12aFTV Production Blogs ShortFilm/Eugen Shari

From Ftvprotowiki

9/03/07 - Eug - today i found a posible actor for my movie, the actor is tony levings, although the decision on the actor is not final, he is looking like a perfect fit for the role.

13/03/2007 - Shari- Today I brainstormed about my production and wrote down ideas about shooting etc.

13/03/2007 - Eug - Today I explored some titles.

15/03/07 - Eug - Today i finalised the shooting date, it will be during next week. Mr Levings has agreed to act. I have also done my opening titles.

15/03/2007 -Shari - Today I got my marks back which inspired me to think positive and get a wriggle on with my shooting. Shooting should be very soon.

20/3/2007 - Shari - Today i uploaded my footage. However I have a feeling it didn't all upload... as i experienced many problems (unexpected exits).

22/3/2007 - Shari - Today I came in at first lunch, through to the lesson then through to 2nd lunch. i still have more uploading to go.

22/3/2007 - Eug - This afternoon I am filming with Levo and Honeywill.

23/3/2007 - Shari - I have finally finished uploading! booyah! Time to start editing!! Happy days!!

23/3/2007 - Eug - Today I uploaded my movie.

27/3/2007 - Shari - Today I started a sequence.. its kinda crap at the moment.. its going to be better though!

27/3/2007 - Eug - today i finished roughly about 40 seconds of footage, i'm starting to think that maybe i might go over the 5 minute limit

29/03/2007 - Shari - Today I matched the music to the footage so it makes more sense. I came in at 1st lunch and its not 2nd lunch. Ive got about 2mins footage so far.

29/03/2007 - Eug - Today I edited my film. Not completed yet.

02/04/2007 - Shari - Today was a non existent tsunami and i stayed at school even though everyone left and worked on my ftv. This demonstrates that i am putting my ftv first, infront of my life! Also i couldn't make it on the weekend as i had other activities and assignments to attend to.

265/05/2007 - Shari- 1. My goal was met very well, however I would somehow change it so it didn't look like a documentary. 2. Isaac sitting and walking on roof ; close ups of isaacs face ; Random shots of bins, seats etc 3. Longer or better shots ; more of a 'genre film feel and less of a documentary feel 4. It started raining when I was shooting ; Getting my actor to cooperate and stand in one spot for a long period of time l to have more of a 'lonely' effect ; time shots 5. More of a story line. 6. A- , because it was an 'artful' piece that is differently approached and needs to be differently graded and looked at.

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