
From Flight From Darkness

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Character Summary

Minos is a young man of around 17 years of age. He is utterly unprepossessing and average in appearance, but valued amongst the mortal SRTC for his knowledge, skill, and dexterity; it often falls to him to enact repairs where other mortals cannot reach- after all, one cannot simply wait for one of the Anathema to become available, true? He came aboard at Lookshy, but unlike most of the crew from there he does not associate with the Last Legion.

Perhaps more unusual, even four years ago he did not associate with the Urchins, or turn to Sis for comfort.


At 170cm and just a bit under seventy kilos Minos is just a bit smaller than average. He has the dark brown hair and pale skin common to many of the SRTC and SRSC crew, and his compact body is built for stamina and flexibility rather than strength. While his agility is prized, his knowledge and competency at maintaining and jury-rigging systems is considered even more important to the SRTCs mission; he's also talented at marksmanship and piloting craft, both large and small.


While he came from Lookshy, Minos speaks with a something akin to a Blessed Isle accent that has spent over half a decade getting trained out of him. While he does not advertise the circumstances and nature of his past, he will readily admit to being one of the survivors of house Tepet.


None as yet

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