The Current

From Fantasy Novel

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The current is the dynamic energy force that permeates our existence.  It is the collection of three flows of power converging and flowing together.  The Deia Adon, Attero and Aeta have each channeled their individual power and will through their own flows, and together have formed the current as a means to create and maintain the universe.  It is only through the power of all three that we are created, sustained and die.  This energy can be harnessed by living creatures, if their mind is quiet enough to hear the flow of the current through them.
Has to do with life.
The reason things are "alive" is because of the power.
==Nature of the Current==
[[Image: The Current.JPG|300px|thumb|right|Visual depiction of the current.  On the left is the true path of each of the gods currents themselves - showing an eternal flow.  On the right you see how they come together - with the black area in the center representing the convergence of all three currents, creating our universe.  Since each gods power flows through individual currents, it is possible to access the current in its component forms.]]
Each Deia has a different type of energy.  Adon's is centered in order, perfection, creation and similar concepts.  His power centers around creation, healing, building, growing and preserving.  Attero's power is such that is used to destroy, wound, kill, and cease.  Aeta's essence is based in its nature of manipulating time and reality, to direct and bring balance to things.  
When living creatures discover how to tap into that invisible power, they can use it.
These three energies alone are unable to sustain our universe.  Thus the three Deia converged their powers to create our reality.  In so doing, they merged their individual flows of energy together at a focal point - that focal point is what we consider to be '''the current''', as its joined energy flows through everything in our universe like the current of a river.  So, in essence, the universe IS the current itself made manifest.  
As there were two creators of the universe (Creator and Destroyer), two differing forms of energy permiate the universe.
Thus, the power that flows through us is an amalgamation of all three powers, each a part of the whole, but not the whole itself.  When a living being within the universe is able to hear the flows of the current and use them, he or she is directing the combined power of the gods.
In short, since the power of each god was used to create the unvierse, everything that was created is connected to them. The power used flows THROUGH everything in the universe - it is what binds all of creation together.
It is, however, possible to direct the energies of each individual Deia if one is able to find a way to access their flows of energy that are not united with the others.
Without the flow of that power and those energies the universe would disintegrate, life would extinguish, matter would lose cohesion and all in our universe would cease to exist.
==Usage of the Current==
The important note about the current is that for basically everyone who uses it - it isn't some all powerful, "can do anything you want, anytime" type of power.  We have to make it difficult, limited, and with certain inabilities.  In other words, perhaps the use of the current to become hidden is more like a chameleon, and less like "the invisible man".  Regardless, try to make it so I do not have "walking gods" walking around the world.
As a result of the power flowing through everything in the universe, all beings in the universe who are sentient (in other words, able to reason, decide, are self aware, etc) are able to access that power. Think of all living beings as being "pilot lights" - having a very small spark that gives them life and is always running/on. If a person knows how to "turn on" the flow of the power through them, and increase the feed, they are able to use it - thus "lighting" the power in themselves creating a usable flame.
*POSSIBLY Telepethy
*Premonition (this will differ from the vague, dream visions of the future that end up being quasi-prophecies - rather it will be a view of reality in the very near future - flashes of images with no context of an upcoming time)
It flows through them, but ones ability to use it is limited by the form of the human body (or whatever other being). Only a small amount of that power can be used without destroying ones self. The amount of the power that one can use before obliterating themselves is usually enough to level a town, or create a very small island.
*Quasi-Invisibility, possibly some other form of hiding ones self that isn't quite so cliche
*Appearance change (have to think about this a little)
That is not always the case however. Some people are able to direct more of the power than others safely, due to a higher level of mental development. In short, areas of the brain are active in some people that are not active in others, and those active parts of the brain allow for a greater flow to be harnassed without burning out. Some beings have the ability to level mountains, raise continents or other such feats, but that is EXTREMELY rare.
===Physical World===
*Many uses.
*Control the flow of time (more or less can only be done by the most powerful of users, possibly cooperation between them with massive assistance...basically next to impossible
*Creates cosmic uses... conjur black holes, dark mater, gravity, etc.
Now, since there are two distinct energies that permiate everything in the universe, under normal circumstances beings would be able to direct either the creators energies or the destroyers. Extremely skilled indivuals would likely be able to harness both at the same time to perform amazing feats.
==Verbs that describe the use of the Current==
Each power can be used to accomplish similar things - in other words, a user of either should be able to reshape the land, or levetate things, or throw energy at something, breath life into dying plants - what have you. However, the way each is accessed differs.
==Names for those who are able to use the current==
The Creators power is based on order, discipline, creation, harmony and peace. As such, one who wishes to harness his power must be clear of thought, sullen, reserved, creative, with a calm mind.
Possibly revise it all to be the same power - "The Power of the Gods"

Current revision as of 08:12, 14 August 2007

The current is the dynamic energy force that permeates our existence. It is the collection of three flows of power converging and flowing together. The Deia Adon, Attero and Aeta have each channeled their individual power and will through their own flows, and together have formed the current as a means to create and maintain the universe. It is only through the power of all three that we are created, sustained and die. This energy can be harnessed by living creatures, if their mind is quiet enough to hear the flow of the current through them.


[edit] Nature of the Current

Visual depiction of the current. On the left is the true path of each of the gods currents themselves - showing an eternal flow. On the right you see how they come together - with the black area in the center representing the convergence of all three currents, creating our universe. Since each gods power flows through individual currents, it is possible to access the current in its component forms.

Each Deia has a different type of energy. Adon's is centered in order, perfection, creation and similar concepts. His power centers around creation, healing, building, growing and preserving. Attero's power is such that is used to destroy, wound, kill, and cease. Aeta's essence is based in its nature of manipulating time and reality, to direct and bring balance to things.

These three energies alone are unable to sustain our universe. Thus the three Deia converged their powers to create our reality. In so doing, they merged their individual flows of energy together at a focal point - that focal point is what we consider to be the current, as its joined energy flows through everything in our universe like the current of a river. So, in essence, the universe IS the current itself made manifest.

Thus, the power that flows through us is an amalgamation of all three powers, each a part of the whole, but not the whole itself. When a living being within the universe is able to hear the flows of the current and use them, he or she is directing the combined power of the gods.

It is, however, possible to direct the energies of each individual Deia if one is able to find a way to access their flows of energy that are not united with the others.

[edit] Usage of the Current

The important note about the current is that for basically everyone who uses it - it isn't some all powerful, "can do anything you want, anytime" type of power. We have to make it difficult, limited, and with certain inabilities. In other words, perhaps the use of the current to become hidden is more like a chameleon, and less like "the invisible man". Regardless, try to make it so I do not have "walking gods" walking around the world.

[edit] Mind

  • Empathy
  • Telekenisis
  • POSSIBLY Telepethy
  • Premonition (this will differ from the vague, dream visions of the future that end up being quasi-prophecies - rather it will be a view of reality in the very near future - flashes of images with no context of an upcoming time)

[edit] Body

  • Healing
  • Quasi-Invisibility, possibly some other form of hiding ones self that isn't quite so cliche
  • Appearance change (have to think about this a little)

[edit] Physical World

  • Many uses.
  • Control the flow of time (more or less can only be done by the most powerful of users, possibly cooperation between them with massive assistance...basically next to impossible
  • Creates cosmic uses... conjur black holes, dark mater, gravity, etc.

[edit] Verbs that describe the use of the Current

  • Draw
  • Use
  • Operate
  • Harness
  • Direct
  • Control
  • Manage
  • Channel
  • Guide

[edit] Names for those who are able to use the current

  • Conveyors
  • Guides
  • Controllers
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