Nood Database

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Official Nood Bumps

CN Logo Bug colors

  • Marathon: Yellow
  • Premiere: Pink
  • New Episode: Green


  • A white Nood with headphones turns yellow (the official Thunderdog video has a green variant)
  • A red Nood walks by other blank Noods, turning them red
  • A red Nood pounds the ground, making the ground red
  • A green Nood is skateboarding down a half-pipe, makes a land on the CN logo and turns it green
  • A skateboarding Nood grinds on a color bar, turning into various colors
  • A skydiving Nood falls through various colored hoops, turning into different colors
  • A white Nood comes in front of the CN logo and color bar and paints the screen black and then leaves, leaving a parental advisory card (signoff bump)
  • A Nood skips on top of a color bar, turning different colors
  • A Nood runs through a color bar, changing colors
  • A Nood in front of a color bar pushes along the edge of the screen. The screen moves and the Nood falls down. It gets back up and runs offscreen (between shows)
  • A blue and red Nood DJs spin their turntables turning the CN logo into their color until it fills up purple
  • A green bubble chases and apprehends a blank Nood
  • A blue Nood spins his colors onto the CN logo
  • A regular Nood kung-fu fights a yellow Nood, turning the CN logo yellow.
  • A Nood skates down a ramp
  • An assorted color of Noods (purple, pink, yellow, exe.) are standing in a line. The Nood in the back trips and falls, causing a domino affect and all of the Noods colors fly out and onto the CN logo.
  • A Nood karate chops a color bar
  • AS/CN sign-on transition: Various Noods set up the scene from the sign-off transition
  • Hampster Wheel (Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange)
  • A nood approaches a color bar and presses on the purple color of the bar and turns purple, the nood falls in a trap door, then re-appears.
  • the nood this time presses green, then all the color bar blocks colapse, then the nood slowly backs up.
  • The nood approaches the bar and touches a red block, and turns red.
  • It has a Nood touching the blue color bar, and getting hammered down into the ground by the bar.


  • Chowder and Flapjack bump into each other, changing each other's colors (except for the hats)
  • A blank Nood looks through a dresser throwing away color bubbles, turning other Noods into characters, and the first one into Flapjack
  • Bubbie splashes white "water" on Flapjack, Panini, and Heather on a dock with Heather mad (with the top of her head white), Panini frowning and bowing, and Flapjack jumping for joy
  • Ben (AF ver.) runs through several color bars, turning into different characters, until stopping to take a breath as Chowder
  • A Nood is turned into a different character by a color bar moving up and down, with the color bar staying in the middle, letting the Nood's two halves walk in opposite directions
  • Chowder gets a Grapple stuck to his face, and while trying to shake it off, messes up everyone's colors. There is a continuation of this with another Nood changing back the colors and Chowder getting the Grapple off
  • Chowder gets his Thrice Cream all over a running Flapjack
  • Zak tries to aid Swampfire in punching a DNAlien but gets their colors mixed up. There's a continuation of this with Zak slowly walking away
  • Gwen (Original Series) and Gwen (Alien Force) stare at each other in puzzlement. Gwen (from TDI) strolls by
  • Various male characters do the wave.
  • Various female characters do the wave.
  • Various villains do the wave.
  • Flapjack throws a color ball at a nood, changing it into a DNAlien, he throws another one, changing it into 8-Armed Willy, he throws another one, changing Willy into K'nuckles. Flapjack gets excited.
  • Chowder throws a blob at the nood, changing it into Slinkman, throws another one, Slinkman changes into Chef Hatchet, Chowder throws another blob, Chef changes into Panini. She winks at Chowder, Chowder gets dissapointed.
  • Johnny Test throws a blob at a nood, changing it into Skunk, Johnny throws another one, Skunk changes into Ape, Johnny throws another blob at Ape, changing him into Mary. Mary throws a blob at Johnny, changing him into Susan.
  • Ben (Alien Force version) throws a blob at a nood, changing it into Truffles, Ben throws another blob at the nood, changing it into Gwen (TDI), Ben throws another blob at the nood, changing it into Alien Force Gwen. Both run toward the screen.
  • Gwen, a DNAlien, 8-Armed Willy, and Ape dance. Ape is dancing like the dancing blue Nood, but when Ape does a head-spin, his colors don't come off.
  • Chris, Fiskerton, Rabbit, and George dancing (See last Bump)
  • Zak, Panini, Raj, and Swampfire dancing. (See last Bump)
  • Panini and a DNAlien doing a Tug of War, Panini pulls the DNAlien to the CN logo, the colors end up on the logo.

Johnny Test

  • Variant of the bump with the blue Nood runs through a color bar, changing red, but this is a Johnny Test version. It has Johnny running through a color bar, changing into Dukey.
  • Susan deejaying, Mary dancing around, Dukey tapping his foot and spinning, and Johnny rocks out.
  • A blank Nood zaps another Nood with a ray gun, turning into Johnny, the other Nood does the same
  • Johnny is repeatedly shocked by a blue color bubble, so much so that his colors fly into the CN logo
  • Susan and Mary put Johnny and Dukey into a magnet machine taking their colors and dropping them into the CN logo
  • Johnny and Dukey are in a rocket car. The car goes so fast, it leaves their colors behind and lets them float into the CN logo
  • Johnny plays with colored test tubes
  • A missile explodes, coloring in the characters
  • Apparently there's a bumper with colors orbiting the characters
  • They use a color hula hoop, that turns Johnny into his sister, then Dukey, and back into Johnny.

George of the Jungle

  • George is swinging on vines until hitting the CN logo, making him lose his color into the CN logo (except his hair)
  • A blank Nood is running away from George's various colors, eventually being turned into George
  • Sheph drinks out of a blue puddle, spraying a blue bubble out, narrowly missing George and turning the CN logo blue
  • George is on a supermarket conveyor belt with a lot of bananas, checking his shopping list
  • Ape drops a banana peel and George slips on it.
  • It has color bubbles going into Tooki and a naked George, wearing a fig leaf. Tooki gives an embarrassed George his clothes.
  • A Lion deejays, Ape rocks out, Tookie's spinning, and George shakes it around
  • George's colors orbit around a nood, then jump into the nood, changing it into George.


  • Chowder is on a supermarket conveyor belt with various half-eaten fruit
  • Chowder eats a Grapple, getting a green stain along his face
  • Chowder sniffs some sort of... potion... thing with Mung Daal. Chowder gets this euphoric expression on his face, but then sneezes his colors into the CN logo
  • A Kimchi bubble passes through Chowder, Schnitzel, Truffles, Mung Daal, and the CN logo, turning them all green and disgusted
  • Truffles feeds Chowder flibber-flabber and he throws it up
  • A blank Nood eats a Chowder color bar, becoming Chowder
  • Schnitzel gets caught in a giant mixer, spinning his colors into the CN logo
  • A blank Nood mops up Schnitzel's colors, becoming Schnitzel
  • It features Kimchi, along with Chowder color blobs flying around a nood, then the Chowder colors float into the nood, becoming Chowder.
  • Shnitzel deejays, Truffles twists around, Panini shakes around and dances, and Chowder rocks out.


  • K'nuckles and Flapjack are both holding candy-colored bubbles. K'nuckles eats his, while Flapjack's just gets absorbed into his shirt
  • K'nuckles is on a supermarket conveyor belt with various empty bottles of maple syrup. This is then followed by Flapjack, with a singular piece of candy
  • Flapjack is standing next to Eight-Armed Willy. Eight-Armed Willy punches him, making his body colors go into the CN logo
  • Flapjack and K'nuckles are swimming in a pool, letting their clothes colors come off. K'nuckles leaves the pool without his clothes colors. Embarrassed, he gets back in the pool
  • Flapjack exits the pool without clothes, but then comes back inside but can't seem to get back his clothes
  • A Nood drinks a bottle of maple syrup, becoming K'nuckles
  • Color bubbles orbit Flapjack and K'nuckles
  • Flapjack and K'nuckles burp out each other's colors
  • Flapjack chases down a peppermint nood
  • Flapjack Color blobs, jump into the nood, transforming it into Flapjack. Flapjack raises arms up high.

Ben 10: Alien Force

  • Kevin absorbs a chrome bubble
  • Ben walks away from a live action landscape with "ALIEN SIGHTINGS" signs
  • Ben uses the Omnitrix to turn into Swampfire
  • Gwen uses her powers to fight a DNAlien
  • Ben turns into Humongosaur and fights a Forever Knight
  • Echo Echo multiplies and releases a sonic boom


  • Chef serves several Noods with TDI character's colors
  • A bear scares Trent, Gwen, and DJ in the woods, making Trent's colors go into the CN logo
  • Noods play dodgeball, with the losing team being hit with balls of the TDI characters
  • Heather, Harold, and DJ play paintball in the woods
  • DJ skydiving and gradually losing all his colors.
  • It has Cody flirting with Gwen, and getting a black eye.
  • DJ goes parachuting and gradually loses his colors
  • DJ is deejaying music, Trent, Cody, and Heather are dancing, screen switches to the white CN logo.
  • a nood jumps around on a color bar, changing various TDI characters.
  • Chris's color blobs orbit around a nood, then land into the nood, changing it into Chris.

Chop Socky Chooks

  • Chick P beats up several monkeys
  • KO Joe's hair turns rainbow
  • Chuckie Chan meditates

Camp Lazlo

  • Lamar (the leech from the first episode) sucks the color out of Lazlo
  • Raj gets scared by a snake and loses his color
  • Jane Doe blows a kiss to Lumpus and his face turns red
  • Slinkman and Lumpus go fishing. Lumpus is mad that Slinkman gets a bigger fish

Star Wars (Space BG)

  • Yoda uses the force to bring up the CN Logo.
  • Yoda uses the force to yank the colors out of an attacking General Grievous.
  • Two Nood-sabers (one red and the other blue) run toward each other and end up colliding into the CN logo.
  • Count Dooku tries to attack Anaikin, but his colors come off. General Grievous runs away after seeing this happen.
  • Grievous and Obi Wan (I think) run through a color bar turning into Ventress and Anikan who run through anouther color bar changing into C3-P0 and Ahsoka. C3-P0 freaks out.
  • Two Noods are pushing a C3-P0 color blob towards each other with the force, not wanting to become the droid. Eventually one loses, becomes C3-P0 and waddles away.

Halloween (Night BG)

  • A vampire Nood looks at his reflection in the mirror. Walking away, his reflection comes out of the mirror. Seeing that he doesn't have a reflection, he gets sad.
  • A Chowder Nood bobs for apples and gets one. A Flapjack Nood does the same. A Zak Nood, seeing this, gives it a try and ends up having his face get washed off.
  • A regular Nood runs through a graveyard, while zombie Nood hands come out of the ground to grab him.
  • A normal Nood is standing over a cauldron, he drinks what's inside of it, and he turns into a giant glowing green Nood and goes stomping around.
  • The same glowing green Nood is chasing all the small Noods.
  • A bunch of Nood zombies come out of the ground in a pumpkin patch and approach the camera.
  • It has Flapjack decorating a Jack-o-Lantern Nood.
  • It had a Schnitzel Nood being scared by a Chowder Nood (with a mask), then a Mung Nood comes with a mask and it scares a Chowder Nood, who hitrs the CN logo to purple.

X-Mas (Ice BG)

  • a nood slides on a multi-colored ramp and absorbing each color with a Snowboard.
  • a Nood is skiing
  • a Nood is playing hockey
  • Panini Gets Chowder as a present, Snitzel gets his revenge
  • There are two igloos, one with a red flag and one with a blue flag on top. A red nood comes out of the red igloo and goes over to capure the blue flag. He picks it up and celebrates until he gets hit by a snowball and his colors fly into the CN logo.


  • It has two orange Noods on a boat parodying the infamous "flying" scene from Titanic, with one of them stopping, leaning on the side, and throwing up.
  • A Nood running away from a brown boulder, Indiana Jones style, then getting run over and getting brown on him.
  • It has a a blue Nood playing tetherball and getting the blue knocked out of him.
  • a Nood trying to dodge green colorbubbles in Matrix bullet-time.

Secret Saturdays

  • Zak uses The Claw to pull C and N together forming the CN logo. Zak shoots claw and swings away.
  • Doc is under a Zak color blob, and we see a blan Nood run up to Doc who lifts up towards it. Nood absorbs colors turning into Zak.

Coming Up Next

  • Chowder (Chowder)
  • Flapjack (Flapjack)
  • Total Drama Island (Chris)
  • Johnny Test (Johnny)
  • Tom And Jerry (Jerry)
  • Scooby-Doo and spinoffs (Scooby-Doo)
  • The Secret Saturdays (Zak)
  • Ben 10 (Younger Ben)
  • Ben 10: Alien Force (Older Ben)
  • Bakugan (Dan)
  • Robotboy (Robotboy)
  • Goosebumps (Slimy green Nood with a "G" on it)
  • Transformers Animated (Optimus Prime)
  • Pokemon (Pikachu)
  • Naruto (Naruto)
  • Billy And Mandy (Grim)
  • Camp Lazlo (Lazlo)
  • Foster's Home (Bloo)
  • Chop Socky Chooks (Chuckie Chan)
  • Mr. Men Show (Mr. Grumpy)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Yoda)
  • 6teen (Jude)

Unofficial Nood Bumps

Bug Bumps

  • TOM and a Anakin Nood Are having a Lightsaber Duel near a CN Logo with Yoda's Colors (Coming Up Next: Clone Wars)
  • TOM and the King Are having a Lightsaber Duel on a Screen Showing Clips from a Clone Wars Episode (Coming Up Next: YAH: Clone Wars)
  • a Jude Nood and TOM are Skating around the Screen as a Ron the Rent-A-Cop Nood Pushes the CN Logo causing the Jude Nood to Crash on it, Causing it to absorb it's Colors (Coming Up Next: 6teen)
  • A AF Ben Nood and a Original Series Ben Nood Look at Eachother near a CN Logo with Either Gwen's Colors (Coming Up Next: Ben 10/Ben 10: Ailen Force)
  • A Hydranoid Nood and a Drago Nood walk up to each other near a CN Logo with Dan's Colors, The Drago Nood Punches The Hydranoid nood causing it's Colors to Fly into the Doom Dimention (Coming Up Next: Bakugan)
  • TOM and a Flapjack Nood Walk to Eachother to find that TOM's Trick-Or-Treat Bag is Full of Rocks and Flapjack's has Candy! (Coming Up Next: Goosebumps)
  • A Zak Nood Uses the Kur Stone to Awaken a Criptid Nood (Coming Up Next: The Secret Saturdays)
  • A Zak Nood Uses the Kur Stone to Awaken...The King? (Coming Up Next: YAH: The Secret Saturdays)


  • King Nood is Racing a TOM Nood into Space, King Nood wins by Default due to his landing meanwhile Mr. & Mrs. Flick cover their children's eyes from bad-role-model Action Nood. A nice way to tie up all the blocks.
  • (Opening 2)The screen is dark, with a bright light coming over the horizon. You see a bunch of Noods running around when it becomes apparent that this bright light is coming from the rising CN logo. All goes dark when the logo gets into the middle of the sky. A random Nood says "1, 2, 3, 4!". And they a Noodfied version of the CCF theme begins to play. You see a bunch of character Noods running around and hanging out, while clips of CN shows play in the background. Two Noods are followed as they run through a cluster of floating TV screens showing CN shows. They jump up and slide on the color bar, and skid to a stop. They both pull a lever and the CN logo pops out of the wall. As the song ends, everything else fades away, with the logo becoming larger. And announcer then says "Cartoon Network...Screwy, ain't it?!". A Nood comes up from behind the logo and waves to the audience.
  • (Closing 2) the Teenager nood along with all the little kids walk off screen, leaving the parents to watch Adult swim.
  • (Disclaimer) The Little Kid Noods walk off screen.


  • One nood turns into 10 year old Ben and another turns into AF Ben. AF Ben notices and he slaps younger Ben at the back of his head, knocking the colors out which the CN logo absorbs.
  • Naruto and Harold are fighting. Harold takes out his nunchucks and accidentally hits himself, where his colors get knocked out and lands on the CN logo.
  • A Doc Nood is walking along while Ben nood in alien form jumps in front of him and the Doc Nood chases after Ben.
  • A Zak nood runs into a Ben Nood in alien form and tries to control Ben but it does not work.
  • Three Noods are painting. Gorgonzola, General Grievous, and 8-Armed Willy push their faces in the canvas, turning them into Chowder, Ahsoka, and Flapjack.
  • A Plank Nood walks over to a Skunk Nood. The Skunk Nood gets a mischievous look on his face and kicks the Plank Nood in half. Plank's colors absorb a CN logo.
  • An Anakin, KO Joe, and Ben (AF) Nood walk together until a color bar trips them and they fall. When they fall, their colors bounce off of them and into the air. While in the air, we see an Ahsoka, Chick P and Gwen (AF) shaking their heads in a *tisktisk* fashion. Ben's colors absorbs the CN logo.
  • A Mung Daal Nood, a K'Nuckles Nood and a Panda (Skunk Fu!) Nood look at a Chowder Nood, a Flapjack Nood, and a Skunk Nood in shame. The Chowder, Flapjack and Skunk Nood are fooling around while this is happening (You see, it's master and apprentice, get it?).
  • An Argost Nood and a DNAlien Nood creep up towards a Ben and a Zak Nood. The Ben Nood and the Zak Nood hold up their weapons (Ben hold up Omnitrix/Zak holds up the Claw). The Argost and the DNAlien Nood run away in fear and into the CN logo. The DNAlien's colors absorb it.
  • A Dukey (Johhny Test) Nood looks at a Tom (Tom and Jerry) Nood pass by. Meanwhile, we see a Scooby-Doo Nood look at Tom walk by too. Dukey and Scooby-Doo both get a mischievous look on their faces. They both charge after the Tom Nood. As the camera zooms out from Tom, we see that he is standing on top of the CN logo. The Dukey and Scooby-Doo Nood charge into the CN logo at the same time, turning it brown.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

  • Droid noods runing at a Yoda nood and the Yoda Nood force pushs them back releasing thier color on the CN logo.


  • A blank Nood is jumping and leaping on rocks, jumping into Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke color balls, and running smack into the CN logo, giving it Sasuke's colors.
  • A Naruto Nood is practicing throwing kunai knives and nearly hits a Sakura Nood. Sakura then starts chasing Naruto and pans to the CN logo. A smacking sound is heard and Naruto's colors float onscreen and into the logo.
  • Sakura angrily punches Naruto, and his clothes come off, then paint the CN Logo.
  • Naruto does his Shadow Clone Jutsu, and follows up with the Rasengan
  • Sakura jumps into the air, and punches into the ground.
  • An army of Shadow Clone Narutos run towards the camera.
  • A blank nood eats ramen, and ends up becoming Naruto Uzumaki.

The Secret Saturdays

  • Argost sends a Cryptid to attack Doc, when the it turns on him and throws him into the CN Logo. The logo absorbs the colors.
  • Zak claws a cryptid were it drags him into the CN Logo. The Logo absorbs the logo.
  • Zak Saturday and a bunch of cryptids and then V.V. Argost comes up, then the crytids eyes turn yellow, then V.V. Argost starts running and his colors go into the CN logo
  • Drew Saturday activates her fire sword and runs up and attacks Van Rook, whose colors go into the logo.
  • Komodo comes up and takes a bite out of CN logo, then leaves.
  • Doc Saturday is working in the lab when Komodo knocks him into the CN logo, which absorbs his colors.
  • Zak is watching Weird World when Fiskerton comes up and surprises him, causing Zak's colors to go into the CN logo.
  • Zon is flying around when, avoiding a tree, she crashes into the CN logo.
  • You see Doc and Zak Saturday making a snowman (it's just a plain whit nood with Tophat, a carrot nose, and of course coal for eyes. They are putting the finishing touches on the snowman when the Drew Saturday Nood takes out her fire sword and points it at the snowman. It melts and the colors run in as it melts revealing Fiskerton standing there wearing the top hat (The Coal eyes and Carrot nose just fall to the ground..

You Are Here

  • King Nood jumps out of a speeder ship and does a flip out of the ship and lands on his feet. King then brushes off his shoulders. {Inbetween Shows}
  • King Nood flips out of a ship and ignites a golden lightsaber. {Now Back To Star Wars: The Clone Wars}
  • He is speeding away from some cryptids, when he turns around and captures them with a net, then leans against a TV screen {Now back to the Secret Saturdays}.
  • He jumps out of a high platform and lands on the ground kneeling. He then loks up, activates a golden lightsaber, and speeds away, past a TV screen {Now back to Star Wars: The Clone Wars}.
  • The King puts on a golden Omnitrix and slams it down, transforming into a Jetray nood, which flies off, past a floating TV screen {Now back to Ben 10: Alien Force}.
  • The King Nood stands, looking around in golden mist. He then runs and punches an enemy Nood in the face. After fighting a few more, he jumps up on top of a TV screen behind him {Now back to Batman: The Brave and the Bold}.
  • King Nood and Action Nood lightsaber battleing with TOM. The king has a gold saber and Action has purple while TOM Has a Double Edged Blue Saber. The lightsabers switch off and colors go to the logo. {Star Wars: The Clone Wars will continue in a Moment}


  • A reenactment of the Gwen diary scene (Heather reading Gwen's diary). A white nood in the crowd blushes, Gwen's face slowly appearing.
  • Leshawna slaps Heather, making her colors go to the CN logo.
  • A Chris Nood hands an Owen Nood a marshmallow. The Owen Nood eats the marshmallow. The Owen Nood sticks his rear end toward Chris and lets out a fart. The fart takes Chris' colors off of him and into the CN logo.


  • A Jude Nood (Hey, that ryhmes!) is skateboarding until a Ron the Rent-a-Cop Nood trips him. The Jude Nood goes flying into the air and into the CN logo, which absorbs his colors.
  • A Caitlin Nood gives a Wyatt Nood a cup of lemonade. The Wyatt Nood drinks it and turns yellow.


  • A Pikachu nood walking around then get hit by a Pokeball. The colors go into the pokeball and bounces towards the CN logo which then absorbs the colors.

Ed, Edd n' Eddy

  • the characters are running in their usual style with Eddy in the lead. Eddy stops close to almost bumping into the CN logo. Ed and Edd crashes into him, and Eddy's colors gets absorbed into the logo.
  • Eddy is runing from Sarah when he slams into the CN logo absorbing his colors.

Tom And Jerry

  • Tom chases after Jerry, but he disappears in a little mouse hole in the color bar.
  • Tom is chasing Jerry around and then out of the blue, Spike appears and punches Tom, sending his colors flying which gets absorbed in the CN logo.

X-Mas (Ice BG)

  • A regular Nood is walking in the snow. The camera only shows him from the torso up. In the middle of walking, he stops and turns yellow
  • A yellow Nood is walking through the snow, when he stops and his yellow color goes on the snow. He runs the other way and ends up getting run over by a giant snowball.
  • Two Noods have a snowball fight. The snowballs splatter Zak and Flapjack's colors on them.
  • A bunch of Noods are skating on the ice. A K'nuckles Nood (with Flapjack nearby) is just able to gain balance and stands proudly, then falls through the ice and comes back up as a block of ice with Flapjack laughing.
  • You see Doc and Zak Saturday making a snowman (it's just a plain whit nood with Tophat, a carrot nose, and of course coal for eyes. They are putting the finishing touches on the snowman when the Drew Saturday Nood takes out her fire sword and points it at the snowman. It melts and the colors run in as it melts revealing Fiskerton standing there wearing the top hat (The Coal eyes and Carrot nose just fall to the ground..

Billy and Mandy

  • billy goes up to mandy, and mandy punches him, causing his colors to fly into the logo.


  • A Goku nood fighting a Vageta nood while kid Trunks sneaks in back of Vageta startles him and Goku punchs him and his colors fly to a CN logo
  • Chowder eating a sensu bean, then turning into Super Saiyan Goku, then Goku Spirit Bombs, resulting in light blue and blue colors on the CN logo


  • Chowder swallows a fruit whole, but starts choking. Schnitzel comes along, sees Chowder coughing like crazy, then starts hitting Chowder on the back repeatedly. Chowder coughs up the apple, and his colors, which splatter on the CN logo.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

  • A Batman Nood and a Plastic Man Nood are walking. The Plastic Man Nood stretches his hand to grab two color bars, one on each side of him. The Plastic Man Nood slingshots him and Batman into the CN logo. Batman's colors get absorbed.
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