, is it not?-
(7:09:52 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "To aid them in their quest for usurpation, they created those like us, aided by the Brother-Traitor Autochthon, to fight against the Makers. And, as you could imagine, the Celestials were mostly successful."
(7:10:38 PM) Seras: (note that this is NOT a suggestion from teh GM to be a dick to your fellow players)
(7:10:42 PM) Seras: (Malfeas is a cock.)
(7:10:49 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Some of the Makers were killed by the hands of the Chosen, but, as immortal beings, they could not truly die. Others surrendered, and became the beings now known as the Yozi, bound within the flesh of the Maker who was once Ruler of All."
(7:11:07 PM) Seras: she nodnods, rapt.
(7:12:11 PM) JadeWyvern: -I shall take this into consideration, Master.-
(7:12:54 PM) Seras: INDEED YOU SHALL.
(7:13:02 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Time went on, and the Celestials spent their time enjoying the fruits of their rebellion. Their creations, their Chosen, ruled the lands below the scope of Heaven, and all was well as far as they were concerned."
(7:14:35 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Then, for reasons unknown to this poor scholar, the Chosen became twisted. They abused their power in Creation, and the gods did little to stop it. In fact, they ignored it completely."
(7:14:49 PM) Seras: o.o
(7:14:57 PM) Seras: "is that why the Princes of the Earth hate us?"
(7:15:15 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He nods. "The memories of those times lie deep in the minds of the Dragon-born."
(7:15:32 PM) Seras: "Then we should do something to right our wrongs!"
(7:15:53 PM) Dove: Dove muffles a soft cough, looking away, smiling slightly.
(7:16:33 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Attempts are being made in that venue, miss." He smiles slightly. "However, the Dragonlings are stubborn, and their minds are closed."
(7:17:52 PM) Seras: "Minds can be changed." She makes a stubborn face.
(7:18:21 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "There are some, like me and mine, who have allied with the Makers who still live, attempting to teach the truth of Creation. We sometimes find willing minds, but both the Celestial gods and the Immaculate faith fight against us, not wanting the veneer of lies that that have blinded the worls with to be peeled back."
(7:18:41 PM) QuicksilverFox85: The grins widens as he looks at Phoenix. "Would you wish to join us in this venture?"
(7:19:46 PM) Seras: She blinks.
(7:20:03 PM) Seras: "Is...Is this the path of righting our wrongs?" She seems dubious! Sway her with a Social attack!
(7:20:10 PM) Dove: (Let me do it!)
(7:20:23 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Charisma+Presence, I assume?)
(7:20:26 PM) Seras: Any viable social attack of your choice, with a 2 dice stunt
(7:20:31 PM) Seras: (any viable social attack.)
(7:20:43 PM) Seras: (So, even Investigation
(7:21:18 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Going with C+P)
(7:21:27 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !em 8
(7:21:27 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (8), 6, 2, 3, 4, 4, 10, 3, 6, Successes : 1
(7:21:32 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (2!)
(7:21:32 PM) Dove: (Oh, wait. Yeah, you can.. xD!)
(7:21:50 PM) Dove: (And remember you have 2 extra dice)
(7:21:53 PM) Dove: (Stunt dice)
(7:22:00 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Ah right.)
(7:22:02 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !ex 2
(7:22:03 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (2), 6, 3, Successes : 0
(7:22:05 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Bah)
(7:22:09 PM) Dove: (Can I help? :p)
(7:22:30 PM) Seras: She bites her lower lip, not entirely convinced. Dove may help before she changes her mind!
(7:23:20 PM) Dove: Dove speaks quietly, aiding him. "It is the way. Things have fallen apart so very much since the War. By returning Creation to its rightful masters, they may be able to fix what we can not."
(7:23:46 PM) Seras: (Oooh, good reasons!)
(7:24:03 PM) Dove: (How many dice do I get?)
(7:24:07 PM) Seras: Two dice stunt for excellently playing this poor wittle solar.
(7:24:23 PM) Dove: !ex 10
(7:24:25 PM) Plentimon: Dove (10), 10, 10, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 10, 9, 7, Successes : 10
(7:24:34 PM) QuicksilverFox85: ( gods, woman)
(7:24:46 PM) Dove: (Sorry for stealing your roll?)
(7:24:47 PM) Seras: (Holy shit on a shingle)
(7:25:03 PM) Dove: (Sometimes, the simpliest words win)
(7:25:29 PM) Seras: She clenches both her fists tightly. "Tell me what it is I must do to set the world to rights."\\
(7:25:59 PM) JadeWyvern: "Now that's what I LIKE to hear!"
(7:26:27 PM) Dove: "Come with us, into Malfeas. Let the Creators, the Yozis see you. The Exaltation marks you already as one worthy to their eyes."
(7:26:54 PM) JadeWyvern: "Indeed, I am confident that they will approve of you."
(7:27:02 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He nods. "As am I."
(7:27:32 PM) Seras: "How soon can we leave?"
(7:27:43 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Of course, each of the Makers will be looking for different traits." He smiles warmly. "We can leave now, if you wish."
(7:27:58 PM) Seras: She looks expectantly at Dove and Jade
(7:28:13 PM) JadeWyvern: "We shall set out immediately." She smiles warmly at her.
(7:28:21 PM) JadeWyvern: ((So, we make a portal? Or just kinda shift?))
(7:28:29 PM) Dove: Dove offers her hand to both Reku and to Phoenix, smiling brightly.
(7:28:53 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku stands, then takes her hand. "Follow me, please, and I shall prepare the gateway."
(7:29:03 PM) Seras: ((Reku can make portals))
(7:29:15 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Ohhh, that's his demon powah.))
(7:29:21 PM) QuicksilverFox85: -My Lady, I wish to bring a Quicksilver Falcon to your loving embrace. Will you allow me to open the way? -
(7:29:22 PM) Seras: (yup!)
(7:29:30 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (*is thinking with portals*)
(7:29:53 PM) Seras: -It is a Pleasure and a Joy to open worlds unto my servant -
(7:30:05 PM) Seras: (opening the portal right there inthe manse?
(7:30:22 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku leads the girls through the library. As he goes, he looks to Kanzaku. "We have a small detour to make." He looks to Phoenix, grinning.
(7:30:47 PM) Seras: "oh?"
(7:30:50 PM) Dove: There is a rippling ring of proud laughter in Dove's mind, having with herself.
(7:31:06 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Once the party has gathered, he leads them outside into the desert proper. A bit away from the manse, he stops, then holds open his arms wide.
(7:31:07 PM) Dove: "We are going to Malfeas. I believe he is simply telling Kanzaku such."
(7:31:23 PM) Seras: "Oh!"
(7:31:25 PM) JadeWyvern: "It will be nice to be within my Master's embrace once more."
(7:31:36 PM) Seras: "Yaaay, a trip, my Lord!" Kryssk spins!
(7:31:55 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "Cecelyne, Lady of the Endless Sands, your servant wishes to be within your loving embrace once more. Please allow me entrance into your holy realm!"
(7:32:16 PM) Dove: (Afk again)
(7:33:25 PM) Seras: the desert wind howls and whips wildly around the party, the sands swirling into a tsunami around the party as the funnel of wind nad sand and dust spirals downward and downward until the Traitor Sun's light vanishes and his oppressive head fades
(7:34:34 PM) Seras: and expanse of desert spreading out before you under a bleak, black sky. It stretches endlessly, sand and dunes on all sides, unlit by any sun, yet bright enough to see. Scorpions flee your approach and skeletal catci jut from the Endless Desert. In an eternity, but no time at all, you will arrive at the Demon City.
(7:36:00 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Indeed, my most loyal friend, a trip."
(7:36:11 PM) Seras: "Yaay <3"
(7:36:19 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Back to hell...and then back here, on the other side of those unfernal wards."
(7:36:54 PM) Seras: In the space of forever and a heartbeat, you arrive back in Malfeas.
(7:37:21 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade smiles, looking up at the Green Sun, sighing with pleasure.
(7:37:47 PM) Seras: for the Champions of Hell, it is home. Clamorous, smelly, organic, hot, /alive/
(7:37:52 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku sighs happily. "Greetings, my Lady. The Falcon is here to aid us in our just cause." He takes Phoenix by the hand, leading her away from the city. "What do you think of her?"
(7:37:57 PM) Dove: Dove sighs with relief away from the Traitor Sun.
(7:38:39 PM) Dove: "Reku, do you believe it fair for your lady to have more than one servant, when there are others of her kin that have none?"
(7:38:40 PM) Seras: The Desert itself whispers /a pure heart. A strong will /
(7:39:28 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "I am merely introducing the new arrival, cousin. It is the Lady's choice whether she takes her on as her own."
(7:39:42 PM) Dove: "That is true." She inclines her head.
(7:40:29 PM) Dove: She takes out a bone flute, her ears perked to listen.
(7:40:31 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "Everyone shall find their proper place."
(7:40:36 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "This is, after all, Hell."
(7:40:42 PM) Seras: The whisper continues /show her to my sisters and brothers, and the one among us most worthy of such a strong young one shall take her/
(7:41:05 PM) Seras: coils of sand drift affectionately across Reku's feet, and swirl about his legs. /well done, my servant./
(7:41:16 PM) QuicksilverFox85: He bows deeply to the Desert. "My Lady flatters me."
(7:41:46 PM) Dove: "I would call that an honest compilent, Reku." She grins.
(7:42:28 PM) JadeWyvern: -Did you see the way I flattened that Wyld Hunt, Master?-
(7:43:11 PM) JadeWyvern: She glows. "As you wish, Master."
(7:43:22 PM) JadeWyvern: She nods, "My Master would wish to meet you, Phoenix, please, follow me."
(7:43:38 PM) JadeWyvern: She then makes her way to the Grove where Malfeas appears to her.
(7:43:57 PM) Dove: "I will go with you as well. I'm curious to see the others of my beloved's kin in person.
(7:44:54 PM) Seras: The silver root-up trees twist and knot as you approach, forming an antechamber ideal for the party to stand in before a massive, gnarled construct of roots that has the vaguest shape of a man
(7:44:59 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku bows once more, then follows behind Jade.
(7:45:33 PM) Dove: When the shape appears, she bows deeply and politely before standing up.
(7:45:37 PM) JadeWyvern: Jade kneels before her Master, one fist to the ground, the other across her heart. "I have come as you have commanded, Master."
(7:46:23 PM) Seras: Green light lances through the trees and touches on each of the assembled Infernal Exalts. Everyone can roll their highest Virtue.
(7:46:40 PM) QuicksilverFox85: !ex 4
(7:46:41 PM) Plentimon: QuicksilverFox85 (4), 4, 8, 9, 2, Successes : 2
(7:46:47 PM) JadeWyvern: !ex 5
(7:46:48 PM) Plentimon: JadeWyvern (5), 3, 6, 4, 6, 6, Successes : 0
(7:46:53 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Wow.))
(7:47:15 PM) Dove: !ex 4
(7:47:17 PM) JadeWyvern: ((I did get 666, though.))
(7:47:17 PM) Plentimon: Dove (4), 7, 6, 4, 1, Successes : 1
(7:47:46 PM) Dove: (She has two virtues at the highest)
(7:48:06 PM) Seras: (whichever)
(7:48:20 PM) Le_Kanzaku: !ex 4
(7:48:21 PM) Plentimon: Le_Kanzaku (4), 9, 8, 1, 3, Successes : 2
(7:48:26 PM) Dove: (So, one sux)
(7:49:17 PM) Seras: You can that many wp back, as if you'd rested for a night! Jade gets a wp back anyway, because of the approval of her lord, and the number of the beast.
(7:49:51 PM) Dove: Dove lets out a small sigh, her heart swelling with peace.
(7:49:51 PM) JadeWyvern: ((:D:D))
(7:50:08 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku bows respectfully to the Malfean avatar.
(7:50:13 PM) JadeWyvern: The approval of her Master washes over her, and she smiles.
(7:52:11 PM) JadeWyvern: "As you command, Master."
(7:53:34 PM) Dove: "To whom now?"
(7:53:50 PM) Seras: The man-shaped construct of roots retreats, sucking back into the ground, becoming a copse once more
(7:54:48 PM) JadeWyvern: "Who is closest?"
(7:55:27 PM) Dove: "It depends, I would think... But I know little of the will of the Makers."
(7:55:32 PM) Seras: (she can go to whomever you guys would like. Or I can pick. whichever you think would be cooler)
(7:55:56 PM) Dove: "Moonlight's lady is always moving... And my beloved as well."
(7:56:22 PM) Dove: "But we are near the forests..."
(7:56:34 PM) Le_Kanzaku: "She who I serve can be...awkward...when it comes to personal interaction."
(7:58:13 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "The choice is yours, cousins."
(7:58:21 PM) Sparda [] entered the room.
(7:58:39 PM) Dove: (We got +1 Eclipse for Yozis)
(7:58:53 PM) Seras: (Recap for Sparda: they managed to convince Phoenix to convert, and are now trying to figure out which Yozi to give her over to)
(7:59:03 PM) Seras: (Moonlight is most definitely there
(7:59:07 PM) Seras: (and may offer his input)
(7:59:24 PM) Dove: (Dove said 'Moonlight's lady is always moving)
(7:59:40 PM) Dove: (And I can stay past 9)
(7:59:50 PM) Seras: (I'm going to have to sleep, though)
(7:59:53 PM) Dove: (True)
(7:59:57 PM) Dove: (Just saying.)
(7:59:57 PM) Seras: (as I work every day at 8)
(8:00:00 PM) Sparda: (Awwww.)
(8:00:01 PM) Dove: (Wow)
(8:00:22 PM) Seras: (Yeah I have one of those crazy Real Jobs)
(8:00:31 PM) Dove: (Anyways)
(8:00:35 PM) JadeWyvern: (So, are we calling it?)
(8:00:41 PM) Dove: (We can)
(8:01:00 PM) Dove: "I'm up to any sort of suggestions. I will wait to introduce my beloved."
(8:01:15 PM) Seras: (Since Sparda just showed up, we can have her speak with Adorjan, if you'd like)
(8:01:17 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Suppose. I's starting a new job tomorrow, so I should prolly call it early, anyway)
(8:01:22 PM) Seras: (and /then/ we can call it?)
(8:01:26 PM) QuicksilverFox85: (Sounds good.)
(8:01:31 PM) JadeWyvern: ((SOunds good.))
(8:01:36 PM) Dove: (Sounds good)
(8:02:35 PM) Dove: "So, we must make it silent..."
(8:02:43 PM) Seras: (I'm poking Sparda)
(8:02:43 PM) Dove: She tucks her flute away.
(8:03:47 PM) Sparda: Moonlight smiles. "Silence? Funny you should say that. She has yet to speak to my lady, after all."
(8:04:28 PM) Dove: "that is what I was thinking." Dove winks.
(8:05:14 PM) Seras: Moonlight may summon his Lady-or at least one of her Daughters--with a Prayer roll
(8:05:17 PM) Seras: that's Cha/Perf
(8:05:55 PM) Sparda: Moonlight grins at her and takes the stage, which he is best at, after all. Irony was beautiful, and summoning silence with song was IRONIC.
(8:06:45 PM) Dove: "May I assist with a tune?"
(8:06:46 PM) Sparda: He leans back and lets his deep, silky voice spread throughout the entire manse, it's hypnotic tones sliding across the nerves so soothingly, a worshipful hymn to Adorjan that would echo all the way into Malfeas' belly.
(8:07:04 PM) Dove: (We are in Malfeas0
(8:07:17 PM) Sparda: ((Just learned that. ^^))
(8:07:30 PM) Sparda: Moonlight insinuates into the song that he would love for Dove to accompany him. <3
(8:07:52 PM) Dove: Dove takes out the flute and begins to weave her music into his song smoothly.
(8:07:59 PM) Seras: Dove roll Cha/Perf yourself, first.
(8:08:15 PM) Seras: Your successes will translate into extra dice for Moonlight
(8:08:24 PM) Seras: also, a two dice stunt
(8:08:34 PM) Dove: (For me?)
(8:08:48 PM) Dove: !ex 10
(8:08:49 PM) Seras: For Sparda, but you're working together, so be good little players and share
(8:08:50 PM) Plentimon: Dove (10), 1, 6, 2, 1, 9, 3, 9, 4, 8, 5, Successes : 3
(8:09:02 PM) Dove: I'll let him use them book.
(8:09:07 PM) Dove: (Both)(
(8:10:15 PM) Sparda: (18 total dice. <3)
(8:10:28 PM) Sparda: !ex 18
(8:10:29 PM) Plentimon: Sparda (18), 9, 2, 3, 6, 3, 7, 5, 5, 9, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 3, 1, 1, 2, Successes : 5
(8:10:49 PM) Sparda: (5 + 3 autosuccesses from artifact and hearthstone = 8)
(8:10:54 PM) Seras: The clamour ceases.
(8:11:16 PM) Dove: (And +3 thanks to Dove too)
(8:11:34 PM) Sparda: ((Added those as dice as Seras said. =3)
(8:11:36 PM) Seras: The silence for the briefest moment is crushing and defeaning. Your ears ring loudly with the sudden, instant noiseless void
(8:11:39 PM) Dove: (Ah)
(8:12:10 PM) Sparda: Moonlight loves it, even with the void does Lady Adorjan SING.
(8:12:16 PM) Dove: Dove winces. -Keep forgetting how she *hurts* sometimes.-
(8:12:17 PM) Sparda: Such a good pain.
(8:12:24 PM) Seras: Then someone distantly screams "ADORJAN COMES!" and from your vantage point there is panic and mayhem as demons flee in all directions as the Silent Wind tears across the hellscape.
(8:13:05 PM) Sparda: Moonlight throws wide his arms for his lady's sweeping arrival. So waht if he lost a little flesh in the process?
(8:13:29 PM) Dove: Dove warns as softly as she can without upsetting Adorjan to Phoenix, "She can be a bit painful... And graphic..."
(8:13:40 PM) Seras: Demons die in the thousands, and even as the beyond hurricane gusts tear apart the stone and brass and flesh around you, Moonlight and the other Infernals are safe from the touch of the Silent Wind....for now.
(8:14:14 PM) Seras: above the deafening roar of the wind comes a wholly audible whisper, like a lover's face pressed against your ear
(8:14:24 PM) Dove: Dove looks very sad, as she knows that demons are dying, and tears quietly fall from her face.
(8:14:29 PM) Seras: -what have you brought me, beloved servant? A sunchild?-
(8:14:34 PM) Le_Kanzaku: Kryssk has someone ended up clutched closely to Kanzaku's chest. How odd.
(8:15:01 PM) Seras: Kryssk is strobing with fright!
(8:15:12 PM) Seras: -is this a gift for your lady?-
(8:15:17 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku doesn't seem horrible concerned with the dead demons.
(8:15:19 PM) Sparda: "Yes my lady, a new voice to our chorus!"
(8:15:37 PM) Seras: -indeed one so strong must sing loudly.-
(8:15:41 PM) Sparda: "Let her know what joys come with your matronage!"
(8:15:54 PM) Seras: (Adorjan will take her, unless of the PCs has an objection)
(8:16:13 PM) Dove: "Lady, may I make a bold request, out of fairness?"
(8:16:26 PM) Seras: -speak for i listen-
(8:16:31 PM) Dove: Dove speaks forward, bowing deeply as she had to Malfeas.
(8:17:02 PM) Seras: In the swirls of wind you can see the face of a woman, beautiful in an alien way, with wide eyes and full lips.
(8:17:04 PM) Dove: "This maiden is of the same as your beloved servant. And yet, there are those of your siblings that does not have a single servant to call their own.
(8:17:21 PM) Seras: -and this is of my concern?-
(8:17:27 PM) Dove: "It is your choice, but I would humbly ask for another to have a servant."
(8:18:13 PM) Dove: "You have an exquiste servant, as do the others, but as I said, there are those who do not."
(8:18:27 PM) Seras: -my servant- dust kicks up around Moonlight and brushes against him, almost like a caress, -would you have me honor the request of the Dragon's Bride?-
(8:20:09 PM) Dove: Dove looks at Moonlight with wide eyes, silently appealing to him as well.
(8:20:26 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku smirks.
(8:20:53 PM) Sparda: Moonlight appraises the Solar, and Dove, and then turns himself to face the vast winds of destruction. "It is of my opinion that she will find true strength in your arms, but in the interest of our greater goal I concur with my Sister! Your judgement may find her to another master?"
(8:21:26 PM) Dove: "Advice would be an honor and a pleasure. I am humbly sorry for making such a request."
(8:22:02 PM) Seras: -very well. i shall honor this request once, Dragon's Bride, and only because of the esteem my servant holds you in. do not expect that i shall continue to be so forgiving.
(8:22:24 PM) Seras: And the Silent Wind dies down, and the noise resumes.
(8:22:37 PM) Dove: -I understand, good lady. It will hurt as well...-
(8:22:49 PM) Dove: "Shall we go into the wood?"
(8:22:56 PM) Sparda: Moonlight lets out a deep breath and straightens himself, his euphoria slowly fading.
(8:23:25 PM) Seras: (This look like a good place to call it?)
(8:23:30 PM) Dove: Dove takes a deep breath. Courage was familiar to her, and such a challenge...
(8:23:31 PM) QuicksilverFox85: "If I may ask, cousin, why is the number of followers that the other Makers have concern you?" Reku looks at Dove, still smirking a bit. "Is your Lord concerned about his brothers and sisters having too many under their sway?"
(8:23:53 PM) Sparda: "...Dove, choose WISELY for her. I expect my sacrifice to not be in vain."
(8:24:05 PM) Sparda: Because any displeasure to his lady was a sacrifice, indeed.
(8:24:12 PM) Dove: "I did not concur with my beloved on this. I simply hope to reduce the need for us to compete for favor."
(8:24:15 PM) Sparda: ((Yeah, I'm good. <3))
(8:24:43 PM) Dove: (I'm set myself.)
(8:24:54 PM) JadeWyvern: ((:D:D:D))
(8:24:58 PM) JadeWyvern: ((Val Loev Hellgaem.))
(8:25:23 PM) Seras: 8 XP!
(8:25:26 PM) Le_Kanzaku: (I <3 Mr. Moonlight)
(8:25:33 PM) Dove: (He rocks)
(8:25:45 PM) Seras: oh right
(8:25:47 PM) Dove: (And Dove is being happy and proud)
(8:25:55 PM) Seras: 10 XP, bonus expizzles cuz Astra wrote some stuff
(8:26:05 PM) JadeWyvern: Woooooooooooooo
(8:26:27 PM) Sparda: ((<3<3<3<# Loevloevloev)
(8:26:35 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Excellent as always, Seras.
(8:26:39 PM) JadeWyvern: ((<3<3<3<3<3<3<3))
(8:26:41 PM) Sparda: ((Hee, thanks Svad. I love playing him.))
(8:26:49 PM) Seras: I am pleased that everyone had such a good time :D
(8:26:55 PM) Sparda: <3
(8:26:58 PM) Seras: think about who you'd like to offer Phoenix up to
(8:26:59 PM) JadeWyvern: I always have a good time.
(8:27:00 PM) Sparda: I wanted to not be so late. D=
(8:27:04 PM) Seras: or if you'd just like me to pic
(8:27:06 PM) Seras: k
(8:27:11 PM) Dove: Dove has an idea.
(8:27:12 PM) Seras: it's alright, Sparda, it happens.
(8:27:19 PM) Dove: But she needs to ask Phoenix about it.
(8:27:33 PM) Seras: You guys should discuss it, too.
(8:27:38 PM) Seras: I want it to be cool for everyone
(8:27:41 PM) Sparda: <3
(8:27:51 PM) Dove: Dove wants to suggest Kimberly or the Black Boar.
(8:27:58 PM) Dove: The Black Boar more.
(8:28:04 PM) Dove: Or the forest guy.
(8:28:15 PM) Seras: Szoreny
(8:28:18 PM) Dove: Thanks.
(8:28:29 PM) Seras: welcome
(8:28:36 PM) Sparda: Oooh, yeah.
(8:28:42 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Reku, of course, would have preferred that she followed Cecelyne. Since the lady declined, however, he has no preference...other than with the Dragon, that is.
(8:28:48 PM) Sparda: Kimberry might be cool, ocean and all.
(8:29:21 PM) Sparda: Does She Who Lives In Her Name have an Infernal servant?
(8:29:23 PM) Dove: Dove doesn't want her serving the Dragon.
(8:29:27 PM) ***Le_Kanzaku coughs.
(8:29:28 PM) Dove: She has Kanzaku!
(8:29:29 PM) Sparda: Of course not.
(8:29:36 PM) Sparda: Oh, yeah!
(8:29:41 PM) Le_Kanzaku is now known as Le_Squide
(8:29:41 PM) Dove: It's actually not of jealousy.
(8:29:45 PM) ***Le_Squide pouts at Sparda.
(8:29:52 PM) Sparda: D= Sorry, I'm forgetting who is servant to who. >.<
(8:29:56 PM) Dove: It's okay.
(8:29:56 PM) ***Sparda huggles Svad.
(8:30:08 PM) Dove: We could have a made up Yozi be it?
(8:30:14 PM) Seras: If you would like
(8:30:20 PM) Dove: That could work.
(8:30:28 PM) Sparda: Oooh, that might be cool.
(8:30:37 PM) Sparda: We can make one for ourselves and all.
(8:30:41 PM) Seras: suggestions for the theme of this yozi, or would you prefer that i just run with it?
(8:30:48 PM) Seras: or you guys can make him/her up!
(8:30:48 PM) Dove: Though the mental I had of her being the 'Hunting Falcon' of the Black Boar was fun.
(8:31:05 PM) Le_Squide: It's ok, Sparda, I was joke pouting.
(8:31:08 PM) QuicksilverFox85: ... yOfMadness
(8:31:12 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Tada! Yozi list!
(8:32:09 PM) Seras: Ahh the Taxonomy of Madness
(8:32:33 PM) Seras: I take inspiration from that, but don't expect things to be /exactly/ as they are there, just fyi.
(8:32:37 PM) Dove: Hegna could work...
(8:32:43 PM) Dove: The Yozi of Memory.
(8:32:55 PM) Seras: she's the Typhoon, right?
(8:33:05 PM) Dove: !
(8:33:13 PM) Dove: Cytherea! She could be Cytherea's!
(8:33:18 PM) Seras: !
(8:33:23 PM) Seras: You're effin' brilliant.
(8:33:39 PM) Dove: I'm a muse at times.
(8:33:48 PM) QuicksilverFox85: Sounds good to me.
(8:34:56 PM) Dove: This will be good to see...
(8:35:16 PM) Dove: And Dove is now in trouble with the Silent Wind...
(8:35:27 PM) Dove: And going to be trying to find a way to make amends. xP
(8:36:02 PM) Seras: The Yozis aren't exactly fluffy, cuddly bunnies.
(8:36:10 PM) Dove: I know.
(8:36:37 PM) Dove: But Dove has a high compassion. :p
(8:36:38 PM) JadeWyvern: There's a reason why Jade keeps to Malfeas's area.
(8:37:05 PM) Dove: Heh.
(8:37:12 PM) Dove: Oh, and logging, off.

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