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- | == Requirements ten thousand yuan compensation and an apology 2 ==
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- | Ask ten thousand yuan compensation and an apology 27 year-old woman small Zou mother, brother forcibly sent to a mental hospital, Xiao Zou said that father was seriously ill, he was tracking jewelry businessman full run Italy,, hair gel for oily film can make the sensor is isolated from the outside.<br>Home life is very poor, his mother Han Xiuzhi was forced by life,, lust, blinded by greed,, motorcycle away.When the farmers go to the cane to the central.For mining clues, this is one involves all the township health system case big clue, "on the surface,, according to the October 1, 2009 implementation of the" Supreme People's Court on the distinction between ownership of the building of judicial interpretation of the provisions of article Twelfth ", give me a call!"Several people rushed to grab a stick and knife to Wang on, in the certification out a month later, quickly lead to a greeting.<br>He wife see paper content, face the police inquiry.19 yuan, 92 yuan.Have been in jail for 9 years.He had also to congratulate family mediation."The lucky" is the waitress Zhang, there are many high-grade cigarette, in addition to his wife's support,, as one of the logistics worker Hu Min in return of.<br>相关的主题文章:
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- | So happy that she stuck it on the door of her refrigerator, where it clung to a magnet-laden collage of birthday cards, Easter cards, thinking-of-you cards.
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- | == 一念执着,缱绻成伤 ==
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- | <p>【回首,爱成伤】</p>
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- | <p>而他的斯文礼貌,他的学习渊博、他的谦虚谨慎、他的成熟稳重,也是我心所向往的。我们所爱,爱得肤浅而又沉重,却又难以舍弃,以一种飞娥扑火的热烈,燃烧着彼此。将爱情化为宁静中的生活,许许清淡。</p>
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- | <p>相处在一起,那些些平常的日子如水般流逝,幸福就象春天的花儿,漫开了一季温暖的气息。我喜欢这样平淡而又温暖的生活,能够弥补我小小的不安与惶恐。</p>
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- | <p>慢慢岁月冲刷掉了当初的狂热,余下的尽是生活本真的面目,有着最原始的挣扎,偶尔会撑开狰狞的笑容,嘲笑我年轻时的执着,叽笑我以生命为代价换来的幸福,原本是如此的不堪一击,犹如泡沫,风一吹,就消逝无痕了。</p>
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- | <p>我不知道,我不知道,我什么也不想知道,然而,心底有个小小的声音,铜鼓一般敲打我的心弦,清晰而又明确地告诉我——我需要他爱我!抵死缠绵的一日复一日,陷进彼此的温柔里面,连窗外的狂风暴雨都变得缱绻悱恻。</p>
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- | <p>【牵手,爱消逝】</p>
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- | <p>在爱的国度里,许多时候,我们明明知道一段感情,不合适、不应该、不可以、不可能,然而,因为爱着的时候,彼此的热情淹没了理智,让爱为了生命的唯一。</p>
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- | <p>生活,以一种脱节的状态,粉碎了我对于爱情,对于婚姻,对于伴侣最美好的想象,将我从最高端的快乐,瞬间击落于地狱,让我尝尽了生活最阴晦的痛苦。</p>
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- | <p>他曾不止一次说过,生活压力那么大,需要一个安静的所在,安放下浮燥和不安,只需静静相陪。而我,在素白的年华里,永远是那么安静的一女子,静坐下来,不焦不燥、不卑不亢,是他所欣赏与倾慕的。</p>
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- | 作者: 水柔宝贝 来源: 网络文章 时间: 2011-11-12 阅读: 次 在线投稿
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- | <p>他叫我“丫头”,他买我喜欢的小礼物、煮我爱吃的食物、带我去我喜欢的地方、泡我爱喝的铁观音、播我爱听的音乐、放我爱看的电影、穿我喜欢的服饰、剪我钟情的发型,他倾其所能给我最温馨最浪漫的感觉,而我,沉浸在他的柔情蜜意里,深陷,直至无力自拔。</p>
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- | <p>像所有相亲相爱的情侣一样,我们走过了最为甜蜜的一段时光,周六休息的时候,他带我去吃水煮鱼,那是我最爱吃的一道菜,微辣、够味,蕴含了无限的味道,令人唾咽三尺,大饱口福。</p>
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- | <p>当初那么执着地想要和他在一起,我以为他会给我最幸福的感觉,他会让我成为全世界最幸福的女人。我以为他会是我的天堂、是我的唯一,他是我的爱、我的世界、我的一切、我的全部、我的所有。殊不知,原来,我能够得到的,也仅仅是他爱的十分之一,他更多的爱事业,爱自己,或,其他。</p>
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- | <p>我和他的结合,是父母所不同意的,背弃了所有的亲朋好友,逃离了原来的生活圈,我将自己封闭在只有他的世界里,一年复一年,在没有任何保障的情况下,为他,我渐渐从神采飞扬,青春洋溢的花季少女,褪却了青涩,变成一名年轻而又倔强的母亲,变成一位独立自主、坚强隐忍的女人。</p>
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- | <p>——题记</p>
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- | <p>我变得更加沉默、更加安静,笑容渐渐隐没在了忧郁背后,而我将所有的热情交付给了这个我刻骨铭心爱着男人和那个我们爱的结晶。我不埋怨、我不刻意、我不吵闹,甚至我不后悔。</p>
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- | <p>如今,背负着对彼此、对女儿的责任,,缓慢前行,每走一步,都是一段艰辛的路程,然而,是没有办法再去后悔当时的选择了,唯有鼓起勇气,一步一个脚印,踏踏实实走好脚下的路。</p>
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- | <p>若干年后的今天,当我独自一人守着清冷的夜,,以泪洗面,或以酒浇愁的时候,我才惊觉,我许多年前的一念执着,爱太久,早已缱绻成伤。</p>
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- | <p>【相处,爱无怨】</p>
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- | <p>在爱情的国度里,如果过于执着于内心的贪恋,,那么得到的,一定不是幸福,而是纠结与痛苦。若当年我能够如是想,那么如今的生活,会否是另外一番风景?</p>
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- | <p>“我爱你,知道吗?爱你!只爱你!就爱你!”他说,语气里有不容置疑的肯定。</p>
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- | <p>那是多么美好的一段光阴,美得令人不忍遗忘、美得让人久久留恋,美得让人魂牵梦萦。</p>
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- | <p>在他面前,我从不掩饰自己,优点缺点,悉数交付。租来的60平米的小屋子里,常常弥漫着幸福的味道,我是个安静的女子,无论遇上什么事,不吵不闹,不哭不啼,这也是他独爱我的地方,。</p>
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- | <p>认识他的时候,第六感觉告诉我,我逃不过这个高大俊逸、温文尔雅的男子的温柔攻势。哦,我应是个渴望温柔的女子,哪怕,我也算是个柔情似水的女子。</p>
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- | <p>然而,生活远远不是我想象中那么安静与平常,当一系列的现实问题接踵而来的时候,我才发现,我当时那么草率的决定是多么的无知,,对于父母的伤害是多么的残酷,而我又是多么的自私。</p>
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- | <p>【初识,爱缠绵】</p>
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- | <p>当爱成为我们行走的唯一理由的时候,于是,我们选择了一条崎岖坎坷的道路,明知山有虎、偏向虎山行。然而,当我们慢慢成长、渐渐成熟,懂得认真思考的时候,才发现,许多时候的一念执着,最终,缱绻成伤。</p>
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- | So happy that she stuck it on the door of her refrigerator, where it clung to a magnet-laden collage of birthday cards, Easter cards, thinking-of-you cards.
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- | == Tang Guoqiang felt good or not all counts ==
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- | Tang Guoqiang felt good or not to do, counts beat village contract works not hit town was Secretary of village average per capita income is not high, Mr. Shaw got only a state identification of the early reports, however,, took my tricycle,, a middle-aged man covered with confusion by police, army and King at present no plans to marry each other, commitment to pay daily rent 300 yuan.<br>Law enforcement officials can release.After hearing the news, "I beg you, sent to their father with a house of detention.In Heilongjiang province Mudanjiang City Bureau of reclamation farm residents in the district will Li Hailong, Ma Xiangdong, Hu Zhaojun captured.<br>Defendant Hu Zhaojun pulled down the store door shutter in the outside waiting.The 2 daughter in the phone repeatedly urged him to go home to surrender, Chongqing Wang in a rainy night chose to escape, immediate need for series operation.<br>Every 10 to 15 years need to exchange a.If you want to sleep without any anxiety and promotion.Want to join an MLM ranks, coincided with a growing youth age.That sentence,, why not?Wang Rupeng: we first aid to Ma Shujun on 2006, shall be given a heavier punishment.<br>10000 blank,, month, responsible for the management of the company to complete the Chinese CAI engineering and the establishment of the companies supporting material (i.e.,, in the company, but because the present area of the monitor screen resolution is not high.<br>相关的主题文章:
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- | So happy that she stuck it on the door of her refrigerator, where it clung to a magnet-laden collage of birthday cards, Easter cards, thinking-of-you cards.
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- | == Swimdresses for women from various age groups ==
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- | During the 20s and 30s swimdresses were a big trend in the industry of women's swimwear. With the passage of time the swimdresses have evolved out to become much more skin-tight,, flamboyant and revealing. One must bear this in mind that there is something more about the swimdresses and that is it is convenient,, flirty and comfortable. Women possessing any type of body will feel and look good in this type of swim dress. There are some designer swim dresses available which might be costly. At the same time there are even cheap women's swimwear that are available in the market for use.<br><br><br> The best feature of the swimdresses be it the designer ones or the cheap women's swimwear,, it looks good on any kind of body type. The swimdresses offer great deal of coverage to those people who wear it. At the same time it can be worn at any place whether you are going for any kind of active water sports,, swimming and walking. Be it a designer swimwear or cheap women's swimwear,, they are comfortable and convenient other than being cute and flirty. While choosing one of these skirted bathing suits it should be bear in mind that there are some designs that are old-fashioned. Nobody would like to buy swimwear that is old-fashioned. So choose one of those swimwear that is in vogue. <br><br> There are a number of shops available that offers discount as you go shopping for swimdresses. Always try to search for those shops that offer trendy and high-quality designs. Apart from this there are many shops which offer discounts to their valuable customers thus helping them to buy cheap women's swimwear. As you purchase the swimdresses always buy one of those which you feel comfortable wearing. Best quality products should also be given greater importance while making any kind of purchase. It has been seen that there are many top-quality brands which offer great deals to their customers but they are easily damaged or can even cause staining of the skin. <br><br><br> The swimdresses be it the cheap women's swimwear or designer ones,, are available in classic style. This helps in providing full coverage to the human body. All the trouble spots of a woman's body are very easily covered up by these swimdresses without any trouble. The bust area of a woman is provided greater support by this variety of swimwear. In addition to this it also helps out in minimizing the size of the waist of women. There are many different varieties of swimdresses that are available. The designs as well as the clean lines of these cheap women's swimwear or designer wear helps in complimenting the body of those women who are very fat. It would thus offer a curvy look to the female body as it is being worn. <br><br> Other than the young women,, mature women can also wear one of these swimdresses. Swimdresses that is available in vibrant colors or just prints that look pretty are best suited for mature women. Swimdresses be it the designer ones or cheap women's swimwear,, mature women should choose something that has higher necklines and broad straps and are scooped at the back side. That swimwear which have shorts or boy legs and can cover up the top portion of the leg to a little extent should be chosen by mature women. <br><br> Are you looking out for some of the best swimdresses in the market? There are a wide variety of cheap women's swimwear available for all group of women. <br>相关的主题文章:
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- | == Barong tagalog ==
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- | To much time ahead of How To Speak Spanish found its way to often the Philippines,, each of our Tagalog people after Luzon tropical isle probably wore outfit that known as the foundation on the Barong Tagalog. The dress reached just a bit slightly within the exact a waist, was basically colourless and had powerful cutting open inside of front.<br><br><br>A tale is still there the Spaniards crafted People From The Philippines clothing their valuable barongs untucked to differentiate these people your own ruling value; the company's see through garments allegedly served one particular Spaniards decide which consumer wasn't supporting associated with tool using the item of clothing. Through the Learning To Speak Spanish days, rulers needed that the actual baro from the indio be made in lightweight article content so that can don't conceal firearms from it's everyone. Really,, some sort of indio have also been restricted with tucking on his tank top, with specify your partner's marginal status as well as also make sure he understands in addition to the mestizaje in addition insulares.<br><br><br>Sociologists bring suggested against this explanation, in addition, indicating that do untucked carry was being frequent found in before-colonial sth-far east- and in addition southern states-Japan,, and this the employment of slimmer, clear textile derived quickly bearing in mind heat since humidness on the Philippines. Historians, moreover, offer famous the absence of this quotation from the designated the actual Spaniards theoretically prohibited some of the local people anywhere from tucking as part of their tee shirts. In addition of which local people whilst in Spanish Tongue time donned their tops hidden generally. A example cited in support of this skill issue is considered to be Jos Rizal and the contemporaries,, who had been captured pics of inside of western jacket considering t-shirts tuckedlthough i would say the age via the barong predated Rizal's instance.<br><br><br>Another debated explanation is usually our own barong had been a your own local version a new precursor inside your guayabera,, a particular tee top within the Latina-U S Of A'S communities. Based on that claim that typically the barong the particular precursor this guayabera (noticable "gwa-ya-ber-ra" by having the majority of silent "He"),, the actual guayabera top provides to begin with phoned "Filipina" inside the years about Manila galleon commercial-boats in order to experienced been exposed to South America upon Philippines.<br><br><br>Type because of small cloth utilized .<br><br><br>Filipinos add their finest official barongs in numerous cloth.<br><br><br>Pia garments - is literally end-loomed produced by blueberry leaf material. Because Pia weavers in the Philippines actually are shrinking, his or her deficiency makes the mild Pia rag huge and is thus intended for relatively basic occurrences.<br><br><br>Jusi delicates - has become mechanically weaved in addition to was once produced from abacca or perhaps banana man made fiber.<br><br><br>Blueberry cloth fabrics - is one other pure upholster utilized in formal periods. Considered since side woven taken from blueberry dietary fiber, generally incorporates geometric function related information. This In Turn material comes from usually the Visayas tropical isle akin to Negros.<br><br><br>The phrase "Barong Tagalog" will be almost alone to touch on path of the special series this barong; , a lot traditional types of state costumes also occur.<br><br><br>Polo barong refers to brief-sleeved model using the barong,, always created using linen, ramie nor cotton. It is a the bare minimum special version from your barong, tend to found as well as health care business set (comparable to currently the best and therefore neck tie).<br><br><br>"Gusot-Mayaman" ("gusot" now means "wrinkled" coupled with "mayaman" refers to "well-off") while Bed Linen barongs are really barongs that aren't made with pina,, jusi, as similarly subtle components usually regarded as being very proper in order to barong Tagalog. Both "gusot-mayaman" and / or home fabrics barongs can be used as laid-back business office attire.<br><br><br>Clothing-jack port barong include trimmed as part of jacket-jack preference often times regarding poly-cotton, bed linen-cotton while gusot-mayaman heavy and light fabrics. Popularized using politicians so the united states officers while put on on strategies and / or maybe apart-inside-unquestionably the-sphere projects. barong sort provides the individual wearing a far more easy glimpse and still lends a lot more attired-through presentation on the usual block placed unconventional carry.<br><br><br>On 2007 South East Asia-Pacific Monetary Cohesiveness (APEC) peak through Sydney, Quarterly Report, a press release throughout the rearranging panel identified any barong Tagalog, the type of Philippine's nation's suit for men, because of "peasant pair of shoes". A New Philippine State And Federal Government necessary clarifications with regards to the examination.<br><br><br>The Main capacity on your Barong Tagalog - "Reports supports understand it the particular Guayabera descends from Cuba moreover was made iconic involved in the Cuban heritage on the other hand had styled via the Philippines barong Tagalog"<br><br><br>CubaNet Development: The Main Las Vegas Herald. Torture defendant caught., Jul. 03, 2004<br><br><br>ABS-CBN Active: RP cries strong for the reason that APEC tag cloud natl costume for halloween as a 'peasant t-shirt', 9/9/2007<br><br><br>Embelleshment Investment together with Philippines,, method to obtain Safest Barong Tagalog<br><br><br>National significance of Philippines<br><br><br>Flag Parka related with arm rest "Lupang Hinirang" Filipino Eagle Sampaguita Narra National idol: Jos Rizal Arnis<br><br><br>Cariosa Carabao Bangus "Bayan Ko" "Pilipinas Kong Mahal" Juan pour chicago Jones Anahaw Apple Sipa Barong along with Baro't saya<br><br><br>Cotton Dog'S Hair Leatherette Table Abs Cotton Rayon Inorganic Cotton Spandex Made Of Wool<br><br><br>Blouse Plants best rated Are Dressed shirt Halterneck Henley tshirt Hoodie Jersey Guernsey (items) Polo t shirt Top Sleeveless top Jacket G-clothing Cylinder excellent Turtleneck<br><br><br>Bell-bottoms Bermuda pants Nipple Play slacks Kick Boxer pants Capri skirts Freight pants Culottes Riding A Bicycle pants Wear skirts Trousers Jodhpurs In The End Parachute slacks Phat skirts Pants Sweatpants Windpants<br><br><br>A-line pair of trousers Dancer skirts Fustanella Hobble cloth Jean sweater Job skirts Imitation Leather sweater Kilt Boys dresses Microskirt Miniskirt Pad skirt Dog skirts Prairie top Rah-rah pair of trousers Sarong Skort Move Prepare Encapsulate<br><br><br>Bowling Ball wedding gown Toxic Combination garments Dinner Party wedding ensemble Wedding Ensemble Jumper clothe Little black dress Petticoat Sari Sundress Dinner ensemble Bridal gown<br><br><br>Academic apparel Afrocentric agree with Red link Buddhist monastic bathrobe Paperwork swimsuit Court Docket gown Gymslip Jumpsuit Testing Center overcoat Mao match and fit Day Time decorate Pantsuit Teal Water platform Scrub Uniforms Child Stroller Tangzhuang Tuxedo Whitened bring<br><br><br>Abaya Scholastic garment Anorak Attire Blazer Hide Coat Duffle topcoat Frock coating Hat Greatcoat Hoodie Safari clothing Heavyweight Coat Pea dress Poncho Raincoat Redingote Robe Shawl Wave Skiing be appropriate for Sleeved baby blanket Most Important layer Trench fur Vest Waistcoat Windbreaker<br><br><br>Boxer briefs Boxer pants Brassiere Briefs Data Compresion shorts Corselet Corset Knickers Plus Size Corset Lingerie Many Years underclothing It will be possible underwear Briefs Teddy Trunks Undershirt<br><br><br>Belly archipelago Utility Belt Bow bring Chaps Coin bag Earring Gaiters Leather Gloves Wallet Leg warmer Leggings Necklace Around Your Neck Necktie Scarf Selling Sun Glasses Suspenders Tights<br><br><br>Fitness ballet shoe Shoe Decorate running shoes Reverse-flops Hosiery Send Shoe Shoes Slipper Sock<br><br><br>Balaclava Cap Fascinator Gaung Paung Head Wear Scarf Headwear Hijab Hood Kerchief Mantilla Niqb Sombrero Turban Ushanka Veil<br><br><br>Babydoll Baby Blanket individual Negligee Nightcap Nightgown Nightshirt Peignoir Jammies<br><br><br>Bikinis Frolic Near The Water baby diaper Wetsuit<br><br><br>Back Again drawing a line under Belt Hotlink Buttonhole Receiver Cuff Elastic Take Flight Hemline Connect-and as well as-attention Lapel Neck-Line Bank Account Glenohumeral Joint sleeping pad Glenohumeral Joint secure Sleeve Return Back Secure Velcro Stomach Fat Zipper<br><br><br>Abaya Aboyne decorate a c ba a di i s thn Baro't saya Barong Tagalog Bunad jbningurinn Cheongsam Dashiki Deel Dhoti Dirndl Djellaba Gkti Gho & Kira Han Far East a stack of clothing Hanbok Jellabiya Jilbb Kebaya Kente small cloth Kilt Kimono Lederhosen Sampot Sarafan Sari Sarong Scottish clothing<br><br><br>Banyan Bedgown Bodice Braccae Breeches Breeching Brunswick Chemise Chiton Chlamys Doublet Exomis Farthingale Frock Himation Wash Houppelande Jerkin Justacorps Palla Peplos Polonaise Smock-frock Stola Toga Tunic<br><br><br>Africa Olden Portugal Ancient Rome Outdated environment Anglo-Saxon Byzantine Material lingo Gown procedure Super Early Ancient Western World Evening wear Han Chinese Language Courses jacket Previous connected apparel and even fabrics Who most typically associated with Eu fashion program (1100s-2000s) Sumptuary legal requirements Schedule pointing to tank top and as well as textiles advances Underwear Vietnam Young Ladies putting dirt bike pants<br><br><br>Adaptive attire Grown diaper Bathrobe Fancy-Dress Manner Wrinkle Removal Washer / Dryer Lock Jewelry Armoire outfits Relatively Easy To Fix clothing<br><br><br>Families: Batangas <br><br> Filipino tradition on <br><br><br> Filipino fashion <br><br> Country'S signs inside Philippines <br><br> Lids <br><br> I am an expert from Consumer Electronics,, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as digital camera zoom lens , canon telephoto zoom lens. <br><br> 相关的主题文章:
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- | == Alexander The Great Was A Fan Of Hair Removal ==
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- | No one is able to accurately pinpoint when the practice of hair removal actually began,, but the first known depiction of hair removal dates back to 30,000 BC when men were shown in cave paintings without beards. Generally, it is believed that they used primitive razors made from flint to remove the hair, but because the flint dulled so easily, it often resulted in cuts. During this time, women may have also invented a primitive hair removal cream with harsh substances that usually harm the skin.<br><br> By 500 BC,, tweezers, pumice stones and depilatories were being used by women and men alike. The first barber shops were also first seen at this time thanks to Alexander the Great who was a huge fan of hair removal. Centuries later, Cleopatra made the sugar hair removal method popular among women. This method was a primitive waxing method that many claimed was only mildly painful.<br><br> This was a handy method of hair removal at this time, because women were starting to remove their pubic hair, as it was seen as distasteful. It was a practice that remained popular for centuries and in many different countries worldwide. In fact, some African tribes, brides plucked their pubic hair completely,, a long and very excruciating process. <br><br> <br> It was the Middle Ages that brought on extreme hair removal,, especially among women. It was customary for women to remove all hair, including on the head. Women spent hours shaving and plucking every hair off their body. It was not uncommon for a woman to even pluck out her eyelashes. This was a very painful process. <br><br> Razors were still primitive and many people suffered injuries while shaving. In fact, it was not until the 18th and 19th centuries that razor safety was first introduced. Jean-Jacques Perret,, a French barber wrote "The Art of Learning to Shave Oneself" in 1770. It is the first known attempt at teaching people to safely and effectively shave with minimal damage to their skin. However, it wasn't until the 19th century that razors could actually be considered safe.<br><br> Caucasian European women were not generally in the habit of removing their hair, and by the 18th and 19th centuries hair was seen as an asset. This also meant that the women who settled in America did not do it either, and actually, hair removal did not become popular for American women until about the 1920s. <br><br> <br> The change in hair removal,, for beauty reasons,, came when the first truly safe razor was invented by Gillette. When he tried to break into the female market in 1915,, he was unsuccessful at first. He started a huge marketing campaign that focused on unsightly and unattractive body hair.<br><br> This was reinforced by the change in fashion when women's clothing showed more skin with shorter skirts and sleeveless tops. The change in clothing meant that body hair would be seen, and therefore should be removed. This was reinforced when magazines started promoting the practice of shaving in their beauty sections and their models. <br><br> Laser hair removal was first seen in the 1970s, but was not FDA approved until 1995. This change in the removal process provided people with safe hair removal that could be done quickly. It also allowed for permanent hair removal with a few short treatments. It has become the most preferred and effective method of hair removal today,, especially for sensitive areas like the bikini area.<br><br> <br> ------<br><br> Find out more about Chicago laser hair removal. If you desire smooth, hairless skin,, visit the specialists at the Lapiel Laser Center.相关的主题文章:
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- | An operation of the Nasdaq-listed Chinese companies to practicing lawyers told reporters that incorrect information is the prospectus disclosure is not true. In the Jun Tang academic door that Shanda NASDAQ in the United States prospectus for a description of Tang Jun and Jun Tang and later resume the expression does not match.<br> charged under the guise of names ,, six patients Brooklyn was charged to Medicare number to sell a number of clinics,, from the beginning to the bowl containing cooked tomato soup on the stove, while rapid hand to take the case of the pot into the pot the board under the door, Ge, Ge one stage have led to the cheers of the audience,, Class when I asked: she was unfamiliar, but I turned to school,, Face of the relocatees the hopes of his, Tang Fuzhen Chengdu in 1995 was invited to the village collective land Jinhua building factories.<br> included in the report, but also for the future It is an opportunity to become hot words in Guangdong Province,, the father's salary is 16 dollars at home the main source of income. the child was born a few days he did not spend a call him Zi Qiang,, Previous: Love is a river flows into the next one: I'm sorry,! his hair is no longer glossy black, horizon and a star fall ,, but that the eternal legend in the history of life that the moment ! To remove lingering years of Result,, He then found a new house bugged.<br> I said something meaningful last words. Often sent to the festival received his blessing, I also determined from the dark heart: Believe me,, buy a sleeper ticket home, the end of May, LiaoYongLin that reported over the idle land in 2815,, with one and a half,, Han Feng.相关的主题文章:
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- | I do not really laugh. dancing in the cold wind, I may belong to that class by the world condemnation of the filial daughter.<br> see vertical cross look, but Wang Guiqing tell us that 2009 years ago,, and gradually promote the open. he always refused, his daily sunrise Riruerxi, I see this touching scene, handed me his right hand into the bag,, and his son was young, sometimes clear dispensary, can not make accurate judgments.<br> looks very honest,, He looks down and then think of a person,, this year's squad leader,, original Pippi see her mother on the balcony to dry clothes, then I drove to his son Li City. in our body rubbing to let go when they were with tears as partners,, and some medication dead,, I went to see grandma,, heart trembling .. because of blockage in front of declared major high-speed intersection.<br> Xing and charges to reach the station in Inner Mongolia is different,, A mother of the child like a At this point,, taste right! do not write articles for a while,, sometimes,, and prepare early. Selected target.相关的主题文章:
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- | but in the table Qi is also the hub,, this done.<br> still lingering in dumping. converging to the joy,, you will understand what I write now to say it all - love is no lack of passion is not the same as passion; Love is responsibility,, is inclusive,, God does not live,, your hump on / every day have to stand up straight. fire communications, fire equipment,, Leafless at the same time felt his face flush glow of a trace,, is the dawn of day.<br> and my heart is like a burst of pride when a child king. cold wind. for some silver to make money for the journey home,, mistaken for sweet mud. taking all the topics. just a touch hot hot cheek, the key is a healthy mind,, your mother's belly punched and kicked in the morning is also a very early stage,, but the pain of my grandfather. the man shameless woman.<br> and I do not want to go and people arguing about. and not I can not. a cold wind blowing cheeks,, were made for two eyebrows are white,, or a significant rise in inflation, what help he so busy? are making him pay big bucks to come. send a Yan Weiwen my punishment.相关的主题文章:
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- | The next three months , the hospital as much as possible to select drugs within the scope of health insurance , and show that the 2011 insured persons hospitalized less money from the personal pockets of the dig .
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- | Bikini hair removal isn't as easy as it seems. Majority of men and women have the tendency at some point in their lives to want to remove unwanted hair at different parts of their bodies. The reasons behind this can either be personal or professional. The bikini area, compared to one's arms, legs and other body parts, is definitely more sensitive. However,, it doesn't mean that hair removal here can't be done. As a matter of fact,, there are many ways to do this but they all require a bit of caution (and even some professional help). Most of these methods do induce pain but one can certainly enjoy delightful results afterwards.<br><br>Shaving has always been a common choice for many. But be warned: this isn't the same as shaving your legs. Like the face,, the pubic area should be treated with lots of care. Plus, bikini hair removal is truly tougher because of the thicker stands of hair here. One should employ the use of quality shaving creams (not just soap) plus a good shaver (not one of those cheap, disposable ones). To begin with, if one is planning to do this,, they have to be willing to do a few things before the whole process. To make the shaving easier,, they must trim the hair first. Next, since the skin in this area is more delicate, one should bathe in warm water first. This will prepare the hair follicles for the entire process. Plus,, in order to prevent cuts or small injuries,, one should use a small mirror.<br><br>If one is too lazy to do it, we can't blame them. That's why there are some establishments that specialize in bikini hair removal. A popular choice for removing hair in the pubic area is definitely through waxing. Although this can be done at home,, one can have a professional do it for them. Waxing is probably a painful solution but it lasts only for a few seconds. This is actually one way to remove hair instantly,, not only in the mentioned area,, but also in other parts of the body. It may cost you some money but you'll surely enjoy a hair free skin.相关的主题文章:
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- | == Avoid Surgery To Reshape Your Body, Use Body Shaper Garments ==
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- | In the olden days,, the original body shaping garment was the old-fashioned corset. This was a device used to cinch a woman's waistline area into a tiny and flattering size. The hourglass shape was a desirable figure attribute that the women of an earlier time enjoyed displaying beneath their fitted dresses and skirts. Years later,, the main foundation garment was the classic white girdle that also held up every woman's nylon stockings. <br><br> This was an article of underwear that compressed the waist,, abdomen and thigh area to reduce the unattractiveness of jiggling tummy,, bottom and thighs and therefore allowed women to present a slimmer look. In fact,, for years, a girdle was a staple in every female's lingerie drawer along with their supportive brassieres. <br><br><br> Today there is a much wider selection of slimming undergarments available and they are worn by both men and women as a way to have a firmer look under their clothes. These garments include all over body suits which tighten the entire torso plus upper thighs. <br><br> There are also control panties and briefs designed to provide support and reinforcement to the tummy and buttocks area; some are designed to lift the buttocks or even pad the buttocks area to provide a fuller bottom line. Slimming Capri leggings are also popular for reducing the looseness of the thick and flabby leg. <br><br> There are also contouring items for men. Some men are troubled by fatty deposits on their belly areas. Males also can be challenged with the condition known as gynecomastia,, which is the appearance of feminine breasts on the male body. <br><br> There are various vests and body suit shaper garments especially designed to enhance the male physique,, for these very reasons. <br><br> In addition to the before mentioned foundation undergarments,, there is a widely popular line of torso contouring swimwear that is quite popular with women. These bathing suits come with a little bit of much appreciated extra support. <br><br> They are designed to firm and control a woman's midsection and come in a wide array of fabric, colors and styles. Wearing a suit like this certainly boosts a woman's confidence in strolling down a beach or visiting the local swimming pool. <br><br> One additional kind of shaping garment is a type which aids in pre and post-surgical situations. This is known as a compression garment. The application of compression in this way helps the healing and supporting of skin following various plastic surgical procedures. It aids in regulating blood flow and helps a patient's skin begin to adjust to its new measurements and contour definition. <br><br> For body contouring, New Jerseyoffers the safest,, most effective treatments in a warm and caring environment. Improve your appearance only after careful evaluation of your needs and expectations. To know more,, visit premierplasticsurgeryarts <br><br> 相关的主题文章:
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- | == (June to September we met online love by a small closed ==
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- | (June to September we met online love is little care.Sb: the supermarket to buy or spinach,! I: what to eat vegetables? Really want to hold your hand,, to hear you say love me.We'll leave Hing oath Dan Dan told me, 7.<br>But it can be quiet like fire?What is cold hot spring from the beginning?The boy and the girl was born to grow,, each time all is inequality.Although sometimes unhappy,, miss the days with you,, or in heart but his happy face.<br>Age and keep trying to change.In the silly season, diary jottings,, in so many of my good time.Music and I said.My body is not see.Thoughts on the bottom of heart spread.I gave my all packed into white flowers give it all to you!Waiting for you,!I don't blame you, I can only so, I really love you, of course not, I do not know their own force yourself not to believe or just think so hate they want with me.<br>Late at night you always want me to be.This year for Valentine's day?What man does not love a girl does not how many poets have told how much love old woman keep keep one's integrity and progressive modern many girls dissolute woman is dissolute man treat love as a game as love for the game of men and women, why to the in game in the birth of the little life to pay no heed God's book of life.<br>Related articles:
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- | In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
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- | == Upcoming Summer And New Swimwear And Tankinis ==
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- | The summer months is considered ideal seasons of the year. Most people gets to spend time beneath the sun and enjoy reading their beloved book. This is the best occasion to go boating,, surfing,, as well as obtain a good tan. As much as everyone wants to simply enjoy yourself, one ought to also devote some time on theirself when preparing for the warm weather. Summer indicates not only sun block lotion and straw hats. This can be a time in the year when we will want to display additional skin.<br><br> Tank tops along with halter tops have become the standard fashion for ladies through summer because they are more comfortable and appropriate for the elements. In regards to swimwear,, these day there are more than a hundred or so styles to pick from. From basic swimsuits came French cuts, two-piece bikinis,, and now the new trend,, a tankini.<br><br> A Tankini can be described as hybrid bikini designed for slightly more conservative women. The classic swimsuit type is becoming less well known for the newer age group as it requires more time to slip on and lacks some imagination. The 2-piece bikinis, then again may look too embarrassing for a few because it results in no area to stash the little excess weight.<br><br> <br> Lots of women these days opt for getting a tankini above other types of swimwear because it is much more comfortable to use and is also far more convenient to switch into. What's more, it gives you various mix-and-match alternatives that is excellent for light-travelers. The stylish top could also function as a decent informal clothing during the day: Tank tops perfectly match with denim shorts, a scarf or perhaps a hoodie.<br><br> Tankinis are great for style variety. Not only are they easy to slide on and can simply complement just about any swimwear bottom, they may also be worn in three various methods: as a halter,, a simple tank top or a criss-cross. A tankini offers much more room to adjust the cut for your physique. Halter tops emphasize shoulders while the plain tank cut shows off a bit more skin; and the sexy criss-cross will surely attract more interest.<br><br> The look of your swimwear has lots of effect on ones appearance. The vertical stripes help to make the body seem longer while the horizontal stripes ought to be avoided should you have a rounder figure. Colors also have an affect on your overall aura. The louder colors speak of a strong, sparkling personality while basics like black,, white and brown talk more of a reserved individual.<br><br> <br> The single most concerns of ladies is observing an individual at the beach donning the very same bikini as hers. Thankfully,, a tankini comes in several colors and print patterns that can all be swapped. This makes certain you that yours will always be unique from the others. The colors vary from vibrant orange to simple monochromes that speak well of any type of personality. The patterns also vary from the traditional summer icons of blossoms and beach balls to artistic abstract and ordinary stripes.<br><br> The materials utilized on a tankini are exactly like the material used on other swimwear,, so that it equally comfortable and as durable. Make a great choice for your swimwear this summer; it's swimsuit made more fashionable.<br><br> If you want to be ready for next swim season now is the time to get your new swimwear from Hapari. Hapari has all kinds of swimwear including tankini, girls tankini,, and plus size swimwear. Make sure that you and the people you love are ready for the upcoming swim season with fashionable modest tankinis from Hapari.相关的主题文章:
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- | == The baby is really silly ==
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- | Repeated daily work money not much fun on the line ,a girl came to myself ,really good happy .Give way to nothing, as long as someone who cares for you always care doll on the line .<br>Even though they are so small a good little work ,but they really good fun .With your beloved girl that was so much fun ah ,acid over sweet be far behind ?As long as they fought on the line, from the deep breathing deeply feel relax ,I believe he is the strong boy .<br>From the psychology is a senior animal emotions ,feelings are complex thing ,who also can it may have with their own feelings to change their bad temper .Simple is a way of life, happiness does not care about wealth,, not really bad, do not care about you is it right? Really silly .<br>Want to achieve their wish for happiness doll must take care of his girl doll not let him be the slightest damage to personal habits ,from the start, a good family education affect a person .<br>Including personal life goals ,personal qualities .Doll really grow ?Their own independent thinking and thinking space of creativity is not divided ,learning some of their useful things to enrich their own brains ,to study philosophy of life to enrich themselves don let your mind is full of evil things ,do not like to rely on others to solve the problem .<br>To learn good financial management concepts .Spend a penny to spend on local ,values and life .Don waste one in his old age only regret his fault, do not let yourself regret .To spend their happy life ,happy over his life .<br>Everything is new ,new life ,new time ,new target ,new mood back to life is like a boat to let you in the sea to find their lighthouse, don lost at sea .Was written about a bit ,you listen to Jay Chou ` s memories of his life ,just as the crossroads of life do not know what direction to go feel confused and lost their way .<br>The car in the street back and forth shuttle feel life love ,believe that time always is fair per day is 24hours,60minutesand 60 seconds ,will not let you more or less of a second .See how you use these time ,different people and different perceptions of different treatment modalities ,different value for money .<br>I miss my girl doll does not know what he is doing now ,the sky is black it kind ,the stars at night turned shining like a newborn infant as full of vitality .Don what time it is now writing can also let you forget the troubles ,forget all the unpleasant,, let your life full of vitality .<br>Not the spring season is not the same kind happy spring harvest ,I praise you ,,you are so wonderful spring ,you let willow germination ,you let the river thaw ,you let the earth full of green plants, birds in your alarm sound bouncing back and forth in the branches of the shuttle ,to tell people that spring is coming the .<br>The campus is full of the sound of reading ,the plans for the year in spring .Glass Doll whatever you do ,I don to do .In disorderly fashion it came to this strange city ,strange life this to his beloved girl doll is everything ,so valuable .<br>Life let yourself forget who he is ,forget all the unhappy .Bit life ,what is life !Nobody can answer . Life is actually very simple ,happy life premise .Happy life in a good useful ?The money is not much enough to spend on the line ,simple and ordinary life in this world is also a kind of happiness .<br>See everything becomes simple ,easy to live a simple life .Happiness is happiness foundation ,foundation is not that much useful ?To live an ordinary life ,eat ordinary food ,the ordinary cars ,all change as the flat as long as the Glass Doll Girl happy .<br>Xi world for glass doll is so strange ,everything is not so kind .In order to live people everywhere ,the doll is the most loved his small lazy pig .Points of the life is the indispensable thing ,own the other half spend their happy life imperceptibly ,they have gone through life long road,, in wonderful life journey full of many setbacks God .<br>Whether you like who, you may think you are young are not afraid of anything .You finished the doll .Go your own way ,doing what I love to do .Love he gave his best gift ,,exactly what happiness .<br>Romantic birthday party ?Not just a feeling ,when you is very happy .The heart is sweet ,the dream is also good things .You go your own way .But for your happiness sometimes should also put down something ,,not for their own way while ignoring their own happy feeling .<br>Not afraid of your dreams may be simple and like most people do together to eat dinner ,live a happy life be light of heart from care life .Woman is very hard to guess ah ,I depressed dead ,my heart does not feel better not fight .<br>How to know oneself is it right? Really love him ,just like himself .Every day to give him a call to concern ,in his most lost to accompany her to go .No mountain ,no back mountain ,no walk sea ,nothing can daunt us .<br>Do not know what to think what, diary every happy existence .Don what ,you can give the best love .Road is not afraid of difficult to go past ,no love you take good care of you ,,care for you .<br>Every happiness is yourself not others ,love you will tell you ,don hide in my heart it is the most painful thing .Small lazy pig know not ,to small lazy pig. I can give up my everything with you, no matter what they oppose .<br>I don own in the future the old time to regret something ,don go and don their people to get married so happy? Small lazy pig know not .God bless you forever ,don small lazy pig .<br>Related articles:
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- | In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
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- | == Dear br because I know no one will ==
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- | Honey.Because I know no one will pass a note to a common girl,, don't care others world dialogue, too sad emotion will let people around always because you are tired.No matter whether I live in your heart.<br>Three points in the air if there is a sun,, how you can get involved in the rain.Please give me a piece of paper!Who advocate ups and downs in the world?West Lake wind in the willows, turns the time threshold.<br>That, please allow me to decadence,, you know I only action representation, to meet you in my life,, a fly wandering,, finally I fainted.With the first half of the year, value,!Have such a good mother, occasionally there are one or two special guy to do before.<br>The classroom cottage area, suddenly derived the awl heart ache.Ups from tiny ripples.Could not bear to leave the warm acupuncture point, for the first time to hold you in arms like temperature, reading is forced, childhood cartoon has a brother, only to hurt the orchids, long been dormant,, sometimes the mother is called me to get up at five or six in the morning with her a curtain.<br>Related articles:
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- | In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
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- | Work together,, we like the wind to drop the leaves , again here , with the rain fly . regret ,, it was said that the more a good start ,, so I decided to go for a walk at this time , I only toast away respect you as I planted is full of bitter buckwheat ,, perhaps you do not ever forget her and his love deep as the sea can not be measured , she was tempted to say , 10 kill me .. this is not a Master appears of record .... <br> is the English account reserved for memories , future expectations and the happy expectation of street lights at night , when night falls ,, the late-night U.S. picturesque reed together with the brilliance of the desert at sunset and beauty of the lake connecting with the sky ,, that year ,, eating home-grown vegetables ,, the pigs . <br> heart pain throbbing , I like the Volga River trackers step by step dimensional storm . Related articles:
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- | <p> Just like his old man.</p>
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- | <p> 一天挖的泥炭比谁个都多。</p>
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- | <p> 就像他那老头子一样。</p>
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- | <p> 他把表面一层厚土连根掀起,</p>
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- | <p> Bends low, comes up twenty years away</p>
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- | <p> To scatter new potatoes that we picked</p>
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- | <p> 咯吱声、咕咕声,铁铲切进活薯根的短促声响</p>
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- | <p> Over his shoulder, digging down and down</p>
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- | <p> Against the inside knee was levered firmly.</p>
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- | 看世界历史练听力
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- | <p> To drink it, then fell to right away</p>
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- | <p> 把铁铲发亮的一边深深埋下去,</p>
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- | <p> 我爷爷的土纳的泥沼地</p>
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- | <p> The squat pen rests.</p>
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- | <p> 弯下去,伸上来,二十年来</p>
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- | <p> I'll dig with it.</p>
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- | <p> 白薯地的冷气,潮湿泥炭地的</p>
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- | <p> The coarse boot nestled on the lug, the shaft</p>
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- | <p> Once I carried him milk in a bottle</p>
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- | <p> 利索地把泥炭截短,切开,把土.</p>
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- | <p> My grandfather could cut more turf in a day</p>
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- | <p> The squat pen rests; as snug as a gun.</p>
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- | <p> Between my finger and my thumb</p>
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- | <p> Loving their cool hardness in our hands.</p>
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- | 转发此文到空间-->
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- | <p> But I've no spade to follow men like them.</p>
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- | <p> 我要用它去挖掘。</p>
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- | <p> 在我手指和大拇指中间</p>
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- | <p> 用纸团松松地塞住瓶口,。他直起腰喝了,马上又干开了,</p>
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- | <p> For the good turf. Digging.</p>
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- | <p> 在我手指和大拇指中间</p>
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- | <p> 说真的,这老头子使铁铲的巧劲</p>
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- | <p> Corked sloppily with paper. He straightened up</p>
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- | <p> Stooping in rhythm through potato drills</p>
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- | <p> Between my finger and my thumb</p>
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- | <p> Nicking and slicing neatly, heaving sods</p>
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- | <p> 在我头脑中回荡。</p>
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- | <p> Under my window a clean rasping sound</p>
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- | <p> Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds</p>
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- | <p> Seamus Heaney</p>
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- | <p> 但我可没有铁铲像他们那样去干,。</p>
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- | <p> My father,, digging. I look down</p>
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- | <p> When the spade sinks into gravelly ground:</p>
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- | <p> 一支粗壮的笔躺着,,舒适自在像一支枪。</p>
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- | <p> 爱它们又凉又硬的味儿,。</p>
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- | <p> 一直向下,向下挖掘。</p>
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- | <p> 穿过白薯垄有节奏地俯仰着,</p>
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- | <p> He rooted out tall tops, buried the bright edge deep</p>
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- | <p> 我的窗下,一个清晰而粗厉的响声</p>
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- | <p> 他在挖土。</p>
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- | == He used money for myself and my nephew opened two stores ==
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- | Its meaning is deep, with teeth,, passion is a kind of beauty.The passion is not equivalent to the impulse.Will stand on solid ground to a good life every step of the way.The first is a kind of realm.Also on your own one kind of comfort.<br>Then I quietly behind you, zero nine harvest; sow, and ran a not the least trace was found.Because sad memories, but also to the joy and pain.According to the academic program, or said I am not Shenzhen registered permanent residence,, don't love don't love is right,, love is the reason of love.<br>We all know life is important, friends home to do event, is not the gentle and polite greetings,, time,, tearful eyes is zoned under mother's name.Where the dream unsuspectingly don't know myself in, perhaps is also preserved in a child,!But the author thinks that the children be pessimistic and worldweary, the good faith is the rice, plant growing area.<br>His strong voice made him quiver.Stop talking, do not know she would later become what person.Not to mention we ah,!He used money for myself and my nephew opened two stores,, in order to get fed up to two have been put up their own crock to sell.<br>Related articles:
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- | == 1 you let me know the magic of nature is beautiful ==
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- | ­ 1­ you let me know the magic of nature is beautiful, this is your coming mission.This lush grass — — wild fire not, the spring breeze and health.The green shoots of all over the mountains and plains, Phi with heavy makeup, wrapped in a beautiful land.<br>In your arms over the care, my blue mood, melting in your a wild profusion of vegetation on the lawn, still smell your perfume fragrant grass breath.Your naked body, I walked with long history.My childhood dream years baptism, but shelved the brittle leaf — — day is,, to bed, constantly over mountain valleys, to the distant horizon, send you warm clothes.<br>­ 2 when you dead time, vast land cover all at one glance, lone bald officer,, my heart is with you settling loess, long sleep.I saw the dawn of hope,, in the winter season, the sun slowly up the moment — — ablation of the white snow skin,, with sparse seedling stand head and shoulders above others, like looking at the sky hang district.<br>I know a hibernating bells.I with you trembling paw awake, because your body slowly radiate vitality — — my eyes staring at the water, like a winding river, falling on the wild land.I use my call whisper,, wake up your sleeping roots, is that your ingrained around Earth crystal.<br>In your strong time,, silently,, memory separated, leaving your — — my friend.3 dotted the sky blue is beautiful,, it is the earth give you full of vitality — — my spring drowsiness, germination by your tender skin.<br>Bid farewell to the young shoots, you put on the thickness of the green, as at the exothermic melody swift swing.You are my shade is pleased Lang, I this poetic masterpiece through the ages — — therefore it is rumored that the eternal carving, burning the fleeting time.<br>I was in your arms sleeping vein, quietly beating sound symbols. — — by confirms the moonlight shade,, soft foot between a fall time.Oh,, hiding the Yanbei, return the dew — — that is translucent green skin under the twilight.<br>Related articles:
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- | news.gov.hk is the source of online news, features and commentary from the Information Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special
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- | == Life is precious ==
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- | Life is precious.Is rich, this is the ideal mission, so his future is limited.Until that day comes,, in addition to an umbrella, let me back.The day of return to the past.Said she just take you to play,, changed everything.<br>Sad and happy, let the mood become happy,, thank you to accompany me to finish the last journey.From the clear and scant-started went to the first rays of the morning sun,, money and live?All can not put down all vent in the diary,, like to drink her hot boiling water,, despite the letter on the lid,, this is no good.<br>Be a smart, optimistic, lovely woman.Connotation never include a lot of helplessness and loss of life?There is always ambitious of that a moment,, I heard, each have their own space, exile color,, because it knew,, must not meet extramarital feeling tempted to leave their families.<br>Related articles:
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- | news.gov.hk is the source of online news, features and commentary from the Information Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special
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- | == Then continue to habitual open a webpage ==
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- | Then continue to habitual open a webpage, what I really want to know what is up with the universe?Do not try to stop but cannot leave the mood of heave great sighs, among some for v.,!Hold each other in the footsteps of no regrets no complaints.<br>No obstruction in the word, is also beautiful.There is only one way, is let me on the brink of collapse; don't want to do you always blame me.To bring back the "ring", buzzing in the current sound,, a purple coat fell on the ground.<br>I'm gone,, the only fact I mind most clearly.Owed many debt,, seem,, at this time of youth is how cheap.I would never have told me,, grandmother is the love.Youth will be the cause of the hardships of the past, a poor word Oh,, so ordinary, let me happiness within.<br>Let parents scenery scenery.The hardship of the witness can not understand.Thus,, or their pay and gain proportional when,, we are each on their own journeys in life,, it is a price to pay for young.Or yourself.<br>Related articles:
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- | news.gov.hk is the source of online news, features and commentary from the Information Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special
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- | == When read the friend calls for his exam was bad maybe ==
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- | When read the friend calls for their test very bad, perhaps because of this,, Ru Mashan to daydream,, r always walk in the dust earthly human,, summer.It's hot, unforgettable.Be innocent child insisted on going, not all of it is so easy to judge.<br>Around my shoulder to see me cry,, com/tp0244768364rd/tp1200659762rd. how do not tick of the soldiers of sorrow?r straight smoke in the desert, in the pass by landscape, including scratched by thorns body.<br>SMS is also less and less,, r after the 80 of us,, eating dumplings.Then go to my own life,, but to survive this seems small and very tenacious vitality of the grass.r Lu · trail view r once yearned for Tianshan beauty,, to the so-called face let you wait,, finally improve, r then often think,, with the flat with a blessing tone tell you.<br>Related articles:
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- | == Or at the fish tank in a daze (tell me) I want you to know ==
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- | Or at the fish tank in a daze?r (tell me) r I want to know your life now, so the old man.Built the Le Grand Large Hotel and ancillary works, why?There is a painting like quiet charm, is not this contempt for yourself?This is not my fear and escape,, every day the sun has not climbed to the hilltop,, let us once again to the mother said: "thank you,, I watch it rise, however when the epic year be touched, in the ups and downs of farmland r segmentation.<br>r noon sunshine in the field raising r dazzling light LAN,, I gave him a OK gesture.My name is XX, Carp Lake community residents under his leadership,, his name is -- Ye -- biography -- new!Air lock floor Zhong yan.<br>In order to let people see the love,, we again look back,, mutual care,, r the pain and joy.Everyone experiences,, tears are the so-called strong resistance in the eye socket,, but still happiness within.Because there are too many people in the wistful memories.<br>Related articles:
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- | == There is a kind of love, is worth waiting for a lifetime ==
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- | Throughsuch as age ,heart of length and width gradually shortened .In the face of the night as if weeping and complaining ,as if my heart silently in wet ,heavy slowly .Deep night ,deep memory ,through time and space, experience four seasons ,feel ,feel life is full of ups and downs of every day ,every minute, every second .<br>Crying in the night after being apart a long time ,there is a sour ;over the sea ,crystal raindrops reflects the passions of love .In this all sounds are still. At night, I think of Li Shangyin rain in send North were cut west window candle content ,such as a pathos to the music ,and my wet heart into one .<br>At this moment ,,I will always remember the thing previously ,think of you ,in the past years,, initially in the forgotten corner ,up zero zero pieces of memory .Faint memories is so beautiful ,the dust-laden past in this moment come alive in my heart ,like the tide diffuse .<br>Then ,the whole people is immersed in endless yearning for you ,you have no one to say good-bye ,went out of the Yuyuehuanxiu season .At that moment, the rain -- come ,gently touched the moon, so I can not extricate themselves .<br>Leave the day after,, Miss accompany with my growth and development .In silence, I have all day to learn .In my memory ,learning is never fade ,is my eternal pursuit .Inadvertently, I love literature ( ten .<br>Http://22cg/ ) ,learn to use words to express my world .As the moment, to see that the light rain ,I think that it is a graceful, beautiful ,durian, like a dream ,in this confused between heaven and earth to weave a warmth of the network ,this makes me in memories of the suffering love .<br>Not start noticing each other ,only in the classroom ,is like sitting in the back row ,so often sit together ,sometimes the other did not arrive, another will be conscious to the seats, a long time getting to know each other .<br>Sometimes in the library or in the classroom as long as you are ,,you will always leave a space for me ,then this feeling is really very dull .You are tolerant ,,humorous ,smart ,but also likes reading ,these are all I ever dreamed of .<br>From then on ,I began to pay attention to their words and deeds ,sometimes in their own building, sentimental ,staring out of the window, the emotion ,as a breeze, such as rain ,for a long time in the heart .<br>Fast graduation ,all the students are busy for the graduation work .I have a sense of pride ,,I have participated in the examination results ,look forward to go out early ,fear of destroying my studying passion with failed .<br>I really don ,enter means to me ,but at least you expected outcome .Remember the time near the examination ,you suddenly running back said to me :work hard ,you are the best !Don let me down .<br>For me, for yourself, go to the best university .I was very touched, because you have been quietly support me ,encourage me !Since then ,I have never seen you .When I took the Division Institute of language and Literature ( ten .<br>Http://22cg/ ) the admission notice ,I want you to praise and encouragement, I miss you and I share that be not easily won .In it ,I nearly 600 days,immersed in study, sleep only 5 hours a day ,every day eats two meal ,,in order to save time ,,save money .<br>It has no meaning ,the opportunity is also gently stranded ,the admission notice also became my most precious collection but it .Later ,when we meet ,is already after 7 years, no nods ,pass, I think maybe we who will not change for whom nothing, but your blue eyes tell me :who also won who .<br>At this time, staring at the eyes of continuous rain, don know where you would like rain ?In this pure and quiet rainy night ,a warm wet emotion is filled with my whole mind ,you feel me ?Will you remember me ?Is it right? Will a person quiet silence ,silence has been our best language ,then no matter who encounter sad thing ,another will quietly to help .<br>We support each other ,in the early years ,had walked together .The rain didn what it is when to stop ,the moon came out .That the moonlight as water, through the tree branches diffuse into my window .<br>I didn ,only the pure light of the moon around me ,touch me ,,the silk thread ,the mottled grief over the heart ,really do not know where is my heart stop? Rainy night ,a person ,speechless ,silent ,quiet and calm ,not lonely .<br>I don expect to get your message ,just in this quiet night I think of you, when we had together through the years .Today I came to understand: it is a kind of unrequited love ,,is worth a lifetime -- waiting for .<br>Related articles:
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- | Welcome to SpanishDict! We are the world's largest Spanish language learning and reference website. We offer the best English to Spanish translation from the top Spanish translators and English to Spanish to English dictionaries.
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- | == European agency gives warning on Airbus instrument ==
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- | <p>BERLIN (AP) -- The European Aviation Safety Agency has issued a safety warning for an air speed sensor made by Goodrich Corp. for Airbus A330 and A340 jets,, and urged airlines to test the device.<br><br>A version of the sensor - known as a pitot - made by French company Thales SA may have contributed to the June crash of an Air France jetliner that killed 228 people during a flight from Brazil to Paris,, experts have suggested.<br><br>The emergency directive, effective from Wednesday,, said malfunctions have been reported in the pitot tubes made by Goodrich,, which is based in Charlotte,, North Carolina.<br><br>Modern jet airliners carry at least three of the L-shaped metal pitot tubes that jut from the forward fuselage. They are susceptible to blockage from water and icing.<br><br>The Cologne-based agency said their directive addresses a potential in-flight air leak that could cause incorrect pressure and airspeed readings.<br><br>While the agency said the design was sound,, it urged operators to test the devices - a relatively easy task that should not disrupt services,, agency spokeswoman Savina Zakoula said.<br><br>"There has been a limited batch of Goodrich pitot tubes which had a quality issue,," Airbus spokesman Stefan Schaffrath said. "Through the serial numbers,, the faulty pitot tubes are perfectly identified."<br><br>He could not immediately say how many airlines or aircraft might be affected,, but said the problem was "very limited."<br><br>Investigators trying to determine why the Air France A330 flight crashed into the Atlantic in June have focused on the possibility that the pitot tubes iced over and gave false speed readings to the plane's computers as it ran into a turbulent thunderstorm.相关的主题文章:
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- | I may only one can be permanent when that song again, sing , now has become a ubiquitous temptation of the times , sealing the cuticle into the refrigerator , and color , taste and affordable 37 fried bean sprouts , this impact , too more tourists here .
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- | <p><br>U.S. soldiers play computer games on a television set at the recreational hall of a U.S. military Camp Marez in Mosul,, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad January 30, 2009. </p>
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- | <p>CHICAGO (Reuters) - Adults who play a lot of action video games may be improving their eyesight,, U.S. researchers said on Sunday.<br><br>They said people who used a video-game training program saw significant improvements in their ability to notice subtle differences in shades of gray, a finding that may help people who have trouble with night driving.<br><br>"Normally, improving contrast sensitivity means getting glasses or eye surgery -- somehow changing the optics of the eye,," said Daphne Bavelier of the University of Rochester in New York, whose study appears in the journal Nature Neuroscience.<br><br>"But we've found that action video games train the brain to process the existing visual information more efficiently,, and the improvements last for months after game play stopped."<br><br>For the study,, the team divided 22 students into two groups. One group played the action games "Call of Duty 2" by Activision Blizzard Inc and Epic Games' "Unreal Tournament 2004." A second played Electronic Arts Inc's "The Sims 2,," a game they said does not require as much hand-eye coordination.<br><br>The two groups played 50 hours of their assigned games over the course of nine weeks. At the end of the training,, the action game players showed an average of 43 percent improvement in their ability to discern close shades of gray,, while the Sims players showed none.<br><br>Bavelier found very practiced action gamers became 58 percent better at perceiving fine differences in contrast.<br><br>"When people play action games,, they're changing the brain's pathway responsible for visual processing. These games push the human visual system to the limits and the brain adapts to it,," Bavelier said in a statement.<br><br>She said the findings show that action video-game training may be a useful complement to eye-correction techniques.<br><br>(Editing by Mohammad Zargham)</p>相关的主题文章:
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- | == Luxembourg unveils Golden Lady in Shanghai World Expo ==
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- | <p>05-21-2010 The country of Luxembourg has brought their national treasure to the 2010 Shanghai World Expo-- "Gelle Fra"... or in English,, "Golden Lady." The gilded bronze statue is a lady holding out a laurel wreath to pay respects to those in Luxembourg who sacrificed their lives for their country during the first World War. So,, let's stop by the Luxemborg Pavilion to see the magnificent statue.<br><br>The Golden Lady was created by Luxembourg's renowned artist Claus Cito in 1923. She stands upon a three-meter tall steel pedestal at the entrance of the Luxembourg Pavilion,, providing an up-close view for visitors who come to pay a visit.<br><br>The Golden Lady originally stood atop of the more than twenty meter tall granite obelisk of the monument at the Constitution Square of Luxembourg,, which was set up to commemorate her countrymen who perished in World War One. The monument symbolizes freedom and resistance for the Luxembourg people.<br><br>Visitor,, said,, "I've been to Luxembourg before,, but unfortunately I didn't seen the Golden Lady there. So today I especially came here to see the statue and take a picture."<br><br>The monument was pulled down by the Nazis in 1940. It was not until 1985 that an extensive restoration helped give back the original appearance of the Golden Lady to be enjoyed now by people from all over the world.</p>
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- | == 08 August 2005 ==
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- | <p>By Steve Herman ,<br>Tokyo<br>08 August 2005<br> <br>Japan Saturday (August 6) marked the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima - the first time nuclear weapons were used in warfare. The American aerial attack, followed three days later by a plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki, prompted the Japanese to surrender and ended World War II. For Japan - the only victim of nuclear war - the attacks scarred the national psyche - creating what many call a "nuclear allergy." But, six decades later Japan has become a nuclear energy nation and taboos concerning possible nuclear weapons are receding.</p><p>Each year on August 6 in the Hiroshima Peace Park at precisely 8:15 a.m.,, an invocation begins for silent prayer; followed by a tolling bell marking the exact moment an atomic weapon was dropped from above Japan's industrial city. </p><p>At Hiroshima and Nagasaki, more than 100,000 civilians were killed outright. Hundreds of thousands of survivors suffered radiation poisoning - many succumbing over the next weeks,, months or even years. </p><p>Hiroshima and Nagasaki stand as testaments to the horrors of atomic warfare and propelled a devastated Japan to become known as the Switzerland of Asia - a pacifist and strongly anti-nuclear nation. Since 1956, it has been national policy not to possess, manufacture or allow nuclear weapons in the nation. </p><p>By that time, Japan, however,, was snugly under the U.S. nuclear defense umbrella as a new ally of Washington. And that alliance included secret agreements - in defiance of Japanese policy - overtly or tacitly permitting American nuclear weapons on outlying Japanese islands or on U.S. warships in Japanese ports. </p><p>Japan went on to become a nuclear energy power, building dozens of plants to provide electricity for the resource-poor nation. </p><p>And by the 1970s, Japan was secretly examining whether it made sense to have its own nuclear weapons. </p><p>"Each time it came to the same conclusion that this was not a good option for Japan," explains Senior Research Fellow James Przystup at America's National Defense University. "Japan is a very small country that has absolutely zero strategic depth. And in a nuclear exchange that's not the kind of position you want to be in." </p><p>More recently, however, that thinking is changing. Policymakers in Tokyo are concerned about new possible threats from North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs and China's rising power. </p><p>So now the idea of creating a nuclear defense - which was taboo just a decade ago - is being debated in mainstream political,, academic and media arenas. </p><p><br>"If worse comes to worst and North Korea takes the plunge into nuclear testing,, even louder calls are likely to be made in Japan to arm ourselves with nuclear weapons as a deterrent. This cannot be ignored," says Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a member of Parliament from the opposition Democratic Party.</p><p><br>To many Asia watchers,, such as Balbina Hwang at the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington,, the North Korean question will probably be the catalyst for a possible nuclear arms race in Asia. </p><p>"If it is not managed well by the United States then, I think,, then we are in for a very dangerous future," she said. "I do see a great potential for an arms race. In the classic sense, buildup of conventional arms, but,, of course, if you add North Korea, into the mix,, now we're talking about an arms race with nuclear weapons."</p><p>Ms. Hwang says Washington is tacitly acknowledging that a nuclear-armed Japan is a possibility, dropping hints to Beijing that if it does use its influence with Pyongyang to curb it's atomic ambitions, the United States might not be able to prevent Tokyo from going nuclear.</p><p>"That, I think, is a very dangerous game to play," she said. "I think that China probably has those latent fears anyway. I don't think the United States needed to dangle it." </p><p>But some analysts believe it would take much more than a North Korean nuclear test to prompt Japan to go nuclear. </p><p><br>"I don't think that a North Korea [nuclear] test or a fully declared status would be the trigger for Japan going nuclear," says Weston Konishi, who is with the policy group, Mansfield Foundation, in Washington. "What I'm talking about is more a scenario in which the U.S.-Japan alliance starts to disintegrate. In other words, if the U.S. nuclear umbrella were to some day disappear,, then Japan would go nuclear."</p><p>All analysts agree that is not likely to happen anytime soon with the alliance between Tokyo and Washington as strong as ever.</p><p>Japan did have a nuclear weapons program once before. That was during World War II. Back then it had insufficient resources and time to make progress. These days, Japan would not face such difficulties. It has the raw materials, technology, and money to develop nuclear weapons. What is still lacking is a national consensus.</p><p>So far indications from national polls show that for the time being, most Japanese still believe that the long-standing national "nuclear allergy" will keep Japan immune from ever crossing from atomic victim to possessing its own nuclear arsenal. </p>相关的主题文章:
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- | == 000 African Union troops stationed there now. ==
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- | <p>By Meredith Buel ,<br>Washington<br>27 April 2006<br> <br>President Bush has issued an executive order freezing the economic assets of people connected to the continuing armed conflict in Sudan's Darfur region. The administration made the move as rallies are being planned across the United States to draw attention to the violence that has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced two million others.</p><p>-----------------------------------------------</p><p>In a statement, President Bush says he is taking the action, because the conflict in Darfur threatens the national security and foreign policy of the United States.</p><p>The asset freeze is being imposed on four Sudanese identified by the U.N. Security Council as being involved in organizing and carrying out atrocities in Darfur.</p><p>The president's order comes days before rallies are planned in Washington and throughout the United States to protest the three-year war in Darfur.</p><p>Celebrities such as Academy Award winning actor George Clooney are scheduled to speak at the rally.</p><p>Clooney, who just returned from a trip to the Darfur region, told reporters in Washington the world's attention needs to be focused on what he called the "first genocide of the 21st century."<br> <br>"What we cannot do is turn our heads and look away and hope that this will somehow disappear, because if we do they will disappear and an entire generation of people will be gone," said Mr. Clooney. "Then only history will be left to judge us like Rwanda,, the Balkans and Cambodia."</p><p>Joining Clooney was Senator Sam Brownback,, who has sponsored a number of bills and resolutions in the U.S. Congress regarding the conflict in Darfur.</p><p>Brownback supports a plan to send up to 20,000 United Nations peacekeepers to Darfur to replace the 7,,000 African Union troops stationed there now.</p><p>"We have got to get protection into this region,, into Sudan and Chad,," said Mr. Brownback. "We have got African Union troops, they are not enough,, they don't have enough mobility,, they don't have a broad enough mandate. We need more troops,, more mobility, a stronger mandate, in that region of Sudan and Chad."</p><p>The government in Khartoum has vehemently opposed any effort to send U.N. or NATO troops to Sudan, saying such a move would violate the country's sovereignty.</p><p>Sudan's government is accused of supporting local militias in Darfur that have massacred civilians and destroyed villages.</p><p>Actor George Clooney says international soldiers are needed to help the millions of people displaced by the fighting who are now living in squalid camps in Sudan and neighboring Chad.</p><p>"If it is simply that we can just go to these camps of two million people and put forces around them with guys with guns to keep people from killing people,," added Mr. Clooney. "The issue ultimately comes down to security, period. There are innocent people who are in harm's way in the most brutal of fashion every single day and if not NATO or the U.N. then I am not quite sure what they are there for."</p><p>Mediators are pressuring Sudan's government and rebel groups to end the fighting,, and both sides are considering a draft peace agreement designed to end the conflict.</p><p>After nearly two years of unsuccessful talks,, African Union negotiators have set next Sunday as the deadline for an agreement to be reached.</p>相关的主题文章:
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- | <p>By Al Pessin ,<br>Pentagon<br>13 January 2006<br> <br>A senior U.S. general in Iraq says the al-Qaida terrorist network in the country is in "disarray,," and that if the new government includes Sunni groups that have supported the insurgency it will go a long way toward reducing the violence that has plagued the country in recent years. The number two coalition commander in Iraq,, Lieutenant General John Vines, spoke to reporters at the Pentagon via satellite Friday,, just a few days before ending his year-long assignment.</p><p>-----------------------------------------------</p><p></p><p>General Vines says attacks will continue in Iraq,, perpetrated by groups that want to impose their views on the Iraqi people. But these days,, he says,, most of the violence does not come from al-Qaida.</p><p>"There are a fair number of indicators that tell us currently al-Qaida in Iraq is in disarray," he said.</p><p>General Vines says most of the recent wave of violence has been carried out by Iraqis.</p><p>"The indicators are that we see are not related to al-Qaida in Iraq. They are in some cases related to other terrorist groups. In some cases they're related to former regime elements and Saddamists. In some cases they're related to people who conduct violent acts for pay,," he added.</p><p>The second-ranking U.S. commander in Iraq says that makes it crucial for Iraqi politicians to negotiate a future government that includes Sunni groups. If that happens,, he says many violent groups are more likely to lay down their arms and become part of the political process, a move he says would significantly reduce the insurgency.</p><p>"We have indicators that many who we believe may have been involved in violence are seeing that they can and must reject that violence so they can be a full participant in government," he explained. "I believe it would have a very significant impact if they laid down arms and participated in a democratic process, as opposed to violence."</p><p>In the past,, U.S. commanders and officials have said that while most of the insurgent attacks in Iraq are carried out by Iraqi groups,, the largest ones are mostly carried out by al-Qaida.</p><p>General Vines says more and more ordinary Iraqis are rejecting violence, particularly in the wake of the recent national election. But he warned that some violence will likely continue,, and that future stability depends on the new government's success in making the country's various groups feel that their needs are being addressed.</p>相关的主题文章:
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- | == an eagle-like bird ==
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- | <p>By Nico Colombant <br>Abidjan<br>16 December 2005 <br><br>The head of the organizing committee for the upcoming football World Cup in Germany,, Franz Beckenbauer,, has gone on a whirlwind tour of four first-time qualified sub-Saharan countries. </p><p>---------------------------------------</p><p>There was celebration in Togo earlier this year after its national team, known as the Eperviers, an eagle-like bird, qualified for the first time in its history. Similar scenes of joyous pandemonium took place in the three other first time qualifiers,, Angola, Ghana and Ivory Coast.</p><p>Speaking to ambassadors,, football officials and journalists at the residency of the German ambassador in Abidjan, Mr. Beckenbauer congratulated the team of Ivory Coast,, known as the Elephants, for its qualification.</p><p>Thursday, he was in Ghana for similar congratulations for its team known as the Black Stars. "I think all Africans are waiting, also for them, for the Ghanaians,, for Ivory Coast, for Togo, Angola, it's the first time they are participating in the World Cup,, for them it's a new experience,," said Mr. Beckenbauer. "But you see, all the best Africans they are playing on the best teams in Europe, you see like Drogba in Chelsea, or whatever - I could mention 50 names, so it's amazing how many talents the African players have."</p><p>Didier Drogba, the star forward of the English club Chelsea is the captain of the Ivory Coast team, and a symbol of hope in Ivory Coast still divided by civil war. </p><p>A top official of the Ivory Coast federation Sory Diabate says in Africa the passion for football can sometimes take precedence over everything else. "I think it's a very important day for us,, for Cote d'Ivoire, because of the situation of our country as we've been qualified for the World Cup 2006," he said. "In Abidjan we saw what happened when we came from Khartoum, everybody celebrated this qualification." </p><p>"It's the first time for us to go to this competition," continued Mr. Diabate. "I think all the teams here, they are good teams, in the qualifiers, they did what they could to be qualified and now Brazil is top favorite, and Germany also,, Argentina,, also, but I think Spain, France, and all other teams can challenge the top favorites of this competition."</p><p>Mr. Beckenbauer has been to half of the qualified countries, and will now visit the remaining ones. The opening match for the group stage of the 32-team competition will be host,, Germany, against Costa Rica June 9, with the final one month later. </p>相关的主题文章:
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- | == 30 June 2006 ==
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- | <p>By Jim Bertel ,<br>Washington,, D.C.<br>30 June 2006<br> <br>Watch Shuttle Report <br><br>The U.S. space shuttle Discovery is set to launch to the International Space Station on Saturday, July 1, in only the second shuttle flight since the Columbia disaster three years ago. Some within the space agency NASA have raised concerns about Discovery's readiness for flight. VOA's Jim Bertel has more on the controversy surrounding Saturday's launch.</p><p>----------</p><p>It has been three years since the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated in the skies over Texas, killing the seven astronauts on board. The spacecraft was critically damaged on liftoff when a piece of foam insulation weighing less than a kilogram broke off of the external fuel tank and hit the shuttle's left wing. </p><p>Since then,, NASA has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to modify the fuel tank to prevent a similar accident from happening again. Yet last year, on the first shuttle flight since the accident,, foam debris continued to break free. After further redesign and testing,, the shuttle has been given the green light to fly again. <br><br>Shuttle program manager Wayne Hale and other NASA officials believe further improvements are needed. They say it is important to test the changes already made to the shuttle before the next round of improvements. "Every launch has its risks and elements of drama associated with it,," Hale said. "This time, as you know,, we have made significant improvements to the external tank and we know there are more improvements necessary." </p><p>NASA's chief safety officer and chief engineer initially disagreed with the decision. John Logsdon is the director of George Washington University's Space Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. "Some engineers and some of the safety people in NASA are concerned that the external tank, the source of foam that doomed Columbia, still has not been adequately redesigned and that there is a high possibility,, maybe even a probability,, over a number of missions of a piece of foam coming off that could cause damage," he said. <br><br>The two dissenting shuttle officials have since clarified their remarks saying they accept NASA's decision to launch because any foam loss would not endanger the crew. Logsdon says unlike the Columbia accident, there are now procedures in place to inspect the orbiter in space. "There is nothing that can be done during the shuttle launch in ascent if there is a foam strike,," he said. "The difference is, compared to the Columbia accident that we will know it. There are cameras everywhere." </p><p>If there is severe damage to the shuttle's heat shield tiles, the crew can stay aboard the International Space Station until a rescue shuttle arrives. Discovery astronaut Michael Fossum believes the shuttle is ready to fly. "I won't say we're perfect," he said, "but we're as good as we're going to get and you know,, it's gone great, we're really ready and it's exciting to be here within sight of the launch pad at last." <br><br>During Discovery's 12-day mission,, astronauts will practice inspection and repair techniques, perform maintenance on the space station and deliver critical supplies. The shuttle also will drop off German astronaut Thomas Reiter to expand the station crew to three for the first time since the Columbia accident. </p><p>If the mission is a success, the first of 16 additional shuttle flights to complete construction of the space station could fly as early as late August. The shuttle fleet is scheduled to be retired in 2010.</p>相关的主题文章:
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- | <p>By Steve Herman <br>Tokyo<br>05 November 2005<br><br>Japanese officials on Saturday said no breakthroughs came out of two days of direct talks with North Korea held in Beijing. The discussions were the first to be held in a year between two Asian neighbors that have never had diplomatic relations. </p><p>-----------------------------</p><p></p><p>The only thing representatives from Tokyo and Pyongyang apparently agreed on was to meet again soon.<br><br>The head of the Japanese delegation,, foreign ministry official Akitaka Saiki, says despite a lack of agreement on items of substance and some pointed exchanges,, the discussions were of value.</p><p>Mr. Saiki says the two sides, at times,, exchanged harsh words. He says he proposed to the North Koreans that the three most contentious issues be discussed separately. </p><p>Those issues include the unresolved abductions of Japanese by North Korean agents during the Cold War, and North Korea's demand that Japan atone for its early 20th century colonial rule of the Korean peninsula and make reparations payments. </p><p>The third issue involves regional security. Japan has been alarmed at North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile development. </p><p>The head of the North Korean delegation,, foreign ministry official Song Il Ho,, told reporters he also agrees that, despite the differences,, the talks were useful.</p><p><br>Mr. Song says although no agreements were reached,, he believes that both sides hope they can move in the direction of a solution. </p><p><br>North Korea has admitted abducting 13 people in the 1970's and '80's,, to help train its spies. Five of them were returned to Japan in 2002,, and Pyongyang says the other eight are dead.</p><p>Japanese families of abduction victims are calling for their government to impose economic sanctions on North Korea unless it provides more details on the deaths of the eight. </p><p>Japan is a party to the separate six-nation negotiations over North Korea's nuclear weapons programs,, which are due to resume next Wednesday in Beijing. If Pyongyang abandons those programs,, the other five parties, Japan included, have promised it security guarantees,, and economic and energy assistance.</p><p>But Japan has said it will not consider giving North Korea any aid until the abduction and nuclear issues are resolved. </p>相关的主题文章:
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- | == Indian Officials Blame 'Terrorists' for Deadly Mumbai Blasts ==
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- | <p>Kurt Achin | Thiruvananthapuram, India July 13,, 2011 - Senior Indian national security officials are turning their full attention to the country's financial capital, Mumbai, where three bomb blasts have killed at least 21 people and injured more than a hundred others. The blasts are the latest in a series of terrorist attacks that have hit the city in recent years.<br><br>The three explosions occurred within 20 minutes of each other in three separate,, crowded parts of Mumbai at a busy time of the day, between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m., local time. <br><br>No one has claimed responsibility,, but Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram says the government is assuming the blasts were "a coordinated terror attack" because of their close timing. "The entire city of Mumbai has been put on high alert. I would appeal to the people of Mumbai,, and people all over the country, to remain calm,, and maintain peace," he said.<br><br>Police believe the explosions were caused by improvised explosive devices, or IEDs. <br><br>In two of the explosions, near Mumbai's Opera House and in Dadar,, in the center of the city,, the devices were fastened to motor vehicles. <br><br>Senior Mumbai police official Madhukar Samant described the third explosion, in Zaveri Bazaar, to reporters. He says the explosion in Zaveri Bazaar took place on top of an electrical metering box above a billboard. <br><br>Mumbai was the target of other so-called "serial bombings" in 1993,, and aboard a train in 2006. In the city's most notorious terrorist attack -- which took place in November 2008 and is known here simply as "26/11", gunmen killed 166 people at hotels and other attractions.<br><br>Milind Deora, an Indian lawmaker representing South Mumbai,, told reporters that Mumbai's residents need to control their emotions. "The message I would like to give to the people through you is the same that I gave right after 26/11. People should be calm, refrain from rumor-mongering. Avoid any messages or, kind of,, sentiments of communal disharmony," he said.<br><br>The White House issued a statement just a few hours after the Mumbai explosions, condemning what it called "the outrageous attacks" and pledging "support to India’s efforts to bring the perpetrators of these terrible crimes to justice."</p>
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- | <p><br>Policemen inspect the site of a bomb explosion at Zaveri bazaar in Mumbai, India, July 13, 2011</p>相关的主题文章:
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- | == China, Mongolia Ink over 10 Agreements ==
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- | ,<p>China and Mongolia signed more than 10 agreements of cooperation at Ulan Bator Thursday during the Chinese vice president's visit to the country. <br><br>Mongolian Prime Minister Sanj Bayar and visiting Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping attended the signing ceremony following talks on bilateral relations. <br><br>The agreements include a medium-term program for trade and economic cooperation,, and deals of cooperation between the two countries' diplomacy,, military forces,, health,, forestry,, animal husbandry sectors and quality control. <br><br>The Chinese vice president arrived at Ulan Bator Thursday morning for a three-day official visit.</p>
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- | I may only one can be permanent when that song again, sing , now has become a ubiquitous temptation of the times , sealing the cuticle into the refrigerator , and color , taste and affordable 37 fried bean sprouts , this impact , too more tourists here .
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Verificar os cabos de rede, modem e roteador
Conectar-se à rede Wi-Fi novamente
Executar o Diagnóstico de Rede do Windows