Third Trilogy Novel 1
From Fantasy Novel
- The first, called the Light World, is the ordinary Hyrule where Link grew up with his uncle. The second is what was once the Sacred Realm, but became the Dark World when Ganon acquired the Triforce. The Dark World is a corrupted version of Hyrule; the water is a dark, unpleasant color, the grass is dead, skulls replace rocks, and trees have faces. People change forms in the Dark World based on their nature; without an item to prevent it, Link turns into a pink rabbit. Each location in the Light World corresponds to a similar location in the Dark World, usually with a similar physical structure but an opposite nature (e.g. a desert in the Light World corresponds to a swamp in the Dark World). - Then, remember the part about the trees. Remember how almost horrifying and mysterious, chilling and odd it was when you first went into the dark world, and you saw the twisted figures it had. Remember the loneliness of the mountaintop, the darkness everywhere - how everyone and everything was perverted, twisted, imprisoned... but not in a gothic/gross way... not cult horror. We're talking large world, twisted reality kind of theme here, not sick/gothic horror. I'm looking for mystery and bizare worlds here... quiet whisper of wind, odd colors, creatures... etc. It seemed as though you could always hear a bare wind whistling by - things are almost quiet (a quiet of fear and depression) as the huddled masses are terrified of the twisted world they inhabit.
- Agahnim is a mysterious wizard who arrived at the Hyrule Kingdom not long before the beginning of the game. Although his motives were at first unclear, he gained favorable reputation with the royal family by ridding them of a number of problems plaguing their kingdom using unknown magic. He later developed an interest in the wise men who sealed away the mythical Golden Land ages before, and realized that once this land was found, he could have all of its power for himself. He then placed a spell on the knights of the land, putting them under his direct control, and ordered them to find the descendants of these sages of lore, one of which is Princess Zelda herself. After murdering her father, King Hyrule, Agahnim is holding Zelda in the dungeon of Hyrule Castle, awaiting the time when she will be sent to the Dark World. Before he can complete the task, however, Link rescues her and stashes her away at Sanctuary, but as he is out seeking the Master Sword to vanquish the evil that Agahnim embodies, Agahnim's soldiers manage to capture Zelda again. Link arrives at the room Agahnim is using to do his work just in time to watch, unable to do anything, as Zelda is teleported to the Dark World. Though Link defeats him in a battle thereafter, Agahnim manages to escape to the Dark World himself. Eventually Link returns to challenge him again at the top of Ganon's Tower, defeating him again. Link then learns that Ganon is the true enemy, and that Ganon was merely possessing Agahnim to avoid suspicion. Agahnim is knocked out/off by Ganon when Link defeats Agahnim the second time, and he rises as a bat from Agahnim's crumpled figure, and Agahnim is not seen again in this installment.
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