Jakob "The Liar" Lementeur

From Familia Niveum

(Difference between revisions)
(Silver Tongue)
Line 66: Line 66:
Jakob can, when he turns on his charm, convince just about anyone of just  
Jakob can, when he turns on his charm, convince just about anyone of just  
about anything.
about anything.  Even other Powers have been known to be stopped in their
tracks when he starts to talk the talk.
(Major Creation of Charm)
(Major Creation of Charm)

Revision as of 13:32, 18 November 2006


Jakob the Liar

Marquis of Mischief and Petty Crime, Mischief Maker

Jacob Lementeur

You know he's been there only after he's gone.

The zookeeper who forgot to lock the door to the monkey house. The desperate investor you just bailed out of a jam for a once in a lifetime opportunity. The business woman in the suit who bumped up against you moments before your wallet disappeared. The loud youth who spilled his Starbucks on your latop.

Jacob is a consumate con artist and the sower of the seeds of discord. He delights in the chaos that people make of and for themselves and their lives, as well as the artists who earn their keep preying off the complacent, the gullible, the venal, and the inept.

Code of the Wild

  1. Freedom is the highest principle.
  2. Sanity and mundanity are prisons.
  3. Give in kind with a gift received.

Miraculous Abilities

  • Aspect 2 (Legendary)
    • 5 Permanent Miracle Points

Before enNoblement, Jakob had nimble fingers and a silver tongue. Since it, his skills have sharpened to the point that he can speak so beautifully that you'll give him your hearts desire and thank him for taking it off your hands.

  • Domain 3 (Marquis) - Mischief
    • 6 Permanent Miracle Points

Jakob enjoys influencing mischief and mischief makers. From the mild chaos caused by pranks, misdirection, or incompetence, he waters the seeds of trouble into full blown mayhem when the mood suits him. Other times he prunes problems that are still small enough to fall within his domain before they bloom into the full influence of the Power of Disaster.

  • Secondary Domain 3 (Marquis) - Petty Crimes
  • Realm 0 (Citizen)
    • 5 Permanent Miracle Points

His relationship to Santa Filomena is strained. Perhaps Stultus is not quite ready to trust such a rogue with the keys to the car. Or perhaps he's refused the influence to make his work more challenging.

  • Spirit 1 (Hearthfire)
    • 5 Permanent Miracle Points

Jakob's enNoblement has brightened him, but he's still a petty conniver and his soul reflects this.


Silver Tongue

(Glorious +2 Penetration, 4pts)

Jakob can, when he turns on his charm, convince just about anyone of just about anything. Even other Powers have been known to be stopped in their tracks when he starts to talk the talk.

(Major Creation of Charm)


Limits are handicaps under which the Noble operates; but in adversity there is power, and limits grant extra miracle points.

Highwayman's Mask (Focus)

A limit of (Domain) ( +1 DMP )

The Highwayman's Mask is the connection of Jakob to his secondary domain of Petty Crime. It can take many forms, but has to be worn, and worn on the outside of ordinary clothing to lend it's potence. (As a mask, hat, glove, ring, tiepin, boot, etc). It is said that Jakob somehow pulled a con on the Duke of Crime and won as a prize a fragmentary connection to that Domain. When or how the Duke intends to recoup this loss is not know.


Restrictions are much like limits, but less universally problematic; they grant extra miracle points only when they become a major problem.

Respectful: Cons and Con Artists

Anyone who succesfully pulls one over on Jakob is someone he cannot take direct retribution against. No punishing them by force or deprivation. He can however begin a counter con once he knows he's been had, but he cannot use his Domain or Aspect to completely overawe such an opponent.

Virtue: Cunning

Jakob is tempermentally incapable of taking the direct route to solve a problem. He'll use misdirection and trickery to get his way 9 times out of 10. His aversion to direct, confrontational solutions means that he can always find a lateral option in the face of a problem. He can bargain his way out of a hail of bullets or con his way out of exposure. He's sneaky all the time.



  • 4 pts The Sanctity of Mischief
  • 3 pts The Sanctity of Petty Crime
  • 3 pts His focus (Highwayman's Mask)
  • 3 pts The privacy of his origin (and the outrageousness of things people will believe about him)
  • 3 pts His various criminal enterprises
  • 2 pts His professional reputation as burgler, con-artist
  • 2 pts Anchors TBD


Jakob Lementeur, or Jacob the Liar, has long been a figure of mystery in Santa Filomena.

Much is said about him, and almost all of it is certainly untrue. Unfortunately no one is certain what is true. He's been said to have come from France, descended from Louis XVI. He's also said to have been born to an electrician named Magpie in northern Wales. He's said to have been the half-breen bastard of Mayor Jacobin Acavas and a royal Lady of Faerie. That his six foot three, heavy build and golden curls make him appear more Viking than frenchman or Faerie is considered refutation of these theories by some and proof of his cunning and misdirection to the more credulous.

Some things are known about him. His accent is British, with a touch of Welsh. He was first publically known in Santa Filomena about two decades ago. He appeared there looking to be in his early twenties, and he still looks that way. He drinks, womanizes, and flirts outrageously with married women. Some years ago he apparently was hired by Mayor Acavas to put political pressure on his opponents during a suprisingly vigorous election cycle when it seems popular support for his regime had suddenly eroded.

Before enNoblement he was known to smuggle things in and out of the Chancel for rich and powerful customers. He can procure works of art and rare artifacts which are not believed to be for sale. As far as anyone knows, he's never been arrested for a crime and the few times he's come to the law's attention, gentle words, and possibly some money changing hands cleared things up amicably. Everyone knows he's patently untrustworthy and unsavory to boot, but no one seems to hold it against him. He's as likely to be seen at a dive bar in a trench coat and fedora as at a high society party wearing something fashionable and rakish.

With respect to the legends about his origin, he's refused to divulge any positive information, but vigorously denies the wild speculations about himself. In fact, while drunk, he's vigorously denied many rumors that had not until that moment ever circulated, which has led some to believe that he's the chief source of the many legends about him. What's less well known is that he may not even be sure himself about all the secrets of his past. Since ennoblement, he's been busy outside the Chancel and has only returned a few occasions. It's claimed by some that he won his Secondary Domain in gambling contest against the Duke of Crime.


Each Anchor


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