Sweden: Education

From Foreignliving

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[http://chalmersnyheter.chalmers.se/Article.jsp?article=7771 Chalmers University].
[http://chalmersnyheter.chalmers.se/Article.jsp?article=7771 Chalmers University].
[http://www.lth.se/english/about/vacant_positions/ Lund University].
[http://www.kau.se/eng/vacancies/index.lasso Karlstad University].
[http://jobb.ki.se/external/general/starteng.asp Karolinska Institutet].
[http://www.su.se/pub/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=1131 Stockholm University].
[http://www.hik.se/english/ Kalmar University].
[http://www.personalavd.uu.se/ledigaplatser/engindex.html Uppsala University].
[http://www.kth.se/eng/news/vacancies/ KTH]

Revision as of 17:44, 28 October 2006

PhD Studentships:

Doctoral studentships are frequently announced by the Universities in Sweden. Most of these are open to international candidates and application can generally be made through email. The most commonly required documents include a motivation letter, CV and names of three referees.

Following are the links to the "Vacancy" Pages of the major universities in Sweden:

Chalmers University. Lund University. Karlstad University. Karolinska Institutet. Stockholm University. Kalmar University. Uppsala University. KTH

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