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Character Sheet Template
Icarus Siegfled
First Impression Text
Personal Code
- Beauty is the highest principle.
- Justice is a form of beauty.
- Lesser beings should respect their betters.
Miraculous Abilities
- Aspect x
- x Permanent Miracle Points
- Domain x
- x Permanent Miracle Points
- Realm x
- x Permanent Miracle Points
- Spirit x
- x Permanent Miracle Points
Gifts are unique special abilities possessed by the Noble.
Each Gift
List the abilities of the gift.
Limits are handicaps under which the Noble operates; but in adversity there is power, and limits grant extra miracle points.
Each Limit
A limit of (Attribute) ( +X MP )
Describe the Limit.
Restrictions are much like limits, but less universally problematic; they grant extra miracle points only when they become a major problem.
Each Restriction
A restriction of (Attribute) (+X MP when appropriate)
Describe the Restriction.
Born in a well-off family in Massachusetts, Icarus’s parents always stressed the importance of art and balance in his life. With a mentality of superiority fostered by several generations of affluence in the family, he soon began to believe that he was the one to create such art. He soon lost any appreciation for existing art, focusing entirely on the creation of his little stories and pictures.
Schooling quickly changed Icarus’s opinions. Still focused on the creation aspect, he found that anyone creating anything filled him with joy. More so, anytime someone failed to create, or show their creations, caused Icarus great pain. Never having experienced doubt himself, Icarus did not understand it, and he continued to grow depressed seeing friends not expressing ideas because they were afraid.
When he was 16, Icarus learned about the mathematician Gauss, who had not expressed the majority of his ideas due to the belief that they were not good enough. Icarus burst into tears, simply unable to handle it anymore. Why deny the world the fruits of your labor? How can it be accepted if you don’t create, and don’t show? Never able to empathize with insecurity, Icarus deemed it the world’s greatest evil, and stopped associating with anyone who ever had it.
Two years later, he had no friends. Eventually he realized that problems were better solved by being proactive, and decided instead to try and inspire his confidence in those around him. He started studying basic psychology and reading self-help books, eventually buying an entire set of Dale Carnegie books which he still owns. Dabbling in public speaking, he found that confidence was best built on an individual basis, and as a result went out making as many friends as possible. Few things matter more to him than the people in whom he has inspired confidence.
Six years later, having just turned 24, he met someone who matched his confidence: John Reardon, an author. Icarus was surprised to find that John had not always possessed such surety, but had developed it relatively recently. Reardon said that he had always been afraid to send in any of his work, but after getting published just once, a lifetime of worry disappeared.
Hearing this, Icarus finally understood how intimidating publishing environments were. Seeing how he could help, Icarus used his parents’ resources to start a small local publishing company-one that guaranteed the first work of any author to be published. Icarus and John soon became great friends, and the plethora of confidence always around Icarus eventually caught an Imperator’s eye…
John Reardon, Icarus's best friend