
From Fantasy Novel

Several ideas on how to do this, but I think I like the idea of a figure like Apocalypse [1] being the main protagonist. He would have several advantages over the modern hero - ancient knowledge and long life for example - an ability to use his power to its most developed abilities, etc. I think I'd love for him to have that same deep booming voice, spoken slowly and with a fear inspiring timber that he had in the cartoons.

Best part though, is that he isn't a god or something supernatural - he was simply a human who achieved the ability to use the current first and so on and so forth. Mirror the evolution of Apocalypse - that of a human transcending his life.

Other options are making him more or less a doppelganger of the hero. He could start out as an evil dictator, or a military general on an expansionist plan, or just somebody in general who is somebody he'd have to fight in the first place. Then, after some kind of conflict where the hero fights and defeats him, he is left with all the abilities, qualities and knowledge of the hero, basically meaning he knows more about him that the hero even knows about himself. The model of this character is Agent Smith from the Matrix... could also be analogist to the relationship between Harry Potter and Voldemort (only in reverse, as the immensely evil character marks the hero and gives HIM his powers). This could very well be a main plot point that I can build the story around.

Leave open the possibility (especially with an apocalypse type character) that the Spark in heroes bloodline that will be activated when evil avatar emerges.

Also possible to build into Arcayne's character (again, especially if it is an Apocalypse type character) - the dark avatar isn't somebody who was just given gifts and became the avatar - he actually obtains an object (similar to the triforce of power) that transforms him into such a thing. This perhaps makes him immortal and allows for him to still be there (possibly sealed away) while the other two peices of the puzzle pass their control of the power they possess down through their descendants somehow).

Bringing it all together

You know, the more I think of it - perhaps the "Dark Avatar" is what is described as the heroes doppleganger... but he serves a dark and powerful master, which is the apocalypse character. In that respect, then the Dark Avatar is actually the antagonist I suppose, but the main force driving his actions is the apocalypse character. I suppose it is akin to the Dark One and Ishmael - but instead of the Dark One being the source of all evil - he is simply a mega powerful force.

Arcayne can identify himself with Attero, who is the god associated with destruction and death, etc.

Lets say that the Dark Avatar's name is Raiden.

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