Student Organizations

From Foreignliving

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Please add to the list below if you know of any student groups or organizations. Feel free to remove broken or obsolete links.
For a list of students who have volunteered to offer their contact information, please check the page on [[List of students]]
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* University of Calgary - [ Pakistan Students Society] contact: sspakist[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Ottawa - [ Pakistan Students Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
* University of Western Ontario - [ Pakistani Students' Association] contact: psa.uwo[[image:at_black.png]]
* York University - [ Pakistani Students Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]], psayorku[[image:at_black.png]]
* Ryerson University in Toronto - [ RyePSA] <font color=red>Broken page, will be removed unless updated.</font>
You can locate the current page under the same categories on the new site. In case of problems, email help[[image:at_black.png]]
* Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) - [ Pakistani Students Association] contact: PSA[[image:at_black.png]]RWTH-Aachen.DE
* Kaiserslautern University of Technology (TUKL) - contact: TUKL_Pakistan[[image:at_black.png]]
* Pakistani Students Organization [http://www.PakScholars.Org] contact: webmaster[[image:at_black.png]]
* Norwegian University of Science & Technology - [ Pakistan Student's Association] contact: mohammay[[image:at_black.png]]
==United Kingdom==
* Aberdeen University - [ Pakistan Society] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
* Oxford University - [ Oxford Pakistan Society] contact: committee[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Manchester - [ Pakistan Student Association] ''contact unavailable''
==United States of America==
* Columbia University - [ Organization of Pakistani Students]
* Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - [ Pakistan Students & Scholars Association]
* George Mason University - [ Pakistan Student Association]
* George Washington University - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* Georgia Institute of Technology - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* Georgia State University - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* Illinois Institute of Technology - [ Pakistan Students' Association]
* Indiana University - [ Pakistan Students' Association]
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology - [ Pakistani Students Society]
* Michigan State University - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* Mississippi State University - [ Pakistan Student Association]
* New York University - [ Pakistan Student Association]
* Ohio State University - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* Rutgers University - []
* Stanford University - [ Pakistanis at Stanford]
* Stevens Institute of Technology - [ Pakistan Student Association]
* Texas A&M University - [ Pakistan Club]
* University of Arkansas - [ Pakistan Cultural Club]
* University of Bridgeport - [ Pakistani Student Association]
* University at Buffalo - [ Pakistani Student Association]
* University of California, Los Angeles - [ Pakistan Student Association]
* University of Central Florida - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* University of Florida - [ Pakistan Students Association]
* University of Houston - [ Pakistani Literary Society]
* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - [ Pakistani Students Association]
* University of Maryland - [ Pakistani Student Association]
* University of Massachusetts, Amherst - [ Pakistan Student Association] contact: <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
* University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - [ Pakistani Students' Association] contact: psa.webadmin[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Mankato - [ Pakistan Student Association] contact: psa.mnsu[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - [ Pakistan Student Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Nebraska, Lincoln - [ Pakistan Students Association] contact: omran_malik[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Oklahoma - [ Pakistan Student Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Pennsylvania - [ Pakistan Student Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
* University of Rochester - [ Pakistani Students Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
* [[University of Texas at Austin]] - [ Pakistani Students Association (PSA)] ''contact unavailable''
* [[University of Texas at Austin]] - Pakistani Student Support Group (PSSG), contact: pssg.ut[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Texas, Arlington - [ Pakistan Students Association] contact: psa_uta[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Virginia - [ Pakistan Students' League] contact: saya[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Washington - [ Pakistan Students Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]
* University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh - [ Pakistan Students Association] ''contact unavailable''
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - [ Pakistani Students Allians] contact: paksa[[image:at_black.png]]
* Western Michigan University - [ Pakistan Student Association] contact: rso_pak[[image:at_black.png]]
* Wichita State University - [ Pakistani Students Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]
* West Virginia University - [ Pakistan Student Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
===Online Communities & Mailing Lists===
* HEC/DAAD Yahoo groups:
* SAATFASE Foundation for Advancement of Education:

Current revision as of 22:39, 16 May 2007

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