The Evil Stickman
From Floppy Disk Toons Wiki
Nate and the gang get attacked by an evil stickman. They all fight him, and all die. Later, X050 kills him.
Cast (In order of appearence): Nate, Stickman, Gavin, Connor,
{Nate is walking on the sidewalk, in front of his house. He turns his head and the camera pans over to a stickman, who is walking. The stickman stops, and turns his head to see Nate. He frowns. The stickman jumps up and lands on the sidewalk where Nate is.}
NATE: Um, I don't really wanna...
{The stickman punches Nate in the face, knocking him down.}
NATE: Dude, don't kill me!
{Cut to Nate, who has just been thrown by the stickman}
GAVIN: Feed those dang plants!
CONNOR: No way, man!
{Connor is kicked through the roof of the house.}
CONNOR: Ow, my butt hurts...Why couldn't they just kick me out the door? Wait a second,{more soon}
Fun Facts
-Death isn't fun.
External Links
I like internal ones more if you know what I mean ;)