
From Foreignliving

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'''ForeignLiving''' is a guide that aims to contain helpful information for the benefit of Pakistanis/Muslims who are living in foreign countries or are preparing to leave for such places. All information contained herein has been contributed by volunteers and is editable by anyone -- including '''you'''. If you are an expatriate, have traveled to other countries, or simply have information that others may find helpful, just click on '''edit''' to make changes.
'''Sticky links:'''
This wiki has moved to <font style="font-size:150%">'''http://www.foreignliving.info'''</font>. Please update your bookmarks.
* First-time visitor's introduction to the [[foreignliving:About|ForeignLiving wiki]].
* [[Beginner's guide to editing | Beginner's guide to editing this website]]
* <b><font color=darkred>NEW: </font></b>Love it? Hate it? Need help? Email [mailto:foreignliving.wiki@gmail.com foreignliving.wiki@gmail.com]
You can locate the current page under the same categories on the new site. In case of problems, email help[[image:at_black.png]]foreignliving.info.
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Country Listing
<font style="font-size:90%">
Click on the country name to see details such as information for
<b>prospective visitors</b>, <b>current residents</b>, <b>students</b> as well
as <b>city-specific</b> and <b>university-specific</b> information.
* <b>[[Australia:Contents | Australia]]</b>
* [[Austria:Contents | Austria]] <font style="font-size:80%">(contributions needed!)</font>
* [[China:Contents | China]] <font style="font-size:80%">(contributions needed!)</font>
* [[Finland:Contents | Finland]] <font style="font-size:80%">(contributions needed!)</font>
* [[France:Contents | France]] <font style="font-size:80%">(contributions needed!)</font>
* <b>[[Germany:Contents | Germany]]</b>
* [[Sweden:Contents | Sweden]] <font style="font-size:80%">(contributions needed!)</font>
* <b>[[South Korea:Contents | South Korea]]</b>
* [[United Kingdom:Contents|United Kingdom]] <font style="font-size:80%">(contributions needed!)</font>
* <b>[[USA:Contents | USA]]</b>
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Feature of the Month - February 2007 ([[Feature of the Month|archive]])</h2>
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Each month a particular topic is highlighted. The topic below is expected to grow into a full article through the course of the current month, with input from people like you. Feel free to edit the complete article with any information you may have.
====GRE - Graduate Record Examination ====
GRE is a standardized test administered by ETS that measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills that have been acquired over a long period of time. It is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in English speaking countries. [[GRE | This article]] contains test information, advice from people who have already taken the test, and links to preparation materials and sample tests. You can also post your own questions, or add information that you feel is missing.
''To read more or to make changes, please go to the '''[[GRE | Complete Article]]''' ''
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Student Resources</h2>
* [[List of Students]]
* [[Student_Organizations | Student Groups & Organizations]]
* [[Student_Resources#Scholarships | Scholarships]]
* [[Standardized Tests]]
* [[Student_Resources#Frequently Asked Questions | Frequently Asked Questions]]
* [[How to be an effective TA | TAship advice]]
* [[Student_Resources#Useful Links | Useful Links]]
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'''New pages''' created during January 2007
* [[Donations]]
* [[United_Kingdom:_Current_Residents | Living in UK ]]
* [[Beginner's guide to editing | Beginner's guide to editing this website]]
* [[Driving License]]
* [[Student Organizations]]
* [[Standardized Tests]] ([[GRE]], [[TOEFL]], [[IELTS]])
* [[How to be an effective TA]]
* [[IELTS]]
* [[Lübeck]] (Germany)
More recent new pages:
* Pakistani [[Weblinks]]

Current revision as of 07:56, 16 May 2007

This wiki has moved to http://www.foreignliving.info. Please update your bookmarks.

You can locate the current page under the same categories on the new site. In case of problems, email helpimage:at_black.pngforeignliving.info.

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