Creating a new page
From Foreignliving
If you plan to create a new page right away, you might want to keep this open in a separate window and refer to it after each step. As an example, imagine that you want to create a page on Timbuctoo, and add it to the list that is displayed on the main page. According to the way this wiki works: first you must create a link to the page, and then the actual page itself. Here's how:
Step 1
Go to the page that will contain the link to the new page. In our example, that would be the Main Page, and we would like to place a link for Timbuctoo. Remember to replace Timbuctoo with the actual name of the place or country you have in mind (unless it's Timbuctoo itself).
Step 2
Edit the page by clicking on the 'edit' button. In the editing interface, place the link by writing the country name inside double brackets: [[Timbuctoo]].
Step 3
Save the page. If the link you just inserted points to a missing page (one not yet created), the link will appear in red. If it appears in blue, it means a page by that name already exists, and you can just click on it to see its contents.
Step 4
If the link appears in red, it means the target page (Timbuctoo, in our example) does not yet exist. Click on it, and the message on the screen will say "You've followed a link to a page that doesn't yet exist. To create the page, start typing in the box below."
Step 5
Write out the contents of the new page. You can consult editing help if you don't remember how to make section headings or bold text etc.
Step 6
At the end, it would be nice if you enter a meaningful summary message which would help the administrators to track changes. And above all, don't forget to replace "Timbuctoo" with the real name' of the country you are trying to create a page for.
You can create new pages for additional links from your article in the same way. Have fun!