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  • art2copygt2.jpg
  • Name: Nyvillain20yrold
  • Registration Date: October 16, 2002
  • Alias(es): Nyvillain16yrold, NY17, NY18, NY19
  • Origin: nobodysmiling.com
  • Styles: Keystyling, Text Battling, Emceeing
  • Years Active: 2002-Present
  • Profile: http://www.nobodysmiling.com/forum/member.php?userid=448
  • Hip Hop Influences: Papoose

Nyvillain20yrold (registered October 16, 2002), is without a doubt the greatest text battler to ever grace the Freestyle Lyrics And Battle Section of nobodysmiling.com, his very name becoming synonymous with dominance. Gifted with skill, no other battler has even come close to rivaling his longevity, as he still stands as one of the top FLaB battlers after five long years.

After reigning supreme on NBS, the Villain would go onto to other sites and he would dominate, becoming a recognized, respected, and even feared name on nearly every text site on the net. Far more than simply an NBS legend, the Villain is easily one of the greatest to ever have graced the net. And even in all of his greatness, the Villain is remembered as one of the most humble people to have ever battled, taking losses in stride and never boasting over victories.

The Villain has had an enormous impact on text battling, an impact that is seen is the battle styles of today’s veterans. Known for his witty, multi-syllabic wordplay connected with solid metaphors and similes to create hard hitting punches, his style has been often imitated, but never duplicated.

One cannot talk about NBS Battling without mentioning the Villain, and through that truth, one can obviously see that his unrivaled prowess has left a mark on text battling. A mark that is so deep and encompassing that his legacy will live on for as long as text battling exists.


Although well renown across the web for his prowess as a battler, the Villain did more than just that, he was a strong keystylist as well. Two of his better known pieces are:

[the real story of the nyvillain]

[Proper Goodbye]

Battle Record, Awards And Achievements

Battle Record: 120 Wins - 100 Knockouts - 70 Losses

  • This record is factually inaccurate, but it is a reasonable representation of where the Villain stood as a battler considering that the site's records had been accidentally wiped clean twice.
  • Veteran (Heavyweight) Championship
  • Tag Team Championship (With Novade)
  • Crew Crowns Championship
  • 4 Hall Of Fame Battles: Nyvillain vs fr0zen I, Nyvillain vs fr0zen II, Nyvillain vs Knuxx, Nyvillain vs Lazarus
  • The First Member To be Enshrined In The Freestyle Lyrics And Battles section Hall Of Fame.

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