German University Rankings

From Foreignliving

Revision as of 12:49, 21 February 2006 by (Talk)


Although, rankings are a good guide to start searching for potential programs, they are not the ultimate tool to decide your academic career on. Some top class universities are not even ranked yet, for instance, TUHH. Secondly, prospective students should consult the research work, faculty, facilities, course content, etc of individual groups within universities to decide whether to apply or not. Rankings are good for Bachelors degrees. For Masters and Research degrees, the individual department and professor matters much more.

Local German rankings and global world-ranking of German Universities. Specific area not mentioned, seem like overall rankings.

Students applying to foreign universities often require the aid of some sort of ranking system to shortlist their choice of universities they would like to apply at. However, these ranking criteria are not standardised since it is not possible to unify priorities of every individual and come up with a ranking system based on a single set of priorities. Secondly, since most German universities are state sponsored and are not businesses, the general standard of education is kept under good control by the state. As a result, rankings are not well defined in Germany. The German Acedemic Exchange Service (DAAD) alongwith CHE have published a user specific ranking system which is based on the following factors:

1. Professor's tip 2. Third party funds 3. PC equipment 4. Duration of studies 5. Student opinion

Whereas each factor has its own pros and cons, the ranking system can further be customised based on individual priorities. For example, Professor's tip would be the most important factor for one whereas student opinion would be most important for another person. Furthermore, the rankings can be based on a field of study, overal university standings, rankings based on a particular city and so on thus making it impossible to come up with a single university ranking list.

The ranking is available at: [1]

World Rankings

The information was initially imported from, and may have been modified since.

Fourty (40) German Universities in Top 500 Universities of world.

  • 58 # Univ Heidelberg
  • 60 # Tech Univ Munich
  • 91 # Univ Gottingen
  • 95 # Free Univ Berlin


  • Univ Bonn
  • Univ Koln
  • Univ Freiburg
  • Univ Hamburg
  • Univ Wurzburg
  • Univ Frankfurt


  • Univ Kiel
  • Univ Mainz
  • Univ Munster
  • Univ Tuebingen
  • Ruhr Univ Bochum
  • Univ Erlangen Nurnberg
  • Univ Leipzig
  • Univ Regensburg


  • Univ Bayreuth
  • Univ Dusseldorf
  • Univ Karlsruhe


  • Tech Univ Berlin
  • Univ Bielefeld
  • Univ Greifswald
  • Univ Halle Wittenberg
  • Univ Marburg
  • Univ Ulm


  • Tech Univ Darmstadt
  • Tech Univ Dresden
  • Univ Giessen
  • Univ Jena
  • Univ Konstanz
  • Univ Saarlandes
  • Univ Stuttgart


  • Univ Bremen
  • Univ Kaiserslautern
  • Hannover Med Sch
  • Univ Dortmund
  • Univ Essen
  • Univ Hannover
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