
From Fio

Revision as of 14:42, 17 September 2006 by (Talk)

"Like a bridge over troubled water..." - Simon and Garfunkel

still in ctoring


Lua Binder

Fio use Lua as scripting language to implement the game logic which include(in a broad sense):

  • UI design and switching
  • event handler
  • combat scheduler
  • npc behavior

All the logics/policies are build on the mechanims carried out by c++ classes which will do the real work of rendering, timing, event dispatching etc. This seperation is to make the game fully data driven - thru scripting the logic itself is taken as data which can be easily modified without the re-compile-link of the mechanism part(or the engine).

Lua has provided a bunch of APIs for "the host program to communicate with Lua". To call function from lua into c++, we have to:

  • extract the arguments from lua stack;
  • check the argument/return value type;
  • call c++ function;
  • push the return value onto lua stack;
  • take care the return value's life time.

thru Lua APIs.

As the number of classes need to be embedded into lua increases, these routine work will be a burden to write and maintain for each function call. There're quite a few binders out there to make the embedding easier. In Fio we implement a home brew binder - LuaUtil as a bridge between c++ and lua world.( Not-Invented-Here Syndrome? no, it's just for better understanding of scripting and faster compiling speed)

Quick Tour

The Lua Application Program Interface

Construct An Object

  • normal
  • lightweight

Method Invoking

  • method wrap

from lua into c++

  • traits
  • Overload

from c++ into lua


Type Checking


Destruct & Object Lifetime in the 2 Worlds


  • const
  • panic
  • utility functions
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