Session 1

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Current revision as of 02:19, 20 December 2007

(6:40:48 PM) Dove: Done.
(6:40:59 PM) Dove: Logging has now begun.
(6:41:02 PM) Seras: excellent.
(6:41:09 PM) ***Seras makes faces at the camera
(6:42:14 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((:D))
(6:42:26 PM) Seras: Who wants to go first?
(6:42:35 PM) Dove: In what way?
(6:42:57 PM) Seras: have their introduction first
(6:43:33 PM) Reku_Avakaza: No preference
(6:44:02 PM) Seras: ....crap, we don't have the dice roller
(6:44:07 PM) Jade-Wyvern: I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE. PICK ME.
(6:44:25 PM) Dove: I don't mind.
(6:44:36 PM) Dove: And how do you summon that whore?
(6:44:41 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Because you guys aren't taking charge. XP
(6:44:44 PM) Seras: Kon needs to be signed on
(6:44:53 PM) Seras: I think Svad has a copy of the script, too
(6:45:05 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Is he on his way home from work?
(6:45:06 PM) Seras: I'll try to keep it diceless....or we can all go into an AIM chat for dice rolling
(6:45:13 PM) Seras: roll 1d10
(6:45:21 PM) Seras: mmm, nope, need the dice roler
(6:45:24 PM) Seras: yes, he is
(6:45:32 PM) Seras: there he is!
(6:45:54 PM) Le_Squide [] entered the room.
(6:46:23 PM) Jade-Wyvern: SVADDIIIEEEE
(6:46:24 PM) Jade-Wyvern: <3333
(6:46:31 PM) Le_Squide: HERRRRRRRRRRO
(6:46:39 PM) Dove: Another DB! :-D

(6:46:41 PM) Jade-Wyvern: < Val, obviously. (6:48:01 PM) Le_Squide: Who's what?
(6:48:06 PM) Jade-Wyvern: I'm Val. Lol.
(6:48:20 PM) Dove: Me? And I'm Astra. Dove is a Fire-Aspect.
(6:48:31 PM) Dove: ED's fiancee as well.
(6:48:47 PM) ***Reku_Avakaza is a quick fox
(6:48:52 PM) Jade-Wyvern: As Val, I'm a Lunar Akuma of Malfeas.
(6:48:58 PM) Jade-Wyvern: I HITS THINGS WITH MAH CLAWS.
(6:50:30 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Le_Squide [10[1d10]]: 1 5 4 6 2 7 4 3 5 3 >
(6:50:33 PM) Le_Squide: AH HAH!
(6:50:37 PM) Le_Squide: I IS GENIUS!
(6:50:43 PM) Seras: how'd you do that
(6:50:47 PM) Le_Squide: SHEER GENIUS!
(6:51:05 PM) Seras: that's super, how'd you do that
(6:51:07 PM) Le_Squide: '/msg RPGserv roll 10[1d10] #hellgame
(6:51:36 PM) Seras: okay then
(6:51:36 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Dove [9[1d10]]: 4 10 9 7 5 6 9 4 3 >
(6:51:40 PM) Dove: Wooo.
(6:51:43 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Jade-Wyvern [10[1d10]]: 9 2 9 2 5 4 9 2 7 3 >
(6:51:54 PM) Le_Squide: You have to tally it yourself, but eh.
(6:52:01 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Seras [15[1d10]]: 5 8 3 10 1 9 1 8 2 3 2 4 7 2 2 >
(6:52:26 PM) Seras: that's fine at least now we can roll dices in chat
(6:52:27 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Reku_Avakaza [10[1d10]]: 3 7 8 2 10 1 10 1 9 1 >
(6:52:34 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Not bad
(6:53:14 PM) Seras: ANYWAY, beginning with Jade Wyvern
(6:53:28 PM) Seras: How many dots of Demon Treasures do you have?
(6:54:04 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((3 :D))
(6:54:47 PM) Seras: And Infernal Command 5, right?
(6:55:10 PM) Sepher [] entered the room.
(6:55:27 PM) Dove: ((xD!))
(6:55:46 PM) Dove: ((My army brings all the guys to the yard-))
(6:55:55 PM) Dove: (And yes, I am getting my silly out NOW)
(6:55:59 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Yep. :D))
(6:56:06 PM) Seras: As the favored servant of Malfeas himself, as well as an unsurpassed warrior, you have reign of a full quarter, a section of your Master's body rivalling that of Octavian.
(6:57:20 PM) Seras: While your Master is not /quite/ kind enough to spare your domain the ordinary disasters caused by his frustrated thrashing, your personal palace of brass, crystal and lead stays miraculously in one piece
(6:58:47 PM) Seras: Your place of residence is within sight of the Palace of the Green Sun, a great, towering construction largely of glass and brass that twists and spirals up into the sky. It is here that the constant green light is the brightest
(7:00:01 PM) Seras: You know your master wishes to speak with you directly usually by tell-tale tremors that every-so-gently rock your palace-fortress.
(7:00:07 PM) Seras: the ones that are happening right now.
(7:01:08 PM) Seras: It keep your *ahem* Most /BENEVOLENT/ Master waiting.
(7:02:37 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade shudders, remembering the last time that she kept him waiting. She leaps to her feet, spending a few motes to swiften her movements towards her Master. "I hope he has an assignment for me.." Her teeth show with her grin of anticipation.
(7:03:35 PM) Seras: you know instinctively where he desires to "meet" you, for as you step outside, a vein of brass blossoms into inverted metal Malfean trees, creating a small copse for you to stop and stand in
(7:04:58 PM) Incomparable_Poet [] entered the room.
(7:05:06 PM) Incomparable_Poet: ((Hi, I'm lurking!))
(7:05:14 PM) Incomparable_Poet: ((I'm Kaiu Keiichi))
(7:06:38 PM) Jade-Wyvern: She enters the area, kneeling in the small copse, fist to the ground, her eyes lowered. "Yes, Master. How may I serve you?"
(7:06:44 PM) Seras_ [] entered the room.
(7:06:57 PM) Seras_: ....bugger
(7:07:13 PM) Reku_Avakaza: ( :o )
(7:07:20 PM) Seras_: (Power went out)
(7:07:30 PM) Le_Squide: (Oh no!)
(7:07:36 PM) Seras_: (*is on lappy top though)
(7:07:47 PM) Le_Squide: (So, on limited time, then?)
(7:08:00 PM) Seras_: (no, it just flickered)
(7:08:53 PM) Seras left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(7:09:00 PM) Seras_ is now known as Seras
(7:09:04 PM) Seras: The green light filters through the sprawling roots over your head, spreading twisted shadows across your face and the ground.
(7:09:50 PM) Jade-Wyvern left the room (quit: Disintegrated: CGI:IRC).
(7:10:02 PM) Dove: (Baaaah)
(7:10:08 PM) Seras: CRAP. says the almighty voice of the Yozi. SHE'S BEEN DISCONNECTED.
(7:10:14 PM) Jade-Wyvern [~18188c1e@6824EAF2.4E5788D1.1A09FF46.IP] entered the room.
(7:10:24 PM) Dove: (xD)
(7:10:26 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Sorry, I missed anything after my response. Fukkin IRC))
(7:10:27 PM) Seras: The green light filters through the sprawling roots over your head, spreading twisted shadows across your face and the ground.
(7:10:36 PM) Seras: oh did you miss the bit about the trees?)
(7:10:51 PM) Seras: Seras> you know instinctively where he desires to "meet" you, for as you step outside, a vein of brass blossoms into inverted metal Malfean trees, creating a small copse for you to stop and stand in
(7:10:59 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Got that.))
(7:11:05 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Did you get me going to the copse?))
(7:11:13 PM) Seras: (Nope_
(7:12:16 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade leaps into the area, landing onto the ground, kneeling, one fist to the ground, the other at a salute across her chest, her face lowered. "Yes, Master. How may I serve you?"
(7:13:26 PM) Seras: The light lancing through the trees mingles into the vague shape of a man. his voice is the inaudible rustle of shadows, the whisper of the light rays, the quiet existance of the brass trees. You feel every word through the fiber of your being.
(7:14:01 PM) Seras: *MY JADE WYVERN*
(7:14:53 PM) Kiwi [] entered the room.
(7:15:03 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Her body shudders with the touch of his voice.
(7:16:19 PM) Kiwi is now known as Mister_Moonlight
(7:16:35 PM) Seras: and the copse sinks back into the flesh of your Lord, and you are left alone again
(7:16:52 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "As you wish, Master! I shall do what you ask!"
(7:17:18 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade leaps from her resting place and races directly to the Ebon Dragon's domain.
(7:17:20 PM) Seras: *OF COURSE YOU SHALL.*
(7:17:28 PM) Seras: DOVE.
(7:17:33 PM) Dove: (Yo!)
(7:17:42 PM) Mister_Moonlight is now known as Sparda
(7:19:04 PM) Le_Squide is now known as Kanzaku_The_Incomparable
(7:20:39 PM) Seras: Your lord lives in a hall of darkness, a great, vast construct the size of a nation made almost entirely of black lead and some material that you /think/ may very well be solidified shadows that occupies at least three layers of Malfeas' body and is the point from which the Malfean Midnight rises.
(7:21:37 PM) Seras: He has given you far more space within it than any one tiny human needs, and countless servants both his lower souls and others to attend to your every need. Many cling to the belief that you are the key to the Yozis freedom, while others are skeptical, but here, in your Lord's home, you are supreme
(7:21:44 PM) Seras: second only to your Lord and his Souls.
(7:21:59 PM) Dove: Which she doesn't abuse at all. Stupid useless compassion.
(7:23:43 PM) Seras: Your steward and guardian, the Athelios, approaches you quietly as you are doing.....whatever it is you do
(7:23:58 PM) Dove: Practicing music, most likely.
(7:25:07 PM) Seras: The first circle demon is more polite and articulate than most, but that seems to be the design of his species. He is seven feet tall and covered with thick, red hide. From his joints, shoulders and forehead jut vicious horns. He's deadly with them in combat, you've seen it.
(7:25:13 PM) Seras: The demon waits politely for you to finish.
(7:25:49 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (Mmm...Hork-Bajir.)
(7:25:49 PM) ***Dove completes the melody and looks up at the demon expectedly.
(7:26:00 PM) Seras: (yeah, pretty much. Shhhh)
(7:26:30 PM) ***Seras (was an animorphs fangirl)
(7:26:43 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((*Also was. Loves this demon already.*))
(7:27:35 PM) Seras: "My lady," his voice is deep and rumbling, "A servant of our Lord Malfeas awaits you outside. She says she has business with you."
(7:28:17 PM) Dove: "Oh?" She looks mildly surprised and gestures for him to lead the way.
(7:28:41 PM) Dove: "I wonder what it is." She carries the flute in one hand as she walks.
(7:28:57 PM) Seras: He leads you down into the waiting area at the forefront of the Ebon Dragon's domain, where waiting for you stands...
(7:29:04 PM) Seras: J.W. describe yourself!
(7:31:30 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade Wyvern stands at 6'5, and is all muscle. Her hair is short cropped jet black and messy, as if she doesn't bother doing more than wash it when it needs it, and run her hands through it afterwards. Her eyes are a deep Green, seeming to reflect the Green sun above them. Her smile is somewhat disconcernting, as she has rather large fangs, her jaw slightly elongated from that of a normal human. She wears practical clothes for battle,
(7:32:38 PM) Jade-Wyvern: She grins, bowing, her fist at her chest. "Good day to you, Betrothed of the Ebon Dragon! My Master has sent me to bring you to Creation, where he has a mission for us to fulfill. Please prepare for our departure."
(7:32:59 PM) Dove: The dragonblooded nods slowly.
(7:33:22 PM) Seras: Dove should describe herself, too!
(7:33:38 PM) Dove: Dove looks like a slender woman of average height and rather flawless beauty, and the breeding that marks her as a Dragonblooded, the firelight skin, red-amber eyes, and the long white hair flickering like flames. She really doesn't seem to be much, dressed in a breastplate, bracers, and a skirt, barefoot and wearing a white cloak. And holding a bone flute in her hands. If anything, she looks like... well, royal, but still very, very human.
(7:33:45 PM) Dove: Well, okay, mortal.
(7:34:14 PM) Dove: "It will not take long. Do you need refreshments?"
(7:34:16 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(7:35:38 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Also, App 4.))
(7:35:41 PM) Seras: (you two are welcome to continue talking IC) MEANWHILE
(7:35:47 PM) Dove: (Appearance 5)
(7:35:57 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable [] entered the room.
(7:36:08 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "That would be most welcome!" Her grin falls into a smile as she bows once more.
(7:36:35 PM) Seras: Mist Moonlight!
(7:36:39 PM) Seras: er, Mister
(7:36:41 PM) Dove: Dove leads her in, shrugging off her cloak and carrying it over her arm, gesturing for one of the first circle servants to get something for the Lunar.
(7:37:12 PM) Seras: How many dots of Demon Treasures do you have?
(7:37:22 PM) Sparda: (3!)
(7:37:23 PM) Dove: ""I hope your journey here wasn't too painful. I have had some bad luck before, myself."
(7:38:29 PM) Dove: (And er... hair to about her thighs)
(7:38:49 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade follows her in, laughing, "No, it was quite easy, but thank you for your concern." She looks around the place, nodding her satisfaction, "Beautiful place you've got here. Your husband to be is very generous."
(7:39:08 PM) Dove: "It is his, not my own." Dove replies, smiling slightly.
(7:39:39 PM) Dove: "He spoils me, even as I insist that where I will use it. He doesn't mind at all, though."
(7:39:51 PM) Seras: Mister Moonlight has a lovely residence in the center of the Demon City itself, near the busiest roads, it is a building mostly of glass, with countless numbers of pathways passing through it, making it a labrynthine mess for anyone who isn't used to being there. You are often well within sight of Jacint, the Prince Upon the Tower, one of your Mistress' souls
(7:41:01 PM) Seras: You are in the middle of your afternoon business when you feel the vaguest prickle at the back of your neck, a shivering feeling that makes your body numb for half a moment. When you were younger, you used to spin around to see who was there, but now you know: this is Adorjan wishing to speak with you
(7:41:23 PM) Dove: The Dragonblooded reaches her quarters, where the sent demon is there with different types of delicacies, and Dove removes her breastplate, setting it on a small table as she moves for a chest.
(7:41:33 PM) Sparda: Mister Moonlight presently is humming, the amazing resonance causing the entire abode to vibrate pleasantly to the ears of passing demons. Adorjan's call springs him from his reverie, lounging in a velvet-lined chair.
(7:42:20 PM) Jade-Wyvern: So, Jade isn't terribly nice with her food. She eats it. Probably spills a little. Yeah. She's hungry.
(7:42:37 PM) Seras: The reflection of her human form, a slender woman with black pageboy hair and wide eyes, stares back at you from one of the glass walls directly across from you.
(7:43:20 PM) Sparda: Moonlight stands smoothly and falls to one knee before the reflection. "Yes, my mistress?" His voice is like raw silk against the nerves, deep and smooth.
(7:43:27 PM) Seras: "I am in need of your assistance." your Mistress' voice is barely a whisper but it silences all other sounds.
(7:43:44 PM) Dove: Dove removes the bracers as well, and steps out of the skirt, nude for a moment before taking a reddish-orange shirt with black ribbons on the sleeves, and slipping it over her head.
(7:44:30 PM) Seras: "There is business being arranged in Creation. A few of my siblings' servants are attending. Please join them. I am also to ask you to collect Kanzaku from She Who Lives in her Name."
(7:44:45 PM) Dove: Doesn't really notice the slight mess, gestures to make sure that one of the demons has liquid for the Lunar as well.
(7:46:07 PM) Sparda: "I'll do as you ask IMMEDIATELY, my Lady. Please, place your trust in me and I will lead us all to freedom." He smiles, ecstatic to do Adorjan's bidding.
(7:46:20 PM) Dove: She gets a skirt of the same color and puts it on, using a belt with an empty scabbard on it to keep it up.
(7:47:35 PM) Seras: "Well done, servant. Well done. " She rewards you with her softest of caresses, a breeze across your face that only tingles a /little/
(7:48:01 PM) Dove: Bracers go back on... A pair of black heavy looking boots on her feet, the breastplate with a sigh, the cloak, and adjustments to cover as much of her skin as possibly, including her hands.
(7:48:48 PM) Seras: Going to go find Kanzaku, Moonlight?
(7:49:04 PM) Sparda: Moonlight slowly tilts his head into the breeze with pleasure, then stands when his lady's visage is gone, snapping his fingers rhythmically as he heads out to do his work.
(7:49:50 PM) Dove: Dove finishes with taking a red jade daiklaive, and slipping it into the scabbard, pushing her black hood up and turning to the Lunar.
(7:50:04 PM) Seras: MEANWHILE
(7:50:05 PM) Dove: "There, I hope my changing did not take too long."
(7:50:21 PM) Seras: Kanzaku, how many dots of demon treasures do you have?
(7:51:02 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: 3.
(7:51:13 PM) Dove: (WTF with all of the the 3's?)
(7:51:30 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: (It doesn't cost bonus points. :P)
(7:51:37 PM) Dove: (Hehe)
(7:52:39 PM) Seras: Your demonic wealth has landed you one of Orabilis' Glass Libraries. Or perhaps your Mistress browbeat him into making one for you. Either way, you have a vast crystal library full of /knowledge/
(7:53:04 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: "Only someone as smart as I am could benefit from this properly."
(7:53:39 PM) Seras: "Indeed." Krsykk, your associate, familiar and glass orb pal agrees, floating in the air just above your shoulder.
(7:53:55 PM) ***Kanzaku_The_Incomparable also has the smartest familiar ever.
(7:54:36 PM) Seras: The floaty familar rotates 180 degrees, and lights up a soft red. "My lord, someone approaches." (7:54:50 PM) Seras: "Shall I intercept?"
(7:54:55 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: "As predicted."
(7:55:25 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: "Indeed, and lead them to me."
(7:55:33 PM) Seras: "Yes, my Lord."
(7:55:48 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "It took not long at all..What was your name? I am Jade Wyvern, I apologise for not introducing myself earlier."
(7:55:56 PM) Seras: Mister Moonlight, you know precisely where Kanzaku's personal glass library is located
(7:56:00 PM) Sparda: As he does when he goes anywhere, Moonlight is singing as he approaches the Glass Library. "I know... what you FEEEL girl... Hmm hmmm..."
(7:56:05 PM) Seras: and as you approach, a floating orb greets you
(7:56:13 PM) Dove: "... My beloved calls me Dove, and so Dove is what I go by."
(7:56:25 PM) Seras: It is perfectly spherical, and illuminated softly from within.
(7:56:33 PM) Sparda: "Hello there little spherical friend. Speak to me."
(7:56:36 PM) Seras: "Are you here to see my lord?"
(7:56:55 PM) Sparda: "If your lord is Kanzaku the Incomprable, which he is, then yes."
(7:57:20 PM) Seras: "Indeed he is! Come with me, he is on the 32nd and a half floor, browsing."
(7:58:09 PM) Seras: You are lead up flights and flights of stairs, through several tunnels, and ...down more than one chute, until you arrive at what must be floor 32.5
(7:58:27 PM) Seras: There, flipping through a tome is...
(7:58:31 PM) Seras: Kanzaku! Describe yourself!
(7:59:18 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Oh, Seras, how will my demon army work?))
(7:59:29 PM) Seras: ((Like a regular army, only made of demons0
(7:59:37 PM) Sparda: ((I can't really articulate it every time, but Mister Moonlight either sings or chants rhythmically when he speaks, he seldom just says anything.))
(7:59:56 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((I mean, in Creation? Do we have to summon them or somesuch? Or will they just be dematerialized?))
(8:00:28 PM) Seras: ((oh, you can freely call them to you))
(8:01:52 PM) Seras: ((any of you can freely summon Demons equal to the circle of sorcery your Essence would require, in this case, up to 2nd Circle. They're not /bound/ but they're probably more likely to do you favors))
(8:01:52 PM) Seras: ((this costs you 10m))

At this time, my client hiccupped, and I missed a description and about two minutes.

Conversation with #hellgame at 10/11/2007 8:03:17 PM on (irc)
(8:03:17 PM) Dove: (CRAP)
(8:03:29 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: (See my description?)
(8:03:47 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Yep!))
(8:03:57 PM) Dove: (No.)
(8:04:06 PM) Dove: (last thing seen: (8:01:52 PM) Seras: ((any of you can freely summon Demons equal to the circle of sorcery your Essence would require, in this case, up to 2nd Circle. They're not /bound/ but they're probably more likely to do you favors))
(8:04:06 PM) Dove: (8:01:52 PM) Seras: ((this costs you 10m))) )
(8:04:17 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: (PM'd)
(8:04:25 PM) Dove: (Okay then)
(8:04:33 PM) Dove: (But I have done my logging again.
(8:04:50 PM) Dove: (What is the five-dot Background?)
(8:05:08 PM) Seras: (Val's Infernal command 5)
(8:05:11 PM) Dove: (Ah)
(8:05:27 PM) Seras: Kanzaku, before you stands....Moonlight
(8:05:30 PM) Seras: describe yourself!
(8:07:10 PM) Sparda: Mister Moonlight is tall and very, very red. Though his form is pleasing and his face very handsome, a young man of great taste, his flesh looks raw red, and stark black tattoos converge at every joint and at the corners of his eyes. He wears a finely tailored blue outfit of satin and silk that hugs his frame and flares at the shoulders, buttoned with onyx and lined with black thread.
(8:07:20 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: "Greetings."
(8:07:29 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade grins at Dove, "Okay then. Before we set out, I need to notify my troops of our departure. Would you like me to assist you in the travel to their quarters?"
(8:08:00 PM) Dove: "That would be wise. My own troops remain in Creation."
(8:08:21 PM) Dove: "I have two manses." She smiles somewhat proudly. "Found on my own."
(8:08:31 PM) Sparda: "I bring you fiiine tidings from my lady Adorjan, and a message. We've business to attend to, a joint venture of sorts with the other great Kings and Queens of this realm, including your mistress. I'm to collect you."
(8:09:13 PM) Sparda: He smiles winningly, teeth startlingly white against his dark skin. His voice is absolutely enchanting, easy to get lost in.
(8:09:14 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Two! I only found myself one, before I came to the Light. Now, let us go!"
(8:09:21 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: "I suspected as much. Let us be on our way then!" He snaps the tome shut, returns it to its shelf, and floats over.
(8:09:24 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Uhh. I forgot to list the forms I have.))
(8:09:30 PM) Seras: ((it's ok))
(8:09:32 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Shall we say: A Lot?))
(8:09:35 PM) Seras: ((yes))
(8:09:45 PM) Seras: MEANWHILE
(8:09:48 PM) Seras: Reku!
(8:10:08 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade's form melts into that of a towering Roc, which lowers a wing for Dove to get on.
(8:10:14 PM) Seras: During your meditations in Creation with your cult, you are granted a vision from your Mistress.
(8:10:22 PM) Dove: Dove laughs as she gets on. "I can not remember anything before facing the shadows."
(8:10:53 PM) Dove: "I hope I could show my husband to be them soon."
(8:11:12 PM) Dove: "Though I have to wear heavy boots in one of them."
(8:11:25 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku's eyes open wide as the vision reaches his mind, the maze of Malfeas' passageways lit by Ligier's beautiful green glow.
(8:11:53 PM) Seras: It comes with such sharp clarity that you know this is clearly a notification of the immediate future: the sand one hundred yards exactly from your manse will open up, and from it will come four servants of Hell, looking for you. They have business here in Creation. Business to be discovered and yet to be defined.
(8:12:59 PM) Dove: "Ah... I broke all of the mirrors in it."
(8:13:19 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Indeed!" She takes off, taking care to keep Dove on her back, moving swiftly through the air towards her Troop's quarters.
(8:13:48 PM) Seras: All the Akuma in Malfeas know the fastest and only way to Creation is through Cecelyne and the five endless days and sleepless nights through the desert it takes to get there.
(8:14:11 PM) Dove: Dove seems to be able to ride pretty well, some sort of practice. Probably from flying with a certain Yozi.
(8:15:19 PM) Seras: I'm going to assume that everyone heads out into the Endless Desert: you can let me know what you're taking with you, from Resources to Command
(8:15:32 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Of course. Cecelyne is the gate, after all.
(8:16:15 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "My dear children!" Reku quickly stands, the sand flying about him in little whorls. "Our mistress has granted me a vision!"
(8:16:47 PM) Sparda: Mister Moonlight doesn't take a thing with him. He had more than adequate Resources waiting for him in Creation, kept safe with his very extended family.
(8:17:10 PM) Seras: You are also free to describe yourself, as you are now presented with the rest of the party, standing blinking in the blinding light of the Traitorous Sun
(8:17:20 PM) Dove: (Dove takes resources, her artifacts...and hearthstones.)
(8:17:46 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: Not being stupid, Kanzaku brings a bag of enchanted things to barter, the kind of things that might be useful or valuable in Creation.
(8:17:57 PM) Dove: The woman winces and hugs herself, hiding all of her skin from the sun.
(8:18:02 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Jade takes some of her resources, her Gear, and her Troops. Dematerialized, of course.))
(8:18:10 PM) Seras: ((Excellent))
(8:18:52 PM) Dove: Her sleeves are even long enough to hide her hands, and the cloak hides her head, though there is a slit to let her long white hair to trail out.
(8:19:35 PM) Dove: Standing in the sun, she looks very miserable, and her face is hidden.
(8:19:41 PM) Sparda: Moonlight runs a hand over his short, closecropped black hair... Sunlight didn't really become him, making his red skin shine harshly.
(8:19:53 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade stands in the air, smiling much like a predator ready to stalk her prey.
(8:20:18 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Greeting the group of Akuma is a man made gaunt by years of living in the desert under the light of both the First Usurper and the Green Sun. His skin is nearby black, and his blood red hair is cut short. His clothes are simple, made for desert travel. His eyes are pitch black, with images of Malfeas' sacred geometry done in the green glow of Ligier.
(8:20:40 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: Kanzaku gleams with bits of singing bronze and burnished brass, nonchalant as electricity arcs in odd directions.
(8:20:47 PM) Seras: (Eyes of Wicked Madness ftw)
(8:20:53 PM) Sparda: ((Heee.))
(8:20:58 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He bows deeply to the group. "Greetings, cousins. My Lady told me of your coming. Rooms have already been prepared."
(8:21:36 PM) Dove: Dove bows gracefully back. "Then praise to your Lady for her wisdom."
(8:21:56 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade bows, "Thank you for the kindness."
(8:22:07 PM) Dove: She moves in such a way to keep hiding her skin, even fingertips.
(8:22:27 PM) Sparda: "We'll have a GRAND old time of it."
(8:22:52 PM) Dove: A chuckle from the modest-seeming woman.
(8:22:58 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "No need for thanks; we are cousins, after all." He chuckles deeply; his voice is as gritty as the sands that surround the group.
(8:23:05 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: "Excellent."
(8:23:20 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He turns on his heel, then makes his way back towards the manse.
(8:23:23 PM) Dove: "Still, the preparation is welcome and pleasant."
(8:23:32 PM) Seras: Can I get an obligatory Per + Awr all around?
(8:23:40 PM) Dove: Dove follows on his heels, trying to get away from the sun.
(8:23:59 PM) Dove: (What is the msg thing again?)
(8:24:03 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Kanzaku_The_Incomparable [7[1d10]]: 9 3 3 6 5 2 7 >
(8:24:08 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: !/msg RPGserv roll 7[1d10] #hellgame
(8:24:11 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: (No !)
(8:24:12 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Reku_Avakaza [9[1d10]]: 4 3 5 5 9 7 4 7 7 >
(8:24:17 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (4)
(8:24:29 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Dove [3[1d10]]: 6 9 3 >
(8:24:32 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Jade-Wyvern [8[1d10]]: 10 10 9 2 1 3 6 5 >
(8:24:35 PM) Dove: (1)
(8:24:35 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Sparda [2[1d10]]: 8 3 >
(8:24:40 PM) Sparda: (1)
(8:24:47 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((5))
(8:24:59 PM) Dove: ( : - P )
(8:25:46 PM) Seras: Dove and Moonlight notice nothing odd, the light of the Traitor is uncomfortable, and you desire to be out of it.
(8:26:11 PM) Seras: Kanzaku hears, faintly, the sounds of someone approaching
(8:26:25 PM) Dove: Dove especially... >.> Once she is in shadows, she lets out a shuddering sigh and relaxes a little.
(8:26:43 PM) Seras: both Reku and Jade hear quite clearly the sound of someone attempting to run across the sand. Sounds like they're....screaming for help, actually
(8:27:01 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable: His head snaps up. "Kryskk! Investigate that sound."v (8:27:19 PM) Seras: "yes, Mr. Incomparable."
(8:27:29 PM) Seras: The sphere lights up blue and zoooooooms off ahead
(8:27:29 PM) Dove: Dove looks over her shoulder, hearing Kanzaku speak.
(8:27:37 PM) Dove: (Question! What language are we all speaking?)
(8:27:47 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku looks over at the noise, frowning. (8:27:52 PM) Dove: (Old Realm, I presume?)
(8:27:59 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (But of course.)
(8:28:05 PM) Sparda: (Indeed)
(8:28:13 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade blinks, suddenly tearing off in the direction of the sound. "Squad 1, pinser formation!"
(8:28:13 PM) Dove: (Good. What sort of akuma CAN'T speak it?)
(8:28:16 PM) Seras: (Everyone speaks Old Realm)
(8:28:32 PM) Seras: (Even if you had a previous native language, it was rewritten to be Old Realm)
(8:28:35 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Which means: Surround whoever it is.))
(8:28:46 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((:D:D))
(8:28:48 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He frowns, then shouts something in Old Realm towards the Manse. Moments later, a number of Agatae emerge from the mouth of the Manse and come to Reku's side.
(8:28:53 PM) Dove: Dove turns fully, looking confused and curious, but she doesn't leave the shadows.
(8:28:56 PM) Seras: Four Tomescu materialize.
(8:29:03 PM) Seras: "YES LADY WYVERN. :<"
(8:29:09 PM) Seras: * >:< rather
(8:29:20 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Hahahaha))
(8:29:41 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Which ones are Tomescu, and which book are they in?)
) (8:29:45 PM) Seras: The Clamourous Cloud Arsenals zip across the desert
(8:29:57 PM) Seras: (Clamorous Cloud Arsenal, Games of Divinity)
(8:30:09 PM) Jade-Wyvern: (( I have GoD...)
(8:30:22 PM) Sparda: ((ROFL. XD Best demon emoticons ever.))
(8:30:29 PM) Sparda: ((>:<))
(8:30:41 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((I don't. D:))
(8:30:42 PM) Seras: ((only Clamourous Cloud Aresenals speak with emotes))
(8:30:58 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Cousin, I must make a request." Reku looks to Jade.
(8:30:59 PM) Dove: The dragonblooded maiden has no troops with her, other than her retainer, and he was to protect her. She watches worriedly.
(8:31:07 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Do you guys have a PDF?))
(8:31:21 PM) Seras: The Athelios flexes his claws and prepares to die fighting for his mistress.
(8:31:22 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade skids to a stop. "Yeah?"
(8:31:28 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Oh, she didn't tell them to materialize.))
(8:31:33 PM) Seras: ((oh, sorry!))
(8:31:40 PM) Seras: (Well, they replied to you anyway)
(8:31:47 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Just to surround the person. They'd Materialize just before assbeating. :D))
(8:31:49 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Please do not summon your forces while at my Manse without my leave."
(8:32:04 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I have sufficient defenses."
(8:32:16 PM) Dove: "No, not yet."
(8:32:41 PM) Dove: "They haven't proven dangerous yet... Even if my cousins believe so." Her hand is on her daiklaive's hilt anyways.
(8:32:53 PM) Seras: Krsykk comes bolting back, a small cloud of dust billowing behind him.
(8:33:00 PM) Seras: He is flashing a distressed green.
(8:33:01 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "My apologies. I am a Commander first." She bows. "Squad One, stand down. I shall let your forces look, then."
(8:33:06 PM) Kanzaku_The_Incomparable is now known as Le_Squide
(8:33:12 PM) Seras: "YES LADY WYVERN. >:<"
(8:33:40 PM) Le_Squide is now known as Kanzaku_the_Incomparable
(8:34:04 PM) Sparda: "Hmmmmm... All this activity for one little screaming figure? Shouldn't we see who it is before we flay them?"
(8:34:13 PM) Seras: "mylordmylordmylord"
(8:34:25 PM) Reku_Avakaza: He nods, then motions one of the Agatae closer. <Agata> "Find the poor lad, and keep an eye on him." To everyone else, mind, that sounded like utter gibberish.
(8:34:25 PM) Dove: "That is what I would prefer."
(8:34:39 PM) Reku_Avakaza: With that, Reku begins making his way towards the screaming person.
(8:34:52 PM) Dove: She grimaces. "Not even mortals deserve to be hurt so painfully."
(8:35:10 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: Kanzaku leisurely strolls through the air, towards the sound. "Everything molecule has its proper place, after all."
(8:35:12 PM) Dove: "Only the Traitors and those of their chosen who have not seen the truth."
(8:35:32 PM) Seras: "mylordmylordmylooooooord" Kryskk is blinking furiously, trying to get Kanzaku's attention (8:35:42 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade follows behiend Reku, bristling.
(8:36:15 PM) Reku_Avakaza: (*chuckles* Sorry, Val. Reku is just very protective of his Manse.)
(8:36:36 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Yes, Kryskk?"
(8:36:53 PM) Sparda: Moonlight stride to Kanzaku, waiting for the orb to speak.
(8:37:18 PM) Seras: "It is a Chosen of the Sun, a very tiny one, of Essence half yours. It is being followed by a coterie of Terrestrials."
(8:37:31 PM) Seras: "Unhappy Terrestrials, I may add."
(8:37:42 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Terrestrials are often unhappy, as they are unable to be me."
(8:37:57 PM) Dove: The other dragonblooded clears her throat.
(8:37:58 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "They may not know this is why they are unhappy, but it's the root cause, really."
(8:38:03 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Hmm. Probably a newly exalted Solar followed by a Hunt. If we rescue him, perhaps we can take him to our cause? The Masters would be pleased."
(8:38:09 PM) Dove: "Hunt?"
(8:38:12 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Agreed."
(8:38:13 PM) Seras: "shall I inform them of such, my Lord?"
(8:38:29 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Wyld Hunt. You don't know of it, and you're a Dragonblood?"
(8:38:40 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Indeed. Such a place would be more fitting than here, being chased by fools."
(8:38:55 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku quickens his pace at that. It's been so long since he tangled with a Hunt...
(8:39:00 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: Kanzaku whispers to Jade. "I think she's an illusion."
(8:39:09 PM) Dove: The lady sighs, shaking her head. "I told you. What lies I learned before I became my Master's I do not remember."
(8:39:18 PM) Sparda: "Hmmhmmhmm... Let's go gather followers..."
(8:39:20 PM) Seras: Kryskk sphere-butts Dove.
(8:39:26 PM) Seras: "No, my Lord, she is quite solid."
(8:39:35 PM) Dove: "Hey!" Dove looks somewhat annoyed.
(8:39:40 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "...Well, there goes that theory."
(8:39:45 PM) Dove: But it still amuses her.
(8:39:57 PM) Seras: the sphere blinks a soft pink.
(8:40:07 PM) Sparda: Moonlight hurries after Reku, addressing him as they ran. "How do you deal with visitors 'round here?"
(8:40:38 PM) Seras: And on the horizon ahead of you, you can see the glowing trails of a Solar anima appearing. It is a filmy white-gold, tinged with pink, likely the sign of an Eclipse caste.
(8:40:39 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Depends, really. Most convert; some are used for the monthly sacrifices to the Desert." (8:41:01 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "Ah! A Falcon. How delicious."
(8:41:14 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Maybe a -solid- illusion..." Kanzaku mutters this to himself as he floats. "No matter! Do you have any long range weapons to bring to bear against these terrestrials?"
(8:41:17 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Hahaha." Jade grins, looking towards the figures. "Shall I engage the Hunt preemptively?"
(8:41:22 PM) Dove: The maiden removes her hood, and shakes her head.
(8:41:33 PM) Dove: "I only have my daiklaive and my guard."
(8:41:47 PM) Sparda: "Hmhmhm, well then hopefully we can add to your congregation ro give thedesert a little more... color."
(8:41:47 PM) Dove: She is still in the shadows somewhat, hiding from the sun.
(8:42:03 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((That was directed to Reku.))
(8:42:12 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "No, let them cross into the boundaries of my Manse properly. I shall speak with them, and if they continue, you shall see the level of protection my Lady has given me."
(8:43:14 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Very well. Kryskk, be sure to take notes."
(8:43:24 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Jade nods. "It is your Manse." But on the inside, she rages. Why can't I rip them to shreds? I haven't tasted fresh blood in so
(8:43:31 PM) Seras: A small notebook materializes. "I shall, my lord."
(8:43:39 PM) Sparda: Moonlight slows down. "This I got to see..."
(8:43:54 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: Kanzaku squints at Dove...then stares.
(8:44:00 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "DEFINITELY an illusion."
(8:44:00 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "I can save you one, if you wish." He smiles wickedly, then continues on towards the Hunt and their prey.
(8:44:01 PM) Dove: "Is there something wrong?"
(8:44:09 PM) Dove: She tilts her head, frowning slightly.
(8:44:10 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Nothing at all!"
(8:44:27 PM) Dove: (Oh, what would be the roll to see though 'BULLSHIT?')
(8:44:37 PM) Seras: (per + inv_
(8:44:45 PM) Seras: (vs his Manipulation + Presence)
(8:44:47 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Poor fool...not even aware that she's just some sort of hell-dream; That's the only possible rational, of course! I wonder if she's some sort of reconstituted soul..."
(8:44:58 PM) RPGServ: (notice) <Roll for Dove [3[1d10]]: 1 8 7 >
(8:45:00 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Her eyes brightens. "Thank you!" This is very sincere.
(8:45:01 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: Kanzaku does not seem to be aware that his inner monologue...isn't.
(8:45:04 PM) Dove: (Wow too)
(8:45:17 PM) Seras: "My lord, you are not internalizing your thoughts."
(8:45:21 PM) Dove: The woman's eyebrows shoot up.
(8:45:26 PM) Dove: "I am quite alive."
(8:45:27 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "...Don't be silly."
(8:45:46 PM) Dove: "Do I have to hit you in the face with Cleansing Kiss to prove it?"
(8:45:50 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Hmm? Pardon me?"
(8:46:02 PM) Dove: "You have been insulting me for the last few minutes."
(8:46:12 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "I've done nothing of the sort!"
(8:46:16 PM) Seras: While Kanzaku is musing and Dove is insisting she's a Real Akuma, the other two can see the figure of a small young woman tearing at full sprint across the desert. She's shouting for assistance of any sort desperately
(8:46:20 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Not insulting. Calling you an illusion. Aren't we all an illusion?"
(8:46:44 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Your men had better get there soon, looks like she's going to be shot down momentarily."
(8:46:50 PM) Sparda: "Awwwww, she wants HELP. We should give her whatEVER she needs."
(8:47:02 PM) Dove: "Hm? Calling the bride-to-be of the Ebon Dragon an illusion, an reconstituted soul..."
(8:47:18 PM) Dove: "And a FOOL?"
(8:47:25 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "I'll help her right out of her clothes.." Once again a predatory gaze.
(8:47:27 PM) Dove: A little flicker of fire.
(8:47:40 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: "Philosophy! Excellent tact to take; I must thank the woman later!" He clears his throat, and then 'starts' to speak. "She is quite right...and now, let us dispel several of the native illusions, so to speak."
(8:48:00 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Reku clears his throat, then bellows loudly at the group following the Eclipse. "LADIES AND GENTELMEN! YOU HAVE CROSSED ONTO MY DESERT! LEAVE NOW OR THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!"
(8:48:02 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Oh, I missed the fool part."
(8:48:13 PM) Seras: the young Solar sprints into clear view, sweating and crying and covered with a thin layer of desert dust
(8:48:31 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Rewards for me..." Jade mutters to herself, tightening her fists, as if flexing claws.
(8:48:34 PM) Dove: "That is where I am most irate at-" (So she is in Dove's sight as well?)
(8:48:48 PM) Seras: (yes)
(8:49:18 PM) Seras: "" the young Eclipse pants to Reku, finally stopping her sprint
(8:49:47 PM) Dove: Dove's voice dies and she runs, seemingly unaware of the sun as she goes for the girl, crying out, "Come with me! The manse is safer than- than them!"
(8:50:11 PM) Reku_Avakaza: "That is it, my dear." He smiles warmly at the girl. "Now go on inside. We will take care of these nasty pests."
(8:50:17 PM) Seras: "oh! ...thank you."
(8:50:23 PM) Reku_Avakaza: That smile, mind, never reaches his eyes.
(8:50:45 PM) Jade-Wyvern: "Do not worry yourself an iota about them. We shall set them on their way." To the Underworld.
(8:51:05 PM) Dove: Dove takes the girl's hand and helps her to the manse.
(8:51:05 PM) Seras: "Oh thank you!" The relief in her eyes almost causes you to smile.
(8:51:17 PM) Dove: Well, it would make Dove smile.
(8:51:31 PM) Dove: (I need to go in ten minutes. >.<)
(8:52:06 PM) Seras: Behind her you can now see clearly the oncoming Wyld Hunt, a crew of at least half a Dozen dragonblooded and fierce, trained mortals. The Terrestrials are rather well equipped, resplendent in their jade as they appear in your line of sight.
(8:52:18 PM) Sparda: Moonlight grins after the young Solar. Oh yes, she would be fun to turn...
(8:52:25 PM) Dove: The pretty dragonblooded helps the Eclipse, now putting her hood up.
(8:52:31 PM) Dove: (What language is the girl speaking?)
(8:52:41 PM) Seras: ..and Astra has to go in 10 minutes, this is going to be combat, and I need to sleep a little early tonight, so if you guys want, we can just call it here.
(8:52:43 PM) Seras: (High Realm)
(8:52:44 PM) Sparda: Then he looks at the poor heathen Terrestrials. Tsk tsk tsk.
(8:52:51 PM) Dove: (Good!)
(8:53:08 PM) Seras: And next week, we can gut some DBs.
(8:53:08 PM) Dove: Let's call it now.
(8:53:11 PM) Sparda: ((Sounds good Seras. =3 That was fun! <3)
(8:53:11 PM) Dove: Hehehehe.
(8:53:17 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ...
(8:53:20 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Hee. This is gonna be fun, me thinks. >:3
(8:53:21 PM) Jade-Wyvern: I..
(8:53:23 PM) Jade-Wyvern: I love this game.
(8:53:25 PM) Dove: I'll post the logs.
(8:53:27 PM) Seras: Every thursday okay?
(8:53:29 PM) Dove: And I do too.
(8:53:31 PM) Dove: And *nod*
(8:53:34 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Every. Thursday.
(8:53:36 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Please god.
(8:53:38 PM) Reku_Avakaza: Sounds good to me
(8:53:38 PM) Seras: 9-12 EST
(8:53:38 PM) Dove: Yep.
(8:53:45 PM) Seras: that's 6-9 PST
(8:53:47 PM) Dove: Or 6-9pm PST if you are like me.
(8:53:58 PM) Kanzaku_the_Incomparable: (Good for me.)
(8:54:00 PM) Seras: 10 XP
(8:54:08 PM) Jade-Wyvern: Squee :D
(8:54:36 PM) Jade-Wyvern: ((Can we spend XP between sessions?))
(8:54:42 PM) Dove: I'll post them tomorrow. Do we have a thread for them>
(8:54:47 PM) Seras: Hell yes
(8:54:50 PM) Seras: And no, not yet
(8:54:52 PM) Sparda: =3
(8:54:59 PM) Dove: I'll post them with the thread is up.
(8:55:05 PM) Seras: I can do that now
(8:55:12 PM) Dove: I'll do it tomorrow then.
(8:55:14 PM) Sparda: I probably won't be able to show up until 6:40-7:00 thanks to Sk00l.
(8:55:24 PM) Dove: Ending log.... NOW.

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