Ari Rosenberg

From Familia Niveum

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Ari Rosenberg, Philosophy's Pawn

Ari the Half-Dead

Ari Rosenberg was once a solemn Noble who had found delight in finding Truth, even if he was dissatisfied with the state of his domain. He sacrificed his body in order to defeat an Excrucian shard, and his spirit was barely preserved: now, he is barely a presence--the flutter of air, the sound of beating wings, no more.


Personal Code

Ari follows the code of the Light.

  1. 1. Humanity must live, and live forever.
  2. 2. What must be done ought be done cleanly.
  3. 3. Humans must be protected, particularly from themselves.


A white circle on black; within it and connecting to it is the flower of Thought, irregular petals curling inwards

Miraculous Abilities

  • Aspect 3
    • 8 Permanent Miracle Points
  • Domain 0
    • 5 Permanent Miracle Points
  • Realm 0
    • 5 Permanent Miracle Points
  • Spirit 5
    • 10 Permanent Miracle Points


Alchemy and the Arcane

Ari has learned--and has a talent for--mortal magic as well as the powerful Alchemy of the Nobilis, in part because of his force of spirit and in part because of his Estate. (3 points)



A limit of Aspect (+3 AMP)

Ari Rosenberg has lost his physical form: he is a spirit cut free from its body. His direct control over his domain and his chancel exist only with the use of miracles. His spirit, however, rages brightly within him, and is eager to infuse the bodies of his Anchors.

Light Touch

A limit of Spirit (+5 SMP)

Ari has always believed that binding an Anchor is enough of a transgression without imposing one's will on them: furthermore, he has lost what power he once had to do so, that power sacrificed to maintain his existence.


Personal Imperator Property: Corrupted Mystery Cult

A restriction of ??? (+1 MP when appropriate)

There is a cult of mortal sorcerers who style themselves alchemists and misguidedly worship the Power of Philosophy; Ari finds them distateful, and their actions occasionally require his attention


  • A bond: X
  • Another bond: X
  • A third bond: X
  • Etc...

Sample Miracles

Estate Correspondences




William Pryce

Notable friends and Enemies

Goals and Motivations

Personal tools