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- | Please add to the list below if you know of any student groups or organizations. Feel free to remove broken or obsolete links.
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- | For a list of students who have volunteered to offer their contact information, please check the page on [[List of students]]
| + | This wiki has moved to <font style="font-size:150%">'''http://www.foreignliving.info'''</font>. Please update your bookmarks. |
- | ==Canada==
| + | |
- | * University of Calgary - [http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~sspakist/ Pakistan Students Society] contact: sspakist[[image:at_black.png]]gmail.com
| + | |
- | * University of Ottawa - [http://www.admin.uottawa.ca/students/pakistan/ Pakistan Students Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
| + | |
- | * University of Western Ontario - [http://www.usc.uwo.ca/clubs/pakistani/ Pakistani Students' Association] contact: psa.uwo[[image:at_black.png]]gmail.com
| + | |
- | * York University - [http://www.yorku.ca/org/psf/ Pakistani Students Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]yorku.ca, psayorku[[image:at_black.png]]yahoo.com
| + | |
- | * Ryerson University in Toronto - [http://www.go.to/ryepsa RyePSA] <font color=red>Broken page, will be removed unless updated.</font>
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| | | |
- | ==Germany==
| + | You can locate the current page under the same categories on the new site. In case of problems, email help[[image:at_black.png]]foreignliving.info. |
- | * Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) - [http://www.psa.rwth-aachen.de Pakistani Students Association] contact: PSA[[image:at_black.png]]RWTH-Aachen.DE
| + | |
- | * Kaiserslautern University of Technology (TUKL) - contact: TUKL_Pakistan[[image:at_black.png]]yahoogroups.com
| + | |
| | | |
- | ==Austria==
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- | * Pakistani Students Organization [http://www.PakScholars.Org] contact: webmaster[[image:at_black.png]]pakscholars.org
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- | ==Norway==
| + | <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> |
- | * Norwegian University of Science & Technology - [http://www.stud.ntnu.no/studorg/psait/ Pakistan Student's Association] contact: mohammay[[image:at_black.png]]stud.ntnu.no
| + | |
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- | ==United Kingdom==
| + | |
- | * Aberdeen University - [http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~src048/hp/pak5.htm Pakistan Society] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
| + | |
- | * Oxford University - [http://oupaksoc.org/ Oxford Pakistan Society] contact: committee[[image:at_black.png]]oupaksoc.org
| + | |
- | * University of Manchester - [http://www.psamanchester.co.uk Pakistan Student Association] ''contact unavailable''
| + | |
- | | + | |
- | ==United States of America==
| + | |
- | * Columbia University - [http://www.columbia.edu/cu/ops/ Organization of Pakistani Students]
| + | |
- | * Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - [http://erau.db.erau.edu/~chohanm/pssa.html Pakistan Students & Scholars Association]
| + | |
- | * George Mason University - [http://www.gmu.edu/org/pakistan/ Pakistan Student Association]
| + | |
- | * George Washington University - [http://www.gwu.edu/~psa/ Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * Georgia Institute of Technology - [http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/psa/index.html Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * Georgia State University - [http://www.gsu.edu/webfs01/std/stddjp/public_html/clubs/pakistan.html Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * Illinois Institute of Technology - [http://www.iit.edu/~psa/ Pakistan Students' Association]
| + | |
- | * Indiana University - [http://php.indiana.edu/~psa Pakistan Students' Association]
| + | |
- | * Massachusetts Institute of Technology - [http://www.mit.edu/activities/paksmit/ Pakistani Students Society]
| + | |
- | * Michigan State University - [http://www.msu.edu/user/pakistan/ Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * Mississippi State University - [http://www.msstate.edu/Org/psa/ Pakistan Student Association]
| + | |
- | * New York University - [http://www.nyu.edu/clubs/pakistani/ Pakistan Student Association]
| + | |
- | * Ohio State University - [http://www.ohio-state.edu/students/psa/ Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - [http://www.rpi.edu/dept/union/paksa/ Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * Rutgers University - [http://www.psarutgers.cjb.net/ http://www.psarutgers.cjb.net/]
| + | |
- | * Stanford University - [http://www.stanford.edu/group/pakistan/ Pakistanis at Stanford]
| + | |
- | * Stevens Institute of Technology - [http://attila.stevens-tech.edu/paksa/ Pakistan Student Association]
| + | |
- | * Texas A&M University - [http://stuact.tamu.edu/stuorgs/pakistan/ Pakistan Club]
| + | |
- | * University of Arkansas - [http://comp.uark.edu/~pcc/ Pakistan Cultural Club]
| + | |
- | * University of Bridgeport - [http://www.bridgeport.edu/~ubpsa/ Pakistani Student Association]
| + | |
- | * University at Buffalo - [http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~audard/psa.html Pakistani Student Association]
| + | |
- | * University of California, Los Angeles - [http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~psa/ Pakistan Student Association]
| + | |
- | * University of Central Florida - [http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~psa/ Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * University of Florida - [http://grove.ufl.edu/~pakistan/ Pakistan Students Association]
| + | |
- | * University of Houston - [http://www.uh.edu/pls/ Pakistani Literary Society]
| + | |
- | * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - [https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ro/www/PakistaniStudentsAssociation/home.htm Pakistani Students Association]
| + | |
- | * University of Maryland - [http://www.inform.umd.edu/Student/Campus_Activities/StudentOrg/psa/ Pakistani Student Association]
| + | |
- | * University of Massachusetts, Amherst - [http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~saba/psa.html Pakistan Student Association] contact: <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
| + | |
- | * University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - [http://www.umich.edu/~pakistan/ Pakistani Students' Association] contact: psa.webadmin[[image:at_black.png]]umich.edu
| + | |
- | * University of Mankato - [http://krypton.mnsu.edu/~psa/main.html Pakistan Student Association] contact: psa.mnsu[[image:at_black.png]]gmail.com
| + | |
- | * University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - [http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/g049/pisa/ Pakistan Student Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]umn.edu
| + | |
- | * University of Nebraska, Lincoln - [http://www.unl.edu/pakistan/mainpage.html Pakistan Students Association] contact: omran_malik[[image:at_black.png]]hotmail.com
| + | |
- | * University of Oklahoma - [http://www.ou.edu/student/psa/ Pakistan Student Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]ouwww.ou.edu
| + | |
- | * University of Pennsylvania - [http://futures.wharton.upenn.edu/~niaz00/psa.html Pakistan Student Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
| + | |
- | * University of Rochester - [http://www.cif.rochester.edu/sa-org/psa/ Pakistani Students Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
| + | |
- | * [[University of Texas at Austin]] - [http://studentorgs.utexas.edu/paksa/ Pakistani Students Association (PSA)] ''contact unavailable''
| + | |
- | * [[University of Texas at Austin]] - Pakistani Student Support Group (PSSG), contact: pssg.ut[[image:at_black.png]]gmail.com
| + | |
- | * University of Texas, Arlington - [http://www.uta.edu/student_orgs/psa/ Pakistan Students Association] contact: psa_uta[[image:at_black.png]]yahoo.com
| + | |
- | * University of Virginia - [http://scs.student.virginia.edu/~pakistan/ Pakistan Students' League] contact: saya[[image:at_black.png]]virginia.edu
| + | |
- | * University of Washington - [http://students.washington.edu/psa/ Pakistan Students Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]u.washington.edu
| + | |
- | * University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh - [http://www.uwosh.edu/organizations/PSA/ Pakistan Students Association] ''contact unavailable''
| + | |
- | * Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - [http://www.paksa.org.vt.edu/ Pakistani Students Allians] contact: paksa[[image:at_black.png]]vt.edu
| + | |
- | * Western Michigan University - [http://www.rso.wmich.edu/psa/ Pakistan Student Association] contact: rso_pak[[image:at_black.png]]wmich.edu
| + | |
- | * Wichita State University - [http://webs.wichita.edu/psa Pakistani Students Association] contact: psa[[image:at_black.png]]wichita.edu
| + | |
- | * West Virginia University - [http://www.wvu.edu/~sos/orgs/pakistan.htm Pakistan Student Association] <font color=red>Broken link, will be removed unless updated.</font>
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- | ==Other==
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- | ===Online Communities & Mailing Lists===
| + | |
- | * HEC/DAAD Yahoo groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hec_overseas
| + | |
- | * SAATFASE Foundation for Advancement of Education: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SAATFASE/
| + | |
You can locate the current page under the same categories on the new site. In case of problems, email help