Wil Bergeron

From Fantasy Novel

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This character follows roughly the life of Gambit from XMen. He should be treated the same way - he should be picked up in the story as a mysterious, rougish, cavalier, rebellious outsider that was a somewhat recent addition to "the team" (perhaps picked up on the team in the time between books... perhaps between book 2 and 3 or something). Little will be known of him, but his backstory will become a central part of the series. Especially intriguing will be him being established as "a good guy" with a somewhat maverick streak, but a book or two into his presence in the series, it will be hinted that he has a dark and disturbing past - likely by an adversary who knows about his past and takes joy in needling him about it, causing the team-mates to question him and doubt his purity. It is important to make sure that something redeeming was indeed in the "act of horror" - such as Gambit saving the girl during the massacre... hell, even use that same bit of story. He will have the same "nobody knows his past" characteristic about him that Gambit does.


[edit] Birth

[edit] Youth in the Theives Guild

[edit] Uncontrollable Power

His use of the current was such that would have completely burned him up

[edit] Role in Massacre

[edit] Joining the Team

[edit] The Assassin in the future

[edit] Revelation of his past, becoming outcast from the team

[edit] Corruption by evil

[edit] Stripping of his power

[edit] Renewal

[edit] Style, Powers and Talents

Fights with a bo staff, smooth, charasmatic, witty, sarcastic and intelligent.

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