Zeo World Gems

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Revision as of 01:05, 7 November 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
  • Ice Blue. Strenthens Ice Ability. Used By Raycom(Super Raycom) and Hosokawa
  • Gold. Strenthens Thunder Ability. Used By Zatch(Super Zatch) and Kyo
  • Yellow. Strenthens Drive Ability. Used By Sora(Super Sora)
  • Sky Blue. Strenthens Wind Ability. Used By Hyde(Super Hyde) and Eido
  • Orange. Strenthens Water Ability. Used By Penny(Super Penny) and Uri
  • Red. Strenthens Sheild Ability. Used By Tia(Super Tia) And Megumi
  • Pink. Strenthens Blade Ability. Used By Kolulu(Super Kolulu) And Lori
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