Grayhand: Sample Miracles
From Familia Niveum
Domain Miracles
0. Estate-driven divination (Simple; 0 MP)
"You can tell when your estate is in danger."
1. Ghost miracles (Simple; 0 MP)
"You can make easy-to-see-through illusions and minor enhancements."
2. Lesser Divinations (Simple; 0 MP)
"You can get any mundane info related to the estate."
3. Lesser Preservations (Simple; 0 MP)
"Make things more resistant or longer lasting. Protect and extend."
- Enforce a lie against truth serums.
- Keep a lie from being undone within a victim who is being told it is a lie.
- Make a lie or illusion more resilient against the reasoning power of its victims.
- Make an illusion seem more real.
4. Lesser Creations (Simple; 0 MP)
"Cause part of the estate to come into being."
- Create a prop.
- Create a lie within a mortal or spirit.
- Create a mirage.
- Envelop a victim within a sphere of illusion that shows their surrounds in a different way (static). Ex: A desert becomes a forest. (Nicknamed the I-Ball)
5. Lesser Destructions (Simple; 0 MP)
"Remove an aspect of the estate from the area or from existence."
- Remove a lie from an area.
- Make someone immune to a certain kind of deception.
- Destroy any faults in a lie (discontinuities).
5. Major Divinations (Simple; 0 MP)
"Get revelations, through the estate, of shadowy future images, or exact images of anywhere the estate has been."
6. Major Preservations (Normal; 1 MP)
"Perform preservation magics of epic scope."
- Create an infallible lie.
- Make a lie or illusion contagious.
6. Lesser Changes (Normal; 1 MP)
"Twist and remake things from your estate into new forms, with new properties."
- Make a lie seem real enough to actually invoke an effect as if it were real. Ex: The person dies from an imaginary bullet; parry a blow with a sword of illusion.
- Give a lie or illusion a viral-like quality.
- Change the intent of another's lie.
- Empower a lie to make it dynamic in a sentient way.
7. Major Creations (Hard; 2 MP)
"Create huge, important, or impossible things related to the estate."
- Fool a miraculous power into thinking the user has an Auctoritas capable of deflecting it.
- Create a massive number of self duplicates.
- 'Rewire' someone's personality, history, or motives through a lie.
- Emulate the spirit or abilities of another Power.
- Create an illusion real enough to fool Creation itself in some or all ways. (Like a Deceiver's Blind Lie) Ex: Drive a car over an illusory bridge.
- Create an illusion on a massive scale. Ex: A mirage spanning many square miles.
- Create a living illusion.
- Greater 'I-Ball'; create a sphere around people that dynamically changes their surroundings and everything they see in a certain way and reacts as the creator intends it to; acts as a sort of prison.
8. Major Destructions (Deep; 4 MP)
"Turn off the Sun (or whatever)."
- Make someone or a group immune to deception.
- Destroy an entire chain of lies or specific ones in a huge area.
9. Major Changes (Deep; 4 MP)
"Alter major, important aspects or properties of the domain."
- Make an illusion or false perception into reality. Ex: An illusory bridge becomes steel and mortar; a rumor about a saint being evil ends up turning that saint into a villain.