Talk:Main Page

From Flexerrorcodes

1037 : Packages cannot be Nested.

dunno how to solve it I just try to import a package but it dosn't work :/
including of the *.as file gives a 1037
while import gives a 1172

1172 : Definition [nameofpackage] could not be found.

and I did set the classpath
yep removed the .as extension of the file seems to work now :))

Error is somewhat deceiving This seems to occur when referencing an ActionScript file in a <mx:Script source=... construct. The error is deceiving because when you click on it in eclipse IDE it brings you inside the code where-as the problem is really on how you are referencing the underlying class/function in the MXML.

Instead <mx:Script> <![CDATA[

   import yourpackage.FooBar;
   var foobar:FooBar  = new FooBar ();

]]> </mx:Script>

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