Company-specific Interviews

From Foreignliving

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If to compress a string you are using something of this sort that for a string "ggggjjjklluttttttt" --> 4g3jk2lu7t. Write an algorithm for this? What will happen if the string contains digits. How to counter that?
If to compress a string you are using something of this sort that for a string "ggggjjjklluttttttt" --> 4g3jk2lu7t. Write an algorithm for this? What will happen if the string contains digits. How to counter that?
How does exception handling work in java?
'''Selection Process'''
'''Selection Process'''

Revision as of 12:56, 23 March 2007

This page contains company-specific interview questions and advice. For general advice on how to prepare for interviews and what to expect, see the article on Interview questions.

Note to contributors: The section below can contain information about the interview process at various companies, such as how many interviews do they hold, what to expect during screening interviews and on-site interviews etc.



Make a class to represent a deck of cards. Write an algorithm to shuffle the deck and distribute amongst 4 players.

An array has only duplicates but one non-duplicate. For example [2 2 5 5 6 7 7]. How would you detect the non-duplicate. Give an O(n^2),O(nLog(n)) and O(n) solution. What if we XOR them all together?

You have a million web-pages with links linking each other. You initially have n pages. You have to scan all the million pages just once and tell how many times each page has been linked?

Find out the prime number just below n. Optimize the algorithm.

Swap two integers without using external memory.

Write efficient code to tell if a number is a power of 2.

Write a single statement to tell if a number is even, (without using the mod function).

Difference between a linked list and an array? Pros and Cons of each?

Write code to find an element in a binary tree? Now insert s new element.

What is the complexity of an insertion in a tree, heap, array and a hash table?

How does a hash table work?

Give examples of some hash functions?

Whenever a user visits a webpage, we get that visitor's IP and date of visit. We have a list of the IP and date of visit. You need to find the number of unique visitors that have visited the website on two or more different days. Given an O(n) solution with minimum storage. How much storage is required?

An array has numbers of ranging between 0 and 1000. The array size is n. Write an O(n) algorithm to sort them.

What does it mean by function inlining?

What is polymorphism?

What is virtual and pure virtual and what is the use?

You have a string of characters. You have to compress them. How would you do that?

If to compress a string you are using something of this sort that for a string "ggggjjjklluttttttt" --> 4g3jk2lu7t. Write an algorithm for this? What will happen if the string contains digits. How to counter that?

How does exception handling work in java?

Selection Process

  • 90 minute screening interview
  • ...


Questions taken from Myke's page. Some answers on this page

Phone Screen

  1. What is dead lock, how can you make one?
  2. What is shared memory? How it works
  3. What in inline function? Which functions cannot be inlined?
  4. List the disadvantages of Multiple Inheriteance.
  5. Questions about stack and heap.


  1. What when a process, what is its address space lay out? (data area, stack, heap, process information, environment variables)
  2. How the OS load and execute files ( load process,set up space, to virtual memeory)
  3. How compiler works, e.g. cc hello.c
  4. What’s the difference between hello.o, hello.exe and hello.dll
  5. differences between Pipe and Socket
  6. Interprocess communications in Unix, list several that you know.
  7. What is firewall
  8. Design patterns and give examples how you use them in your work
  9. In what situation could Garbage Collection fail?
  10. strncpy vs memcpy
  11. compare Array and Linked list; compare doubly linked-list and singly-linked list
  12. List all the possible scopes for variable in C or C++, list as much as you can.
  13. What does it mean if your read from socket returns 0?
  14. When you try to pass an SQL value into a C++ string, what you should do first? (Set the string to 0 because SQL string doesn’t have null terminate)
  15. Write a function to remove spaces in a string
  16. write function to print out the third level nodes in a tree.
  17. Which language do you prefer, C# or C++?
  18. List the difference between C# and C++
  19. List the Difference between Java and C++
  20. Talking about Java Clone()
  21. XML schema and different ways to do it
  22. What do u do if you add new features to a software, what will u do before put the feature into release?
  23. If you have a directory of hundreds of files, .c, txt or other type which is left by the previous employee. What do you do with it?
  24. Why do u want to work here
  25. what do you think you can contribute if we hire you


How do you think orkut keeps track of your friends lists. ANS: Using graphs.

How do you find the shortest path in your friends list to some one. ANS: Use dijkstra. You actually have to tell them how dijkstra works.

Selection Process

  • Initial screening interview either at your university campus or via telephone.


From the Microsoft website (

Once your recruiter has had a chance to review your resume and gotten to know you a little better through brief chats or e-mail, they may wish to schedule an initial interview with you. These interviews are very casual and are usually held over the phone or on your campus. They are intended only to give us a general idea of your skills and interests and are usually not for specific open positions or teams.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Be prepared to discuss your strengths, expertise, and any experience or previous jobs that appear on your resume.
  • If you're interested in one of our core technology positions-Software Design Engineer, Software Design Engineer in Test, or Program Manager-you may be asked some general problem-solving, design, or algorithm questions.
  • If your passions run to other disciplines such as sales, finance, or user assistance, be prepared to answer general questions in your field.
  • Ask your own questions. After all, this isn't just about Microsoft learning about you, but you learning about us, too.

Selection Process

  • 30 min screening interview either at your university campus or via telephone.
  • subsequent interviews take place at Microsoft campus


Interview tips from Schlumberger's website

Get to know Schlumberger
Learn as much as possible about our company by reading the latest press releases. Then, you can ask our recruiters informed questions.

Prepare for your first Schlumberger interview
Remember, we've been there. We know how uncomfortable interviewing can be, especially when someone is going into details about your resume or application. Relax, and you'll do just fine.

We're trying to get to know you better, so we'll need your help. Be sure to express your strengths and skills clearly. You'll also want to explain the areas you feel you need to develop. Don't be afraid to share that with us. We can provide extensive training so if you've got a soft area or two, we can help you strengthen those areas.

First interviews usually last about an hour. Second interviews usually last all day.

During the interview
Listen well. Pay attention to the questions asked and make sure you give concise answers.

Be honest. Nobody's going to ask you if you have 20 years of experience. We know you're just graduating from school. Simply emphasize your strong points for our benefit.

Be direct, confident, and comfortable. If you don't understand a question, ask to have it repeated.


  • For internships, there are three phone-screens before the final decision is taken (can last from 30 to 60 minutes).
  • Detailed questions about projects listed on your resume.
  • How would you solve ...<some problem specific to the group you are being interviewed for> (check the vmware website for their various groups.
  • Showing enthusiasm for vmware is a must, especially for internships. Download vmware workstation (free trial available) and use it a bit ahead of time.
  • Brush up operating systems knowledge, be ready to answer questions related to threads and processes.
  • Programming questions: mostly about the programming language of your choice. Not coding questions, but questions like "If a C library calls a C++ function, what do you need to check?". Also algorithmic questions where apparently the focus is not your problem-solving ability, rather your technical knowledge, i.e. whether you are familiar with standard ways of handling a situation.


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