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(Use cases van 22/02)
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*Assign PC
*Assign PC
{| align="center" width="800" border="2" cellpadding="5"
! colspan="2"| Create Conference Use Case
| Use Case
| Create Conference
| Scope
| Conference chair system
| Level
| User-goal
| Primary Actor
| Conference Organizing Chair (COC)
| Stakeholders and Interest:
| The Organizer wants to create a conference so that Researchers may start submitting their papers and so that Candidate Workshop Organisers can submit workshop proposals.
The Researchers need conferences to submit their papers to.
The Candidate Workshop Organisers need conferences to submit their workshop proposals.
| Preconditions
| Organizer is identified and authenticated. (based on his affiliation?)
| Succes Guarantee
| A new conference is created with given submission, notification,
final and conference dates, as well as a list of keywords its associ-
ated with and a textual description. Also a Program Commitee Chair and Workshop Commitee is assigned
| Main Succes Scenario:
# Organizer tells System to create new conference.
# Systems prompts organizer for a submission date
# Organizer inputs the submission date.
# System checks whether the date is valid and then prompts the organizer for a notification date.
# Organizer inputs the notification date.
# System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the submission date. Then it prompts the organizer for a final submission date.
# Organizer inputs the final date.
# System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the notification date. Then it prompts the organizer for the conference dates.
# Organizer inputs the conference date(s).
# System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the final submission date. Then it prompts the organizer for keywords relevant to the conference.
# Organizer inputs a list of keywords that is relevant to the conference.
# System checks the keywords and if they are valid, prompts the organizer to input a description of the conference
# Organizer inputs a description of the conference.
# System checks the description and if valid asks for a Program Commitee Chair.
# Organizer selects a Program Commitee Chair
# System checks the selected person and if valid asks for a Workshop Commitee.
# Organizer assigns a Workshop Commitee.
# System checks the chosen Commitee and if it is valid continues.
# System creates new conference with given input values.
| Extensions
4a) Organizer inputs incorrect submission date. System asks Organizer to input correct submission date.
6a) Organizer inputs incorrect notification date. System asks Organizer to input correct noti�cation date.
8a) Organizer input incorrect final date. System asks Organizer to input correct final date.
10a) Organizer inputs incorrect conference date(s). System asks Organizer to input correct conference date(s).
12a) Organizer inputs incorrect Program Commitee Chair. System asks Organizer to input correct Program Commitee Chair.
14a) Organizer inputs incorrect Workshop Commitee. System asks Organizer to input correct Workshop Commitee.
*Provide Info
*Provide Info
*Review Paper (PC-Member ook)
*Review Paper (PC-Member ook)

Revision as of 16:38, 25 February 2008



  • Vrijdag 22/02/08 10:35
  • Maandag 25/02/08 11:00


  • COC:
    • Maakt conference (datums + topics).
    • Assigns PCC + WSC.
    • Informeert PCC en WSC hoeveel slots voor papers resp. workshops er zijn.
  • PCC:
    • Assigns PC's.
    • Review schrijvenals slechts 1 of geen PC dat doet voor een paper.
    • Bepaalt review date.
    • Call for papers description (??).
  • PC:
    • Read paper.
    • Review + rate paper.
    • Geeft voorkeur aan papers.
  • WSC:
    • Eigen PCC.
    • Eigen call for papers.
    • GEEN subconferences.

Use cases

  • COC:
    • Conference maken: echt alles, van datums tot PCC en WSC.
  • PCC:
    • Assign PC's.
    • Select papers (when rated).
  • PC member:
    • Review paper (read + rate).
    • Voorkeurtopics selecteren (veto topics?).
  • Author:
    • Paper indienen.
  • WS:
    • Workshop application indienen.
    • Select workshop.
    • Affiliatie opgeven.

Use cases van 22/02


Create Conference Use Case
Use Case Create Conference
Scope Conference chair system
Level User-goal
Primary Actor Conference Organizing Chair (COC)
Stakeholders and Interest: The Organizer wants to create a conference so that Researchers may start submitting their papers and so that Candidate Workshop Organisers can submit workshop proposals.

The Researchers need conferences to submit their papers to. The Candidate Workshop Organisers need conferences to submit their workshop proposals.

Preconditions Organizer is identified and authenticated. (based on his affiliation?)
Succes Guarantee A new conference is created with given submission, notification,

final and conference dates, as well as a list of keywords its associ- ated with and a textual description. Also a Program Commitee Chair and Workshop Commitee is assigned

Main Succes Scenario:
  1. Organizer tells System to create new conference.
  2. Systems prompts organizer for a submission date
  3. Organizer inputs the submission date.
  4. System checks whether the date is valid and then prompts the organizer for a notification date.
  5. Organizer inputs the notification date.
  6. System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the submission date. Then it prompts the organizer for a final submission date.
  7. Organizer inputs the final date.
  8. System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the notification date. Then it prompts the organizer for the conference dates.
  9. Organizer inputs the conference date(s).
  10. System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the final submission date. Then it prompts the organizer for keywords relevant to the conference.
  11. Organizer inputs a list of keywords that is relevant to the conference.
  12. System checks the keywords and if they are valid, prompts the organizer to input a description of the conference
  13. Organizer inputs a description of the conference.
  14. System checks the description and if valid asks for a Program Commitee Chair.
  15. Organizer selects a Program Commitee Chair
  16. System checks the selected person and if valid asks for a Workshop Commitee.
  17. Organizer assigns a Workshop Commitee.
  18. System checks the chosen Commitee and if it is valid continues.
  19. System creates new conference with given input values.

4a) Organizer inputs incorrect submission date. System asks Organizer to input correct submission date.

6a) Organizer inputs incorrect notification date. System asks Organizer to input correct noti�cation date.

8a) Organizer input incorrect final date. System asks Organizer to input correct final date.

10a) Organizer inputs incorrect conference date(s). System asks Organizer to input correct conference date(s).

12a) Organizer inputs incorrect Program Commitee Chair. System asks Organizer to input correct Program Commitee Chair.

14a) Organizer inputs incorrect Workshop Commitee. System asks Organizer to input correct Workshop Commitee.

  • Modify Conference
  • Cancel Conference


  • Assign PC
Create Conference Use Case
Use Case Create Conference
Scope Conference chair system
Level User-goal
Primary Actor Conference Organizing Chair (COC)
Stakeholders and Interest: The Organizer wants to create a conference so that Researchers may start submitting their papers and so that Candidate Workshop Organisers can submit workshop proposals.

The Researchers need conferences to submit their papers to. The Candidate Workshop Organisers need conferences to submit their workshop proposals.

Preconditions Organizer is identified and authenticated. (based on his affiliation?)
Succes Guarantee A new conference is created with given submission, notification,

final and conference dates, as well as a list of keywords its associ- ated with and a textual description. Also a Program Commitee Chair and Workshop Commitee is assigned

Main Succes Scenario:
  1. Organizer tells System to create new conference.
  2. Systems prompts organizer for a submission date
  3. Organizer inputs the submission date.
  4. System checks whether the date is valid and then prompts the organizer for a notification date.
  5. Organizer inputs the notification date.
  6. System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the submission date. Then it prompts the organizer for a final submission date.
  7. Organizer inputs the final date.
  8. System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the notification date. Then it prompts the organizer for the conference dates.
  9. Organizer inputs the conference date(s).
  10. System checks whether the date is valid and lies after the final submission date. Then it prompts the organizer for keywords relevant to the conference.
  11. Organizer inputs a list of keywords that is relevant to the conference.
  12. System checks the keywords and if they are valid, prompts the organizer to input a description of the conference
  13. Organizer inputs a description of the conference.
  14. System checks the description and if valid asks for a Program Commitee Chair.
  15. Organizer selects a Program Commitee Chair
  16. System checks the selected person and if valid asks for a Workshop Commitee.
  17. Organizer assigns a Workshop Commitee.
  18. System checks the chosen Commitee and if it is valid continues.
  19. System creates new conference with given input values.

4a) Organizer inputs incorrect submission date. System asks Organizer to input correct submission date.

6a) Organizer inputs incorrect notification date. System asks Organizer to input correct noti�cation date.

8a) Organizer input incorrect final date. System asks Organizer to input correct final date.

10a) Organizer inputs incorrect conference date(s). System asks Organizer to input correct conference date(s).

12a) Organizer inputs incorrect Program Commitee Chair. System asks Organizer to input correct Program Commitee Chair.

14a) Organizer inputs incorrect Workshop Commitee. System asks Organizer to input correct Workshop Commitee.

  • Provide Info
  • Review Paper (PC-Member ook)
  • Wijs papers toe
  • Download Paper (PC-Member ook)
  • Check Papers
  • Select Paper


  • Give Preference
  • Give Affiliation


  • Review Workshop
  • Call for Workshop
  • etc.... (Zie iteratie 1 over Organizer)


  • Submit Workshop Proposal
  • etc.... (Zie iteratie 1 over Researcher)

Domain Model van 22/02

Hier downloaden

Cedric zegt dat de reden waarom zou 2.54 hadden op dit is omdat ze ook constraints in domain model hadden gezet. Ze kregen er bonuspunten voor. Dus letterlijk een concept class "SubmitNotification" en andere deadlines en shit, en de onderlinge relaties ertussen zoals "Komt voor" enzo.

Hij zegt zelf dat onze domain model ongeveer zo ingewikkeld is nu als die van hun toen.

Dus het wordt toch tijd om wat dingen te herzien.

Domain Model van 25/02

Hier downloaden

Vragen voor klant

  • Is er een deadline dat de PCC een lijst van PCC's kan opstellen?
  • PCC: call for papers description. Moet dit automatisch gedaan worden of moet dit expliciet gedaan worden door de coc.
  • Hoe de COC conference aanmaken use case aanpakken.
  • Affiliation: wat bedoelen ze daarmee? Algemeen, specifiek. Organisatie?
  • Veto topics?
  • Cancel conference, nodig voor jou? Wat zijn de gevolgen?
  • Moet je de pcc en wsc kunnen veranderen als coc?
  • Is het nuttig om sub-usecases te gebruiken voor de grote use cases (ook voor hergebruik)?
  • Is het goed als een use-case twee dingen bevat die te maken hebben met andere gebruikers (hetgeen wel lichtjes gekoppeld is).
  • Als er minder work shops of papers zijn dan aangegeven door de coc, wat gebeurd dan. Worden alle ingegeven papers dan geaccepteerd of wordt de conference gecancelled.
  • Wat is nu een workshop: die bevat blijkbaar zelf ook nog papers... Er is dan wsl de mogelijkheid om een call for papers te doen voor die workshop (subconference-style) of de wso kan zijn vooraf gekozen papers gebruiken (self-organised). Wat doe je als je het zelf organiseerd, houdt dit dan ook nog in dat er papers zijn of mag je dan een eigen invulling geven (praktische dingen, tentoonstelling, god weet wa)
  • Datums van een workshop vallen binnen de tijdsframe van de conference, ze hebben dus minder tijd om hun workshop in te vullen (de call for papers van een workshop zal impliciet korter zijn als die van de conference). Worden workshops en papers tegelijk ge-evalueerd dan blijft er voor voorgaande fenomeen weinig tijd over, als ze apart (vroeger) worden geselecteerd, heeft de wso nog wat meer tijd
  • Een COC kan meerdere conferences organizeren, waarbij elk conference een of geen workshop commitee heeft. De COC stelt ook meerdere WSC aan voor de verschillende conferences die hij organiseert. Het probleem is nu dat we in het domain model niet kunnen opleggen dat hij enkel WSC's kan aanstellen voor conferences die hij zelf organiseert. (Er is immers een link <COC 1 - * WSC>)
  • In domain model: Nuttig om een evaluation te modelleren die het gemiddelde geeft van reports?

Glossary of Terms

  • Schedule: Kan zowel verband hebben met submission, notification date etc... of met het aantal slots dat in een conference zelf past. Wij kiezen het eerste.

Nuttige Links


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