AT Commando

From Gamedozer

Revision as of 16:40, 8 March 2006 by Birdman1011395 (Talk | contribs)
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An Anti-Tank Commando, or AT Commando, serves the basic Infantry role being effective against unarmoured and lightly armoured units.



General Characteristics

Move: 3 Weapons: Bazooka, Gattling Armour: Unarmoured Special commands: Capture

Unit Effectiveness=

This goes over the general effectiveness of the AT Commando's weapons and armour.


Good VS: Unarmoured, Truck, light Tank, and Sub armour.

Bad VS: Air and heavy Tank armour.

Cannot attack: 'Naval armour.


Strong VS: Nothing.

Weak VS: Gattling, Vulcan, Cannon, Rockets, and Flame weapons.

N/A: Torpedoes and Missiles weapons.

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