Early Civilizations

From Fantasy Novel

The Ten Great Ancient Kingdoms

Each of these came into prominance and dominance at different times, though some overlapped in beginnings and ends. These ten kingdoms are allegories for the ten greatest world empires of earth.

Also play with these models

  • Antarctica - Ice kingdom or the Czars of Russia
  • South America - Inca/Aztec/Maya
  • North America - United States
  • Europe - England/France/Germany (Constantine - HRE)
  • Asia - China
  • Africa - Egypt
  • Australia - Aborigines
  • ROME - Path of its empire
  • GREECE - Greco civilizations
  • RUSSIA - Russian great empire

But, in general, using ancient Rome (Caesar), ancient Greece (Alexander), Mongols/China with Ghengis Kahn, Napoleon, Hitler, Constantine (uniting the disorganized principalities after the fall of Rome and prevelence of the barbarians in the dark ages - make this man mirror that, springing from the destruction of the allegory for rome as well), perhaps the British Empire (naval colonial force) and any others of historical note.

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