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From Foreignliving
ForeignLiving is a guide containing helpful information for the benefit of Pakistanis/ Muslims living in foreign countries, or preparing to do so. All the content contained herein has been provided by volunteers, and is editable by anyone. If you have any information that you would like to share, simply click on 'edit'.
- New: First-time visitor's introduction to the ForeignLiving wiki.
- Step-by-step guide for creating a new page.
- Feedback, Suggestions and Contributions: post requests here.
Country ListingClick on the country name to see details such as information for prospective visitors, current residents, students as well as city-specific and university-specific information.
Feature of the Month
A visa is a document issued by a country giving a certain individual permission to formally request entrance to the country during a given period of time. In certain countries, such as the United States, a visa simply indicates eligibility to enter the country and doesn't guarantee permission at the port of entry.
Student Resources