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Game & Watch (console series)

From Game And Watch Wiki

Revision as of 21:03, 27 November 2011 by BlindColours (Talk | contribs)
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The Game & Watch was a series of handheld consoles made by Nintendo. They are notable as one of Nintendo's very first consoles in the video game industry. Each Game & Watch featured a single game that had two versions, an "A" version, and a "B" version. Often the versions differed very slightly, such as the "B" versions being slightly harder. In addition to having video games, each Game & Watch could function as an alarm clock, thus being both "Games" and "Watches".


  • Some Game & Watche titles had battery cover stickers that could be applied to prevent babies from opening the battery cover and swallowing the batteries contained within.
  • Some Game & Watch titles have cheat codes that allow the player to start on later levels.
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